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"Free" yarn?

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My grandma keeps wanting to give me yarn. She lives in an upscale assisted living facility. People donate yarn, but they actually don't have many knitters and crocheters in the building. She says they started keeping it in a giant bin and wants me to come by and take some.


I don't feel right about it. What do you think?

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Why not take it, make things to donate and then everyone will be happy? Your grandma because the yarn is going to someone who can use it, and because it's going to make things for people who can use them; and you because you made grandma happy and can give things to people who need them, either in shelters, hospitals or less fortunate care homes.

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Maybe you could help them start a neighborhood crochet or knitting circle. This way the ones who do crochet can share their talent and perhaps teach and the neiborhood could get to know them as well. This could teach those who want to learn and allow those at the facility to meet and make some new friends.

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like the other ladies, take it but give back.. make lapgahns or shawls things like that.. that way the donated yarn is still going to them but now it is just serving a much better purpose than collecting dust....

you know good yarn is a terrible thing to waste. :P

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I agree with all the other posts. It shouldn't just sit there gathering dust. But take it and make things to donate back to the ladies and your grandmother there.




I agree with Krystal. It's a way to put good yarn to use and be helpful to the community where your grandmother lives.


One other thing may be to ask if you can come in and teach the residents some easy crochet patterns. Some of them may have crocheted a long time ago and may just want to try it again with encouragement. Just another thought.



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I second, third, err I lost count, that opionion! :lol I bet it'd make her happy to see it go to good use, and you have a chance to use your skills for a purpose, to them. I bet they could use some shawls or afghans to cover up with.

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I agree with the others, take the yarn, without guilt, and make something to give back to them. Obviously, they are not going to use the yarn, so giving it to someone who can use it is what they want to do.

Keep us posted and let us know what you decide, and then be sure to share pics of what you make with all the wonderful yarn you are about to receive!

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I would take it after I spoke to the Co-ordinator to make sure it's OK. If it eases your conscious then make a few things for the residents.


Technically, if it's making your Grandmother happy than giving you the yarn is doing it's donated purpose.

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yes yes and yes! Just be sure to make several items before bringing them back to the older folks, cuz you don't want them all fighting over something do you? hehehe! Maybe they'd like to learn and create simple things themselves too, as was mentioned!

Have fun!

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I think it's okay to take if it's okay with the facility. I wouldn't feel obligated to make anything to give back, but it would be nice to do. It's doing no good just sitting in a bin (like all my stash). :)

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You might consider trading books on tape, music cd's/tapes, movies for VHS or DVD, books, magazines, other craft projects rather than giving back alot of crocheted/knitted items. When I visit nursing homes and retirement homes, they are always glad to get things that are entertaining. I check out what they have in their commons room and then try and pick up gently used items as garage sales, flea markets and thrift shops. I always LISTEN to any tapes, cds, DVDs, etc. before I give them out. You NEVER know what's on them. Even trading craft lessons for the yarn might work out. Just my 2 cents worth.

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I would dive into the treasure trove and drag it home with me. You could put it to some good use....perhaps in spare time, "give back" with some squared aphgans to her community.

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Thanks for replies. I'm leaning toward passing on the yarn. If it comes up again, I can tell her I don't feel comfortable taking the residents' yarn and see what she thinks.


I'm borderline ADD and no good with charity items. I tried to make a hat once, but got too bored.

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Have you considered the possibility of making caddies to attach to a walker or a wheelchair. Most people seem to either have one or want one.


these would work with your ADD as you can make them in nothing flat and they can be simple or busy stitches as you wish.

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I agree with Darski..the wheelchair caddies is an excellent idea that I was going to suggest myself after reading all the previous posts. I do think that it would make your grandma feel good if you yourself put the yarn to good use. No doubt after the other residents have seen how you were able to utilize the yarn, they might want to give crocheting a try. I hope you take our advice.

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I work in a "high-end" Assisted Living/Retirement Community. The residents also have yarn donated to them. There are a couple of residents here that crochet/knit lapghans to give to a charity. I like to go up to the craft room some days on my break and pet yarn. There are days I find yarn in there that I have never seen before. I know I am allowed to use the yarn but I feel guilty too. I don't have alot of time to make MORE work for me to "give back" so I just don't use it. I am even willing to pay for the yarn but I am told that it is free for use.


Can you say...Rock and hard place....:think

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