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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Watching the Grammy's and crocheting blocks. Interesting to see Bob Dylan performing-


Tab- Sounds like a nice day. Glad that the trip out to the conservation sight helped your spirits. That would be great to take a trek through there- the weather here is supposed to be warmer this week- how bout by you?


Cheeria- I'm so happy you had such a good day! And your dinner sounded delicious!

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Hi Guys



Thanks for stopping by,and 'd love to have you go on a ghosthunt with me and Cam,and I like walking thru graveyards too.


Linda - a very special happy birthday .



Wish I could respond more but I am sick as a dog .Never felt this bad in my life . Going in to the doc ,1st appointment, if I dont give in and go to ER first .

Sure hope Cam doesnt get this --he called yesterday begging to come up and I told Steph I was bad sick with the flu,and dont want to make him sick,too,but she said it was ok with her if he came up ,


So, I'd like to request good thoughts for Cam ... he is the most important person on the planet to me . Please send him some powerful strength to avoid getting this flu .

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Hope you all have a good day- and if you are feeling under the weather- take one of these:hug:hug:hug:hug


Off to get ready for another day in Paradise!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Linda - :bday




I hope you all have a wonderful day today :manyheart


Dusti - I have 1 pair of socks left to do and I'm all good. I pretty much started over and used less stitches around and adjusted rows for the lengths I needed :D


Dusti and Joanne - The yarn was Michael's brand in Charisma :yes


Joanne - I love Greek too :yes I had no clue the grammy's were on :(


Cheeria - I'm going to give the sweater a go, we'll see, it'll be sink or swim :eek:lol I haven't been onto ravelry yet to check out the group, but am writing myself a note to do it later on after work :think


Tab - Glad you enjoyed your ride and the scenery :hug


Judy - :hi


Julie - Sending positive thoughts and well wished for both, you and Cam :hug :hug

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Good Morning, everyone. :) I've missed so much again :blush...I hate it when life gets in the way of my time at the 'Ville. ;)


Linda ~ A big Happy Birthday from me, too! :manyheart:birthday:manyheart

Yay for finding the coordinating fabrics!


Julie ~ The pictures of Cam say it all...he looks so happy with his gift! Feel better soon. :hug


Tabby ~ Oh, your day sounds lovely! Glad you are feeling a little better. :manyheart


Hi and hugs to the rest of the House. :)


I have to leave here by 8:30 and haven't even showered yet...DD has a dr. appt. and Luke and I have a playtime appt. :lol

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Good Morning, peeps!!!:):):)

Supposed to warm up here today and tomorrow...:manyheart ...to the upper 40's...it's all relative:lol

But first....to Linda....


Enjoy your day, hon!


Jules, I hope you get the care you need from the doctor this morning. We'll be waiting to hear from you or Sam.:hug:manyheart:hug


Tabby - getting outside for me, anywhere...esp by myself ...makes me feel so good when I've been down in the dumps. I hope you get out to do some walking.:hug:manyheart


Hey, Marisa :hi back at ya!;)


Cheeria, it was good seeing your normal, newsy post!!


Mary, aw, shucks, you have to go play with Luke again:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol


I got to donate! :yay I was their first one of the day. No problems at all. And a got a t-shirt that helps advertise blood donations.

That's great, Linda!

Spent a lazy rest of the day and am going downstairs to cuddle with my puppy. She got banished from the upstairs while I was gone, because she went out in the back yard and rolled in the dirt and leaves until she was a complete mess. :lol Silly thing! :lol I'll give her a bath tomorrow and hopefully she won't do the same thing all over again. :lol

I think she will do it again. Some dogs just loving doing stuff like that. I had one GSD who loved the deep puddle in the yard (helped by the hole she dug for it) that was always left by rain storms. Like a 2 yo she would splash around in it! Fortunately this was a girl, and she was small enough and obedient enough that I could take her in the shower with me and give her a bath!:lol

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Happy Valentine's Day!


I read the posts last night then off to bed.



Julie, Sorry your sick! Hope the doctor can help you out this morning. Hope Cam doesn't get sick to. How nice of you and Sam to get Cam his own laptop. You can tell he really likes his gift. I can relate to how you feel about Cam. Hubby asked me shortly before we came here what are we going to do when Maya goes to school. He enjoys the time we have with her as much as I do. There buddies to. Your ghost story was so funny. No wonder Cam was to scared to go. It would be interesting.

Even though we've never met you are a special friend to me. We can't pick are family but we can pick are friends and we have a wonderful group of friends here. :hug


Mary, Here comes 4 fun filled days with Luke.


Linda, Glad you found all the material you needed.


Trish, Hey there! Congrats on the new grandbaby! Prayers for your son & dil.


Cindy, Hope you feel better soon!


Peachy, Hope you freeform all comes together for you the way you want it. I've never tried it.


LeAnna, Great pics! That celtic heart is wonderful!


Tab, Glad hubby got you out to your favorite site.


Cheeria, Your dinner sounded yummy! Glad you had a good day!


Dusti, Won't be long and you'll be in much warmer temps. Have a fun trip and a safe one.


Joanne, Judy, Cheeria and Marisa, It looks like you had a wonderful time at your meetup. The pics were great!


Today were serving your choice of fried shrimp or chicken, baked potato, salad, asparagus or corn and cheesecake for dessert. We've done a lot of prepping so hopefully we don't have to be up there all day.

Are weather has taken a change and warmed right up. We are all hoping the cold is out of here now.

My bil followed up with his doctor and all the test they run shows nothing. He has to do another blood test and a cat scan according to the report they got in the mail. They say they have no explanation for all his weight loss. The blood test he has to do is called CA19 can anyone tell me what CA19 stands for?

My Mom said my brother who has a pacemaker is having trouble breathing when he lays down. He can't get into his doctor until next week. I don't know why he doesn't go to er.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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Happy Valentines Day!!!! Just when I thought I was going to be depressed for spending V-day alone cause my husband is going to be working, and when I wake up I find a dozen roses, and chocolates and card sitting on the coffee table waiting for me! So sweet! The only thing that would had been more perfect would be white yarn... LOL

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Good morning, housemates. Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes. :hug It's sunny and breezy here today and supposed to be another nice day. Yay!


Princess really wasn't all that bad a mess. She had picked up a bunch of little bits of leaves and pine leaf bits, but not enough for me to make a fuss about. John insisted she HAD to have a bath last night! So I gave her one. John has a few quirks like that. He cannot STAND to have a fly loose in the house and won't rest until he's killed and disposed of it. Same thing with ants ~ they drive him insane. I grew up in the country and on a farm and just don't find that stuff a big deal. Oh, well, if that's the worst, I can live with it.


Here is a picture of the coordinating neutrals that I got Saturday! I plan on starting on the quilt today. :D



:vheart:mdust:flower Happy Valentines Day!!! :flower:mdust:vheart

Julie ~ I hope you get to feeling better very soon and the doctor can give you something that helps. :hug :hug :hug

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*Happy Birthday Ms. Linda** Hope you have a great day! I think I forgot to tell you the other day that I LOVE the fabric! I'm soooo excited to see what you come up with! Good luck!

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:bday Linda




Julie- sending heling thoughts to you and positive stay well thoughts to Cam , hope you feel better soon.


Got to run and take care of the grand darlings, Sean is now standing up in his crib. Hugs for a hugable loving day to my House Family. :manyheart:manyheart

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*Happy Valentines Day Ladies*


Man, I wish we had more fun fonts in here to use, I'm a font junkie!

I was just breezing back in the weekend posts-----looks like you guys had a great meet up and it's fun to see photos and see what we all look like!


Julie.....HONEY.....I'm so sorry you are sick, please get feeling better soon. I know Influenza A B C D....X Y Z are running rampant out this way. Hopefully thats not what you have. YOu sound miserable and dang it.........:hug


Weekend was great here- ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL weather, got up to 50 deg. yesterday, much different that 0 or -something. The end of the week is supposed to be ugly though.

My honey got his Valentine package from me- it was filled with his hat and candy, cologne, and his kids all got hats and matching slipper/boots from me as well. They were running outside in them I guess and he got on them, they said Daddy , they're made to be worn! lol He said YEAH, Inside NOT outside.

I got the wedding ghan done, forgot to take a picture! It's sooooo soft. I want to make one for us! I also made 1 pair of slippers, have another started and got an order for 25 more hats, and 4 slippers.........YIKES!!!!


Hope you all have a great day, I will be here on and off. :heart

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Happy Valentine's Day everyone! It's still early here, but the weekend has been really nice. I have a couple little stories to tell, but first let me express warmest birthday wishes to Linda. I hope you have a wonderful day. I have a cousin who's birthday is today as well.


So, forgive me if I'm repeating myself on the recap here, but Saturday was the Crochet Club and my aunt and cousin went with me and we had a grand time. I taught a couple of people how to make the celtic knot heart. I just love the Crochet Club and wish you all could join us that 2nd Saturday of the month.


Yesterday me and Hub-E went and snagged my dad and went to Red Lobster (which is always a serious treat for us because we don't go there very often...) Oh my goodness we ate like there was no tomorrow. Lobster nachos, salad with tiny shrimp, lobster mashed potatoes, shrimp scampie, soul, fried shrimp, their "to die for" cheddar biscuits....the kind that absolutely do not need butter (and I'm a butter on any kind of bread girl...) We had to roll ourselves out of the place we were so full...


Worked on the Red Heart heart shaped candy box on the boat going to and from home...will work to finish it today.


Now for a story:


So a week and a half ago when I went over to the yarn shop for a Thursday gathering, Hub-E went to our local thrift store called Granny's Attic. They were having a 50% off everything sale because they were gearing up to close for 3 weeks for yearly deep cleaning and maintenance. When I got to the ferry dock to come home, I called him and told him I had done some shopping at Fred Meyer and the car was full of goodies...and he quips that he's got a surprise for me also...hmmmmmm....what's the boy up to?


Well I get home and he comes out to help unpack the car and I walk into the house, drop the bags of stuff and there is this cabinet in the dining area...oh my goodness, what did he do...he comes in, sets bags down and gets this excited smile on his face and brings me over to this cabinet, lifts the lid and it's a an black electric singer sewing machine...one step removed from being a trendle machine...the cabinet needs work, the machine does not work...and honestly it doesn't have to work. And Hub-E tells me that when he was at Granny's, he's looking around not expecting to find anything we really need or want...but then he saw the machine...and looked at the tag and about fainted...the price was $10.00! That's right...I'm not missing a zero. And even at $10.00, his practical side is kicking in and he's thinking, we don't have room...it doesn't work...blah, blah, blah...but then he remembers it's 50% off day and now the price is $5.00!!!!! Well, heck, we'll make room he thinks and he buys the machine for me. Total surprise and one of the sweetest things he's ever done for me (and he's done a lot of sweet things for me over the years...) Three sides of the cabinet are warped and need to be replaced, but the rest of the cabinet is actually pretty sound. I don't know if the machine itself can be fixed...but if it never sews a stitch that's quite alright because just looking at it makes me smile. It's in the living room where the Christmas tree was in front of the french door.


I did ask Hub-E though if he was trying to say we weren't going to California to pick up my mom's machine and he said no because of course, this machine doesn't work (and it would only have a straight stitch anyway...) And then I asked if this was my Valentine's present and he goes, "Yeah, okay...sure..." Hugs all around.




You know, me and Hub-E have been together as a couple since 1998. Prior to him I had been married to a lawyer. That first marriage was h.e.double toothpicks. I wasn't a saint or anything and I take full responsibility for my part of the problem of that marriage...but I do want to say that one of the reasons this Valentine sewing machine present is so incredibly special to me is that if ex was in Granny's looking at this machine, it wouldn't have mattered to him that the machine was only $5.00 or more importantly, that it would have been something that would have made me smile simply because it was an old romantic sewing machine (I have a small collection of little singer sewing machine trinkets...one of them actually being a lighter!) He would have dismissed it as highly impractical...and that would have been that. And had I been with him and seen it and wanted it, we would have either gone 20 rounds over it or I would have sullenly given in.


To be fair, my practical side kicked in for a nano second when I saw the machine partly because I didn't know where we would put it because our place is small...but right now, it's a piece of romantic artwork. And I love it...and I love Hub-E even more...he is probably one of the most sentimental guys I've ever met in my life...I'm sentimental, but I've believed over the years that he tops me.


And here it is with BB as the Price is Right model!


Today we'll exchange cards, I'll figure out a nice dinner to make...I think later this afternoon/early evening I'll see about finding a nice movie for us to watch upstairs so we can cuddle on the futon, make popcorn with our little "theater style" popcorn cart maker, and also make a cake using a new cake pan I bought at Joann's a month ago that makes the cake so you can have a heart shaped filling inside...I'm thinking banana so I can use up bananas we have...oh and will be making heart-shaped sweet potato pancakes for breakfast today too...


Already got lovies from BB and Serenghetti this morning...


So have a great Valentine's Day today.

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Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!!


I posted yesterday but I accidently deleted before it posted.....


I've been working on some rectangles for HAP for the troops...as I wait for my yarn to come to finish my sweater.


My daughters and I were invited to my neighbors house for a little Valentine's Day celebration. My neighbor is like our adopted mother/grandma--they are so good to all of us. Better than either grandparents ever were. My neighbor had a stroke many years ago but it dosen't stop her at all. Her Valentine's Day decorations put everyone I know to shame. She baked cupcakes, cake and cream puff for us. She bought my girls some goodies and she got me 3 skeins of speckled yarn.....(need to find something now to make with 3 skeins??? Any ideas ladies? :think


Then I came back home and made a small pork roast with potatoes, spazelles (german dumplings) gravy etc..was a good dinner.:D


Hope you all have a wonderful day--I think it's pretty neat how some of you have met up....all I do do is send some Florida sunshine your way...:manyheart

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:birthdayLinda!! Hope your day is relaxing, pain-free and sunshine-y :hug


So sorry to hear you feel so lousy, Julie. I hope your trip to the clinic and/or ER will provide you some sort of relief. Of course, I will say a prayer that Cam does not come down ill. He is one lucky little guy to have you caring for and looking out for him at all times. :hugFeel better, soon.


Tab ~ Your outing and the view sound lovely. I do hope you are able to get out and hike, the next time you and DH go for a drive. I hope the brighter days and fresh air work some magic for you.


Marisa ~ Way to go on turning out so many socks in such a short amount of time :clap. Alterations-on-the-fly -- you gotta love 'em :wink It does sound as though you are going to have them finished by the time your mother heads to AZ. How lucky is she to get to see that new little addition to the family?!? Thanks for satisfying my curiosity about the Michael's yarn. I am quite familiar with the Charisma and, I agree, it's lovely :yes. I used it to make a couple of tote bags for this past Christmas. It did not stretch and become droopy, as I had feared :whew


Judy ~ Sounds like quite a busy Sunday on your end. Glad you enjoyed yourself :hug


Mary ~ Hi :hi Quick fly-by. Hope you made it to DD's on time. Was Luke already up and thrilled to see you? I am sure you had a grand day with that sweet grandson of yours :manyheart What was on his agenda? Playing outside in the sunshine?


If it seems as though I am obsessed by sunshine, you are right :sun, and I am almost in the thick of the tropics. I cannot wait :lol Great weekend on this end, as I was able to tie-up a bunch of loose ends. I did not finish my RR, yet, but it still looks do-able.


:valday This is the first time since the girls were born that I have been home on Valentine's Day, so it is kind of special. I have dinner and dessert planned for later, but we all exchanged cards and sweets this morning over breakfast. Nothing big for either DH or me, but we had agreed, ahead of time, not to buy gifts. We each received our favorite chocolates and sweet cards, and that was perfect. We had presents and sweets for the girls, but they are worth it :bheart


Annika is *this* close to losing her first tooth, and she can hardly stand the anticipation. We bumped her up a year in school, so all of her 1st Grade classmates have been sporting gap-toothed smiles forever. She desperately wants to join their ranks. I told her it may have been a little awkward if the Tooth Fairy had had to meet Cupid in her travels last night, so I asked if she could not hold-off on yanking the tooth out a little longer. She obliged, but I will not be shocked if it comes out today :rofl


Catch you all, later :waving

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LeAnna ~ Your sewing machine story just made my heart melt. That is sooooo wonderful that Hub-E picked it up for you. Wow! Very nice man you have there :manyheart


Lorraine ~ Don't you hate when posts disappear into thin air :2magic? Your neighbors sound like "keepers" :yes. How nice of them to invite you over.


Kiyo ~ Yaaay for the postal service delivering your goodies on time. How cute the children must have been in their fancy footwear! How many children will join your family when you are married? Are they close in age to Aree? Wow -- you are going to be a crocheting-machine to get those orders fulfilled :hook Way to go!


Y'all were posting while I wrote my message. Didn't mean to leave anyone out :ghug

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LeAnna ~ Your sewing machine story just made my heart melt. That is sooooo wonderful that Hub-E picked it up for you. Wow! Very nice man you have there :manyheart


Lorraine ~ Don't you hate when posts disappear into thin air :2magic? Your neighbors sound like "keepers" :yes. How nice of them to invite you over.


Kiyo ~ Yaaay for the postal service delivering your goodies on time. How cute the children must have been in their fancy footwear! How many children will join your family when you are married? Are they close in age to Aree? Wow -- you are going to be a crocheting-machine to get those orders fulfilled :hook Way to go!


Y'all were posting while I wrote my message. Didn't mean to leave anyone out :ghug


This is our first Valentine's Day together in 3 years...we missed the last two because he was in Virginia working. The first year apart he sent me a really cute lady bug cookie jar from Mrs. Field's (filled with cookies of course) and last year he had roses sent to me (and he doesn't do the roses things very often...) I have a cute pic of Serenghetti sitting on the table next to the roses...she loves flowers...

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Weekend was great here- ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL weather, got up to 50 deg. yesterday, much different that 0 or -something. The end of the week is supposed to be ugly though.

My honey got his Valentine package from me- it was filled with his hat and candy, cologne, and his kids all got hats and matching slipper/boots from me as well. They were running outside in them I guess and he got on them, they said Daddy , they're made to be worn! lol He said YEAH, Inside NOT outside.

I got the wedding ghan done, forgot to take a picture! It's sooooo soft. I want to make one for us! I also made 1 pair of slippers, have another started and got an order for 25 more hats, and 4 slippers.........YIKES!!!!


Hope you all have a great day, I will be here on and off. :heart

Sounds like a wonderful package of love for your sweetie and his kids. Way to go on getting the wedding ghan done! :clap :clap And good luck on all the orders. Sounds like you are going to be one very busy lady.

Today is my birthday.. holy crap.

:birthday:flower:cake:flower:birthday Hope you have a wonderful day, Peaches.


Sounds like you are just about ready for the trip to Hawaii, Dusti. Soak up a little of that sunshine and warm weather for me, too. And take a dip in the ocean.


LeAnna, that is just so super sweet of your hubbie. I have one of my grandmother's Singer treadle sewing machines. It needs a new cord to connect the treadle to the machine, but other than that it works great. The cabinette needs some work, too. And I have an antique box with all kinds of fancy attachments for it, too, complete with instructions. :D I treasure it.

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