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Hi all.

I have a question for you guys.


When you find that someone is sending out somebodys elses pattern, without permission, would you report it to the designer?


The reason I ask, a fellow c'viller pm'd me with info on this.

She told me that my Floppy Friends 1 & 2 are being sent out mulitply.


I have pm'd her back, as well as emailed her back numerous times.

Unfortunately, she has not been back on the ville since she pm'd me with this info.

I have been trying to find out where they are being sent, and by who.


I have found numerous patterns illegally posted, in foreign forums. If I know who's they are, I do indeed let the designer know.


Has anyone seen my patterns being passed around?

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I would definately let the other designer know if I seen something like that going on. I haven't seen any of your's being passed around but I haven't really been on the look out for patterns for a while since I have been busy in joining the designer ranks and testing of course.


I know I would want to know.

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Theft is theft. Unfortunately there is a lot of it in our society in all arenas. It's one thing to link to a person's work and site, and it's quite another to just copy it and send it to others.


Sorry this is happening to you. It's happened to me and it made me quit posting my patterns anywhere online.

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Kristie, I am so sorry somebody is doing this. If any of this is being done through Crochetville in any way, please let me know. I'll be happy to do what I can on this end as well.


Whether this is occurring with patterns you have for sale elsewhere or with patterns you have posted for free here at Crochetville, I can and will address the issue with any members who are using Crochetville services (posts, PMs, email a member) to distribute these patterns illegally without your permission. It is a violation of our forum guidelines to use any Crochetville service to distribute patterns without permission of the original designer/copyright holder. I can gently contact any members who are doing this, and let them know that if they continue to violate our copyright guidelines I will have no choice but to remove their ability to access this site at all, even as a non-registered member.


I urge ANYBODY who has any information about this situation or any other similar situations to PLEASE forward me any PMs or emails you receive. I won't be able to do anything unless I have the PM/email forwarded to me as proof of what has occurred.


We take copyright issues very seriously here, as I'm sure almost everybody knows by now. We will do whatever we can to help protect any designers who find their rights being violated.

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Actually, if I receive any proof that a Crochetville member has been distributing patterns without permission, even just using their own personal email, I can still take action.


We aren't going to tolerate members who do this outside of Crochetville either. So people who want to remain members of Crochetville should not go around distributing copies of copyrighted patterns without permission of the copyright holder.


For the first offense I'm made aware of, you'll receive a warning. For a second offense, you might just find your forum access being removed.


Hopefully, all this distribution of Kristie's patterns without her permission is being done by people who are NOT members of Crochetville. I'd like to think our members are much more honest and ethical than that. :) And I know that at least 99% of you are!

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I haven't seen your designs posted like that. I have refered your Etsy store to a few folks, because I love your patterns.


If I see any, I will definitely let you know. I know your unique style anywhere!

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If I hear of anything or see anything I will let you know..I know a while back I saw that someone was selling yours and others free patterns.. but as far as I know that site got shut down. Hope you get to the bottom of it.

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This really stinks. We all appreciate the creativity and generosity of the designers who allow us to use their patterns for free. We would hate to lose this priveledge due to a few evildoers.


I assume you mean passed around on the web? I wonder if you could find the offending website by googling specific phrases of the pattern in parenthesis?


Uh oh, actually I just tried this and found a site that was not yours or Crochetville. I will PM you.

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I would definitely report the matter :eek ~ designers go to a lot of work to produce patterns. :yes

I haven't heard or seen any of yours around Kristie ~ but my ears & eyes are open for you.

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Thank you all for the support on this issue.


I now have a couple of avenues to look at.


I have allowed a few people to post my free patterns in other languages. There is two of them I believe. One in German, on in French.

It is limited to just a few patterns though.


I am going to do a bit of investigating.


It is great to know that everyone here is so helpful.

Support like this is why I post patterns....(I am working on a panda one now for a free pattern)

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Kristen I'm sorry this is happening :hug Sadly that is part of making great patterns like yours :( I haven't seen any of yours posted anywhere. This is part of the reason I selfishly keep my own patterns to myself mostly.

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I hand out quite a few patterns for free on my own......but sending them out to others is just wrong.


I understand how you feel and agree with you 100%.


Hopefully, all this distribution of Kristie's patterns without her permission is being done by people who are NOT members of Crochetville. I'd like to think our members are much more honest and ethical than that. :) And I know that at least 99% of you are!


Thanks Amy for the vote of confidence. I tested a pattern for Kristie that a coworker really liked. I knew that it would be wrong to give her a copy. So since she is a member here also, she put it on her wish list.

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If I ever find a pattern being distributed illegally, I would absolutely contact the designer. Theft is wrong! Free or for sale patterns, it doesn't matter. Post a link, don't forward it. It makes me so upset. It's one of the reasons I haven't totally committed to an etsy store. I'm afraid of it happening to me. I know it's "rare" but it's maddening, and painful for the designer, too.

I am so sorry this is happening to you Kristie! :hugs It is soooo wrong. :angry I hope whoever is doing this to you can be found and stopped.


I can recall a time when I worked at a LYS where someone had the GALL to ask if we would copy a pattern out of a book for her, so she wouldn't have to buy the whole thing!!! There's one in every state, I guess.

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I understand how you feel and agree with you 100%.




Thanks Amy for the vote of confidence. I tested a pattern for Kristie that a coworker really liked. I knew that it would be wrong to give her a copy. So since she is a member here also, she put it on her wish list.


And now I have my own copy too. I'm glad you showed it to me, and told me where it was. And thanks Kristie for the awesome designs!

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I will definitely keep my eye out for that! If I knew that someone was selling someone else's patterns then I would definitely let them know!!!! This is a reason that I am so cautious about buying things online. I like to use links from the designers on here. That way I know that it's coming from a reliable source. I have bought a pattern of yours, but it was from you, in your Etzy store. Sorry this has to happen!

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your free patterns rock, and you are part of my inspiration to write my own! I have printed your free ones for my own personal use, actually i've printed just about every free ami pattern online, and i've emailed the link to your site to my sister. I have not seen your patterns being sold or passed around, but i am online a lot and i'll let you know if i come across it. I love writing my patterns, and all of mine are free and i'd be livid if someone were selling them!!!


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