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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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oh wow, what pics huh, first of all, glad you had a good b day dragnlady!!

Grannyannie's puffy to you was terrific yarn monkey, i could tell how excited you were, and what a cutie peanut is!! Tampa doll is amazing, sent me, lil ole me, and angel pin, and when I wear it, I will remember the angel that sent it to me, lol, and between the Candy cane., that i adore, I have a pinapple, and a snowflake, from our brenda as well, that all go up for decorations!!


Yarnmonkey, made me laugh, with the platic thingie on the phone, OMGosh, that sounds so like something I would do, lol


Glad you figured it out anyway..!!


Hello to carol, and pineknot, a creative.mrs, glad you loved your package as well, they are rolling in now gang!! Hi to Immafreak, owlvamp, and hi kim goodie, glad to see your post too, and all else posted above, that I already forgot, the pics are beautiful, that ghan is to die for, what size are those squares again please, yarnmonkey??? it would be nice to get a couple more to finish it up, before the birthday bash, lol so just wondering, what size again, and how many please!!!

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we should all post when we get pretty close to collecting what we need, so Ill start the ball rolling, I think I need at least a few more, can't decide if i wanna make it bigger, or keep it to 3 by 4 12 inchers ... So Im saying, just in case, I put on another row, I need at least 5 more, me thinks...


Looks like yarnmonkey, unless she's making it bigger too, needs just a few more, huh?? ANYone else running close to the finish line on their ghan????


finished some running today, tomorrow, Im not going out for one little thing, at all, I called in a ME day, or mental health day, whichever fits, lol and will not leave the house for anything, but stay in, put my feet up, drink dieT coke, eat a couple peanut butter choc. chip cookies, and juSt veg out tomorrow!!


SUPPOSED to get a few snowflakes tomorrow too so, I won't miss being out in that at all, lol


Sheesh, Im beat tonight too Carol, hope we aren't coming down with the santa cold, lol


well, all for now, might be back later, so take care and enjoy the evening!

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Just popping in to say Hey. Been a busy and very tiring few days. Hope all is well. Great Pics guys. Hugs Kisses and Love...  Night night......  OHHHHHH My secret Santa recipient should get her delivery tomorrow  :2eek  :woo

My secret Santa recipient should of had hers for 2 days according to the tracking number.

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it wasnt the wait staff that sang it was the group i was with. The church ladies


Oh well, you can't escape that! My parents used to always take me to a Mexican restaurant for my birthday as a teenage and boy was it embarrassing to get that big ole sombrero put on your head and get the attention of everybody in the restaurant!


yarb_monkey your afghan is really pretty.  It's kind of neat that you are joining the squares as you get them.  It would save on making ones' self crazy arranging and rearranging them.  Your's just looks so good the way you did it.  


Thank you! :hug I was going bananas putting craziebunnie's afghan together and trying to arrange the squares the way I thought they looked best, so I'm really glad I decided from the beginning to just attach them as they came. I have a scrap granny afghan that I make little 3 round grannies for whenever I have just a tiny bit of yarn left from a skein and I'm just throwing them into bags as I make them. When I have enough to put a bedspread size ghan together, I'll dump them into a HUGE garbage bag and attach them as I pull them out. 


oh wow, what pics huh, first of all, glad you had a good b day dragnlady!!

Grannyannie's puffy to you was terrific yarn monkey, i could tell how excited you were, and what a cutie peanut is!! Tampa doll is amazing, sent me, lil ole me, and angel pin, and when I wear it, I will remember the angel that sent it to me, lol, and between the Candy cane., that i adore, I have a pinapple, and a snowflake, from our brenda as well, that all go up for decorations!!


Yarnmonkey, made me laugh, with the platic thingie on the phone, OMGosh, that sounds so like something I would do, lol


Glad you figured it out anyway..!!


Hello to carol, and pineknot, a creative.mrs, glad you loved your package as well, they are rolling in now gang!! Hi to Immafreak, owlvamp, and hi kim goodie, glad to see your post too, and all else posted above, that I already forgot, the pics are beautiful, that ghan is to die for, what size are those squares again please, yarnmonkey??? it would be nice to get a couple more to finish it up, before the birthday bash, lol so just wondering, what size again, and how many please!!!


They're 8 inch squares and I know I want at least 11 more... to finish this row and another. At that point I'll decide if I want to add another row. For some reason I just don't like my afghans to be square so I'll probably wind up with 18 total needed. I've got some bright yarn left over from various project so I'll add a couple as soon as I finish my friend's scarf.


I'm probably about 1/4 of the way done with that scarf.., I'd be further along if I hadn't had to frog one of the pieces 3 times before I got it figured out. The pattern says to make all your pieces and then attach them but I really dislike doing that... not sure why really... so I was trying to figure out which way I needed to attach the yarn to have them all facing the same direction at the end. I don't know what I did wrong the first time, because I had it right but thought it was wrong so I pulled it out. Sheesh. I've had a lot of problems with patterns lately and usually I go right on with no problems at all! :reyes  


Not much on the agenda for tomorrow... I have a doctor's appointment at 4, so I'll be around the house getting some things done beforehand and then send DH out to pick up dinner afterwards and just spend some quality time on the couch. I hope I get told I'm boring!!  :lol


I'll check in tomorrow night after dinner! Hope everyone had a good day!  :ghug

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growing up in foster care,one family made cornstarch cookies,those have always been my favorite,my daughter renamed them butter cookies,said cornstarch sounded so unappealing, those are always the first cookies to disappear when we gift them.

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Hi all!  Just a quick stop by to say Hi!  I tried to stop in a day or so ago but just as I was about to post I was called away by you know who, lol.  He always knows when I'm about to chat with you guys and that's when he decides he wants to have a cuppa coffee and chat with me or needs something or whatever.  Jeez, men....lol.  I love him anyway, lol.

I've got most of my doll clothes finished or I should say I have as much as I'm going to do finished, lol.  I have one more skirt, one set of leggings and hopefully some slippers/shoes to make.  I made one purse last night and that came out good so I may make 3 more, but I'm not sure if I want to make them all the same pattern or experiment to come up with 3 others.  It shouldn't be too hard to make a doll purse, lol.  It suddenly dawned on me last night that I only have ONE WEEK til CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!  AGH!!!!   How did this happen?  It was just the 4th of July!  :blink Oh well, I'll get it done, I always do! No time to stress.  Hubby is taking me shopping later today to finish up.  We're just waiting for my hydration bag to finish so that I don't have to lug that around the store.  It can be such a pain always being plugged into a machine.  Ehhh, sorry for the whinning.


Ohhhh, Nikki!  I'm so glad that you received your package and that you like everything.  I had so much fun putting it together!  Love the pic of Peanut too!  He is a cutie!


Pineknott, thank you for your beautiful christmas card!  It really brightened my day.


Bgs, thank you, also for your lovely card and the beautiful candy cane!  We don't have a tree up this year, but it is hanging in a special place of honor.


Katy, thanks for sharing the recipe!  I haven't made a poke cake in years.  They are so yummy!


I found a different cookie recipe here on the ville and we tried it out last night.  It is super easy and yummy!  It's in the recipe section  I think the are just called Easy Cookies.  One box of cake mix (any flavor), one small container of cool whip (8 oz), and 1 egg.  Mix them together in a mixer until very well mixed.  Then take by teaspoonful and roll in confectioners sugar until well coated.  Bake in 350 degree oven for 12-14 min.  Hubby loved them!  


Belated Happy Birthday, Dragnlady!  So sorry that I missed it.  


I found out last night that one of my granddaughters, the next to youngest (she's 5) has pneumonia.  Would you mind saying a prayer for her if you have a minute.  She is such a sweet little thing and always brightens up the room.  It breaks my heart to know that she is so sick.


Well, I have to dash for now. I just might have a few minutes for some knitting before we head to the store, lol.  Be well everyone.  :hug

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growing up in foster care,one family made cornstarch cookies,those have always been my favorite,my daughter renamed them butter cookies,said cornstarch sounded so unappealing, those are always the first cookies to disappear when we gift them.

I agree with daughter. When I first read cornstarch cookies it wasn't applealing to me either. LOL

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:wgrin  :ctree  :santa Squeals of delight :santa

my secret santa pkg. arrived,and I am so happy,while Kristy slept Santa must have told her I needed an apron with a nice big pocket

my wish was granted,with an awesome necktie apron,luv the Garfield,I also received two purple skeins of gorgeous yarn,a pair of crocheted ice skates,a color changing snowman face,which is another one of my weaknesses,both the snowman and things that change color,and a beautiful Christmas card,thank you again sweet friend,for the happiness you gave me.

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Grannyannie, saying a prayer for you and your grandbaby.


I JUST walked in the door and wanted to say I got my secret santa package. Thank you owlvamp!! I love it. I will go post pics as soon as I get groceries put away.  :yay

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owlvamp :ty  so much for the card and the Christmas tree ornament.  I appreciate you thinking of me.


acreativemrs, I am sure the guys at the fire station will appreciate anything you send.  Hubby is a volunteer fireman and to tell you the truth they wipe out plain old chocolate chip cookies in no time at all.  


granniyannie I am glad you stopped by.  I have made that cookie recipe before.in chocolate, lemon and a few other flavors.  They are so pretty the way they crackle .  Praying that your granddaughter gets welll soon.

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wow, puffys are rolling in all over the place!! This was so fun, we're doing secret santa again next year, and Im playing in that one, lol The reason i didn't, I thought I would be so busy, and wasn't fair for me to pick who got me, and when i figured it out, It came out right, without me, and i didn't want to do it again, and somewhere along the line, i thought I may have to fill in for someone, and and and, but next time we play, I wanna play too, darn it!! If I had a million bucks, I would love to send all of you something you desire for Christmas, lol, but this time, it's gotta suffice to be just the thought, that counts, but you all know, I love ya, and cherish your friendship, don't cha!!


I have never heard of cornstarch cookies, looking that up soon.... also, nice to hear from ann, and Lacey, lol, getting ready for Christams company huh lacey, ours will be christmas eve,here, and Christmas just the two of us, soooo no major cleaning needs to be done, I will do the floors, and straighten up, but really, it never gets too messy, as I am somewhat of a self admitted neat freak,lol..( my name is Katie, and I am a neat a holic)



Jumping in for a quick good morning! Off to take the husband to work and then I want to try making some ginger snaps. I've actually been baking a lot this Christmas season. lol Hope everyone has a great day!  :yes

Hello Glitter girl, glad to your posts once again, we missed you!


Every year we take cookie baskets to the local fire department but this year I am at a loss for what other cookies to make. What is your favorite most homey, must have cookie for the season?

mine are called butterballs, my mom's recipie, from her old cookbook, that I have now....Ill try to write it down, super easy, probably 4 ingredients, and delish!! they are similar to a cookie called, what is it now, Rusian cakes, maybe, but so much better, as I have tried those!! Ill get that recipie for you all soon.....


:wgrin  :ctree  :santa Squeals of delight :santa

my secret santa pkg. arrived,and I am so happy,while Kristy slept Santa must have told her I needed an apron with a nice big pocket

my wish was granted,with an awesome necktie apron,luv the Garfield,I also received two purple skeins of gorgeous yarn,a pair of crocheted ice skates,a color changing snowman face,which is another one of my weaknesses,both the snowman and things that change color,and a beautiful Christmas card,thank you again sweet friend,for the happiness you gave me.

oh, that is so nice Linda, nice package and sweet words for your secret santa!!!!!

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this recipie is very much like mine, Mexican Wedding cake cookies, Rusian tea Cakes, or butterballs, Im not sure if the recipie is exactly l ike my moms, but very close!


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Ok! Finally got a pic and to sit down. 


Thank you again Owlvamp. I am so about to break into those M&Ms. Much needed! lol I got the cutest hot pad and coasters (very cool how you did those and my favorite color :D  ), a pretty star ornament,  a bunch of squares for my 'ghan, and some washcloths (one was a bunny!) and a nice card. I was dragging when I went into the post office but that made me smile.   :D  :ty


Sorry on the tracking being off. Our post office is so understaffed right now, our main man is out with knee replacement and poor Ronda is having heck keeping caught up. We don't always get notices in our box when things get there... sometimes it's a few days later. Poor girl is running ragged for the past 3 months. 


Anyway, my secret santa went out priority today as well. Hoping it finds it's new home soon. 


Now going to go see if my 'happy pills' mms help this headache.  :hug


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Thanks for all your prayers and good well wishes for my husband.   It worked.   HIs tumor is benign.   Thank all of you and thank Jesus

That is great news!


Grannyannie, I'll be praying for your granddaughter.


Today was good at work, the kids were only in for half the day and then the PTA provided lunch for the staff, it was yummy. Then I had to go back to the dentist to have the stitches out, which was pretty easy. The rough part was being told that I need a partial ($900) or preferably an implant ($3100), either way I don't have the money and I can't afford to finance it either, so I am praying about it and trying not to let it get me down.  Now on an up-note tomorrow I will be off work early and on Monday my daughters and grandkids will be here for the day to make cookies. Guess that's about it for me. Have a great evening.

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:wgrin  :ctree  :santa Squeals of delight :santa

my secret santa pkg. arrived,and I am so happy,while Kristy slept Santa must have told her I needed an apron with a nice big pocket

my wish was granted,with an awesome necktie apron,luv the Garfield,I also received two purple skeins of gorgeous yarn,a pair of crocheted ice skates,a color changing snowman face,which is another one of my weaknesses,both the snowman and things that change color,and a beautiful Christmas card,thank you again sweet friend,for the happiness you gave me.

Glad you liked it.

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Every year we take cookie baskets to the local fire department but this year I am at a loss for what other cookies to make. What is your favorite most homey, must have cookie for the season?


My favorite Christmas cookie is peanut butter with the Hershey Kisses smashed in the top. I saw a recipe online where you take the ball of cookie dough and instead of putting it on a cookie sheet, you put them in the mini cupcake pan. When they come out of the oven, you press a mini Reese cup down in the top.  :D That's right up my alley and I may need to make those. I also like cookies where you use Heath bar pieces instead of chocolate chips. They're amazing and some places of the Heath bar stay a little crunchy. They're amazing!  :yes


Thanks for all your prayers and good well wishes for my husband.   It worked.   HIs tumor is benign.   Thank all of you and thank Jesus


I have no words, just...  :hug  :yay  :hug  :yay


My doctor's appointment went well, made it through and made it home. I'll have results back next week, so I'm hoping for good news for Christmas. 


Tomorrow if I'm up to it, I'll go to Sister's for some Peanut time and take some of my Christmas projects along to work on and we'll go running around to Walmart and a local thrift store after her boyfriend gets home and can watch the baby. The thrift store operates entirely off donations and volunteers and all their proceeds go to benefit the local animal shelter. I just got word via their Facebook that they just got a big bunch of yarn in, so naturally I need to go check it all out! I told them that's my favorite 4 letter word so I'll be there lickety split! 


Tonight I'm going to try to finish my friend's scarf, over halfway done now and the motifs go quickly so fingers crossed. I've realized i have way more crafty projects to finish before Christmas than is realistic so I need to get a move on! 


Have a good night!!  :)

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Hi all.... I too can't believe that christmas is almost here. I work nights and I am pretty much going to be at work every day until christmas is over! We had a girl in the department go on Medical Leave so that left the rest of us to pick up her shifts... I don't have all the christmas decorations up and I don't have anything baked, I think I might just not bake anything this year! I didn't get anything done this year that I wanted to for christmas, it kinda just got away from me! :(


I will enjoy christmas morning with my 4 year old then sleep so I can go in to work....  We will probably have christmas dinner that coming weekend I think either Saturday or Sunday.

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kim, that is great news, the power of friends sending good vibes, and prayers must have helped!

How is dad Brenda? Hope he is doing ok.

Poor carol, you sounded all tuckered out, tomorrow, you will maybe get some rest

I recently made just plain old peanut butter cookies, but put chocolate chips in them, 3 dozen later, they are almost all gone already, handyman likes him hiis cookies, and yet, never gains a pound?????? HOW RUDE!!


pretty things come in puffy's i see, what nice packages,you guys are so amazing putting them together!!


Poor Tribble, having to work but have a good time, with a four year old, that is the fun part!!

Yarnmonkey, have fun and save me some yarn!! lol

everyone I missed, hve a great day tomorrow!! Ill see ya then


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