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2008 Stashbusting CAL Game (winners posted #1835)


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It all depends on how they're bundled. When I buy the bags of mill ends, sometimes they're 2 to a bag, sometimes 3. Each one counts as 2 points whether you're buying or using.


It's not really a matter of quantity, it's a matter of being able to keep track. When you see a factory skein, you know it's +2 regardless of size, or -2 when used. When you see a handmade ball, you know it's point value is 1 regardless of size.


Make sense?


There are those people who go through their stash and wind their partial factory skeins into balls, winning them automatic one point. Either way, it's the change from skein to ball that gets you a point, and ball to NOTHING that gets you the second point.

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I was doing so good this week. Just staying away from the stores with sales.


I even had a + 3 going for the week, and then I went to my crochet/knitting group. I was given 3 balls for charity, which wipes out my score. I did finishe a skein, so I am at a +2 so far.


Oh well.

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My score has been stagnant this week, Crocheted some on a new blanket over the weekend but didn't getany busted, and then I stalled and did nothing the rest of the week. Hopefully this weekend I will bust some at the beach, I think I will bring the new ghan, but I might bring market bags because I don't care if they get suntan lotion on them.

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Thank to everone who so generously allowed me to shoot the moon last week. I appreciate your support. I had to ship the yarn home, so I don't have it to play with yet. I did however get out the makins for a baby blanket this week, and got it started, so far I have wound one skein down to a ball and 3 others are close. The baby shower is tomarrow, so hopefully I can crank it out tonight. That would help the score this week. But I am also preparing to move, so I need to be packing and getting ready for that also.


But so far this week +1

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Ack...I've been avoiding this CAL!

I found yarn on sale and bought more than I should have. So, I am -44 for this week. I did use one skein and busted 2 more or my score would be higher.

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Ack...I've been avoiding this CAL!

I found yarn on sale and bought more than I should have. So, I am +44 for this week. I did use one skein and busted 2 more or my score would be higher.


I think you are confused with the scoring. If you purchase yarn, it's -2 for each skein and as you use it up then it is +1 for a ball, or +2 for a skein.


Here's a :hugto let you know we support all people who hit the sales bigtime!



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I finished off a skein that I started Tuesday :yay +2 and about ready to roll a skein into a ball but I'll wait till I get there to count it.

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I received the most awesome package from my summer camp secret pal and she sent me 5 skeins to do a project. I love it and can't wait to work on it, but that added -10 to my -2 so now I'm at -12 for the week.

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Sorry Beth to burst your Shoot the Moon bubble but that's what happens when my financially-ignorant DH goes to JoAnn's without me. :badidea You may know he begged for me to make him a big thick blanket. He even picked out the color and started me out with 20 skeins. Then he decided he wanted it not only big but HUGE as in drapes over the sides of our queen-sized bed, long enough to tuck in under the foot-end of the mattress, and oh yes, he wants it in 3-strand.


I quickly realized while crocheting the last couple weeks that 20 skeins is nothing on this project as it's taking 3 skeins for 2 3/4 rows. I had a stomach bug today so he went to the store with the kids to let me rest. He went to JoAnn's to get more yarn and sent me a text message that he got more yarn but didn't count how many skeins.


I was afraid. Very afraid.


When he came in the door with three big bags, I knew I just got the Shoot the Moon. Nothing can save me now.


I couldn't look in the bags. He took out the receipt and started counting skeins. As he kept ticking off the numbers, my stomach churned but I didn't know if it was my bug or how many skeins there were.


All 37 of them. He wasn't kidding that he was worried I'd run out and not finish his project. He bought every single skein of his color that they had. :2eek


Sigh. Good thing I just sold a couple things on CraigsList today.


I'm off to change my score.


My yarn order came in. It's been a couple of weeks since I got "Shoot the Moon." I think I'm due. 18 lovely skeins. But I did manage to use a ball of yarn today, so my -36 will be "just" -35. This brings my YTD to -100. Time to get that to double digits!!!
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Thought I would have more time to crochet the past couple days and get some more points, but it just didn't work out that way. I am just happy to be out of the negatives - for the time being.

WTD +7

This puts me a zero for my y-t-d score Woo Hoo!:yay

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Sorry Beth to burst your Shoot the Moon bubble but that's what happens when my financially-ignorant DH goes to JoAnn's without me. :badidea


Well, I'll concede the Shoot the Moon title to you, or anyone else who tops that. :hook I'll also admit to being a bit jealous. Sounds like your hubby is a keeper.:manyheart


Enjoy all that lovely yarn! And I hope you feel better soon.:hug


Since it's Saturday, and I'm not near finishing anything, I'll post my WTD of -35 and YTD of -100.

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I don't think I'll be finishing any skeins today, but I am planning on finishing 2 socks today (okay, they are each one of a different pair, but it's something). My week to date is -11.

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I used up ball putting my squares together (+1). I'm working on some charity squares and need a color called khaki. Is it a green/tanish color :think? I don't know if they make that. I'm going to be gone the rest of the day, so I'll post now. If I have to buy yarn, I'll minus the points next week.

WTD Score: + 8

Ellie 13

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The really funny thing about my score is that for the Ball and the Skein that I did finish... in both cases the project wasn't finished when the yarn was :think



This week + 3


this year -90

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I finished up another skein on my baby blanket for a lady at church. I'm hoping to get the entire thing done by tomorrow.


I will be posting now.


wtd=+4 ytd=+54

I finished in the positives this week. It's only 4 points, but it's POSITIVE!


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