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What have you been doing lately????

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I am having a minor panic attack of projects I have to do so I thought I would see how many of you are feeling this too.


I have 4 nieces that are all due 1 month apart and 1 with twins babies coming March, April, May - twins, and June. I also have another niece that will be getting married in Sept so I need to start thinking of what to do for her.


Of course one of my favorite things to do is to send squares to friends at "The Ville" for comfort or charity ghans so I have been doing a lot of those lately too. I figure I am already making them for the baby blankets whats a few more if I can help put a smile on someones face.


And lets not forget about project linus or my fireman bear charity work.


Oh yeah and isnt there this little holiday coming up called Christmas???? I haven't even made a dent in that list yet.


So why I ask does there have to be a pesky thing like a full time job getting in the way of my fun?


Think I will say a little prayer for us all "Lord send me down a little helping angel to keep my poor little fingers moving."


Thanks for letting me vent a bit. Now its your turn to tell me what you've been up to.

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I've been on vacation, at least from work, last week. You think I would sit down and finish the baby blanket for my sil due at the begining of December. But I'm such a procrastinator. It's horrible. I have all the squares done, now it's just a matter of joining and moving on to the next project, and I'm not sure what that will be.

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I am making heart shaped coasters and a watermelon purse for my mom and sister. I plan on making dish cloths for my dad, but the cotton I bought keep splitting...and I dread crocheting squares...that first row...duh na na! I shiver thinking about it. So I am putting those off...my sister wants a scarf and I dread that first row...vertical or horizontal.

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I have been working on a lapghan for my FIL for christmas, several cross stitch fobs for exchanges, tatted chrismas ornaments for Christmas cards and a california King sized bedspread made from scraps, it is in a crazy quilt type patchwork that is made up as I go. my bedroom looks like a tornado hit a yarn factory. now I hear big lots has yarn on sale, I'll have to check that out and also that there is a Ollie's near me that has heavily discounted yarn! is there ever an end?

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I finished my woven block afghan which came out rather nice if I do say so myself. I started another afghan with a really different granny square, one of these days when I know I can, I will put up a picture of these squares. It is really yarn intensive to say the least. :( I had to stop on that to make the round ripple baby afghan I am working on now that is about done. Then of course I ordered some of the EdgeryDo kits, so soon I will be out buying fleece. If that is not enough, I bought the software for the personalized candy wrappers, only I want to wrap the gallon and quart cans. I want to learn how to make picture tubes to use as my graphics on the can.


There are days when I think I am just a crafting lunatic:thair

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I've finished my Christmas gifts. Don't hate me! I made all scarves this year! I just started the Flannelgan to try the pattern. If it gets done it may be a gift but no pressure there. I just have too many WIPs! And a big 'wish I could make it" list.

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I took a too long hiatus from crochet... I burned myself out pretty good trying to get 50 potholders done and then an afghan for a dying friend... I ended up handing the reins of my local comfortghan club over to someone else, and basically ignored my stash for 6 months.


I'm just now back and feeling it is a pleasure and not a burden, but my oh my do I have quite a few UFO's to sort through.


so, I've made a few scarves lately, and I plan to organize my stash and decide what to finish and what to frog.

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I've been rallying getting others interested in crocheting or knitting, and giving some informal classes lately. I've also purchased yarn for some xmas gifts, which I'm still deciding on what to make (they will be lapghans, but what pattern I don't know) and I'm working on the cowl scarf cal and have half done knit doll outfits (always have at least 3 of those at any given time in some form of almost done-ness). Procastination is your friend...in the end, it lights a fire under your butt better than anything else! I feel like I just made the lapghans I gave last xmas, and here it is again, feels like but a month later, and I've come full circle. How does the time slip away so fast?

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I have been working on a scarf,mittens and hat set, and a afghan for "me" and of course I just bought some of that I love this yarn in autum stripes :eek now what to do with it?

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I have just finished :hookBricen's winter blanket a few weeeks ago and just started crocheting :hookhis spring--summer--fall blanket a few weeks ago. Thats coming along nicely. Its a ripple with a granny thrown in here and there. After all granny:grandma is making it. lol......

We know April is a long way off but we don't think we are going to make it in April for a wedding down in Texas. I called today asking what color are the wedding colors and more information about the couple. Now I have a alot :idea of ideas what to make them. After I get Bricens baby blanket done , I will start crocheting on the wedding gifts. In the mean time for that I can have my :tea and gather:shop :yarn:ccompute:ebay what I need for that crocheting project etc. I have so many ideas flowing:yes~~~~

Plus I am crocheting on another baby blanket--back burner project on the side when I take a little break from the other blanket.


Hey I don't see any.... just or getting married smileys we need one of them. Also no Doily smiley or Afghan smileys.

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I think I may have the least amount to do before Christmas. I am finishing up some hat and mitten sets for my daughters. A few scarves for myself, a very cute surprise for my Holiday swap partner JouJou and making a few Christmas stockings (which btw I am having heck with).

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Well since I have a mild ADD with my crafting I have a bunch of WIPs that I would like to give for christmas gifts so I'm hoping to get them done. I just cannot work on just one project. I feel stifled. I have two RR's that I would like to be big adult sized afghans, but one may end up being a baby blanket. I also have two or three giant rectangle granny ghans in the works. I was making smaller rectangles to join, but it didn't look the way I wanted so they are individual couch lapghans I think. I'll have to give to people in different parts of the family as they are all variations on the same colors.


Also working on sports teams squares for an afghan for my dh. I have many bookmarks in progress for my bookmark swap partner and for stocking stuffers. I found a fun pattern in the Ornament cal for making ornaments out of old xmas cards so I'd like to make those also. Ooh, I'm also making Seija hats for my niece.


Wow, now I'm more stressed after writing this all down because I know there are more wips or things I'd like to make out there also. What a question to boggle the mind.

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I'm trying to finish my WIPs....


that means a filet name - it's more than half done now, and it's a short name, so I should finish it soon! :hook


a dog sweater - if he'd just hold still so that I can size it correctly without having to rework it over and over! :dog


and a purse for my DD....I don't like the way it's turning out, though, so it may become a UFO in favor of another pattern. :(


Once I get these things done, I'm going to go through my WIM list and make something for me!

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Let's see. I have on a size D hook, sports weight for the dress for a doll I have been working on.

I have pockets and totes to make for december. I have also been making squares for comfortghans.

I have yet to figure out what to make my SIL for Christmas. Still waiting to hear what her favorite color is, then I hope that will help me decide what to make her.

I keep looking over my shoulder for that little holiday called Christmas. Once Thanksgiving is over, I have to start getting the decorations dusted off and up.

Lots to do and so little time.:eek

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I've spent the last three nights making shawls for myself with leftover yarn from other projects, I've been avoiding my pineapple skirt and not for any particular reason

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I have been trying to finish a hooded scarf for my mom for Christmas, but the pattern isn't cooperating and I am doing a lot of adjusting on the fly. That is taking a lot more work than I anticipated.


I am also working on a cute little gingerbread man ornament for my crochet guild gift exchange, several potholder/dishcloth sets, and of course a bunch of UFO's. I am trying not to feel overwhelmed with all the work I have to do, but the rest of my life keeps getting in the way of perfectly good crochet time.


Good luck to everyone finishing their projects!


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Well, I got my yarn yesterday, and a little extra for me... But I have to concentrate on Christmas at Thanksgiving right now so I started on a purse using RHSS last night for my SIL and then I'm going to make the Blue Curacao Shawl using I Love This Yarn for my other SIL. I've never used RHSS before but it's not too bad, it is rough and stiff but it doesn't have that squeaky acrylic thing going. I like the texture it has for the purse.

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Been trying to channel my energies for WIPS these past couple days - as my dh is still down for the count with his pulled out back - so nights are spent with him till just after supper and he must take his meds which make him very s-l-e-e-p-y so he goes to bed real early.

I have been able to catch up on TV - I know that sounds funny but I don't get a chance to watch it in the eve as we are usually out somewhere or doing something so last night the CMA awards are on...and I again hauled out my WIPS which have been coming out almost daily since the back accident.

What I have going are a few different things and today or tomorrow they will be complete and I AM POSTING PICS that's for sure!!!:lol:lol:lol

They are as follows -

*3 thread doilies (2 of them are pineapples)

*4 cross bookmarkers - thread

*one bulky weight wool scarf w/ribbon fringe

*a tote

*fun fur scrap poncho (I love making these as they use up my bits of fun fur stash!)

I think that's it - but many of them are at the blocking and sew up stages and last night during the awards I was able to get to quite a bit!

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:lolOkay guys - drum roll please....(:hookJust kidding!)...but I DID get all my WIPS done!!! This past weekend I went at it and had carved out the time, and was a busy bee :bee and well they are finished in time for gift giving season- Now mind you some of these things were WIPs from about 3 years back!!!!!! And with all life was hurling (and still is to a degree) at us they just were shelved and only projects that were immediate for charities and such were finished...NOW I gave myself a :kickand plunged in!

So here goes - click on the links and you should be able to view the most recent creations, ends weaved in, blocked, finished stitching etc... in other words - DONE!!!:cheer:rock:wooThanks for looking!


1 - Fun Fur Scrap Kids Poncho -



2 - C'vile Tote - MANY thanks to Mary Jo for her months (literally!) of coaching me on the pocket! :hugand thru the illnesses & grieving of Mom & Dad when I began making this :heart



3 - Tahki Baby Print Bulky Yarn & Ribbon Fringe Scarf (knit:eekLOL!)



4 - Four Thread Cross Bookmarkers



5 - 4th of July Fireworks Doily - thread



6 - Blue & Green Pineapple Doily - thread


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Oh, I feel your stress too. I've been working on so many projects and it's so hard for me to say no when people ask me to help. But I was strong the other day when someone ask me to take over a local charity project, I just told them I couldn't. I still need to make-up my care packages for overseas soldiers. I want to crochet a hat and Christmas stocking for the package and haven't even started them. I also need to finish a purse for my sister-n-law's birthday which is in 3 weeks. I also try to post a new project and free pattern each week on my blog site. Oh then there's those pesky little things like my full-time job and of course my housework... So oh well, just remember to stop and appreciate the blessings we do receive each day. Take care all! :manyheart

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Oh Wow that stuff is just great. Love the doilies and the poncho.

You deserve the credit for the pocket. :cheer You worked hard and were persistant to get it done and done right. I love the colors you used and it is really going to be great to put your work in.

Fantastic job on all the Wips:hook

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