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When I started crocheting again, I printed out a bunch of free patterns that I really liked, punched holes in them and put them in a little binder. Just yesterday, I had to buy a bigger binder because I was outgrowing the old one (Suzie wants it now, so it is all hers). I organized it with dividers and even have a space in the back for knitted patterns that I like (I only have one so far) and another for ideas that I get about making things, changing patterns and what-not. I also have a section for my original patterns (right now I only have my purse in there). It is big enough that I put my books in it.


I was just wondering who else has a binder like that?

Do you have anything else? I was thinking that it is a pain to carry it around......Maybe I will have to make a binder cover that buttons or zips shut and has a handle.....What do you do?



P.S. I LOVE all the new smileys! Especially this guy; :yay2

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i do! i do! i actually have one of those 2 drawer filing cabinets that i keep papers in. it's in a closet --- i keep our important stuff (bills-dog/cat vacc-:blah ) in one drawer and my patterns (most of them freebies printed of the 'net) in the other... seperated with hanging folders. hey, i have a knit folder too... someday i'll learn:p

i just pull out the pattern i am using and carry it along in my tote. if it's from a book, i have my hubby copy it and i tote around the xerox instead of the book.

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me too! I started out with one 4" three ring binder with dividers for different groups of things (scarves, coasters, etc.), but recently i split all the topics into their own *slightly smaller* binders and use the dividers for sub-types. My binders are:


--Wearables (scarves, hats, etc.)

--Potholders and Dishcloths (regular, tab for each holiday)


--Baby Stuff (wearables, toys, blankets)

--Bookmarks, Doilies and Coasters

--Pattern stitches

--Charted designs


All of them are freebies printed from the net--I can't believe how many there are.<img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/ura1.gif" />

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I use binders! :D It makes it so much easier to find a specific pattern. IF I clean out my closet, I think I can fit in a filing cabinet to hold things in. :P


I carry around the pattern I'm working on in a sheet protector. My goal is to have all of my patterns in one, but that takes a lot of work. :wink I've got one binder that has the clear plastic slots on the front (and back) to keep stuff in. I keep a current piece of the girls's artwork in it, and then when I'm working on something, I slide the pattern in to read it and it never gets lost. Unless I lose the entire binder that is! :bounce


I'm trying to come up with a good storage solution for my books and magazines. I'm thinking of getting a cute retangular basket. What do y'all think??

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I feel soooo stupid....:oops

I never thought of doing that lol

I have all on mine in file folders in my filing cabnet and they are always all over when I need to find something!

Hot dawg! I'm heading to Wal-Mart tonight! :wow

You gals rock, I always get such good ideas here!




I want to post more just to play with the emoticons! :yay

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I do, though I haven't been good about printing things out lately. And you'd think since my computer died a couple of months ago I'd be better about not trusting my whole life to the computer and save things so I can get my hands on them! <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/wha.gif" />

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I dont always print my stuff out either, but I have a disk that I save them to. I am trying to get caught up with at least putting them on the disk becuase as soon as my new ram comes, I am upgrading Betsy (my puter's is named Betsy because if she was a person, she would be a little old lady who sits in a rocking chair and doesn't move for anything) to Windows 2000:woohoo

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I have a folder that I started out with, just put the patterns in the pockets. But now my patterns and getting very worn looking.

Have been thinking about getting a 3 ring binder...maybe one for each category of patterns. (Baby, Afghan, Hats...) Ya'll have given me the motivation to get moving on this idea.

Off to Walmart!



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Actually, its an accordian file next to the computer. Every time I print a pattern, I put it in there. One day, I hope to have them organized in a binder. I want to keep a crochet/knitting journel in there too to record completed projects.

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  • 1 year later...

I am a binder addict. :blush I have them for EVERYTHING - Bible word studies, homeschooling, household management binder with routines and chore charts just to name a few and although I haven't started one yet for all the accumulating patterns I'm printing out, it is on my to do list. I even have a binder for each of my kiddo's and then each day of the week they flip to that day in their binder to see their chores and activities. :manyheart

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I have most of my freebie patterns from the internet in a binder with the plastic protecor pages.....I keep the free tear offs from the stores in them too. My store bought leaflets I keep in milk crates. I haven't been quite as organized as some of you by seperating them into catagories.....maybe someday!

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I have many binders. All of my binders are labeled-sweaters, baby, kitchen, afghans, etc. They contain both knit and crochet patterns and each pattern is in a plastic sleeve. When I want to make something I can remove the pattern and not have to worry about ruining it.


I also have just started to take the time to reduce the new patterns to a 1/2 sheet size and put them in smaller binders. These binders are easy to carry around and I don't have to take the patterns out to make the items. I can just open up the binder and prop it up on the couch or chair. I use less paper this way also. I use dividers in it for ease in finding patterns. I got the binders and dividers at Walmart.

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I have one. It was getting to hard to keep up with what I printed out. I had to do something about all the pages. I also have a clear plastic storage box that I keep all my pattern books in. Then I have a big (like the size of a bath tub) plastic storage tub, with all of my yarn in. I have them seperated by color and all of them are in the bigest plastic zip lock bags I could find. It helps to keep all the dust off my yarn. Here in Az that is something you have to deal with.

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I have a very large binder (I think it's a 4 inch) that has alpha dividers. I've alphabetized it according to what the pattern is (i.e. baby stuff all in 'b', ponchos and purses in 'p'). It's too huge to carry so I just carry the individual patterns that I'm making. A couple of patterns are so tattered that I've had to type them out again.

I've been considering putting the most used ones on index cards and laminating them. Does anyone else have anything like this? Or any other suggestions?

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I have one too. It is completely full. I been lazy lately as far as putting the new patterns that I have printed out in it. I have printed patterns everywhere. The car, the truck, the kitchen table, bedroom. I am very disorganized.

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I put mine in sheet protectors so that when I want to use the pattern, I just pull it out of the binder and it doesn't get thrashed. I get lazy and have a pile awaiting protectors... but that's another story :blush

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I have a huge 3-ring binder with all of my printed patterns (and the freebies from the stores) in sheet protectors.... they are generally grouped by type, but I haven't actually had time put the dividers in it, I've been quite busy accumulating patterns, and I'm fast running out of sheet protectors :eek


...and I just am learning how to knit, so that means I'm going to need to get another binder and more sheet protectors for all these knit patterns I'm going to find! :devil


...anyways, it works wonders!


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ooh, me too! me too! *jumps on the binder bandwagon* i have one that's for internet/freebies and one that i've taken the 2006 crochet pattern a day calendar apart and organized into. i use sheet protectors rather than hole punching. i need more protectors now...and the other binder seems to have exploded..:eek

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I have a three ring binder and have it filled to the gill and will have to buy another one soon. I bought a pack of 100 sheet protectors and they are gone so I have to buy more of those also . I make two copies one stays in my book and the other goes with me until the pattern is complete . lol (which there are quite a few of those floating around now ) . But anyhow I have a corner in my living room that is mine that I share with the bearded dragon whom sits on top shelf in his aquarium . I have all my pattern books on one shelf and a project on another shelf . I have a contaniner with beads in it and one with just sewing stuff (needles thread..etc..) on a shelf . Then I just got this little ole fashion stand from a freecycler it opens up has sissor like leggs and has a pouch I call it to hold a project . Hubby says my corner is getting out of control . lol:manyheart

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4 binders and counting. :P One for afghans, one for thread patterns, one for everything else crochet (and that's full) and one for knitting patterns (I just learned so I don't have many of those). Subdivided by colored sticky notes on top for clothing, baby, home decor, etc. I'm going to need another binder for non-afghan patterns very soon. My mom keeps her few patterns in red folder with pockets. What I really need is a large accordion one for patterns that are on wrappers (I know they're online and I could print them off on 8 x 11 paper and put them in a binder, too, but I have them already, so why waste the paper and ink? That's my thrifty Scottish ancestors coming through.:lol ). They and the few patterns books I have are in my bookcase. I'm not organized about recording what I've made though--I just write on the pattern what colors and yarn, and for who, with the date. Patty

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My theory is that pretty crochet patterns used to be soooo hard to come by, so if I see one I like -- GET IT AT ALL COST! So my purchased leaflets and books are in a plastic tote. All the freebies from the stores and internet are carefully filed in binders. I started with one but I have three now...one for tunisian stitch (and graphs), one for misc. and one for afghans and squares (my favorite).


Some of my patterns are worn ragged :eek . When I went back to reprint them, they were gone. Now I am using page protectors while I am crocheting.


Several times I have gone to put in a new pattern and found it already in my folder. :oops Oh well, at least my taste isn't changing! :lol

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You must be the most organized person in the world. And a great mom! I can't imagine many kids that would do that! I hope to be like that someday...I really want to homeschool too :) Now I just need to get my man to out with the ring so I can have some kids...lol.


I am a binder addict. :blush I have them for EVERYTHING - Bible word studies, homeschooling, household management binder with routines and chore charts just to name a few and although I haven't started one yet for all the accumulating patterns I'm printing out, it is on my to do list. I even have a binder for each of my kiddo's and then each day of the week they flip to that day in their binder to see their chores and activities. :manyheart
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What I have is, most of my patterns are scanned and I will print any that I am working on, and put them in a "duotang" folder (you know, like kids use in school). It makes it compact and travelable, then when I am finished with the pattern, it goes into a binder with any notes and such. That way if I want to make it again, I have all my notes from before.


On my computer, I have all the patterns organized by type (Baby, Kids, Housewares, Accessories, etc). Which makes it very simple to find a pattern when I am looking. If I find a pattern on a website, I will copy and paste it into a Word document so that I don't have to rely on the website keeping the pattern forever.

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Who can fit all of their patterns into just one binder? I'm up to three for all I've printed off the net. And still I buy books and magazines, I'm really into afghans. I have one for baby afghans, one for larger size afghans, and one for other crochet projects. I'll never get them all made but it's fun reading them. About once a year I house clean them and throw out the ones I'll never do, oh yes, did I mention everything is in a plastic sleeve. Charlene

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