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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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good morning everyone,

i'm on my phone so i'll appologize now for spelling & grammer mistakes. lol


sorry joanne but i think the flyers r taking this series :) it's a trade off for the 76ers doing so badly. lol


linda - you're best off letting someone else take care of it, it is a pain to work with & u dont need the headache. u'll b fixed up in no time ;)


i feel much better today & even had a great bfast with no problems :clap


b back later

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) It's a beautiful morning here and Gracie and I have been for a walk.


Linda ~ Your shawl is beautiful! I love the Grape color with that pattern. :clap I'm glad you're having a fairly quiet week. :manyheart


Joanne ~ Sorry about the Devils loss. We live in the Fort Worth-Dallas area and used to go to Cowboys, Rangers and Stars games...until we decided it was easier to watch on TV. :lol Have you started working on anything with some of your new yarn?


Cindy ~ Way to go on finishing your basket weave baby ghan! Looking forward to seeing it and the preemie ghan, too. :hook


Marisa ~ So glad you're feeling better! :yes Your club covers are great...that is such a neat idea for gifts.


Julie ~ Don't want you worrying about the Castle ghan. :hug Sounds like you definitely need some ice cream or CAKE. :devil


Hi Judy ~ Oh my, our garage needs cleaning so badly. DH is perfectly happy with it, though...and we can get my car and his truck in at the same time, so all is well. :lol


I sure need to stay home today and catch up on everything. :yes Have a great day, everyone. :manyheart

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Cindy, that's a great cause for the preemie ghans.

When I make them I give them to my neighbor (nurse in NICU in NY). The last ones I gave her were bigger than my norm and she said they were perfect as isolette covers. SHe takes any and all sizes I make...even the experiments I think have gone awry....:lol

I have to look up what size the last batch were...kind of remember in the 30-something inch range and rectangular....:think


As you said, it's a great way to use up the odds and ends :yes


Waiting for hubby to get back from the store so we can get something done in the garage...




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Hi, Mary - though my hubby drives me crazy with his "neatnick" personna, I'm glad he's not like me.

If he was, you might see us on one of those intervention shows on TV:lol

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Morning everyone, it's bright and sunny here in New Jersey and it is suppose to warm up a little. I'm anxiously waiting for summer, for I want to wear summer clothes. When I was cleaning out the clutter in my house I put away all my winter clothes and I forgot to leave a few 3/4 sleeves shirts out. :think This morning I have to pay a few bills then I will spend the rest of my day playing with my grandson.


Joann and Mary - my grandson is 2 and he has a little brother on the way in June I use to watch him 5 days a week but at the moment I watch him 3 days a week. I use the other 2 days for Dr. appts. etc.. When the new grandbaby come I will be taking care of him also. I really enjoy it and I love being with my grandbaby. Already I taught him his ABC's, numbers, shapes and color for every morning is spent teaching him.


Linda - that is going to be a pretty shawl. It is by plan today to work on mines.


Marisa - I love those golf club covers.


I did get to crochet and knit yesterday and I'm hopeful to get a lot done today so house mates have a wonderful crochet day. :hug

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:rainGood Morning all...........


Its a gloomy rainy day here. As nice as it is... this wasnt a great day for this to happen. My youngest has a field trip today.... :( His dad went with... I'm wondering now if they will still go?! On the other hand... if they reschedule it... that would be okay too... my little guy woke up this morning with a Croup Attack. He seem to get his breathing under control and was doing okay when they left the house... so we'll see what the day holds.


Marsia......... those club covers are AWESOME!!!


aww... dont give up on me now Julie........... just 16 saltines a week... before you know it .. we'll be done! if you have your 16 done for this week... then you're done. Play with something else. Next week.. you can do 16 more. :hug... hang in there sweetie.. .we can do this! I'm not gonna get these 'ghans done any other way! I find more excuses if I dont have a "plan" 4x4xFriday............... we can do it!


Speaking of 4x4xFriday... need to get on mine... I have 2 saltines to make and then connect them. :hook


you all have a great day....

check back in a while.... gonna call hubby and check on my little guy!





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Jude- have fun cleaning the garage again -- I hope it's soon done, and I dont blame you for wanting to do it in the cooler weather. It'd be rough to do in the heat .



Cindy- I hope you're feeling ok now, and no further problems from your fall .


Marisa- glad to hear your stomach is behaving again. I hate those stomach things. NOT FUN .


Cheeria- I know about putting away the clothes. I put away all my winter stuff and now I have to keep digging warmer things out -- too cold here now for short sleeves .


Linda- good luck with your computer today !


Tam- I'll keep chipping away at the saltines. I'm coming close to the end now and just want it DONE .... I wont quit ,though I might slow down.


Mary- good idea for the cake - I had some for breakfast !

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Cheeria ~ It sounds like you have a good day planned...enjoy the pretty weather!


Tam ~ Aww, I hope your son is okay. The weather this time of year is so unpredictable! We had 4 inches of rain last weekend and it's supposed to rain more Friday. :eek


Hi Julie! Now I'm thinking about cake. :lol


Back to the desk and laundry.

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Hi everyone!

Julie glad your feeling better. That was nice of the officer to escort you to the doctors office. We don't hear enough of the good things they do for us.

Cindy glad your fall wasn't any more serious than it was. We were in Grand Rapids yesterday at Blodgett visiting a friend. Do you happen to work at that hospital? He's in acute care. He has heart failure and his body was retaining lots of fluid. He's on the mend but I sure wish he would of listened to the doctor 5-7 years ago.

I took Maya to the library for story time yesterday. They 3 three books, do a craft and watch a very short movie. All is over in about 40 minutes.

Today I'm doing laundry. Tomorrow hubby has a doctors appt. He will more than likely be put on a sugar pill his blood sugar was 180 after fasting 12 hours. They have been monitoring it for a year now. He is the first in his family to ever have this. He is a vietnam vet and they say that being exposed to agent orange you can develope diabetes. We have to discuss this with the va doctor to.

I have a niece going to have a baby due in May, but the doctor said she is getting ready now so she could go into labor anytime. So I need to decide what to make her.

I will catch you all later. Have a nice day!

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I hope your husband gets an ok answer from the Dr and not what you think it might be . My dad is also a borderline diabetic . Supposed to follow a diet, etc,and I guess he

has for awhile now, but suddenly said I'll eat whatever I want ,so is now doing just that. He is due back at the Dr soon . I hate to hear what they tell him .


Hi there Sheila -


Hey LeeAnn- hope you are enjoyting your visit , we can be a gabby bunch sometimes . Depends on the day .

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Hi everyone! .

Cindy glad your fall wasn't any more serious than it was. We were in Grand Rapids yesterday at Blodgett visiting a friend. Do you happen to work at that hospital? He's in acute care. He has heart failure and his body was retaining lots of fluid. He's on the mend but I sure wish he would of listened to the doctor 5-7 years ago.


Marlene, I work for Spectrum Health, (Blodgett is part of that corporation), but I am based at the Meijer Heart center at the Butterworth Campus. I have helped out at Blodgett in their ICU.


Hope your dh's doctor visit goes well.

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Hi, sorry I've been MIA...I'm at the airport waiting for my flight out to Washington, DC tonight to hook up with my Hub-E. My flight should get in around 9:00 tonight east coast time.


Been a very busy and stressful several days recently. I'm still dealing with my tooth, have an appointment with a specialist when I get back in a week...but also lots of really distressing news with our neighbor, and a couple of family members...so please keep us in your thoughts.


I am so glad that I opted to spoil myself and purchase the Premier Traveler package for my very cheap United ticket, as I am using one of the perks right now...having a drink in the Red Carpet Club...this place is awesome...


I'll try to post from time to time over the next week...take care you all and I'll see you later...

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Hi, sorry I've been MIA...I'm at the airport waiting for my flight out to Washington, DC tonight to hook up with my Hub-E. My flight should get in around 9:00 tonight east coast time.


Been a very busy and stressful several days recently. I'm still dealing with my tooth, have an appointment with a specialist when I get back in a week...but also lots of really distressing news with our neighbor, and a couple of family members...so please keep us in your thoughts.


I am so glad that I opted to spoil myself and purchase the Premier Traveler package for my very cheap United ticket, as I am using one of the perks right now...having a drink in the Red Carpet Club...this place is awesome...


I'll try to post from time to time over the next week...take care you all and I'll see you later...

That's great!! Do you get to bring Hub-E home this time?


I'm sorry about the news you've gotten...sending positive thoughts westward, sweetie.

Safe trip and enjoy being pampered!

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thank you so much Judy...and yes, yes, yes I get to bring Hub-E home. We drive out on Friday in a PT Cruiser towing an 8 ft enclosed UHaul trailer...


*Happy Trails to you until we meet again....* Bailey's is taking affect! Loving it!

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Hi, sorry I've been MIA...I'm at the airport waiting for my flight out to Washington, DC tonight to hook up with my Hub-E. My flight should get in around 9:00 tonight east coast time.


Been a very busy and stressful several days recently. I'm still dealing with my tooth, have an appointment with a specialist when I get back in a week...but also lots of really distressing news with our neighbor, and a couple of family members...so please keep us in your thoughts.


I am so glad that I opted to spoil myself and purchase the Premier Traveler package for my very cheap United ticket, as I am using one of the perks right now...having a drink in the Red Carpet Club...this place is awesome...


I'll try to post from time to time over the next week...take care you all and I'll see you later...


:claphave a good time! Be safe!! Sending positive thoughts your way!:hug

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thinking of you on your trip. hope everything settles down for you soon .


Hello to anyone else I may have missed today. I am forcing myself to go on a SALTINE diet.


Gotta keep on working on them,so I'm trying to get in the saltine zone .



Back to my squares.

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Hiya Ladies!

Thank you for answering my question regarding a saltine, I have never heard of that, how cute! :lol Are you all making afghans out of the squares? Or is for the patterns that I have seen posted?

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Hiya Ladies!


Thank you for answering my question regarding a saltine, I have never heard of that, how cute! :lol Are you all making afghans out of the squares? Or is for the patterns that I have seen posted?

This is the site where we get most of our ideas/patterns from. The baby gingham is the easiest if you want to join us:devil


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Hi all,

Long day today- but I'm home now, dinner is done and it's time to relax. I opted to make breakfast for dinner- we had pancakes and sausage! It was nice to have breakfast for dinner!


Safe travels LeAnna and glad to hear that Hub-e comes home with you. Sending positive thoughts your way


Judy- I wish my DH were a little more neat- although I can't really complain since he does help me with the cleaning- He's happy with the garage as long as we can get both cars into it. I am the one that keeps asking him to help me clean it out- we finally got rid of about 12 cans of paint that we'll never use 2 weekends ago when they had the drop -off site in town. That freed up a whole shelf! Did you get lots done?


Marlene- Good luck to DH at the doctor- He may be able to control it with diet, but if not oral medications may be in store. I have lots of Diabetes in my family and watch my blood glucose carefully- My dad had it, my brother has it and uses an insulin pump, my mom had it- So far I'm good. My DH also has diabetes


Cheeria- that's neat that you watch your grandson and will soon be watching two- we were just talking about that at work today--grandmothers watching their grandchildren! Two of my co-workers are lucky enough that their mothers watch their children. Did you get any crafting in today?


Linda- sounds like you had a nice relaxing day planned for today. I'm sure the Geek Squad will figure out the computer issues!


Marisa- Glad to hear you are feeling better and I think you are right about the Flyers- although the Devils did come back from behind 3-1......in 2000! Just heard 2 of your Flyers are going to be out due to foot injuries- that makes it a little more interesting. Anyway, I have to continue to root for the :devil until the bitter end!!!!


Cindy- Pictures, please? :lol


Tam- Hope your son was ok and had a good time on his field trip today. That was nice that DH was going with him!


Julie- Don't stress yourself about the saltines- I have only made 22 and have tons more to make- I'll make them when I can and whenever the quilt'ghan gets done, it gets done.


Forget who asked, but I haven't started making anything with my new yarn yet. I'm working on a never ending square blanket- basically just a a solid granny that keeps on going till it gets as big as I want. I'm using yarn I had in my stash with colors that my step-daughter likes.


Sheila --hope you had a good day and that things were a little quieter at your house today


Mary- I'm thinking about CAKE too! But I don't have any:(


Have a good evening everyone!

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Maybe I'll switch to the baby gingham- you know how I like easy!!:lol

That one is easy!:yes


...One more cabinet and drawer in the garage done....:check

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