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Crocheting up trouble....

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I was in Michael's on Saturday and there was a woman there with a display full of handmade items, felted bags, shawls, hats, sweaters, etc., and she's selling lessons. Well, I get a little closer and she's knitting all of these beautiful things, so I complimented her on it. Well, she took one look at the crocheted afghan I had in my hand (I'd brought it with me to match a color) and she practically shrieked at me, "Knitting is MUCH better than crocheting!" The whole store turned around to stare.


Well, I have been on the 'Ville long enough to know about the love/hate relationship people have with crocheting vs. knitting. So I smiled sweetly at her and repeated again that I thought she had some beautiful things, but that I've tried knitting, but crochet is just my personal preference as I find it much more versatile. I thought this woman was going to stab me with her knitting needle. She jumped up from her chair (This was a 65+ year old woman, mind you) and said, "I can make ten times more things with knitting than you can with some crochet hook, and they'll look better too!"


She then goes on, waving flyers in my face and bringing out this huge bag with about a zillion knitting projects, all of which were lovely, and she is extolling the virtues of knitting and how it's so much better than crocheting, and how you can't do anything with crochet, but look at this project, and THIS project and THIS PROJECT that she's knitted and how great they look, and how she can teach me to knit in two hours.


I am not one to knock knitting, because, like I said, I think it's very nice, I just prefer crochet, but I swear I thought this little old lady was going to throw down and start a yarn fight in Michael's!!!


So all of these people are staring and I'm standing there holding my bag of yarn and my afghan while my eyes get wider and wider while this woman rants and screams about knitting. Finally, I just took her business card and her flyer for her lessons and I thanked her for telling me about it and told her I'd give her a call. I hightailed it out of there!


On my way out, this OTHER little old lady stopped me and she was cracking up laughing. She said, "Honey, I'm a crocheter too, and that's a beautiful afghan you've got there." When I thanked her she said, "Someone ought to go in there and tell that old biddy to stick her knitting needles where the sun don't shine!" It was a hoot!


I now have the "Knitting Nazi's" class schedule, so I'll have to make sure that I don't go into Michael's when I know she's there!

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I swear, what is WRONG with people??? I do both, and I find I can make many items with both crafts--one is not better than the other. Like you, I prefer crocheting, but I do like to knit on occasion.


I can't believe Micheals would let that shrew in there...don't they know that there are, statistically, more crocheters out there than knitters, and that they are losing business by having that old biddy mouthing off about how horrible crocheting is? Hopefully enought people will complain, and they will toss her out on her ear...

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Okay that lady has serious issues!!! She needs to take some lessons about dealing with people and being a total butt and screaming will not get you any customers for your knitting lessons. Infact someone from Michael's should have told her to quiet down or she would not be teaching anything, for fear she would run off their customers!!

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It really was funny and I couldn't help but laugh about it when I got to my car. But all I could think was, I wonder if Michael's will hire me to teach crocheting classes, and then this woman and I could have "WWF Battle of the Yarn" every other Saturday from 2 to 4!

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I can't believe Micheals would let that shrew in there...don't they know that there are, statistically, more crocheters out there than knitters, and that they are losing business by having that old biddy mouthing off about how horrible crocheting is? Hopefully enought people will complain, and they will toss her out on her ear...

And that crocheters will buy more yarn from them for the same type of project than a knitter. If she carries on like that when she is trying to sell her classes, I hate to think what she'd be like actually teaching a class!



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I would very seriously complain to the corporate headquarters (the 1-800 Customer Service Number) and have the woman thrown out of there. You could try speaking to the manager but somehow I get the feeling you wouldn't get very far. I'm just incapable of putting up with that kind of crap. People yelling in my face for no reason - not a good thing.

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It really was funny and I couldn't help but laugh about it when I got to my car. But all I could think was, I wonder if Michael's will hire me to teach crocheting classes, and then this woman and I could have "WWF Battle of the Yarn" every other Saturday from 2 to 4!

I would buy tickets for that.:box She should have just taken your complement and said nothing else about it. She needs a good talking to. Even tho she seems set in her ways she shouldn't have treated you that way.

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let me know when the wwf yarn battle is to take place and i will buy a plane ticket ther just to see it! i can picture you at the end with your foot on her back holding up your hook (not sure where her needles are maybe out of the sunshine!)

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WOW,,,Hope you got the yarn you were after!!!


Either the nose in the air(seen that a bit) or all out warfare(not so much),,,

Thankfully not everyone is like that!!

Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to see her showing her***!


I'll buy a ticket for your next trip back there!!

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I think you did the right thing. I would have done the same. Although, once at home (and away from the Knitting Nazi) I would have called and spoken to the manager. I would hate to have to avoid some in a store that I like so much.



Actually, you had a lot of guts to listen to her rant and not say anything bad back. I give you a lot of credit. Some people just have no common sense. Knitting and Crochet-Can we just be friends?


I don't think one craft is superior over the other. It is personal preference. And in this country, it is our choice.


I would have called the manager about her. No one should be treated like you were. Maybe I would still call about her. She needs to learn a lesson on how to treat others.



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:rofl :rofl I totally needed to laugh. I have been down with the flu this weekend. This is the first time I have been on the computer in 4 days. This made me laugh so hard. I feel for you though. I teach a crocheting class at the senior center where I work. There is one woman who is a knitter who will sit in on our class and complain about how knitting is so much better, prettier, yada yada. I just smile and tell her that's nice. Some people!
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I just don't understand what gets into people. I like all types of needlework, including knitting, but my passion is crochet. Over the years I've been asked to make many baby sets, and almost all of them requested crochet.


I think the old biddy needs to take a chill pill, I wouldn't want to go into the store while she's there.

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While I laughed reading the original post, I was shaking my head at the same time...kudos to you for holding your temper...but I'm with others when I say that I think a call to the manager is in order. There's just no excuse for how that woman acted. No excuse. She's in a Michael's for heaven's sakes...what is Michael's but a store selling stuff FOR ALL KINDS OF CRAFTS...


I really, really don't understand this hate on that seems to have cropped up with the knitters against crocheters...just freaking insane...

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It was very wise of you to take her card and flyer to avoid running into her on the days she teaches.


Although it makes me wonder, what would happen if you did happen to teach crochet on the same days that she is teaching knitting!! :rofl

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:rofl :rofl I am sorry, but that is just to funny. :rofl :rofl

The last time someone went off on a tangent on me, I just politely told them yeah, but us Crocheters use more yarn and are a much nicer group of people and walked away.

Some people you just can't change their minds.

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I wouldn't avoid Michael's on days when she's there--I'd go whenever I dang well please! That battleaxe wouldn't keep me away. I'd also talk to the manager, esp. if she pulled that crap again.


I like the WWF Battle of the Yarnies idea! :lol

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I would for sure go on the days she is there. Take my hooks with me and all the people I can find who crochet. Then we would all talk up crochet within earshot of her.


Better yet, get people to take her class and talk about all the crocheting they have to do and how much more yarn they will use and then maybe ask for the manager during the class and see about getting more crocheting classes.


Anything to tick her off. :devil Sorry, I have been stuck in the house all day in a snowstorm with no good TV to watch.

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