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Bedspread Bonanza


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I am trying to think how to make this understandable. I am assuming that people have done crossed FPDC and BPDC. Actually, I use Trebles to do the crossed stitches


you need a multiple of 4 stitches.

If you do an uneven multiple of 4 you can have a border of 4 stitches on either side of your project.

If you do an even multiple of 4 you will have 2 stitches on either side.

(Just so you know is all)


Either chain your desired number and work a row of DC across or do a Foundation DC beginning row and ch1 turn


Work across your row alternating 4 dc and 4 BPDC (remember whether you set up for 4 border stitches or 2 border stitches)


Crossing rows

Work across the row doing DC in DC and cross your Post Crochet stitches using FPTR 2 over 2


you will now separate your already crossed stitches.


begin with a ch 3 if necessary but it will be ignored hereafter or work your dc border(you will lose two of them here.

Work BPTR around the first two crossed post stitches (from the row below),

work 4dc (into the tops of the crossed st),

work BPTR into the 2 missed crossed stitches,

Work BPTR into the next two crossed stitches

work 4 dc,

work BPTR into the 2 missed crossed stitches,

Work BPTR into the next 2 crossed stitches

and so on and so on and so on...You are pulling your crossed stitches closer so you can cross them on the next row.



work you border st as needed or work regular FPDC into the 2 post stitches in the row below(these are dead enders for a while)

work (4) dc in dc,

use FPTR to cross the stitches you brought together in the row below,

work (4) dc in dc

continue across the row


dc in dc and BPDC in your crossed post stitches from the row below. work this pattern across



Working in pattern, cross your stitches



Working in pattern, pull your crossed stitches closer together




Working in pattern, cross the stitches you brought together



Working in pattern work straight post double crochet across



Just keep on trucking as you wish. You can have long runs of just crossed cables if you want to avoid major interlocking crossings for a bit.


That is it. I am not good at writing this out but if you copy a picture of my sample, it will likely help you to make this work. I hope I didn't get crossed (boo hiss pun) up on my front and back posts... :sigh


Maybe if you can ask questions, I can help with better instructions. I actually made a goof on my sample so I was trying to work around that bit:eek

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thanks alot


now i`m really confused about the desighn and colours

because i want to make it with the yarns in my basket i dont want to buy more :(

how about (green with purple & white)??

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thanks alot


now i`m really confused about the desighn and colours

because i want to make it with the yarns in my basket i dont want to buy more :(

how about (green with purple & white)??

The color combos would look like a garden! White in the center, puple next, ending with green...My opinion..YOU have to like whatever you end up with!:hug

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The square elegance is very easy and does work up fairly quickly. It works for me to carry for visits in my building.


It can be mindless in its own way but I find boring to be a challenge. we will see how it goes since it is an award winner .. Here's the link:




Thanks for the link. I'll print it out and practice it first.

Pat Ada

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Hi everyone! I've just read through the entire thread hoping your enthusiasm would rub off on me. I think it worked! I've also put a hold on myself from buying more yarn until I use up some of what I've got so I'm thinking of doing a log cabin quilty bedspread. I'll have to make up a square or two to see what it would look like though. Fingers crossed!



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Good morning Tabby !

The Queen of Crochet and all things wise and wonderful . How are you today, my fine friend ?

I have the stupid CROUP this week, so I sound like a bullfrog when I talk. Drives me batty. If I can't talk, you may as well put a plastic bag over my head and tie it shut . I HAVE to talk .

I will be having most of the gang in here tomorrow night for supper ,then part of the family for Christmas supper ,so I may not have a chance to check in much in the next day or two .

I think it's about time for An Ode to Christmas, don't you ?:D

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Twas the night before Christmas Eve

and all through the land

Nothing was stirring except the crocheter's hands .

Back in the Fall she had so many plans .........


Now ,let's see, for Aunt Gertrude, a shawl made all in blue

Uncle Eugene needed a thick scarf to match Gertie's shawl ,too .

For Frances an afghan made of scraps of all hues .


Don't forget Grandma Florence ,she needs a lapghan for her boney little legs.

And grandma would probably like something handmade ,too, although he's too proud to beg .


Cousin Geraldine deserves something for the way she went out on a limb

To help me out when my pickings were slim .


Uncle Edward ,now he's definitely on the list for a gift.

Remember this past year when I was so down and he said something funny that gave me a lift ?


How about the mailman, the paperboy, the neighbor next door ?

He braved the cold that one day and ran the snowblower right up to our front door .


What about sister Betty and cousin Lou ?

Oh ,my , the list gets longer... what's a girl to do ?


It's still early . I have several months,you said back then .

But look at the clock ! It's half past ten !


They'll all be here soon with bells on their toes, smiles on their faces and cheeks colored rose .

Are all the gifts made that I intended to make ?

I wonder if they'd just settle for a sandwich and a piece of cake ? :think


I had so many good intentions those many months ago....

But now I am asking ,where did all the time go ?


NEXT YEAR I'LL DO BETTER , you just watch and see .

Maybe I can at least make them each a dishcloth from little old me ! :D

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:welcome Brae -

What a great thing to see here this close to Christmas ~

A new buddy that wants to chip in and work on a bedspread ! Your pattern idea sounds interesting and it'll be a wonderful way to use up lots of leftover yarn .

Drop us a photo if you get something started that you'd like to share .:)

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Hee Hee Julie, I love your poem. :lol My Hubby is sick here too, but unfortunately he didn't lose his voice, lol. He has some cold/stomach/achey thing going on, almost like the flu but NO fever not even a normal temp. 96.3. Weird. :think My parents, Bro & Bro's girlfriend were just here & hung around for a bit. I gave them the ghan & they liked it or atleast I hope they did. My Hubby has to work tomorrow all day. Our town has a Santa Clause club so Santa comes & visits all the kids in the village. He comes in & sits on the couch & lets the kids sit on his lap & he gives them each a sac full of toys & goodies. It's really cool because they do so much & make the kids really happy. :manyheart We spend Christmas alone together, much of the day is spent putting toys together & all of that fun stuff. I spend alot of time cooking & then we stuff ourselves & watch movies while the kids play with there new stuff. Sounds fun, right? I hope you & your family have a great holiday & i'll be here when ya get a chance. I hope you feel better. :hug

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To everyone in here a Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays to you all.:manyheart


Julie - I love the monkey and the ode. Your so clever. I hope you are feeling better soon.


Welcome Brae.


Tabby that sounds like a lot of fun. I hope your hubby is well soon too. Nothing worse then being sick on xmas day


Its Xmas eve here. My mum, dad, grandma and my Aunt come over this afternoon for dinner and we have secret santa. Then tomorrow its xmas day the girls open their presents in the morning then we go to my mum and dads place for lunch and open presents there.

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...because of my 100 pound German shepherd pup. He loves to hang around on the bed - a carryover from when he was 7 weeks old and shared my pillow:) ... Anyway, I conferred with DH and we agree that, as someone else in the CAL is doing, that I should use my leftovers. Sooooo, a "coat of many colors", LARGE-SQUARED BS coming up! It should be fun. I have so many ways I can go - but with the large bed, the squares will definitely be BIG!!


Hugs all around!:hug

Now to finish the pup's felted blanket for his crate...:hook

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Hi, everybody.:hug

I'm in. I haven't decided on a pattern yet. I like the look of the Greenbriar, the Filet Vine Square, and Chocolate Dreams. I want to dig out my grandmother's patterns and see if there is something there, too. I may be a glutton for punishment, but I'm actually thinking about doing one in thread for my double bed. Am I completely crazy? :woo Thread crochet is so very portable. I'll keep you posted. I definately won't get started until after Christmas. I just got a digital camera so I'll be able to post pictures of what I've been doing soon.

Linda T:hook

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Well I have finished up pretty much all of my projects. I have one afghan left that I have to do some embroidery on and I am done. I talked to my DH about buying the yarn for the bedspread and it looks like I will be buying it very soon. Yippy...I am so excited. Joann's looks like they are going to have some great after Christmas sales so we will see. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Julie I loved your poem. That is how I feel trying to get everything done for everyone. I was even sneaking in my bedroom so that I could finish up my mother-in-laws blanket without her knowing about it. Luckily I finished that this morning. Good luck everyone and remember we get to rest on Christmas.

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Morning, ladies ~

Thought I'd jump in here early before all the Hullabaloo starts. It sounds like you are all doing well ,surviving the holidays and doing pretty good at getting last-minute things finished up .

Tabby- I hope Shen feels better .If he has what I do, it's a pretty drawn-out affair. I started getting it on Monday and still aint over it, but last night at least I slept through the night ( til 3:30 AM,when my coughing woke me up ). I do feel better though and getting back a little bit of steam. I havent been around Cam at all this week for fear of giving it to him, so it's sure gonna be good to pick him up tonite when he comes .

It sounds like you have a neat town to have Santa come around to the houses to visit the kids. I guess I never asked you much about your town before. How big is it ? How many people ,and stores ,etc ?

Our town has about 6000 people, very few stores. Our last grocery store went out of business, so we no longer have one. We have 2 little Quick-Check type stores ( the ones that sell milk for 4.99 a gallon ) ,then we have 2 dollar stores and a Burger King .


Wendy- it sounds like your family is in for a fun couple of days-- in fact, I guess the first one is over by now, since you are ahead of us on time . I hope you are enjoying your days together . It sounds like you were going to have a nice time .


Judi- your new idea sounds fine to me ! Great way to use up leftover yarn and make something that is a useful item all at the same time !


Linda- welcome in and we would love to see a bedspread made in thread ! I admire anyone who could do that -- it is not one of my good areas. those tiny hooks and me don't seem to get along too well together !


Jewel - yep, it sounds like you were pretty much down to the wire trying to get everything done in time. I'm glad you were able to do that and will be ready to start fresh on something new here after Christmas wraps up .


Well, off to get organized. I'll stop in later this morning if I get the chance -- if not, I'll be back when time permits ~

You all have a good day today .:manyheart

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