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Van Gogh's Closet


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Joy and "Tamu" (don't know our name)...BOTH are great!! The beauty and variety everyone comes up with is amazing!!:yay

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:eek we almost fell off the page :eek


I guess tomorrow is Van Gogh day in the neighbourhood so I will get some time on my RR.


I am putting extra time on the Wedding ghan so I can't promise to get much on the VG but I will get at least a row and a half done so I can select my next colours,

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We're Home!!!!! We had a very nice vacation, but it is sooooo good to be home again.

The weather was beautiful the whole week we were at Panama City Beach, Florida. Temperatures were in the low to mid 90's all week. It rained twice while we were there but not for very long either time. I think it was Wednesday when the biggest storm hit. About 4 p.m. we started hearing thunder. Then big, black clouds moved from the shore out into the Gulf. Next the wind got really strong. The resort people were frantically working at getting all the mats and umbrellas down and put away. About a dozen mats got lifted by the wind and ended up in the water. One umbrella almost made it to the water, but got stopped just before it went splash. Half a dozen float rings went out into the Gulf. One in particular was swept up in the air and then went spinning and flipping out farther and farther into the Gulf until it was lost from sight. I stayed on the balcony and watched the rain moving up the beach toward us until I was starting to get wet. Then I moved inside. About 45 minutes later it had all moved out into the Gulf and the sun was shining again.

We watched parasails from the balcony all day every day. We could see anywhere from one to three at the same time. I commented that it looked like a lot of fun. Apparently Kim had said the same thing before her strokes. Soooo, John inquired about doing it and Friday night we went to where they docked and went out parasailing. We loaded up at the dock and then went out past the bouys. John & Kim went up in tandem first and then I went up solo. Kim & I had a blast and enjoyed every minute of it. John, however, did NOT! I didn't know it beforehand, but he is a lousy sailor. He was sea sick almost before we left the dock. When he & Kim went up, he was worse. :out He was afraid he was going to throw up on Kim's head. :( When they finally landed on the back of the boat he just rolled on his side and told the guys to hold Kim. :tired She was grinning from ear to ear. He finally got unhooked and sat down and I got to go up. It was GREAT!!!! It was sooo peaceful and quiet and beautiful up there. Wow!!! I'll do it again. :yes NOT so John. :no Each time he tells about it Kim laughs and laughs and the story gets more and more exagerated. :rofl :rofl :rofl

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LINDA'S HOME :jumpyay :jumpyay


Oh that story is just too funny :lol I'm so glad Kim got to go up and experience something like that!! :manyheart Glad you had such a good time :hug Catch your breath then hop on back in here....we've missed you :hug

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Now, after getting caught up with all that's been happening here while I was gone. I'll try not to miss anyone.

Julie - Dispensations on the SKY CAL!!!! :eek What were you thinking???? And of course you got caught. There are too many of us on both CALs for that to get missed.

Heather - That is a beautiful Preemie RR. :yay I think I've done some preemie hats with two strands, but I'm not sure. It should be doable.

Becky - I really like your ripple. To do so much with a brace on is awesome. :yay I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten that much done under the circumstances.

Jill - I love the smileys, too. Good luck on the little black kitty. I hope you get it. You'll have to post a picture of it.

Joanne - I love the blue ripple. I'm sure your nephew will like it even if it doesn't get done quite on time. The purple pops on my computer just fine.

Renee - Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see a picture. :yay

Darski - Way to go!!!! I love it!!! Don't you dare give up. You're doing just fine!!! :yay

Liz - What a great hubby! Good luck with the heart pattern. I haven't see any either. Maybe the wonkiness is why we couldn't find any patterns.

KnicKnac - Beautiful!!! Wow!!! :yay

Joy - That's looking great kiddo!! Way to go!! :yay Gorgeous!!!!

Tamugrad - Welcome to the group!:welcome Oh, WOW!! Very, very pretty! :yay

Renee - A summer of nothing but weaving in ends?!?!?! OUCH!!!! How about this instead? Spend the first 15 minutes of each crocheting session weaving in ends and the rest of the time crocheting. You will get caught up faster than you think possible, without it becoming a horrendous chore.

Linz - Welcome to the group! :welcome Your colors sound great! And they look very pretty, too. :yay

SassyC - Beautiful!!! :yay

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Renee - A summer of nothing but weaving in ends?!?!?! OUCH!!!! How about this instead? Spend the first 15 minutes of each crocheting session weaving in ends and the rest of the time crocheting. You will get caught up faster than you think possible, without it becoming a horrendous chore.


Now that is a great idea!


Okay, so let me tell y'all about my day. First, I have to mention that I have a job interview at 10am at the University of Kansas. That makes my story that much funnier and sadder.


1. My flight to Kansas City was cancelled.

2. I was rebooked on another flight to arrive a couple hours later, no biggie.

3. That flight was delayed 3 hours.

4. I sat in the Austin airport for 5 hours before boarding a plane.

5. I finally arrive in Kansas City. My luggage, with *everything* never left Austin! See above: I sat for 5 hours in Austin, and they never retagged my luggage! Everything I need, everything, is in that bag. Well, except my jewlery.

6. The airline authorized me for emergency shopping.

7. At this point, it's 7:30 on Sunday evening.

8. I'm given directions to a store. I'm told to go North on I29, which uh, took me in the exact opposite of where I wanted to go.

9. I backtrack, and finally arrive at the suggested store. It's closed.

10. There is however, a Target, and it's open for another 15 minutes.

11. I do some hard core shopping: find a black blouse (short sleeved, but that can't be helped), nightie, toiletries, shoes, and uh, unmentionables, all in 15 minutes.

12. Try to figure out how to get to Lawrence. My mother calls, because it's Father's Day and she's worried about me (because my dad died earlier this year) and I pull a Paris and cry for my mommy, while I'm trying to figure out how to get to 70 W. I do finally find it.

13. Finally arrive in Lawrence.

14. There is something good that happened: the internet at this hotel is free!


My friend Kimm says maybe this is a sign, but I refuse to let it be. I've said many naughty words today.


I should go to bed now, I suppose.

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Renee - Oh what a day!! Glad you made it safe and sound :hug Good for you for keeping such an upbeat attitude :h5 Good luck on your interview tomorrow...how could they not love your spirit :manyheart

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Renee - Oh what a day!! Glad you made it safe and sound :hug Good for you for keeping such an upbeat attitude :h5 Good luck on your interview tomorrow...how could they not love your spirit :manyheart


Well, Cara, there were many moments when my attitude was not upbeat, and many naughty words issued from my mouth. But having access to free internet, man that just made my day for some reason!


And thank you for the good wishes!

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Renee...oh, what a day...as the old song goes! Hope the interview goes well...and free internet is always nice:yes


Sassy - beautiful blanket!!:yay


Linda T - we missed you! :hug I loved reading of your adventures...and I can relate to poor John with the seasickness:yuck and flying :flying- of any sort - well, several on the ville have already seen my comments about that and my friend xanax :D

You had me start my day with a chuckle!:hook


And someone mentioned Flylady - body clutter - and eating healthy - I went back to Weight Watchers. I'm a lifetime member who stopped going to the meetings...a very bad choice for me...so now I know better, and have to take the weight off - again:(. At least I know I can do it...and that it's a marathon, not a sprint.:)

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There are some really pretty items coming out of this CAL. Well done to you all!


These RR's really do work up quickly with two threads don't they?! I'm sure the outer rounds will take a bit longer but even so...


I don't know if I have miscalculated how many rows I should have on mine, I think I might get to the last colour and have a smaller RR than I wanted. I'm gonna finish the round I'm on so I can measure it properly and see if I can figure out how big it might end up.


I'll see if I can get the camera away from my hubby so I can put up a pic - although I am quite nervous/shy about showing off my work!!!

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Lynz, there's nothing to be shy about here...we're ALL at different levels in our crocheting...that's what's neat about this group!:manyheart

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I'm just shy by nature, I even sometimes feel embarrassed saying to family "look what I've just made" :blush - I know I'm silly!! Hopefully showing some of my stuff on here off will boost my confidence a bit.


I'm really pleased with how this is turning out and I've just had a quick measure up in my lunchbreak and it should make a nice baby sized blanket.


Trouble with crocheting at lunchtime is I don't want to come back to work - except to sneak on here for a little while!! :devil

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Trouble with crocheting at lunchtime is I don't want to come back to work - except to sneak on here for a little while!! :devil


Ain't that the truth! :lol And you never have to be shy with Crochetvillers. :hug Like Judy said, we're all at different levels and it so very exciting to watch someone's skill grow :manyheart

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