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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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No wonder my hands are killing me - this round ripple is at 8 1/2 FEET across from point to point! 2 POUNDS of red!


I'm determined to finish it today and get it in the mail by tomarrow! I more row of sc and a row of crabstitch and it's finished!

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Well, I've decided that I'm not rushing out and getting more country blue... I'll just keep plodding along on my other projects and hats, hopefully get my score out of the negatives!


Everyone is doing great, thtere are a lot of positive scores out here!

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THIS saturday - we start "fresh" each Saturday. :D


Ah. I think I get it now. LOL


OK. So the one is a weekly score and the other is YTD.




Well, anyway.. I'm doing a surprise blanket for hubby because I rarely ever make him anything and he is, afterall, my bestest friend and most loyal supporter of my habits. LOL


I'm doing this huge single granny square in two colors - a multi-color called embroidery and SS black. It's turning out to be very pretty, but I'm having to do it while he's not in the house.


Last night I managed to get through one skein of each color, but dang if my hands don't ache today at work. LOL

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I'm doing this huge single granny square in two colors - a multi-color called embroidery and SS black. It's turning out to be very pretty, but I'm having to do it while he's not in the house.


Ooooh, I got some of the SS embroidery print in an Ebay lot I won a few weeks ago and love the colors that are in it. If you get a chance post a picture of the project you're working on - I'd love to see what it looks like when crocheted into something. :yes

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Krystal -- You have 300 SKEINS?!?! :eek :eek I want to come play at your house. I thought I had alot of yarn and I only have 2 plastic tubs full (and one is mostly balls). I'm so jealous......


Haven't made much progress today. I just started another afghan, but I frogged it 3 times trying to figure out what I wanted to do with it. So that's not using up yarn very quickly. I have 5 balls that need to be crocheted onto my "stripey" afghan and then I will have more points. :cheer


I think I got you both beat. I have 2 - 66 qt tubs, 4 - 10 gal tubs, 2 - 35 qt tubs, and 1 plastic zipperd quilt bag. All full of skeins and 1/2 skeins. I also have a 3 small plastic grocery bags of balls :eek. My stash busting could take years! Some of my stash is at my mom's (66 qt tubs). Mom has been stash busting her yarn. Does it count against me if my mom just gave me about 40-50 knit squares to put together? :think

Ellie 13

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ok, my mom wasn't able to come visit yesterday, which means I don't get my score blown out of the water.... yet :rofl so woot! No progress yet this week, but no regress either!

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before felting

this tote measures 15 x 14 (measured flat, not measuring round bottom)

used up 2 full hanks and 11 balls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats a 15 point project!!!


A true reason to save the scraps!!



A hank is the same as a skein? I don't know the difference.

Ellie 13

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Do the balls that are left over from an almost used-up skein counted as 1 point or is it just the 1/2 skein balls that count as 1 point? I have bags of little ones (tennis ball size).

If 3 oz, 7 oz, and pounders all count as skeins, then all balls count (unless it's a yard or less). I use those to sew squares together.

Ellie 13

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I Think It Was This Cal Where I Read Someone Had Three Hundred Skiens Of Yarn, Well It Got Me To Counting And I Stopped At 1000. I Have Got To Learn To Cochet Faster!!!


I think you win for the biggest stash. My 8 plstic tubs and 4 bags would only be about 500 +/- (I didn't count). I finished another WIP - 2 balls :cheer

Ellie 13

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OK...so since it's a weekly tally, I guess I'll officially join tomorrow..no sense in totalling just one day...especially since DH and I have a date night tonight and he's informed me he's taking me to AC Moore LOL!! And I'm going to have to be in the yarn section cause that's what our sitter wants instead of getting paid:c9....so I'll adjust my sig line and start my tallies tomorrow morning!!




If you pay her in stash it won't count unless you buy some for yourself too.

Ellie 13

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The country blue I have is Caron Pounders I have 2 of them they are not full skeins I would say they each have half or more left so theres probably about a lb between them.


I need - Red Heart Orchid, Med Thyme, frosty green, and Water color if anyone has any they want to trade


I have alot of greens (10 LB tub full), I'm sure I have med thyme, I might have orchid too. I'll let you know. You can have it if you PM your snail mail address. RAOK :hug

Ellie 13

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Well - I burned up 2 pounds finishing up the monstrous ripple ghan.


I talked to my mom last night and she was freezing! She said that she had 2 comforters and her bedspread on the bed and she was still cold. (Old heat - the main floor and the upstairs bedrooms have very different temps - and it's 10 degrees outside!) so the giant blankie in 2 strands is perfect. I have to mail it out tomarrow. I have 1/2 a row of crabstitch left to go.


i brought 5 skeins back to Walmart and came home with 2 skeins and 2 pounders so I gained 2 points there too! YAY


6 points today!

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I'm not sure what my total was for week ending 1/27/07. 7 or 8. I didn't know how to post them, so listed things as I finished. I'll try to get on Sat. and give a total (I'll write it down). So far this week I used 3 balls. Btw, how do you put it in your sig?

Ellie 13

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I started making a 3-strand scrap project...it's going to be a big basket thing to hold my younger DD's toys...at least the toys that don't fit in her toy box anyway...so this morning, she helped me pull out my whole stash and yank all the partial skeins that I have...and I've already used 11 of them!!! I'm probably about halfway finished, so I'll adjust my score in my sig when I finish the whole thing, but I'm amazed at how quickly the partials are going....I figured I'd get the smaller bits out of the way to give me more room to play with the yarns I have larger amounts of...and DD and I had fun playing with the yarn today too LOL!!



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