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Oh Shaylen, thank you...I'm starting to tear up...*where's the tissue...*


I'm taking a bit of a break from the cutaway...once I got past that horrid row, everything went fine...and I ended up dropping 3 rows on the body because after trying it on, it was just right where I was at...no need for those additional three rows...so now the body is done and I'm working on the body trim, which I want to have done before I go to bed in a few hours...


Still to do: sleeves, "skirt" for the bottom of the jacket, then the frog enclosures and buttons...I really, really would like to have this all done before I hop a train to Munich on Friday but that's being really ambitious and I have other things to do tomorrow besides crocheting...but I will be taking it with me and working on it on the train and in the hotel room at nights after we've walked our legs off...Munich's one of our favorite cities in Germany...


It's looking good and would even make a nice waist jacket without the skirt, or even a nice dropped sleeveless (don't know how else to describe it) vest...would even be cool to do in 100% wool and felt it...but the trim would have to be 100% wool too or I'd have to think of another trim option...


I'll forgive the writers of this pattern...the results are really nice...


I hope everyone is having a good day and evening.

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I have updated my blog with pics of my progress on my shrug/bolero. Ack! It looks too small! This is a medum size. I am a medium but this looks extra small lol! I think I am going to add rows to the body. I don't think the edging is going to compensate enough. I had kind of planned to add to the length anyway, but I think I am going to have to add on both ends. Anyway here is what it looks like so far...nothing fancy since it's my first wearable other than a poncho I wanted to keep it simple.


I am working on my second sleeve now.

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Everyone is doing so well!


Dazy - what a beautiful shrug. I love the color too.

LeAnna - I can't wait to see this one, after the stunning yellow cardigan.


Shaylen, I relate..though I am sure you're doing wonderfully. My table runner is getting there S L O W L Y. I hope I finish. Because I am doing it in between finishing UFO's, the white thread picked up a good portion of the red homespun fuzz I am using for another project, so a few of the motifs have a pink tint.


I kept moving on, though, in the spirit of the Olympics (and because there was no way I can frog so much and complete in time). It is for my bedroom nightstand and the pink will remind me of the event and Crochetville in the years to come. Good luck everyone.

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Dazy, thst shrug is gorgeous! I'm going to have to make me one of these Mrs. Who shrugs. I joined the other Yarnletes in the Froggin Booth last night. I'm terrible at rounds, which is why a felted tote is a challenge for me. Well, somehow an extra stitch slipped int here, and then another, but I caught it after 2 rows. So I only got 3 rows done. But I'm still sick, so I'm glad I'm able to get even that much done before I collapse in bed. Everyone's projects look great!! Patty

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I'm still waiting on the rest of the yarn for my "official" project--the sweater--which is supposed to get here with my UPS man on Friday. So, last night I started a scarf/hat set. I've posted pictures in today's (2/15) entry on my blog...at this point, I just have to put fringe on the scarf and I'm at 13 out of 24 rows on the hat. I'm thinking about doing a set or two of animal booties--something I've never done.


Dazy, I admit that I'm not normally a fan of crochet garments for women, but I think that's something I could totally see myself wearing--do you have a pattern? Your shrug is GORGEOUS!


Way to go everybody!! :cheer :cheer

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All your projects are turning out so nicely. Good job, crocheters! And even the froggers are keeping up their Olympic spirits!


I have now completed 20 inches on the little afghan. There is a chance of a snow day tomorrow, so if I don't have to teach I should get lots done. I never thought I'd be wishing for snow.


I will have to take a few breaks to run the snow blower because if we get the projected 15 inches I won't want to blow all that in one go round...better a few inches at a time!

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Dazy & Donna - the shrugs look great!


I managed another 6 rows or so on my sweater back. I'll post tomorrow evening with progress photos.


I saw a countdown counter on the YarnHarlots blog and asked for the code to add to the Crochet Olympics site. I got it this evening and I'll be adding it to the site tomorrow evening. Btw, we have about 10 days, 13 hours and some odd minutes left in the CO.


Happy Crocheting! :hook

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Day 6 progress report. I have had a couple of busy days. So I haven't made quite the progress I would like to be making. I am on row 68 out of my 105. 37 rows to go. But I have reached the point where I can begin to see what it capable of being. Now I start to get excited to see it done and it seems to go easier from this point.

I have seen some great stuff going on here. Everyone you are doing wonderful work. So sorry for all of you that have been attacked by the frogger. :frog I have had 2 battles with that issue. How I hate frogging. :eek

100 squares Jimmie Lu, impressive. :clap

The shrugs and boleros are all awesome. :manyheart The sweaters are all looking good. If I missed anyone. I have looked but I am starting to get braindead. :think That's why I am posting and not working on my shawl. Sure fired way to end up frogging.


Heres a picture if anyone wants to see my progress.



Go Teams Go. You are all doing so wonderful you ought to be proud....:flower

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Oh wow everyone!! You are all doing amazing work!!!! :cheer:clap:cheer:clap


Yesterday was a day off for both projects. I had a work dinner that I went to, so I did manage to sneak some knitting into my travel time to the dinner in the center, but not more than 6 rows I would say. I am not taking the doily on the public transportation here as it is a little bit more intricate than my normal tram doilies! I am on round 11 now of the doily, so some progress has been made!


Keep up the excellent work!!!

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Everyone is doing so well on their olympic projects! It's so much fun to see everyone's progress.

Well, I'm right on schedule. I've got 14 of 20 12" squares done and 6 of the 10 kid's backpacks and cradle purses done. Not too bad, since I've been sick the past 2 days and haven't felt like doing much at all.


Hopefully, I can post some pictures later today on my blog.

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hey ladies! I am having fun with my shrug!! I was having some trouble with the pc so couldn't get on here to post my progress! I am almost done with the shrug!!! Didn't realise that simply following Mrs who's guidelines would actually work for me!! I used what i call the box stitch but don't know what its actually called... will post a picture of it tomorrow after I weave in the ends!!!




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I have updated my blog with pics of my progress on my shrug/bolero. Ack! It looks too small! This is a medum size. I am a medium but this looks extra small lol! I think I am going to add rows to the body. I don't think the edging is going to compensate enough. I had kind of planned to add to the length anyway, but I think I am going to have to add on both ends. Anyway here is what it looks like so far...nothing fancy since it's my first wearable other than a poncho I wanted to keep it simple.

I am working on my second sleeve now.


Ok, I'm having such a hard time understanding the pattern the way it's written for the sleeves? Help!:(

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Everyone is going GREAT! :cheer:cheer:cheer


I took a break from my Olympic project so I could finish up a couple of other items that need to be mailed this weekend. Tonight I'll get back on track. Hopefully I'll be able to post pictures soon (I, um, misplaced my camera. :blush )


Go team!

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It's hillarious! I had originally planned to finish two UFOs for teh olympics, but just getting that hook dusted off and moving makes me addicted or something! Sice the olympics started, I've gotten a decent amount done of the first blanket (the only one I've actually comitted to, by the way) as well as a chenille hat, a clutch, a little cradle purse, two vaneltines, and started on a thread kercheif. The way I look at it, Not doing my extra credit will be OK, in the light of all the other work I'll getting done.


It's so funny though! I've never had such a bad case of crochetaholism. I CAN'T STOP!!! (not that I mind, but is there a cure) I gotta go to lunch. Good luck all! Go team afghans/squares!!!



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