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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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I always give tennis ball size balls of yarn (in ziplock bags) whenever I give someone a homemade piece. This way if it ever needs repairs they already have the yarn for it.


Do those count toward the stashbusting score?


I think they would but I wanted to make sure. Thanx.

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Hey all! I have started doing this on my own already. Is it too late to join you all (of course I won't count anything I have done already....will start at ground zero.)




LauraLee who could use some great pattern ideas to use some up. :)

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Okay, my resolution about not buying new yarn didn't last too long. Since everything shuts down where I live when it snows, and we are expecting snow tomorrow, I had to get out of the house. I needed milk, and with the town shutting down, who knows when I'd get out of the house again so for my sanity, I went shopping.


First I went to Michael's. They finally got the pink SWS yarn back in and I had two skeins in my hand, but I couldn't justify paying full price for them. I proudly left with nothing. Then I went to Hobby Lobby. Can I help it that they had all their yarn bee baby yarn 40% off? There was some I've been looking at forever and promised myself if it went on sale, I would get some. I'm sure if they had a camera watching, they will think I am nuts, as I picked up at least 6 different color combinations and only settled on 2 skeins of yarn. I didn't NEED them, but I "had" to have them. Who knows what I'll do with it or when I'll get around to using it.


I did get the fun fur scarf set to my customer and thankfully it was the color she wanted. *whew* I'm currently working on a baby afghan I'm working on from a pound of love. Not having too much time to crochet lately. I'm having some health issues and we are redecorating/painting several rooms of our house, so my crochet time is limited right now. I am determined to get this darn baby blanket done if it kills me just because I've had this yarn sitting in a drawer for almost 2 years now.

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well im chugging along on my blanket i am making with the 3 strands, i have no small balls left only full ones darn it ! :lol so now my score will go even slower.

"shoot for the moon" award here i come !

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Well I did get some crocheting done today but they are little squares like Wendy's and so it's not going real quick and then I went to Hobby Lobby but was real good and only bought 1 skein to hopefully use up quickly with the one I bought the other day so I'm at -1 now. I hope to get back to the positives by Saturday lol.

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Yay I FINALLY finished the skein and ball that I was working on. I may need to use up some more black yarn to make cuffs on my fingerless gloves. Now I have a great idea to use up some of this neon colored yarn I never use. A monster scarf! I'll take pictures of it when I get done hopefully, wahaha... Someday I'll catch up.

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I get 5 points for giving away balls I already had. I don't get the extra 2 points for winding up the ends.


Thanx Krystal - it does make sense!


So far I have 2 strips finished on Amber's flannelghan YAY! and a 12 point Round ripple in the works.

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So tell the truth, are you guys working on projects you would have been doing, or are you digging through your stash finding all the small balls to make into hats or squares to get points?:lol


I'm just amazed at much crocheting some of you seem to be able to do in a day. Actually, I'm jealous. I feel like this has been the most unproductive month for me as I fight to make socks that fit my dh's odd feet! What I really want is someone to cook and clean for me so I can crochet!


OK, I'll stop pouting now!

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I am not in this CAL (Could I join or is it too late?) Anyway I thought you *might* be interested in this pattern, it is a 'scrappy bear'. You use up all your scraps and make a bear. I just finished one and he turned out really cute. If anyone is interested. :) Oh, the link (duh)... It's on this page, you have to scroll down to the bottom where all the links are, and it's called 'Grandma's Scrappy Bear'. (There isn't any picture, so I included mine so you can see what it looks like...) :hook



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