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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi, Dusti! We don't have to get out until tomorrow afternoon, when Kim has another doctor's appointment.


Hi, Mary! Of course I'll share the pattern with you. If you have any questions on the odd ball squares just give me a holler and I'll help you. They look harder than they actually are.


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Thank you, Linda! I remember cheating and leaving out the "hard squares" last time. :D I thought I'd saved the pattern, but only have a picture of the finished one. :blush

The "hard" squares really aren't that hard :no and I'll help you. :yes

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Mary- come on over to the FG cal if you want to, we'd love to have you or anyone else that is interested. Gonna make the train-ghan for your grandbaby ?


When is the big due date coming ? I asked before, but maybe it got lost in the posts, or maybe you answered and I didnt catch it .

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'Morning, everyone. :)


Linda ~ Congratulations on your lab results! We're proud of you. :clap Speaking of your patterns...maybe it's time to share Mr. Train again! I gave mine to a friend of DD's for her little guy and am thinking about making another one. :hook Great news about Kim!


Nicole ~ Four projects! Is the Michael Buble concert this month? :think


Hi Shay ~ How are your projects coming along? Yep, Gracie is still a crazy dog, but she has calmed down a lot. :lol She lets me crochet now without grabbing the yarn. :)


Tam ~ Would love to see if I have what you need for the border - what yarn is it? :yarn Hope you're better today. :manyheart


Hi Dusti ~ Can't wait to see your socks! Are you packing yet? Stay safe on those icy roads. :yes


Julie and Judy ~ You're wearing me out just reading posts. :lol;) You guys really have me wanting to make the FG. I think it would be so cute in bright colors for a child.


It's rainy and cold, but I have to go to the store and post office. I've been having so much fun buying things for the baby and UPS just left...again. :c9

oooooooooooooooh..... gosh.. it would be great to get the yarn I need if you have it. I just hate to buy a whole new skein for 16 saltines... ya know.

I'm using a green fleck by Red Heart. I think its called frosty green fleck?



Hi, Dusti! We don't have to get out until tomorrow afternoon, when Kim has another doctor's appointment.


Hi, Mary! Of course I'll share the pattern with you. If you have any questions on the odd ball squares just give me a holler and I'll help you. They look harder than they actually are.

Oh.............that is so cute!

thanks so much for posting that.

Gosh darn it......... now I want to make that next! sheesh!







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Now, Jude --

Who is trying to enable who here ? You are trying to talk me into making more saltines, I am trying to talk you into just "wandering on over to the flannelghan area and taking a peak ......."


I don't know, old pal, what are we gonna do about this situation ???


I'm making a flannelghan for my dad for Christmas, but haven't been posting in the CAL. Might have to stop by there. :yes


Nicole...I always have a few going at the same time to because i get bored working on the same thing.I think most of us have crochet ADD :lol



I think crochet ADD is a requirement for a lot of crocheters. Although, I do get a little jealous of those who can start and finish a project before starting another. :lol


Judy, of course I don't mind that you saved the dragon pattern. I get so thrilled when someone wants to do one of my patterns. I now have 2 blocks worth of saltines ready to sew together which gets me caught up to last Friday. I have that many more to do to get totally caught up. When I am, I will have most of the sky done and be solidly into the dragon. I'll have a picture share on Friday for sure even if I'm not totally caught up. :photo


I got the results of the lab work they did last week today. Blood count = normal; blood sugar = normal; kidney function = normal; liver profile = normal; and lipid profile = normal. WooHoo!!! The doctors should be happy with those results. :bounce:jumpyay:woo:jumpyay:bounce


Kim was getting feisty with me today. That's a sure sign that she's starting to feel better. Yeah!


:cheer I'm so glad to hear that your blood work came out so well. It's also fabulous that Kim is showing signs of improvement.



Nope, the Prairie Star crashed and burned about a dozen times . It is one of those that sticks in your craw... never finished one, but started lots of them .


My "Make A Joyful Noise" quiltghan crashed and burned a few times as well. I really want to make one for mom, but I'm having artistic difficulties. :sigh


Good morning! It's overcast and windy today. Supposed to start raining this afternoon or evening and may change to sleet &/or snow overnight. What a winter! By now the daffodils are usually up and about to bloom. Not this year. I'll be staying inside and working on the dragon ghan today. :hook


I hope the weather doesn't get too nasty on you, but at least it's an excuse to get in a lot of crocheting. :clap


Keep warm, Linda! We're expecting some snow tomorrow night - not sure how much, which has been the story all winter!

Sunny today - though very cold....


It has been the same here. We've only have one "big" snow and even it wasn't big. We've been pretty lucky in comparison to others. It's just that the weather folks can't seem to decide how much is coming.


Mornin’ all………..

Well darn it…….. the yarn I was using for the border around the panda bear …. I ran out of. I’ve been diggin’ in my stash and don’t have anymore. So…………….. I may use another color in combination with what I have…… or go buy a skein to finish this quilt’ghan. Don’t ya just love it………. J

How’s everyone else doing?

What quilt’ghans are in the works?








Sorry about the yarn. I don't have that color in my stash or it would be yours. As Mary mentioned, I'd be happy to pick some up for you if you can't get your hands on some. You know, I'm trying to think of a way to make the "Hip to be Square" afghan in Tunisian Crochet. I really like that one.


Nicole ~ Are you getting in on all of this yucky sleet and measurable snow? I know you like winter weather so well, but I would be happier watching winter happen on your new television than experiencing it :lol Glad you are enjoying your new toy.


:hi All!! Chilly here. There is a pretty coating of ice on all of my trees, but I am hoping it melts before I have to go out and drive/slide through the intersections this afternoon. I have a few things to mail at the Post Office, and we are having dinner guests tomorrow evening, so I am going to prep as much of the meal as I can and give the carpets a quick swish with the vacuum cleaner. :yayI finished my socks :bounce Yep, the second heel is funky, too :lol I have to weave in the ends and turn it right-side out, but then I can take a photo. The pair might look a mite funny, but they are wearable. Chat with you all, later. :compute


Yep, we're supposed to start getting freezing rain about noon tomorrow. Then it's going to change to snow and have upwards of 8 inches by Sunday morning. I think it's going to be a good weekend to stay inside with my new crochet hooks. :hook


I can't wait to see your socks. I love crocheted socks! I have a pair that I wear a lot. I also have a pair as a WIM, but I have so many projects going on right now that I can't add another. I hope your weather doesn't get too bad and you and the family stay safe.


'Morning, everyone. :)


Nicole ~ Four projects! Is the Michael Buble concert this month? :think


It's rainy and cold, but I have to go to the store and post office. I've been having so much fun buying things for the baby and UPS just left...again. :c9


The Michael Bublé concert is actually next month...3/24. I'm so excited! It's taking forever to get here. The second leg of his US tour was announced that week. It turns out that he's actually coming here on 6/29 (I'm going to Cincinnati to see him in March). So, it looks like I'll be getting tickets for that show, too. :devil They go on sale Tuesday for the Fan Club. Maybe I can get better seats this time?


I bet you're having a blast with buying and making things for little Luke. :manyheart There's nothing like a new baby on the way. When I listed my WIP's I forgot to mention the baby afghan and dress I'm making for a co-workers first grandbaby. I'm in crochet overwhelmed mode right now for sure, but I'll get them done...I usually do.


Hi, Dusti! We don't have to get out until tomorrow afternoon, when Kim has another doctor's appointment.


Hi, Mary! Of course I'll share the pattern with you. If you have any questions on the odd ball squares just give me a holler and I'll help you. They look harder than they actually are.


That train ghan is adorable!! Thanks for sharing it. Eventually I'll get the hang of these things and that will go on my list.



I sure hope I didn't miss anyone. I'm sorry if I did. You all have been chatty lately. It's wonderful!


I have season tickets to see my local junior hockey team, but it looks like I won't be going tomorrow and Saturday if we get the nasty weather. A lot of times they'll close the rink if we get snow and ice. That's all right though. I'd be perfectly happy to stick around here.


Oh, I'm going to post some pictures of my kitties. They got a package in the mail yesterday from a crochet friend on another group. They went nuts when I brought the box in the house. They are crocheted toys with catnip and bells in them. They couldn't be happier!


Take care everyone! :hug


This one is Jackson playing with the mouse toy in the bathtub. That's why it looks so white. I tried to fix the picture without much luck. It shows how excited he is though.




This is Cooper. He's the one that was recently diagnosed as diabetic. He went to the vet for a follow-up and has lost a pound and a half. That's a lot of weight for a cat. So his diet is working! :cheer




Here's my little Oliver. He tries to be sweet, but can also be rotten (can't they all?!?!). He isn't playing with a toy though. I put the card that came in the package on the couch. I went off to do something else and came in to find this scene. I couldn't get a picture of what he was actually doing...he was licking the card! :lol



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Nicole - what adorable pics!! The one with Jackson looks like a professional shot!!


Come on over to the flannelghan thread...we're having fun!

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Thanks, Judy! :manyheart


I think I will stop by the flannelghan CAL this weekend. :yes I bet you all are having fun.

Julie has things planned to keep us amused:lol


Well, time to get my needles out and do a few more rows on my knitted square. Be back later!

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Julie has things planned to keep us amused:lol


Well, time to get my needles out and do a few more rows on my knitted square. Be back later!


Good to know! ;)


Oh, Nicole, those are wonderful pictures.


Thank you! I love being able to show off my babies. :D

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Nicole ~ The pictures are so cute! :manyheart I thought Zoe Cat had lost weight...the vet said she had gained a little over a pound in a year and suggested she just felt lighter because Gracie has grown from 2+ pounds to 13. He's right! :lol They are now within 1/2 pound of eachother and exactly the same heighth. :) And that is so neat that you're going to two concerts!


Have a good evening, ladies. :manyheart

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Mornin’ all…..

Thanks Mary and Nicole for the yarn offer………. Its all good… I’ll just get a skein. I’ll use what I need for the quilt’ghan and then the rest will be used someday for another project! J

The snow is comin’ down like crazy here. We certainly don’t need anymore…LOL We’re still staring at 12 foot walls of snow down our roads as it is!



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Hi, everyone. Kim had a doctor's appointment this afternoon, but with both of us being sick and the weather being very cold, wet, windy, and generally nasty we canceled it. It's moved back two weeks and they were very understanding. We didn't even get charged for the very late notice on canceling, which was really, really nice. :manyheart

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Linda - good idea, canceling... You know the doctor well, and they know you don't do it unless you have a good reason.:yes


Stay cozy, Tam and Linda. I'm looking out the window waiting for the first snowflakes. When I went outside it sounded like there was a layer of cotton batting in the sky, muffling sound. It's coming here....:D

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Morning Glories !


just dropped in to say howdy and batten down the hatches for the snow,if you happen to be where it's going to hit .


I'm home from work and all snuggled in for the weekend, I hope! We have about three inches so far. We're expecting at least 8 if the weather folks are right.



We won't starve if it gets as bad as they say:D


Be back later....


I probably won't starve either. :lol The cats will probably be ready for me to get out of the house. When I get cabin fever, I tend to pick on them. :devil Well, I do things like pick them up and snuggle when they are trying to sleep...I'm never deliberately mean to them.


Mornin’ all…..

Thanks Mary and Nicole for the yarn offer………. Its all good… I’ll just get a skein. I’ll use what I need for the quilt’ghan and then the rest will be used someday for another project! J


The snow is comin’ down like crazy here. We certainly don’t need anymore…LOL We’re still staring at 12 foot walls of snow down our roads as it is!






Goodness! We haven't really had much snow this year. At least we're getting the bulk of it when I don't have to get out to go to work.


Hi, everyone. Kim had a doctor's appointment this afternoon, but with both of us being sick and the weather being very cold, wet, windy, and generally nasty we canceled it. It's moved back two weeks and they were very understanding. We didn't even get charged for the very late notice on canceling, which was really, really nice. :manyheart


Yeah! I'm glad you didn't get a charge. I understand that doctors have to do that sort of thing, but at least Kim's seems to be realistic.


Linda - good idea, canceling... You know the doctor well, and they know you don't do it unless you have a good reason.:yes


Stay cozy, Tam and Linda. I'm looking out the window waiting for the first snowflakes. When I went outside it sounded like there was a layer of cotton batting in the sky, muffling sound. It's coming here....:D


It's coming down pretty good here now, too. It's so pretty. It's very heavy and wet. It's clinging to the trees and everything...very beautiful.


Take care and be safe everyone!

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Howdy HH ladies!


Just thought I'd jump in and say hi -- sounds like everyone is snuggled in for a good warm weekend with your yarn and hooks to keep you busy.

It's been snowing here to beat the band ,and the poor ambulance guys are getting one call right after another for car wrecks, so it must be pretty scarey driving out tonite. Glad we will be home safe and sound .


Hope you all stay warm and busy this weekend .

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Nicole, I know how cats can be when they want to be left alone. Watch out for the claws:lol

At least our youngest dog Sparkie loves attention. He never seems to get enough, as a matter of fact:lol

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Thanks, Nicole and Judy. Kim's doctors are really great, even the new ones. And this one has been caring for Kim for 7 or 8 years now. He's a really nice guy and looks out for her welfare.

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Thanks, Nicole and Judy. Kim's doctors are really great, even the new ones. And this one has been caring for Kim for 7 or 8 years now. He's a really nice guy and looks out for her welfare.

Kim is very lucky...and that includes having you as such a wonderful caregiver.:manyheart


Have a good night:hug

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Kim is very lucky...and that includes having you as such a wonderful caregiver.:manyheart


Have a good night:hug

Thank you, Judy. I think God brought us all together, because it's been a good fit for all of us. :manyheart

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