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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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all excellent choices!! I will post you three on the first post!!


Hi carol, how you be lady??   Bgs, warm here too, I turned the air con on for a bit to cool the house off, he he he,


Hi viking, and pineknott, and all else I may have missed. Seems so quite here, without our Yarnmonkey, i miss her posts!!


another day, headed our way, gonna be nice, i think, maybe showers later is all, that, I can do!


very tired tonight, can't think of much else to say, hope all is well, with the babies, peanut, and brantley, and little viking,and little tribble too.. I do see holly around now and then, lol hope all is well for all...


angel  has a new job, but i hope she still visits,sopo has gone mia for a bit,and kimgoodie, working two jobs, last I heard, but just wanted to say, miss you guys!!

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Just sitting at the hospital in same day surgery. I looked over the bday squares again and see some at I think I might now be able to catch up on. Going to work on those along with Little Tribble squares for his creeper blanket and TNT pillow...

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hI Linda, tribbs and yarnscrapper!!


Yep, april fools day, forgot all about that, lol should have told handyman he had a flat before he left, that never gets old, lol


Good luck on that ghan yarnscrapper, , sounds like an ambitious undertaking!

Hope all goes well Tribbles with the proceedure, keep us in the loop!!

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I think our weather is the big April fool joke on us----getting up in the 80"s today and then dropping 50 degrees.  I thought I was feeling better but between getting hot and still having the cold that just won't leave I got kind of sick working outside this morning.  Oh well every little bit I get done adds up.  I can't believe Easter is this Sun.  I never got around to buying the little jelly beans for my Easter chick dispenser.  I love making it poop jelly beans.  


Linda sounds like you are going to help a lot of little birds.  Does the place want the nests made from cotton or acrylic and do they have a pattern or size they want?


I finally have all the ribbon type novelty yarn converted into scarves.  I have had it for a long time and didn't like it when I crocheted with it so wasn't sure how I was going to use it up.  i am glad I tried using on my kk loom as it worked up nicely on it.  Now on to the fuzzy stuff.  

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hi brenda, hey,i did a bunch of those nests too, about I dunno, 2 years ago, and I think Linda donates the nests to the same place I made them for, which is Virginia Beach, address, and info are on this page. check it out. I sent them a lot of nests, as I am sure Linda does too....Don't know why i stopped really, just got into other things, I guess.    anyway,hope that link helps!! the addy is about half way down that page, in bright blue, can't miss it.......

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thanks Katy for providing the info to bgs,since I'm link challenged

If you need a hand work out,this is it,three strands with an H hook is nice and tight,just how they want them

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Good morning all  Thank you for the info re: nests. I was wondering what that topic was all about :lol

I have some "ugly" yarn colors that the nests will be perfect for!!


I worked on my baby blanket last night. BUT...I had to frog half of what I had already done. :cry

Oh well, such is life.  By tonight I'll be back to where I was. :clap

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Good morning all  Thank you for the info re: nests. I was wondering what that topic was all about :lol

I have some "ugly" yarn colors that the nests will be perfect for!!


I worked on my baby blanket last night. BUT...I had to frog half of what I had already done. :cry

Oh well, such is life.  By tonight I'll be back to where I was. :clap


Oh thats a shame scrappy, but we all have done that, too many times to count, i dare say!!



Good morning

going to be in the 70's today,bright and sunny

Here too Linda, a rather pleasant day, very mild, lots of rain last night, but nothing severe, and it sure greened everything up around here, so all is good!!


Giving handyman a break  tonight, I made potatoa salad, and bought some deli chicken, and some strawberrys for strawberry short cake for desert, he usully does most of the cooking, but once in a while, I like to give him a break, lol. Now, if only I could train him to do those blasted dishes after he cooks, lol


nothing much else, working on my charity stuff, will have something to post in the stashbusting thread tonight or tomorrow, as I started out in the negative, lol, so needing to catch up a bit, but whateveh!! lol



ok,all for now, will check in a bit later, gonna kick backfor about a half hour,then will put dinner together!! Buffet style, lol

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Thanks for the link.  It looks like acrylic yarn is what is being used.   It would be a good way to use up ugly yarn.  I noticed they even had a pattern to make them on a loom.


We had rain early this morning and its been cloudy and warm today.  Too wet and muddly to do much outside.  


Strawberries and shortcake my favorite.  


sopo has been on my mind  a lot lately so I mailed her a card today.  

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Look who finally has some time to put her friendship blankie together. Hopefully you recognize some of your squares. I also hope everyone is doing great!

:cheer  :cheer glad you checked in.

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Good morning all  Thank you for the info re: nests. I was wondering what that topic was all about :lol

I have some "ugly" yarn colors that the nests will be perfect for!!


I worked on my baby blanket last night. BUT...I had to frog half of what I had already done. :cry

Oh well, such is life.  By tonight I'll be back to where I was. :clap


Oh I hate it when I have to undo all my work :( I have done that with my last two squares!!! I think I must say that I am square challenged I am having a terrible time getting my squares to look like they are supposed to! I am gonna fine a youtube link tonight and follow along with that I think, maybe that will straighten me out ACK!!! 

hI Linda, tribbs and yarnscrapper!!


Yep, april fools day, forgot all about that, lol should have told handyman he had a flat before he left, that never gets old, lol


Good luck on that ghan yarnscrapper, , sounds like an ambitious undertaking!


Hope all goes well Tribbles with the proceedure, keep us in the loop!!



Mr. Tribble did fine. It is exhausting waiting at the hospital. When we got home we ate the KFC we had bought then sat down. Course Mr Tribble was still exhausted from being put under so he fell asleep, but I too slept off and on from 8 pm till around 10 am this morning :( goodness sakes. I told Mr. Tribble today that the only reason he had the shoulder surgery done was so he didn't have to drive me to work... LOL.... He grinned and said "you found me out" 

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wow kim!! terrific ghan, and good to see you online here again too, nice squares, does this mean you will be changing your preferences for squares soon?? lol


Bgs, what a good idea for sopo, I do so hope all is well. i may do the same, send a card I mean, as she is not answering any other form of communication, and a card, is well, less intrudable than emails and such, thanks.

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Hey Katy,

Not yet!   Making this king size 99 squares

Oh wow... thats gonna be huge! I want mine big also, but not sure I will do king.... ;)

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