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just got a new "thought"

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i've been thinking lately about how VERY much i enjoy this site! i told my college daughter about all this and she laughed and said that's exactly how she feels on the AIM and MY SPACE....anyway, wouldn't it be real neat if all of us could mabe post a small pic of ourself to show others who we actually are? it is certainly not like we are "predators" or something! LOL LOL



just a thought...what do u all think?



and one more THANK YOU for all of the help that i have received by so many of you! when you are a beginner, it really really helps to talk with experienced crocheters!!

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Some people opt to have a picture in their profile. I have one of myself in mine. But it always purely optional here. I know some people just hate to see pictures of themselves.

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My avatar is actually a VERY good rendition of what I look like; I don't really have any good pictures of me as I've got the single mom's curse of always being the one behind the camera, lol.


But I pretty much do like my South Park character, sadly.

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Like Kathy and KnicKnack, I've got my pic on my profile page. I didn't want to scare anybody by using it as my avatar, but like a lot of people, I like to put faces with names and figured that if I do, I should do the same for other people.


KWIM? :)

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That's what DH said about my friends from anther site I've been on for years. He calls them my "little virtual friends". Now we've actually met some of them at special events he believes! It will take a while to find a pic of me and there will likely be a greyhound in it too.

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i agree about how great this site is. my 23 yr old daughter looked over my shoulder and said "wow, mama, you've found a group of people who weave like you do." both of my kids make fun of my crocheting and call it weaving. they do know what it really is and like to see what i've made. as for a photo, i am also the one behind the camera because dh is camera user impaired:), so there aren't many pics of me. unfortunately, the few there are actually look like me, so not usable.:)

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