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Afghan finished!It almost won!


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Took two starts then 7 weeks:eek ,,but it was worth it.It's 64"x52" DH really likes it.

My sissy sees trees,I see arrowheads,,,go figure. Was just happy to finally to get a picture to post correctly. Thanks for lookin'

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it's gorgeous! i see trees, like pine trees. looks awesome!! it looks like it was a tedious pattern too

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Oh,:lol Sorry gang,,As I was working on this it had to be frogged twice before I got the pattern down. Every evening my DH would ask who was 'winning' the afghan or me. For the first two weeks it was the pattern. I usually need to stick with easier patterns,since I truly am a beginner for life:yes so this one was way over my head. That's all


It's a beaut :yay glad it's done.


Made ya look,though :laughroll


Thankx a bunch :h5

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I too see Pine trees in it....I am sure that is due to your color choices...I don't think I would have seen Pine Trees if you had done it in shades of blue or red...But it is Super! And I am glad that in the end YOU won, and were able to complete this lovely project!

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First thing I thought before I read your post was that it looked like trees...but I can see the arrowhead point of view too...it's beautiful...good job!

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I too see trees :tree, but if you look at the lighter shapes, they look like individual leaves. This is a VERY lovely afghan. I think you are the winner here, like the tortoise :turtle and the hare :rabbit. It may have seemed as if you were being beaten all along, but slow and steady wins the race. Congrats on such a beautiful item:party .


Spelling edit, AGAIN.

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