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Have you been too tired to crochet?

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It's been a rough few weeks. Been sick, daughter had a car accident, waiting for insurance company to see if car is totaled, waiting for doctor's results, etc.


I've noticed that I haven't crocheted at all in the last week. I am just too tired and stressed to crochet. Which really is a contradiction because crochet can usually calm and de-stress.


Hopefully, things get better soon and I get back on the crochet wagon.



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I'm newly pregnant and too tired at the end of the day to do anything but stare at my toes. After the monkeys go to bed is when I get to work on my crochet; I'm hoping I'll get some energy back soon and get to pick up my hookin'. :D

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:hug on all you guys are going through.. Yes I have been too tired to crochet.. lately everytime I pick my hook up after the sun goes down I am too tired to really be into it.
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yes, but that's cuz I am on nights... last week was 7pm-7am, and this week I'm on 11pm-7am, had to stay til 11am on wed... can you say 'EWWWW!". I don't care for working late nights in case you can't tell, but by the time I get home I just want to crawl into bed. I did get a square and another half square done this week, but it was a struggle. Next week I'm back on 3-11pm so my body can back to normal!

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Wow...it isn't just me then. I haven't crocheted in 3 or 4 days now. I mean to, but I just can't seem to get to it. Up at 5:30am, breakfast, then cleanup then school buses then laundry...you get the idea. :eek

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I haven't been able to crochet all month either. We are doing some remodeling and the house is such a mess and I am pooped at the end of the day. I can't wait until we are done so I can relax, put my feet up and crochet. I really miss it.

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Oh yes. now that I started working I am gone most of the day so whenI get home I am just too beat to move. Thats why I am sitting in this chair right now not doing much of anything. I have tons of Wips to do for babies on the way and for christmas but just too tired to care.

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I think I'm rarely too tired to crochet, but it's more of I sometimes get in too much pain to crochet. If my FMS or RA flares up, I can sometimes barely lift my arms, so crochet is pretty much out of the question.

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I'm behind in my crochet and knitting too.

Very tired till I get off work (not physically demanding, very stressful since we lost an asst. mgr and the mgrs left are all hyper/spastic/hurry up and rush type). I haven't attempted to knit much since I'm lucky if I get two rows done before I am asleep:eek (so much for my attempts to get a take-a-long blankie for my dd done). I've gotten little bits of crochet done here and there (pattern test stuff was easy to work on) but the afghans and such just aren't going very far.

Admittedly the fact that I'm 4 or 5 months pregnant doesn't help either:blush (just found out I am...went through same thing with dd...found out I was pregnant in June, had her in Oct...gotta love genetics, thanks Gma:) )

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I'm not as young as I used to be, so after teaching second grade all day I can be totally exhausted. I sometimes just put my crocheting in my lap and fondle it as I nod off on the sofa. Too tired to crochet, but still needing the stress relieving benefits of fiber.

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It's been a rough few weeks. Been sick, daughter had a car accident, waiting for insurance company to see if car is totaled, waiting for doctor's results, etc.


I've noticed that I haven't crocheted at all in the last week. I am just too tired and stressed to crochet. Which really is a contradiction because crochet can usually calm and de-stress.


Hopefully, things get better soon and I get back on the crochet wagon.




I get like this myself...as much as I totally love crocheting, it's not always the most calming thing to do. For me it depends on what the project is. If it's a simply repetitive project, sure, then it can be relaxing...but if I'm working on a graph or some type of pattern that I really have to pay attention to, forgetaboutit...


I found that hand sewing, again, something I don't necessarily have to think about...like hemming a pair of pants, is more relaxing than crocheting...and seriously crocheting is my first love.


Hang in there and after a while, you'll find your way back to a crochet hook.

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It's been a rough few weeks. Been sick, daughter had a car accident, waiting for insurance company to see if car is totaled, waiting for doctor's results, etc.


I've noticed that I haven't crocheted at all in the last week. I am just too tired and stressed to crochet. Which really is a contradiction because crochet can usually calm and de-stress.


Hopefully, things get better soon and I get back on the crochet wagon.

Just take your time getting back into it. Get through the rough patch and you'll be crocheting again in no time. I hope everything gets better for you.

Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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I've had times like that. I just can't seem to pick up a hook. No heart to crochet. Things DO return to normal eventually. I think that there are just circumstances in our lives that even crochet can't handle. Strange, I know, and I'm glad it doesn't happen often. :)

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I can work a hook in a semi sleep - the problem is when I look at my work the next day I rip it all out - it just looks horrible and uneven. When I get that tired I make myself put it down.


Sometimes I just have to say to myself - i'm taking an hour (or 1/2) off from life, I'm going to sit here and do something I enjoy! By the time my time is up I almost always feel better. Sometimes it's a matter of forcing yourself to sit down.

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I can defiantly say I get too tired to crochet. When I was going to school full time and working 30+ hours a week I hardly did any crochet, or well, anything else that I enjoyed. Thankfully I've stopped that but I'm waiting to see how the crocheting thing will be will I start back at school on the 24th. Good I hope! I have ambitious plans for Christmas.



I can say though that I really shouldn't crochet when I am angry. I was working on a giant granny one night and I just KNEW my tension was far too tight. Hmmm.... maybe I should just work on stuffed animals at that point. Tight tension would be wonderful then! :lol

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I do try to crochet for a few minutes everyday, even if I'm tired at night, because it does help me get centered. Sometimes I just don't feel like it. Then I pull out a bunch of crochet books and drool over the patterns.:P

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I work during the day, so I crochet during break and/or lunch...even if it's just for a few minutes, it's worth it. Sometimes the evening comes and it's too warm (gotta love So. Cal!) or I'm too tired. But once it starts cooling off more in the evenings, I'll be more motivated to crochet.



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