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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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About paint cans...Joanne, we went through most of what we have....when we're ready we have to make an appointment to drag our stuff to Tinton Falls...and there's a list of what they WON'T accept, and what they will.

Pain in the duppa.:P


Closing for tonight.

Have a good one everybody!

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Hi, sorry I've been MIA...I'm at the airport waiting for my flight out to Washington, DC tonight to hook up with my Hub-E. My flight should get in around 9:00 tonight east coast time.


Been a very busy and stressful several days recently. I'm still dealing with my tooth, have an appointment with a specialist when I get back in a week...but also lots of really distressing news with our neighbor, and a couple of family members...so please keep us in your thoughts.


I am so glad that I opted to spoil myself and purchase the Premier Traveler package for my very cheap United ticket, as I am using one of the perks right now...having a drink in the Red Carpet Club...this place is awesome...


I'll try to post from time to time over the next week...take care you all and I'll see you later...

Enjoy the pampering and have a safe trip home with your hubby.

Hiya Ladies!


Thank you for answering my question regarding a saltine, I have never heard of that, how cute! :lol Are you all making afghans out of the squares? Or is for the patterns that I have seen posted?

Most of us that are making quiltghans are using the patterns on the Happy Yellow House site. Julie's castle is a pattern of my devising as is my dragonghan. I have two quiltghans in process and two more in line to do. Just call me crazy. And all four of them are patterns I came up with, so I have no one to blame but myself if they are toughies. :lol :lol :lol


I finished the shawl this afternoon. Will get a picture of it tomorrow.


Julie did you send my your headache? I've had a doozy all day today.:headache

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Joanne...what colors are you using for the baby gingham?:devil

I'll probably use the dusty blue, the linen and the silver blue that I bought for the orig quilt'ghan I was going to make- The woven blocks one


That IS a pain in the duppa having to lug the paint to Tinton Falls! Our county has drop off sites at various places throughout the year for "hazardous waste" and we lucked out that one of them was in our town!! There were no restrictions either-

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Linda- Hope the headache goes away quickly! Can't wait to see the shawl! You do such beautiful work!! Feel better!


Julie- I'm sorry I forgot to ask how your headache was> I'm hoping that since you didn't mention it, that it is gone? I hope so!!!


Night all!

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Good evening ladies....


Thanks for the link Judy, there are a lot of cute patterns there and I feel left out of the saltine club that I might give it a shot and see how it goes ;)


Joanne - don't give up hope yet, the flyers have gone down from exactly this point in the past!!!!! :eek Only time will tell :)


I tried to keep up with the posts during work today on my phone, only problem is that now I don't remember them :( so I think I will stick to my previous method of checking in when I get home with my pen and paper ;)


Thanks for all the well wishes, must've been a little bug but am much better now.


Just heard from my mom that my aunt's golf bag is navy and beige....so now I need to pick up some yarn because I'm fresh outta navy! lol


I really want to start a new project, but have decided I will work on a WIP which is just a small lapghan, but we'll see. Ya never know what will happen when I move from the computer to the couch!!! :lol

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Hiya Ladies!


Thank you for answering my question regarding a saltine, I have never heard of that, how cute! :lol Are you all making afghans out of the squares? Or is for the patterns that I have seen posted?


Not me!!! I hate sewing things together!!!! You should see my square collection!

I do have to admit though, that the afghans are beautiful, and maybe......maybe, someday I will break down and make a saltine ghan!


However, some of the ladies here are working on the saltine blankets.

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Linda, hope your headache is better, and your new computer is working! Looking forward to seeing the shawl.


LeAnna, safe travels. Is Harry home for good now?


I am supposed to teach ACLS tomorrow, but I got put on call instead, I hope they don't need me. I'd love an extra day off.


Good night Judy, sounds like you and Dh accomplished a lot today.

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Here are the two premie ghans I made this week. I started last night and finished this afternoon. OF course I didn't accomplish much around the house today!

The round ripple is about 27 inches from point to point and the diagonal box stitch blanket is 21 inches square. I tried to do a sc border around it, but it didn't look right at all, so I removed it. The bottom edge looks wonky in the picture, but it isn't really.

I received an 8 oz. Skein of the peachy colored yarn as a ROAK, and it was enough for both blanekts, with a tiny bit (about 2 yards), left over.


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Howdy ladies

Making a quick late night drop in.


Cindy- the baby ghans are all so pretty ! Nice job on all of them .


Linda- sorry you have the blasted headache.Sure hope it isn't as bad as mine -- it was a humdinger ,but it finally gave up .I have to watch because sometimes they come back on me when I think they are gone .


Well, I have spent tonite making more saltines believe it or not.


Was gonna put it aside awhile, but it will just bug me laying there waiting to be done, so I made them all night while watching this past Sunday's Apprentice show. Never thought Id like it, but I do, it's really good .


Well, heading for bed, i'm beat. Will check in tomorrow .

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What beautiful projects you all have completed! The round ripple is peachy perfect! And the basketweave afghan is wonderful!


Thank you for sharing your site, I am currently working on two ghans, a flannelghan and hexagons. I know me, I am not good at connecting squares, have a whole tote to prove it! lol I like making them, it's the connecting part that I'm terrible at.


the daisy tote caught my eye, I love daisies! They are my favorite flowers....hmmmm.

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Hey all, thank you for the well wishes and YES, Hub-E will be coming home for GOOD! I'm here in the hotel with him...had a good flight and it landed on time and then it was a HIKE to baggage and catching up with Hub-E...he's trying to sleep right now, time is currently 11:33 p.m.


I'll keep posting when I can,...night all.

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Good night house,


LeAnna - glad to hear you made it ok and I'm glad to hear hub-e will be coming home for good!!! That's great news.


Gardner - I love all of your 'ghans!!! They are great and I really like the basket weave. I may have to try that one ;)


Catch y'all tomorrow

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Quick good morning!!!


Cindy- thanks for posting the pictures-:hug ALL of the ghans are so pretty! Love the colors in all of them!!! Fingers crossed you don't get called into work today!!!


Marisa- Well, tonight is the night- Do or die for the Devils- only time will tell!:devil


LeAnna- Glad that you and Hub-E are re-united and that he is coming home for good!!!:manyheart


Julie- Glad to hear that the headache is gone and sounds like you are a woman on a mission with the saltines!!!


Judy- The Yankees won again- they are on a roll!!!:clap Didn't watch, just checked the score this AM- I can't wait for them to be back on the East Coast with 7PM games! Today they play an early game so I might be able to catch the end after work.


Linda- Good luck with the Geek Squad today- may your computer and printer be up and running in no time!!!


Time to grab a cup of java and get ready for another day at work. I did 3 rows on the ghan last night and then I got really tired- went to bed at 9:30 which is early for me, but guess I needed the rest.


Make it a good day everyone! :hug

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Morning ladies

Another day in the Saltine Treches. I am going to get this thing done if it's the last thing I do .

Have been working nonstop on it. I know if I lay it down and put it away for awhile, that's where it'll stay and it'll bug me until it is completed,so I have to keep going with it .


I hope you all have a good day today .. off to wrap up this thing so I can do something else .

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Good morning everyone. No work call yet....However, class doesn't start until 9, and last time I got called in, it was because an instructor didn't show up, so I won't count on being free until after nine.

Julie, WTG on doing more saltines.

Joanne, have a good day at work.

Linda, hope your headache is gone today.

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Morning all! Boy, do we have a busy day today...Hub-E will be going to get the UHaul trailer and we'll get the storage unit cleaned out in an hour (apparently) and for me, the most overwhelming will be packing up the hotel room (remember, poor Hub-E's been living in this hotel room for over a year) but I think with the pair of us working around the room, I'm hoping we'll have everything done no later than 3:00 this afternoon. He wants to be on the road tomorrow between 6:00 and 7:00 a.m.


I will be crocheting eventually. I brought some shoes (Ginger's shoes for Relay) to work on and I'm gonna start the purple Tree of Life afghan that will be raffled off for Relay too.


Hope you all have a great day.

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LeAnna, it sounds like a lot of work, but hopefully it turns out to be less than it sounds like.

And at least the two of you are together!


You've got that right. I was briefly chatting with another online friend last night who's husband is in Iraq for like the umpteeth time since I've known her and she was saying that his next deployment is already on the calendar...technically I'm a military spouse, but I so haven't gone through what the average military spouse has gone through...and I am BEYOND grateful that we are together now and that he's coming home for good.

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Good morning, House mates!


Cindy, your blankets are so beautiful!!:cheer:clap


Judy- The Yankees won again- they are on a roll!!!:clap Didn't watch, just checked the score this AM- I can't wait for them to be back on the East Coast with 7PM games! Today they play an early game so I might be able to catch the end after work.

The Yanks almost had a no-hitter, too! Went into the 8th inning....

I hate the west coast schedule, too....

Morning ladies

Another day in the Saltine Treches. I am going to get this thing done if it's the last thing I do .

Have been working nonstop on it. I know if I lay it down and put it away for awhile, that's where it'll stay and it'll bug me until it is completed,so I have to keep going with it .


I hope you all have a good day today .. off to wrap up this thing so I can do something else .

:cheerGo, Jules, Go!:cheer

Morning all! Boy, do we have a busy day today...Hub-E will be going to get the UHaul trailer and we'll get the storage unit cleaned out in an hour (apparently) and for me, the most overwhelming will be packing up the hotel room (remember, poor Hub-E's been living in this hotel room for over a year) but I think with the pair of us working around the room, I'm hoping we'll have everything done no later than 3:00 this afternoon. He wants to be on the road tomorrow between 6:00 and 7:00 a.m.


I will be crocheting eventually. I brought some shoes (Ginger's shoes for Relay) to work on and I'm gonna start the purple Tree of Life afghan that will be raffled off for Relay too.


Hope you all have a great day.

You'll get everything done so fast, I'm sure, since you're anxious to get going!

Have a good day and try and rest a bit, too.:hug:manyheart

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I'm catching up on posts... emails... and crocheting............ :hook

I have my 16 saltines done.. and ready to be sewn together and on to the first set! :yay

I also have another Hook Case ready to go out in the mail for this months RAOK. :D

I'll be back in a bit ........

you all have a GREAT day!

I need more :mug !!!!!!!!!!!








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Tam, from what I can see, the colors look great!!!

Later on I'll take a pic of what I did this week and plan next weeks squares...I'm glad I;m working on the ATW again!


CU all later.

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Good Morning Friends,


I got to sleep in a bit today and am just now having bfast:D (my favorite meal of the day).


Well, I couldn't hold my self back...I pulled out some new yarn last night and :eek a set of knitting needles!!!!!! When I visited my sister last she looked thru the book of purses I had and marked a few she like and said to surprise her, low and behold all the ones she picked were knitted!! We'll see how it goes since I've never actually knitted anything; however, I have practiced so am not completely clueless :think The one I chose is pretty simple and basic and I got about an inch done last night :yay


Joanne - good luck on the hockey game :devil but I think you guys might have a fighting chance tonight :yes


Julie - :yay:cheer:clap way to go on the saltines!! Keep up the good work, it sounds like your almost finished


LeAnna - sounds like you have a big day ahead of you, but it will all get done! :D You've been apart so long that even this will be a wonderful adventure for you :D:manyheart Enjoy every minute because this will actually be a very memorable time for you so even if things go wrong just laugh it off and go with the flow! :hug


I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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