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Why is crocheting so addictive ?

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Not sure if this has already been discussed here. I have a hard time doing searches on this site.


It's been close to 30 years since I have done any crocheting.

I just started in NOV of this year again. Jumped in big time too.

Did a large granny square poncho for a friend for my first project.


I now have 3 current projects going. I just can't seem to leave

the yarn and hook idle for too long. Sometimes I even have a small

project next to me at the computer while I wait for pages to load.

I have a slow dialup here. The other day I realized I had took

a crochet square to the kitchen table to work on, while I was trying

to cook supper on top of the stove.

I took a square to work on to the doctor's office fiquring I had some

wait time for my appointment.

I even took one small project to work and worked on it during my morning


I tell you........this stuff is ADDICTING ......... :)

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Welcome from a fellow NYer. I can't tell you "why" crocheting is addictive, but I sure know what you mean:yes. I usually have at least 3 things going and do take along something small if I have an appt., just in case.


For me, having worked for most of my adult life and now retired, it seemed like a good way to give back, which I have been doing for nearly 3 years. I didn't want to volunteer and have to be somewhere at a certain time, so this I do on my own time. Mostly small afghans (throw?), lapghans, and scarves to domestic violence center, E.R., nursing home - you get the picture.


As for navigating this site, just take your time and look around. Seems like I find something new every day :ccompute And don't be afraid to ask questions, of all sorts. Just find the right forum and go for it :think

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I agree...I took probably a 10 year (or more) hiatus with crocheting, not sure why, I guess life was just a bit crazy for awhile....got back into it about two years ago, and wondered why I ever left! :lol


To me, it's so satisfying to take a hook and some yarn (or in my case, I prefer thread!) and create something beautiful. I just love that part of it....plus it keeps me from falling asleep in front of the TV every evening!

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It's the contact heroin they put in the yarn. :lolJUST KIDDING!!!!

For different people it's different things. For some it's the sense of accomplishment they get. Others, the pride of being able to do something by hand. Maybe it's because you can make something that will make someone smile. For me, it's all of that but it's also the fact that I don't sit still well and this is productive fidgiting :P

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I've always loved to crochet, and have done it off and on for the past 20 years or so-there being months of no crocheting at all, especially when my boys were small-just didn't have the time when we were going to sports activities every other day.

But anyway, I got back into it when I found this site,....AND when my son was deployed to Iraq, I had to have something to keep my hands and mind occupied, and crocheting fit that perfectly. I also love the fact that I can enjoy the time spent working on the project-AND I have a lovely gift to give-or something nice for ME :hook when it's done. Best of both worlds :yes


My son will be home on Friday! :yay

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For me crochet has been addictive because like someone else mentioned, I also have a hard time sitting still. I have found it's very relaxing to become focused on a project. I've always loved yarn and other fibers so it's also a physical thing...love the feel, the colors and the feeling of accomplishment when I'm finished something!



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I had a whole year without any projects at all going. Just didn't have anything that excited me. This year I have plans for pillows and scrafs and I have two scrafs going right now. lol

And I may start my afgan I have been planning for myself for years.

I don't know why its addicting. I just know I hate sitting in front of the TV without a book or a crochet project.

And I agree this web site is hard to surf to many post every single day. I just to check new post as often as I can but this place is very busy.

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Its funny that you should bring this up....:yes

I started to crochet again about 4 years ago after a very long break from any sort of craft work. Maybe it was the kids growing up and their demands on my time or other things that sort of filled up the space.


But once I started, I mave managed to accumulate huge bags of yarn and several shelves of books and binders full of patterns. :hook


I see something pretty and think 'oh, let me get that one and I will make one day', and then before I know it, I have yarn and a bag tagged for that project. Of course THEN I find myself peeking into the bag and deciding 'oh one hour away from my (4) other projects wont hurt'.


And there I go....:crocheting


Crochet keeps my hands busy and allows my mind to relax. It also prevents me from scrounging in the kitchen for something to eat.:devil

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I know it's helping keep me from snacking so much.

I have lost 6 pounds in the last month, but I thought

it was because I switched jobs recently.

I just keep a bottle of water next to me usually when I crochet.

I get comfy in my rocking chair in the quiet room I call it....

we added this room on last year. And I can sit there for hours

on end.......and just crochet up a storm.

I normally have one or both cocker spaniels real close by me.

I am not putting much time on the computer anymore. But that's

okay, as I was putting too much time on it, before crocheting hit

me over the head again.

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For me, crocheting calms me after a rough and tumble day at the office -- a stress reliever. Much less expensive than seeing a psychiatrist. LOL I can't tell you how many personal problems I've been able to solve in my head during the quiet time I crochet.


There is also the satisfaction of making something with your own hands, perhaps a gift for family or a friend, or for charity.

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Crochet is therapeutic, relaxing, creative, ohI dunno...Who needs an excuse! I just love it :lol Oh, and it does keep me out of the food at night...if I want a snack I have to put my yarn or thread down...and I have 3 projects officially as WIPS and one thats, "2 down, 1 to go" multiples...taking a short break. And my WIM list grows everytime I pick up a hook!!

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I have always liked making things, and most of my friends and family members appreciate hand made items. My Mom and Grandma knit and crocheted, so all of us girls were exposed to it a lot.


I was never obsessive about keeping a large stash until I was shown that one of our local dollar stores carries much more than the usual novelty yarns that so many of them have. This one also carries brand name baby, worsted weight, chunky and buky both, super bulky occasionally, and one of my favorites, chenille. At $1 a skein and I can't find anything wrong with them, whew! How do you pass up $1 a skein?

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It so totally is. I find myself adding as much crochet to my friends' costumes as I can and making EVERYONE crocheted items because it's fun and relaxing. Not to mention, pretty!! I have a small project (7x9 squares of Caron SS right now for the challenge) with me at all times in my purse, then an afghan project to work on when I catch up on my shows and watch football. Then I have something medium sized that I take to work with me.


Not to mention the tons of other WIPs that I have laying around!!

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For me, crocheting (and knitting) gives me something to do while sitting down. I crochet every night while watching TV and, if I ever have to wait somewhere, I pull out my yarn and crochet. I absolutely hate to sit still without something to do!

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It's been awhile since I have been on the site, or crocheted...life got crazy. I picked up my hook two weeks ago, whipped out a beautiful round ripple for MIL (it's huge!) and the stress with each stitch seemed to fade. In my stressful moments, my hubby would say, "Why don't you go crochet?" I don't know why I didn't listen. Crocheting is a stress reliever for me! Now that I am done, I am online looking for my next project. I am thinking another round ripple for my daughter who has been begging for an afghan for a year.:hook



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Mom taught me to crochet when I was 5. I did not stop til I was about 20. Then I got addicted to cross stitch. That lasted maybe 5 years. Now, at the age of 42, I have learned that crochet is my life. It is what God intended for me to do in order to give something to others in need. I belong to a crafting charity group that makes items for a children's infusion center, a brain trauma unit and the Pine Ridge Indian reservation. I always have something on the hook for atleast 2 of the causes.

Right now, I can't crochet due to a cyst on my thumb. Every night I try for about 15 minutes, but the pain is too bad. Hubby says I am going thru detox. lol

Anyways, that is my crochet addiction story. Did not mean to ramble. **quietly going back to my little mouse hole to curl up with a book**

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I enjoy the making, usually, and the giving too---and I feel pride and accomplishment at what I did with some string and a stick (or sticks if knitted). Also, it is like having learned a foreign language as well.

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I don't know exactly why it is addictive, I just know that it is. I think for me at least part of it is going from this :yarn to a finished project that gives lots of joy. Seeing the look on someone's face when you present them with something you have made. So I could make my own mastercard commercial...... crochet hooks $2, pattern book $3, yarn for project $15....

Seeing my nephew lay down on my blanket and "play" with the variegated pattern.....priceless

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