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Guess who is in the Crochetinsiders Gallery this issue


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Not sure if this is the best place to put this, So feel free to move it if you think it belongs someplace else.


I was very flattered when I was asked if it was okay to put a couple pictures of my work in the Crochetinsiders Gallery for the Summer issue.

There is a picture of my Garden Path doily and my Irish Crochet purse. Both my version and the one Swapna did when she was testing the pattern for me.

You can go take a peek yourself


It still amazes me to see my designs out there like this. Feeling a bit proud at the moment.

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I don't know why you remain so humble! Your work is incredible (and I need to develop a macro to automatically insert these comments when you ask for opinions about your artistry!)


That's an incredible site to boot!

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