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~*~ Be My Valentine ~*~


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My first CAL!! :clap I am excited, and NOT to overwhelm myself for the first CAL, I will try and pick out a pattern I can get done in time. I LOVE that doily, and MAY work it, if you don't mind sharing :hug . I am going to look in a couple of my books here tonight, and make up my mind, and see what supplies I have on hand. I am COMMITTED to this CAL!! :manyheart:c9

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It is so nice that you are going to join us here for your first CAL. Kiss all your family now and get pics because once you do one CAL you sign up for hundreds of them and silly things like families can be lost in the process. :wlol


Just kidding Julie...

Really JoAnn, it is nice that you are trying this one.

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Can I join too! I have looked through the patterns and chosen two simple patterns that should not take too long. ( since I have 3 other cal that I have too keep up with lol)

1. Textured Heart Kitchen Set

2. Heart Fridgey

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Heather- that purse is SO cute ! I bet it'll be a big hit !


Welcome Joann and Pauline -- of course, you can join . We'd love to have you . I will second Darski's warning, though. These are VERY addicting. Sign up for one and you are sunk . You'll never want to go back to crocheting alone again. :lol

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Well, I just finished printing the heart doily pattern. Oh oh, so I WILL become addicted hu?? Well, I might as well be addicted to this, and not my smokes!!:clap So, thanks all for the advice, I will take pics as it progresses.....here I go!!!

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I worked some more on my doily today. It's really coming along. I sent my mother pictures of my doily in progress and she's now requesting a project done in thread. I made her an afghan for Christmas and now she wants something to go on a table in her formal dining room. lol


Anyway, here's my progress so far. I'm in the middle of round 14 out of 19. It's starting to take a more rounded shape now. I can't wait until it's finished so I can block it. I'm so excited!



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I think I am going to try to make 50 hearts from as many different patterns a i can find, to add to cards, exchanges on other lists, ect. I think I will also try to do the Hearts along doily too. I'll post some photos later. :U

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Thanks Sarah, q8 and Julie. :)


I think I am going to try to make 50 hearts from as many different patterns a i can find, to add to cards, exchanges on other lists, ect. I think I will also try to do the Hearts along doily too. I'll post some photos later. :U


I think that is a great idea. I think I may start making hearts to go in my cards and things as well. Thanks for the idea! :manyheart

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Wow! Stephanie your doiley is looking beautiful! I have printed out this pattern. After I have finished a few of the already started CAL I might toss this into my wip pile.

Heart. 50 projects. That sounds great. Lots a luck. Can't wait to see them.

Mel. LOL

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I love this idea! I'll try to get purses done for my 4 girls, and maybe a fridgie or pillow for the grands--depends on whether I ever get my wips in check!

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Ok, I confess, I did start yesterday. I have 10 so far, some patterns were give to me, some were found online, and some were just something I tried. I like the look of the thread ones the best, and have a few more patterns to try out. So I'll post more photos as I get them made, a few of these I almost didn't post, b/c they aren't exactly my best work, but I decided to post them anyway. Here they are.



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Okay, have ya ever had an idea but have no idea how to use it? :lol Well, that's what is going on here. I want to do a ghan in hearts, actual hearts but i'm not sure how. Would they join right? How would ya join them? You see my point? and my misery? Geeze Louise, why can't I just pick something simple? I'll tell ya why, it's because i'm a difficult person. Believe me or just ask my Hubby. :rofl

Any suggestions? Or maybe a pattern for something else that may make me turn my head from this awful idea? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :manyheart

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