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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi Ladies,


Mary, Your quiltghan is going to be gorgeous! And Gracie is a cutie! Hope DH'S doctor appt went well.


Peaches, Congrats on the job! Your quiltghan is really nice. Watch that gall bladder. SD just had emergency surgery to have hers taken out. She played around with it for two years. She had an infection from it and they had to get rid of it first. She went to er on monday and was admitted. Be careful!


Cheeria, We missed you! Sorry you took a fall. Hope your able to rest your knee this week.


Linda, :hug Hope spring comes soon. Nice find on the yarn. Your quilt project sounds exciting! Glad Kim wasn't hurt and hope you back feels better to.


Dusti, Your felted purse is cute! Nice job! I have one started but that's where it sits. I love hearing about you and the girls playing outside. It brings back memories of my childhood. We lived on a farm and we always had 2 ice rinks, we had a barn with a hill and that is where we sled. And Grandpa always plowed so we had snow banks to play on to. Winter was so much fun for us.


Joanne, Your flannelghan is really nice. Great colors to!


Marisa, The baby sweater is gorgeous! Nice pretty color to. Good luck with that disposition today!


Julie, It's nice to move the furniture around and give the room a new look.

We will go home around April 1st.


Cindy, Nice that you were offered more hours, but also nice you don't have to take it.


Shannon, Sorry your van broke down. Please be careful walking at night time by yourself. Hopefully it won't be long.


Kiyo, Your ghan is coming right along and looks really nice. Your doily turned out nice to.


Tam, Your dishcloths are pretty! Glad DH is home from the hospital. Keeping Michael in my prayers along with DH.


Judy, Your rr is beautiful! Bright and cheerie! The bookmark is cute to.


On my back and arm: I haven't done anything to injure it. But Iam wondering if I'm not doing to much and it has aggravated it. I can shuffle cards now and last wednesday night I shuffle a lot. We play that game with 3 decks of cards. At pt I have started opening a squeeze bottle and picking some small paper balls up, some coins and paperclips. And the regular exercises I do with my hand.

We went to a superbowl party. There was 6 of us all from MI. One of the couples bought a mobile home last year so we had plenty of room. It was a nice time.

I made 2 of those heart doily's that Cindy and Julie made. I frogged the first one as it was ruffly. The second one is to so I guess I'll frog it to and make something else. I used an H hk the first time and went down to a G hk the second time. I'm using dishcloth cotton yarn. Would a bigger hook been better?

I need get around. Have a nice day everyone!

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Good morning ~ Until it is time to go and pick the girls up from school, I do not think there is anything I have to do, though I have a list of tasks I would like to tackle. At the top of the list is the final draft of our taxes. Like Mary, I choose to do ours the old fashioned way, by hand on the paper forms. I did not realize quite how tough it would be to obtain the basic booklets and forms this year :( I have them all now, I think. It will be a good feeling to have them completed and mailed off. To reward myself (If I get the taxes done :blush) I aim to finish up Kyri's Pinwheel Sweater. She would like to wear it tomorrow, and I just need to put the edging on the final sleeve. Very do-able :hook


Judy ~ Pretty RR!! And, I really like your bookmark. After seeing yours, I bopped on over to the Combo Challenge CAL and printed out the pattern. Thank you for sharing your finished project. I am going to make one and send it to my gramma for Valentine's Day. :hug as you work to get your house in order.


Mary ~ How quickly your winter-y mess melted! Great. I hope your DH's appointment went quickly, and that the Dr. did not notice any changes from last month. He has not suffered from any more blurry vision in the mornings, has he? Thinking of you.


Tam ~ How nice to see you. Your dishcloth pictures were pretty. It sounds as though your hook must be flying, what with all of the blankets and extra projects you have been "drafted" to whip-up :lol It is good to hear that your DH is home, and I'll be praying that Michael's cold does not set him back too much. Catch you next time.


Kiyo ~ Pretty work on your "doily." When I first saw it, I was thinking that it was finished, and I felt I should have jumped into your conversation with Miss Julie about country bumpkins, as I just did not see how that was going to ...er...um...work :blush Whew :whew, glad to hear it's not done, yet :rofl. Your wedding-ghan is coming right along. What nice work you do :crocheting



Cindy ~ I air dried my purse, as per the directions I picked up on the patterns over at CPC. Once I read that you dried yours in the machine, I think that is what I am going to do with mine. If I dry it in 5 minute-increments and check the fabric all along, I may get this purse to be perfect, yet. Thank you for sharing your process with me. I love learning something new, and this must be what I was meant to learn, today. Enjoy your day. Since you have a handle on your dinner prep, it sounds as though you can crochet, today. Have a good day :hook


Dusti- Thanks for the link to the pattern. I think I have the colorway you used- also I have Palais (I think that is what it is called). I just looked on Paton's website and they have some nice new colors! (But I have plenty of Paton's Wool classic that I need to use- so I'm not looking thee again:lol) How did you make your handles?

I peeked at the Paton's site, too, and I found oodles of Classic and SWS that I want to buy. Have you ever used the SWS? Has anyone? Such pretty color combinations :drool After I return from vacation, I am going to place an order :yes. I feel as though I cheated a bit on my purse handles. I knew it would take me quite awhile to crochet two 18-inch handles in a sc tube, as I would work rounds in Amigurumi, so I borrowed the small, 6-peg Knifty Knitter Loom that I had given Kyri for Christmas. That worked so slick! I was able to finish both handles in the half-hour DH and I sat and watched the news on evening. I do not know how to knit, but that loom was fool-proof ;) The handles felted beautifully and did not stretch out during use, so they are still only about 9" long -- perfect for my little handbag.


Marisa ~ Love that little sweater for your niece. Is it a BICO? I have not made one of those, but yours is super-pretty.


Cheeria :hugI am so sorry to hear of your ordeal on Sunday. That ice is so scary. I hope you feel better every day going forward :hug I hope you will show us some of your dishcloths and your afghan with the Caron Pounders. That is the yarn I prefer to use on my quilt-ghans, too :yes


Marlene ~ :hug I am sorry you are in pain. Don't worry about tryint to type too much. We're so glad to hear from you, and we thank you for letting us know what is up with you, but you just take care! I hope you can take it easy until you have a chance to see your pt on Wednesday.


Julie ~ G'morning. It sounds as though you are getting ready for spring with the house-rearranging :rose It's good to think positive, even when the view out your window shows Winter. Yes, it's cold up here, yet. We are under a Windchill Warning until 3p.m. That does not mean anything, just that it's about -35* with the wind howling, and we had to wrap scarves around the girls' faces before they ran out to go to school this morning. the thermometer is supposed to start rising and it ought to be balmy by the weekend -- I can only hope!



Linda, Peachy, LeAnn ~ Greetings :flower


Talk to you all, later.

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) Lots going on here since yesterday afternoon!


Judy ~ Your RR is so pretty - bright and cheerful! I love the bookmark, too. :applause


Cheeria ~ I'm so sorry about your fall. :hug Ice is so scary...I hope you're feeling much better today. :hug


Marisa ~ Oh, the sweater is adorable! :c9 Beautiful colors! Good luck at the deposition today.


Linda ~ Your excitement about the quilt Challenge shows in your posts. :yes I sure hope your back is okay. :manyheart


Kiyo ~ Your wedding ghan is gorgeous! And yay for lots of progress on the doily - very pretty.:hook Is Parents and Pancakes a school event? Sounds like fun!


Peaches ~ March will be here before we know it! Sorry you missed the training in Feb. :hug

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Oops, hit the submit button too soon. :lol


Julie ~ Rearranging rooms is a great idea! Of course, I always want to replace things, too. ;) Is the new yarn working okay?


Marlene ~ Hope your arm and back are better soon. :hug Thanks for the compliments! :manyheart


Dusti ~ Oh, it doesn't sound like you cheated on the handles...it's a very clever idea! And the fact that they didn't stretch is wonderful. :cheer When will you leave for the airport? I know it's soon!


Cindy ~ We can't have you working extra hours. :wink We wouldn't get to see you as often. :)


DH's appt. was okay - just a slight change in vision in his right eye.


Have a good morning! :ghug

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Cindy ~ I air dried my purse, as per the directions I picked up on the patterns over at CPC. Once I read that you dried yours in the machine, I think that is what I am going to do with mine. If I dry it in 5 minute-increments and check the fabric all along, I may get this purse to be perfect, yet. Thank you for sharing your process with me. I love learning something new, and this must be what I was meant to learn, today. Enjoy your day. Since you have a handle on your dinner prep, it sounds as though you can crochet, today. Have a good day :hook





Well, you see, that's what happens when you don't bother looking for instructions first.

Mine might not have turned out quite so tiny, if I'd have had a little more sense.:D


And yes, I've been crocheting all morning. I finished a baby blanket that I started last week. I have about 15 feet of yarn left from a Caron pounder.


I'm going to quit playing after lunch and do some cleaning and laundry though. (or at least, that's my plan....)

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:whew………….. Howdy House!


Well…………. as for the fun little swirlys……… it’s a matter of playing with keystrokes I was using Times New Roman and in Webbings. You can also find some hints and tricks by googling…




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Thank you all for the lovely compliments on my dishcloths!!!

Thank you all for your love and concern about my hubby …. And your prayers for my sweet Michael!!! :hug


Kiyo……… Doily and Wedding’ghan are both beautiful!!!


Judy……. Omgoodness…….. love the baby blanket!! That is one cute little book mark too…. :D


Marisa……… you are such a great cheerleader!!!! Thank you!!! That baby sweater is awesome!!!!


Oh Cheeria………. Hon……… please take care of yourself!!! Prayers for quick healing coming your way. :hug


Wow Julie………… talk about a busy day of rearranging…… good deal!!!


Gosh… I hope you feel better soon Marlene!!!


Dusti…….. you’re a doll………. Thanks for all your compliments and prayers!!!










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Hi, ladies...

Sounds like everyone is busy here.



You have certainly outdone yourself once again on the round ripple-- love the colors of this one a lot !!


Is it for a specific baby or a donation ?


The little bookmark is cute . I probably wont make it, only because I read so few books anymore--- most of mine are on my kindle,so no bookmark needed .

Thanks! The neighbor across the street is having her first baby since we've known her (has a 4 yo boy) so I thought she should get a "Judy blanket" for the little one. That's what all the kids who have one of my creations call them;)

And I have a stack of bookmarks I rotate when I'm reading a "real" book.

Here it is, but you can't really see the buttons in the pic. I'll bring it to our meetup on saturday too :yes

Too cute! Love the color. Is it for your little niece who was just born?

Hi everyone, I wanted to stop in yesterday but didn't for I fell on the ice and kind of hurt myself which I feel the ache and pain today. My knee is a little swollen so today I have been icing it and trying to stay off it as much as possible, which as you know isn't possible. I walked on blacvk ice and had to call my husband on my cell phone to tell him to tell his aide to come help me up, but she started to slip and fall also, so I told her to go get my son, by the time my son came I got up by myself and I was soaking wet from the melting ice down through my panties, so I didn't get to go to church yesterday. :( It is definitely time to move into a 55 and older development where the management is mindful of taking betyter care of snow removal and icy walkway. This morning the management was out here salting since I call them and told them that I fell. :think

Ow! I hope it's okay....:hug

Joanne, Marisa and Judy - meet-up is it still on for this week-end?????? Are we meeting at 10 AM :hook


I think so....same time, same place:D


Judy - I love your pretty baby RR. I love Vanna yarn, it was on sale last week in AC Moore for $1.99, did you buy some?????:hug

No new yarn for me...I have so much stash I would feel horribly guilty buying more..

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¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`• I CHEATED!!! I stole this from Tam!!!! lol I need to learn how to do these- please educate me- I tried to google and I don't understand their computer linguo! Please help! lol



It's been a freakin crazy day here in the office today! As you can tell I'm just checkin in for the day. Usually I'm here in the morning! Dang it! (Really I want to say other meaningful words lol) I have 2 drivers I want to serve a 'SHUT THE HECK UP" sandwich. and then we have others that have frozen up air lines in the Iowa area! Yikes, it's freezing !!!

I'm a little behind here but.....I will give it a whirl from my handy, dandy little post it note I made!


*Dusti* love your purse, one day I will be brave and buy wool to felt!


*Marissa* Waaaaay cute sweater! I am one not to stick to the ol green, blue, pink for little kids- Aree was ALWAYS dressed in BRIGHTS BRIGHTS BRIGHTS!


*Cheeria* take care of yourself. Maybe I could suggest some golf shoes to walk around more safely! Dang it, I'm sorry! Staying off that knee is the best healing! Too bad it is the center of our whole gravitational movement!


*Marlene* Darn the arm and shoulder! Take care of yourself as well. Slingin it is the worst thing for it I'm sure but might feel the best! I tore my rotator cuff when I was 16 (starting pitcher for my high school varsity softball team) I jumped off an old bridge into some water and knew I messed it up as soon as I lit in the water. I had to tell my Dad whom I thought would kill me when I couldn't move it. I still have problems with is 19 yrs. later. Hope yours doesn't haunt you that long.


*Linda* hope your back is rested up, good for you to be there to slow Kim's fall- catching dead weight is a hard thing. I'm glad I'm bigger built and strong, when I had to help my Grandma and Dad when they were so ill was beneficial to me. Not easy but beneficial!


*Judy* LOVE your round ripple! I need to try one of those as well! Love the colors! Do i have to count???? lol


Cindy......Julie........where are you guys.......??? LOL OHhhhhh BUSY???


I have a BRILLIANT plan of action for all of us Grandmas and Granddaughters to meet up......... LAS VEGAS!!!! It's not a frozen tundra now! How fun would that be? Not too hot not too cool NOT in the dead of summer though, i would melt like Sizzillene bacon!!! YIKES!!


Can't remember who asked what Parents & Pancakes was-----yes, it's at the grade school. You go and they have stories being read in one room and you eat pancakes! They do Moms and Muffins and Dads & Donuts. Same concept, however who reads when it's sooooo noisy! It's a great way to promote reading (I have a reader, thank heavens) If she doesn't read everynight you would think it was the end of the world!

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Hi, Kiyo! Thought maybe you were frozen or behind the wheel of big rig when we didn't hear from you this morning.


Rosie and John made it home about 11:00 pm last night. It's sure nice having them back. They had a great time. Both Rosie and Candy finished a quilt and a table topper while they were visiting.


Here's a picture of the first two Christmas stockings. And this is the quilt that the ladies at my DD's church made and are raffling off to raise money for roof repairs. I think it's gorgeous. Joy did the quilting of it on a long-arm machine. Oops! The quilt picture is sideways.



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Linda- you crack me up! Nope, thank heavens- I'm actually in shorts and my flip flops and a hoodie today. Sun is shining bright and beautiful but it's still only like 20 degrees out lol.


LOVE the stockings I need to do something like that for my little family and maybe an extra in case I do end up having a husband and another child or two one day! The quilt is beautiful!

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Judy ~ :hug I hope everything goes okay at the dentist. I can truly sympathize. :yes:hug


Kiyo ~ Yes!!! It would be so cool if we could all meet in Vegas. :D The reading programs sound great...and I love the idea that parents are involved with the kiddos.


Linda ~ Your stockings are so pretty! :clap The quilt is stunning - Joy should be so proud of her quilting talent. :manyheart


Hi Cindy, Tam and the rest of the House. :)

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Hi Housemates- I'm home!!!


Linda- Those stockings are exactly like the ones my Mom had bought at a craft fair ages ago and given me- and that I passed on to DD and SIL. And that quilt- beautiful- I hope it raises lots of $ for the church roof repairs!!!


Cheeria- Hope you are feeling ok today


Judy- Hope all went well at the dentist- no fun when a tooth breaks.


Julie- I feel like re-arranging furniture too- but probably won't tackle that till we move. LOL!!! I have already told DD that she can have one of my rocking chairs- I have one in the family room and one in the office upstairs. Both of them are from the house I grew up in. I thought it would be nice for her to have one- and very helpful when the little one arrives. She was very excited. And yes, I've been "favoriting" patterns for baby things


Marisa- Hope the depo went well.


Kiyo- I like the idea of vegas- I've never been there!


Mary- Was the doc concerned at all with the slight vision change in DH's eye?


Marlene- Maybe you have been overdoing it without even realizing it! Were you able to talk to your doc today?


Tam- Love the squiggles but I still can't figure them out. :lol


Cindy- What baby blanket did you make today? Did you get anything less fun done today (you know, cleaning?) I am doing the laundry now!


Time to get dinner cooking.



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Dusti- Forgot to say thanks for posting how you made the handles for the felted purse. Very cool idea. Of course I don't have one of those nifty knitter looms!! But may be worth looking into!!


Ok, I cheated too- just like Kiyo I copied Tammy's




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Tammy---can you just make up a bunch of these cute lil things of your whirlygigs and we can copy and paste them when we want and then you don't have to teach us all how to make them! ? :0)

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Hello again.


Kiyo, it never occurred to me to just copy Tam. very clever of you. Glad you are raising a reader. My kids are all readers and ti was so nice when we went on vacation, they'd all sit int he car and read. (well I confess, sometimes they read comic books, but not always!) And I've never been to Vegas either. To be truthful though, it holds little appeal for me, I'm more a wide open spaces kind of girl. I don't even like to shop!


Joanne, the baby blanket is my own design. I'm planning to write it out and post it on my blog in the next day or two. As is usual for anything I design, it's a very easy pattern. I like doing my own thing, because I am often too lazy to pay attention to a pattern.


Linda, I really like those stockings, and that quilt is gorgeous. The colors really flow together well. It ought to raise a good amount of money.


Judy, hope the dentist visit went well.




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¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`• Just wanted to see if I could do it as well!!:D (Thanks Tam!:manyheart)

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Hi Marisa

I hope you did ok today ,but if you have done it before,then it probably isnt scarey .



Don't blame you a bit if you don't want any more work hours ! I think one job would be enough ,unless it is only like 10 hours a week or omething . Gotta have time to do your fun stuff too !



Boy, be careful there with Kim ! You've had a couple scarey episodes lately. I'm glad she didnt get hurt, but hope you didnt either. It's hard to hold up another full grown adult !



I hope you start feeling better ,and try to take it easy --maybe since it was feeling better, you did too much with it before it was ready. Easy enough to do !



Hi there Miss Dusti

It sounds as if you had a nice quiet day planned without lots of errands or running to do ! Thats always a good feeling,isnt it ?

And feel free to jump in on the DOILY conversation . I dont think Kiyo would mind at all . :)



I'm glad your husbands appointment turned out well .Good news !




You are becoming the posting star in here,with all your swirly doodads. Those are really cute, but I'm like everyone else -- probably couldnt figure it out so we will just admire yours !



I remembered you saying you had a neighbor having a new baby but couldnt remember if this afghan was for her or if you already completed hers. You get them done so quick its hard to keep up .


Hey there Kiyo

How you doing today, you orndery dickens ? How's the doily coming ? To tell you the truth, I had no clue whether it was complete or not. I know them gadgets dont have a whole lotta MATERIAL ,so I thought maybe it was done . And if you keep on making them DOILIES, you will probably end up with more babies on down the line !


( Just a little piece of advice from your old hillbilly friend):D





Thanks for the photos -- pretty stockings and beautiful quilt. I think you passed down your talent to your girl ! :yes




Are you guys planning on moving soon ? Sorry if you have mentioned it and I didnt know about it . Sometimes I dont keep up real well with stuff . I LOVE moving. I'd move every year if Sam would agree, but he is the exact opposite.

He'd rather light his pants on fire than move .





I saw a whole group of robins today in the neighbor's yard. It was nice hearing the birds tweet,so it looks to me like spring is SOMEPLACE maybe close at hand .

****Be aware though,that I live in Hilljack Land ,so we MAY have Robins who ride the short bus ,if you get my drift .

They could possibly be here 3 months early ,thinking spring is here .

I THINK they may have problems trying to PUNCH their beak through the snowdrifts to dig for worms .

I think we may possibly have some ODD looking Robins this spring ....

Anyone ever seen a BEAKLESS BIRD ?????? :think

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Flyby -

I'm back from the dentist...there COULD have been a crown put there...but the dentist was able to fill the big hole left by the only part of that tooth that was still a real tooth. If I'm lucky and careful it'll hold up.


No dental insurance, ya know.


**And whoever asked: no counting for the peaks on my RR. AggieMay's pattern has all the counts on the peaks the same.


Now that my mouth is semi normal and I can drink without dribbling I'm going to put on some Starbucks decaf.


CU all tomorrow sometime...

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Yay for the Spring Alert!!!!! I:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol and no I haven't ever seen a beakless bird!!!

We would like to move to an over 55 community- but our house hasn't sold- the real estate market isn't great. We would be able to cut our mortgage down substantially and maybe to none if we did that- and then...maybe......just maybe, I could work part-time. :) So time will tell on that one.


It's getting very COLD out there tonight- We were spoiled for a about 48 hours with 40 degree weather! I think I may just stop on the way to work and pick up one of those cheap bouquets of flowers to bring to Paradise to perk up the my cubicle and remind me that Spring IS on the way....eventually!!!


Judy-Glad that the dentist was able to take care of the tooth without having to do a crown!

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Spring? We're under a Winter weather warning starting at midnight!:flake Our ice finally melted and here we go again. :yell


Julie - We've had Robins lately...but they all seem to have beaks. :D Gracie doesn't like the noise they make and always chases them out of the yard.


Judy - I'm glad your dental visit is over and that it wasn't any worse. :hug Enjoy your coffee!


DH is in Houston, so I'm going to crochet this evening. :hook

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Julie, robins already??? I haven't seen any around here yet, although I remember reading a while back, that some robins have adapted to the cold and are wintering in colder areas.


Judy, glad the dentist could fix you up in less costly way. Glad it wasnt any worse.


Mary, have a fun evening with your hook!


Here is the baby blanket I finished today.


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Judy, glad to hear that the tooth was salvagable. Take it easy.


Rosie saw a flock of about 50 robins in her back yard while Kim was in the hospital. Sounds like they made it up north safely.


Mary, that doesn't sound good. And we usually get your weather a few days later. I think they are just calling for more rain on Thursday and Friday for us, although it's supposed to be a bit colder, too. Then it's supposed to warm up for the weekend. That will be nice. Especially if Rosie and I are running around looking for material.


Have a good evening, everyone. :manyheart I tried to do a squiggle and it failed miserably.

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Good evening ladies :hi


:whew it's been a LONG day!!! Well first, thanks again for the compliments of the baby sweater, I really like it too, but I managed to do it backwards :eek It was supposed to cross over to the left, not the right :think


The deposition went fairly well and I think I got all the luck you ladies sent my way today :hug :hug. It was a little drawn out since the attorney never did one with a doc before and really wanted me to elaborate and explain ALL of the orthopedic tests I did on this patient and by explain them all, he wanted me to say what area of the body the test was for, how it's performed, and what the positive findings indicate :sigh It took forever. The other 2 attorneys there were just kinda rolling their eyes :lol But I obliged :lol He also seemed to fumble a bit here and there and didn't really have a great flow to his questioning :shrug But overall not bad, when we finished I gave him some pointers for future reference just to make everything run together a bit more smoothly. Then I stopped at Starbucks for a coffee before heading to work, how could I not since I was already in center city and they're on every corner :think We don't have any convenient ones down here by me :no


Cindy - mmmmm french dip sandwiches sound yummy :drool I know what you mean about having too much to day ;)


Peaches - How did you make out at your dr appt?


Linda - I'm glad you were able to keep Kim's fall with a little less impact than it probably would have anyway if you weren't there to help ease her down :yes I can't wait to see the quilt your making for the competition, and don't be nervous about it :hug The stockings are awesome and that quilt is beautiful, I'm sure the church will raise a decent amount of money for the repairs.


Marlene - It sure is possible that your doing a little too much :think Even when you're having a good day, you need to remember that your still recovering and not push it. Did you call your doc today or are you just waiting to head over there tomorrow?


Dusti - Did you finish the pinwheel sweater yet? How about those taxes? And, what is a BICO? :think


Mary - I'm curious with Joanne, is the doc concerned with dh's slight vision change?


Tam - I like cheering y'all on and sometimes I need to be cheered on myself :lol Pics of the baby blanket coming soon? :devil


Judy - Yep, that sweater is for my niece :yes and I'm making my nephews each a pair of socks/slipper booties to match their afghans from xmas with the leftovers. So far I have 1/6 socks completed :lol I have until tuesday morning when my mom flys out there :xfin Glad the dentist was able to give you a quick fix :hug :hug


Kiyo - I love brights too and that color just called my name from the yarn bin....it was super loud too :yes That's my story and I'm sticking to it :lol How about we all meet somewhere cheap so we can spend quality time together crafting :think Vegas might have too much going on with alot of different interests among this group.


Joanne - That's so nice to give dd the rocking chair and you're right, she'll get great use of it with the little one on the way :manyheart It is super cold here too! Maybe you and Cheeria can move to the same 55+ community :think That would be fun :D


Julie - Never saw a beakless bird, but you'll have to take a pic when your robins lose theirs :think:lol


And just because I want to join in on Tam's party.......




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Julie, robins already??? I haven't seen any around here yet, although I remember reading a while back, that some robins have adapted to the cold and are wintering in colder areas.


Judy, glad the dentist could fix you up in less costly way. Glad it wasnt any worse.


Mary, have a fun evening with your hook!


Here is the baby blanket I finished today.


Beautiful :manyheart I love it and it looks cozy right about now....I'm a bit chilly :lol

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