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Mel, I'm so glad we're rubbing off on you:devil !!!



Valerie, what kind of store do you work at?

Hope your day goes smoothly.:hug

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Mel, I'm so glad we're rubbing off on you:devil !!!



Valerie, what kind of store do you work at?

Hope your day goes smoothly.:hug


I do this about once a month or so. But it is usually on a dreary, cloudy, rainy day. Today it is gorgeous out (after a very cold morning), but I decided to give myself a day to sit here in my lounging clothes, look out the sliding glass door, watch the birds and other critters outside, and crochet to my hearts content (and browse the 'ville).

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I manage a CVS Pharmacy! Verrrry Busy this time of year. We are putting up Xmas early in order to compete with the large department stores. Thanks for the well wishes. Wished we sold yarn!

Yarn is next!


I like CVS....they have a great card department:D !

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I got to Row 10 on the Betty Shrug and ended up frogging it.:( The sizing choice was either an XS/S or a M/L, and since I'm definitely not a small, I was making the larger size and it was way too big. I had the right gauge and yarn so now I have to decide, do I make the shrug in the smaller size or decide on something else....hmmmm......:think


Back to my stash to see what I might have instead!



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Thanks for letting me in! You ladies are sure busy on here! WOW, like 4 pages a day!


Judianne... I didn't use a pattern for the shawl... I had just ordered the book "The Complete Book of Crochet Stitch Design" by Linda Schapper... And as I browsed through it I really wanted to find a cool stitch design for my shawl. The one I found was # 463 out of 500!!! LOL I really like how it is turning out. It has alot of front and back post stitches and it has been interesting keeping track of wear I am. I did however go down to the local bead shop and bought beads that had numbers on them...(this pattern repeat has 10 rows in it) and made them into stitch markers. And that help me alot! The only thing about just using a stitch design instead of an actual pattern is that the stitch design begins and ends to weird to leave it.... sooo it will need some kind of edging....I wa hoping that someone would be able to give me some suggestions. You think some kind of a shell design? The top has long 7 stitch chains that are not real sturdy. And I used bernat baby coordinates to make it.


Does anyone have this book? I would highly recommend it to any one! I love it! I shows a colored pic, written patterns, and a diagram for each of the 500 stitch designs! AND the best part it was only 19.99 on Amazon! I love it!!! Does anyone else have a Amazon "problem"? They get me everytime.... I always find a book I want that is about $20 and they offer free shipping if you spend $25!! Sooooooooo I ALWAYS have to find another book for about $10 or so so I can get the free shipping... I always figure the I would like the extra 5-8 dollars go to a book rather than shipping!!! They KNOW what their doing! LOL LOL LOL


Anyway.... Your welcome JuliKay...I really did enjoy the Grandmothers flower garden.... And I think The linen would look really cool. I don't think I would do the green again.... It turned out ok.... but it takes the right person to like it I think....Linen would be much more appealling.


And yes Judianne... it has cooled down in SD... But it is beautiful Fall weather! It has been about in the 40's - 60's, about half of the leaves are off the trees, We have not had a hard freeze yet so it is still beatiful here!

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Jackie - Hmmm, think I'll have to add that book to my "gotta get" list :yes I'm a sucker for pattern books. Especially stitch books. Yep, Amazon has it all figured out because I have to do the same thing. :lol I usually wait until I have several I want. I've been using Books A Million more and more though because they opened one here in town and man they have everything! It's a really great store and I'm in their "club" so I keep getting coupons for free shipping no matter how much I order :tup

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Kim, you'll figure out something - no rush! I don't make wearables any more - though I may make myself a hat sometime soon - having a larger than average head (trust me, it's true) I may even end up frogging a bit of it, but at least I'll have something that will FIT!


Jackie, we've had colder weather here at the Jersey Shore than you have!

The book sounds great - and Amazon has me tagged, too:devil


With a beautiful pattern like the shawl you're doing, I would keep the edging simple. My absolute fav edging - and one which would hold your chains in nice and snug, is to make a hdc all around, then a rev sc (crab st). I love the finished look of that st.

Only one woman's opinion...you'll get lots more before you're through!:lol :lol

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Good Morning Ladies.


Geesh, it's cold here. I have a ton of homespun & this weather would be great for one of those ghans. I may just have to make two ghans for me. :D The one with homespun would have to be easy though, any ideas? :think



I was thinking that last night when i was sitting here cold and dug out my Homespun buckets and i went threw it and thought to myself i would like to find something that uses alot of colors...so i went digging for a pattern and i think this is the one im going to do,its warn and colorfull but yet something ive never done before...its called"The Log Cabin" My colors wont be just like theirs but i have alot so i will wing it.If not they have alot of patterns there for homespun!!



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Shaylen, that's a very good way to use up a stash of homespun. Thanks for the link - I've added it to Post #!


I'm making a prayer shawl with homespun and decided to use 2 strands and a P hook - it works up a lot easier - and faster.

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I found one that i liked that used an N hook but im not very good with the big hooks,it makes my hands hurt i think becouse i keep a tighter grip on them.About the biggest i can go is a K.


Are you using the same colors on the shawl or 2 different ones??

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I found one that i liked that used an N hook but im not very good with the big hooks,it makes my hands hurt i think becouse i keep a tighter grip on them.About the biggest i can go is a K.


Are you using the same colors on the shawl or 2 different ones??

That's a shame about the big hooks...they do make it faster. Have you tried wooden hiiks in the big size? That's what I have.


One homespun color is Montana Sky - the other has no wrapper, but it's in the blue family, with maybe a bit of green. Darker than the other one. I just did a chain and like the way they look together. If I need more, at least I can get those colors without worrying about dye lot since they're combined.

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Shay thats a nice pattern, I have bookmarked it for future wims.


Its great to see everyone so excited about making themselves something because we really deserve it, dont you think.


With the cold weather coming for you all, the afghans are going to come in handy arent they. Makes me wonder why Im making one when we are heading into summer but hey it will probably take me until next June to finish this and thats when I will really need it.


I have done 5 hexagons so far on my graphic granny ghan. The caron brites is so nice to work with.

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I worked some on the striped afghan, frogged and reworked a few rows because I got the color changes wrong, so I rewrote the pattern on plain paper and now I'm MUCH happier. I hate when it says row 25 repeat row 21....so much easier to just say dc in rose...


Oh well I'll manage :)

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Hi all,

On row 11 of the ghan and it is looking good...So glad I changed the pattern to this one..

My goodness Judianne, how do you keep track of the names...

So many nice patterns, but I am sticking to my ghan, and then the messenger bag, and then the mohair shawl, and then...and then...and then....


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Names....what are those:think

Carol, I'm just trying to keep up with it all...and I am on here a lot, so know many of the ladies already - as well as the patterns:lol


BUT, get ready: I will be forgetting as this goes along... "senior moments"!


Glad the pattern is working out for you!! Crocheting is SO addictive, isn't it??

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Hi guys

Just checking in for a quick nightly note- Sam has worked on my computer all day again and finally has it done I think -- anyhow, it has given me lots of time to do my project. I am so excited that I am actually working so hard on something and sticking with it .

I don't know how many hex's I have done, but have been adding them on as I go and I now have 3 flowers done and part of the linen edgings between them -so I should finally have a photo to post on Friday !


Glad to see all the new people and some of our old pals from back in the olden days--


Ines- great to see you again ! Sorry to hear about your dad .

It'll be nice having you in here with us again .We miss you guys when we don't see you for so long . :)

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Wow you ladies were busy today.


I didn't get any crocheting in today as I had my u/s and my mom was here from out of town. She spoiled us again with a car load of groceries. Guess she wants to make sure I eat well since I'm carrying her 2nd grandchild :yes :yes


Hope to crochet some tonight, but probably not on my ME project. But GUESS WHAT!!!! I found my half granny shawl. I was excited to find it... and told hubby I won't be organizing my yarn again for awhile since it made me lose stuff!:rofl

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glad to see every ones so exited


i want to make an afghan but after finishing a lot iof things

the pattern from donna cooler`s crocheted afghan and it is a granny afghan but in new way it`s colorfull and haz amazing looking

it is astash buster afghan which is perfect for any one (no one does`nt have a lot of stashes right) :lol


wendy and julie - glad to see all of you are so keen on doing the afghans it is nice to make something for our selves we deserve it ;)

keep on the good job

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Megan, I have the same problem...losing things because I organized everything!:lol :lol


Athba, what's the exact name of Donna Kooler's (sp?) ghan? I think I have her book...


Both you pregnant ladies take care of yourselves!

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Megan - Yep, I lose things when I organize them too :P Glad you found your shawl though.


Julie - Wow! You're making great progress! Isn't it nice to just sit back and participate this time? :hug


I've been dragging my rear all day. Can't seem to get properly motivated. And I'm at the end of the fall ghan too. Usually this close to the end I speed up. Oh well, the day's almost at an end. Soon as I do the washing up I can get back to it :hook


Have a great evening y'all :manyheart

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Megan Im glad you found your shawl. When is your baby due?


I'm due in late June. Around the 27th I think.


I finished a skein on my shawl/bolero-ish thing. I got rid of the pattern idea and am just doing a square yoke. And I guess I'll stop when I run out of yarn. :eek:hook

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