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i've searched on here and can't find a post on "crochet hooks of choice"?

i would LOVE to know which type of hook (not size) that u use the most?

i'm currently using the aluminum Susan Bates, but i must say that my hands hurt quite often.


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I do use aluminum if I have to but I have to be careful because they make my skin crawl - like nails on a blackboard.


I know many don't like these but I love the Crystalite hooks because they feel better in my hand especially in the larger sizes that I use most often.

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I like some called Quick Silver, they are aluminum that have a smooth coating (not sure what it is) and work great. I also have a couple of wooden afghan ones, even though I don't do the afghan stitch, it took awhile to get used to working with a long hook. I'm considering cutting it down yo size.

Ellie 13

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I like Boye hooks, I know I am in the minority on that. If you have problems with the hooks making your hand hurt, some have put polmar (sp) clay around them and made them thicker, they say that helps then you can use which ever hook you like. I am not sure but the clay is available at craft stores and have instructions on useage. There is also some hooks at JoAnns that have like a cushiony handle, maybe those will help. Good luck

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The clover hookers are comfortable and no pain while using them, also putting the cushion on the alum. hooks really makes a difference. I can now crochet for hours without pain but as soon as I use a hook that doesn't have the cushion or isn't a clover the pain is constant.

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I like Susan Bates and hooks with The Susan Bates in-line hook. I try to use wooden when I can. Have never been able to use Boye with any success. They don't grab the yarn enough for me. I started on Susan Bs and just got used to them I guess!:yes

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I use Boye. I have an almost complete set of Susan bates, thread hooks, and I just don't care much at all for them. I say almost complete set, because the 7 broke, right in the hook.

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I am another boye person. I will use the susan bates when I am doing bullion stitches but not for much else.

It's all personal preference. I do better without out the bulk of adding the clay than with, and have never had much success with the hooks with larger handles on them either. But as I said we are all different. It's just a matter of you trying a few different things and seeing what works best for YOU.

Some people have changed how they are holding the hook and found that it made a difference. Some swear by the clover hooks. other the Wooden. Of course you will also hear how wonderful the Jimbo hooks are. You can add rubber grips to you hooks or The Polymer clay handles. There are a lot of options out there.

I hope you find one that makes you comfortable so you can enjoy your crocheting.

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I use whatever I have available, especially since when I'm at work (CompUSA), and I forget to take my crocheting stuff there's been hooks and yarn sitting around from my friends that I've taught to crochet and they've left from the night before.


I use both Susan Bates and Boye, but I prefer the Boye. I do have one Clover hook with the bigger grip that I picked up in a size E because it was the only E at the store. I'm tempted to buy more of that kind, but they are a bit more pricy and the ones that I have already have worked fine for me so far.

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I can crochet for hours and hours on end with a size I Bates hook. Just about everything else crams my hands. I put the blue foam cushions on my hooks and it helps quite a bit. I finally have my Jimbo hook in my custom size (I just LOVE my jimbo hook) i can crochet for hours and my hands feel great!

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I have Susan Bates Crytallites; many many many Boye Aluminum but the most of my crocheting lately has been with some Rosewood hooks I bought at Hobby Lobby. I LOVE them. I don't hold them too tightly and they seem to help my gauge.



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My favorite hooks are my Brittany hooks. I discovered Brittany hooks 2 years ago and now have a complete set, plus some extras in a few sizes. I also have at least 2 sets of Bates hooks. I earned to crochet using Boye hooks and had diffieculties until I discovered Bates hooks and their wonderful in-line design...crocheting became so much easier. I haven't used a Boye hook in over 30 years. I also really like Fancy Kitty wooden hooks. I prefer the feel of wood hooks over aluminum one.

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I generally prefer Boye over Susan Bates for aluminum but really like the bamboo I just got in the notions swap for the shawl I'm working on. Have a bid on a Jimbo so might get to try that soon, with any luck!

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Another Clover Soft Touch devotee here! I couldn't crochet at all for over four years due to bad arthritis. Found out about the Clovers here on the 'Ville and I'm reborn :yay I even tried to use a "regular" crochet hook recently to see what the difference was. I still cannot hold a regular hook even with a pencil grip on it. The Clovers just fit my hand perfectly and absolutely no hand fatigue :manyheart Now if they would just come out with one larger than a "J" :lol

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