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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Oh Mandy. they r pretty.  If you can't get rid of them I will be starting a new afghan for me and hubby. any size or colors.


You can have them! PM your addy :)

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Hello Squares! Sorry to be so spars in my postings lately.  I have good intentions but I can't seem to stay awake long enough to accomplish much, lol.  I don't know if I over did it with the holidays or it's my health problems kicking up.  something tells me it's a combo, but leaning more to my health.  Oh well, know that I'm thinking of you all even if I'm not on here every day.  It's been funny...I keep trying to crochet and I fall asleep with the hook in hand.  Sometimes it's the sound of it hitting the floor that wakes me up, lol.  So I try to figure out where I left off and continue until it happens again, lol.  That's how I've been spending my days.

You ladies were talking about children and them growing up....I have two grown sons and as much as I miss the days when they were babies/toddlers I treasure the moments now seeing the fine men they have become.  They also have both gifted me with grandchildren and that is priceless. I see the same twinkle in my granddaughters eyes that was in her daddies eyes when he was little...it brings back so many memories, ones I can cherish.

Well, I've rambled long enough, now it's time for another nap, lol.  I'll try to be back sooner.  Take care all. (((hugs)))

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purdy squares. so nice of you too, i love little surprize bonus things done here on the thread!!! I may do one soon!!


Glad tank is better, and hope his leg continues to be ok.


Hi viking, and dragnlady, carol, and pineknott, ann, and kuddles!!!


Feeling like a cold has settled in my sinus's and such, but got some musinex to beat it back, it's working pretty well, bout time for another, so off for now, everyone enjoy thier day!

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I love your afghan, dragnlady5!  I see my big butterfly square there.  I can't remember if I sent any other squares, but that one I recognize.  I'm glad that your SIL was happily surprised.  You are a godsend to her.   :hug

Drum roll PLEASE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Here it is the long awaited and well over due Friendshipghan Enjoy





Couldnt get them all in one picture.  Not tall enough lol


Katie, I'm still here!  I had to recover from all the tamale making on the 24th.  We actually started on the 23rd, and I stayed up longer than everyone else and went to bed at 7:30 a.m. the morning of Christmas Eve.  I slept a while and then enjoyed having most of my brothers and sisters and their kids over.  I actually slept over at my sister's house the nights of the 23rd and 24th and didn't go online.  Once I was home, I had to recharge.  Then there was work.  All in all, I've been happily tired and busy.


I got a puffy!  Thanks, grannyannie!!  The squares are just perfect, and she sent me a beautiful Christmas card.  You made my day!



I was thoroughly spoiled by Paula as well.  She wanted to cheer me up from when I was not doing well and was not crocheting.  To help me get my "mojo" back, she ordered this from Herrschners.  Isn't it wonderful!  They're two balls of Bernat Waverly yarn, a wooden crochet hook, pattern book, and a foldable bag!  I thought it was a wallet, and it looked to pretty to unfold.  It's pretty big, plus I love the pattern on it.  Thank you, Paula!!



I'm very blessed to have you all as friends.  What a generous bunch of ladies we have here.  I read through the past posts, and I was teary eyed by the time I was done.  Thank you all for just being you :hug


Katie, I will give you my count by Monday.  If I get anything after that, I'll let you know :)


Good night, friends!

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I love your afghan, dragnlady5!  I see my big butterfly square there.  I can't remember if I sent any other squares, but that one I recognize.  I'm glad that your SIL was happily surprised.  You are a godsend to her.   :hug


Katie, I'm still here!  I had to recover from all the tamale making on the 24th.  We actually started on the 23rd, and I stayed up longer than everyone else and went to bed at 7:30 a.m. the morning of Christmas Eve.  I slept a while and then enjoyed having most of my brothers and sisters and their kids over.  I actually slept over at my sister's house the nights of the 23rd and 24th and didn't go online.  Once I was home, I had to recharge.  Then there was work.  All in all, I've been happily tired and busy.


I got a puffy!  Thanks, grannyannie!!  The squares are just perfect, and she sent me a beautiful Christmas card.  You made my day!

attachicon.gifFrom grannyannie 12-28-13.jpg


I was thoroughly spoiled by Paula as well.  She wanted to cheer me up from when I was not doing well and was not crocheting.  To help me get my "mojo" back, she ordered this from Herrschners.  Isn't it wonderful!  They're two balls of Bernat Waverly yarn, a wooden crochet hook, pattern book, and a foldable bag!  I thought it was a wallet, and it looked to pretty to unfold.  It's pretty big, plus I love the pattern on it.  Thank you, Paula!!

attachicon.gifChristmas Gift from Paula 2013 1.jpgattachicon.gifChristmas Gift from Paula 2013 2.jpg


I'm very blessed to have you all as friends.  What a generous bunch of ladies we have here.  I read through the past posts, and I was teary eyed by the time I was done.  Thank you all for just being you :hug


Katie, I will give you my count by Monday.  If I get anything after that, I'll let you know :)


Good night, friends!

The squares and yarn and bag are so pretty!!


My squares for you are in the mail, hopefully they will be there Monday or Tuesday.


Hello to everyone. I'll be heading out to church soon and then the grandkids will be here for a fun afternoon. Maybe I'll squeeze in a little stitching tonight. Have a great day everyone.

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Good morning all! Out this morning to take back a few things that Kiddles got for gifts, groceries then back home. Supposed to drop all day and tomorrow's high will be in the single digits. Brrrr!




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Hi Everyone, I know I don't pop in too often but I do think of everyone.   DragnLady05 your ghan is beautiful. I have to be honest ladies, I have all the squares and I just have to figure out how to put it together.  Putting together squares was never my strong suit and I don't want to take all my beautiful squares and put it together badly.  I am just going to have to get brave and tackle it soon.   Hope everyone is doing well. 

Grannyannie, I was laughing reading your comment about falling asleep crocheting.  I must have done that 3 times yesterday.  I know I use crochet to relax but I just it relaxed me too much :lol

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Hi Everyone! Yes, it's me, two days in a row.  Hard to believe I know, lol. I tried to come on earlier, but, you guessed it.  I fell asleep! Crochet hook in hand and all, sheesh, what am I going to do, lol.  All I can say is if you ladies get a square from me that looks a little funky you'll know what happened---annie fell asleep making it! LOL! I try to fix my boo boo's, but I may not catch them all. 


Maria, I'm so glad that you received your squares and you like them.  That is a lovely gift from Paula, too.  I love working with VC yarn.


Pat, It's so nice to know that I'm not the only one falling asleep hook in hand, lol.


Katie, hope you're feeling better!


Time to go, yeah I'm sleepy, lol.  See you tomorrow!

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AngelRoseLite you got some nice gifts. Hope you got your mojo back.


I'm working on an afghan for the new grand baby boy due in Feb. I haven't forgotten to show pictures just haven't been able to take them yet.

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Hi all!!

Took me a while to get here today, but I came, lol


Lets see, angel, how cool, your squares and gifts are gorgeous!!


Cshort, busy lady, as always, enjoy your time with those grandkids!


Dragnlady, again, nice ghan, beautiful squares!!

Kuddles, yes, weather here too has been very cold, and the wind last night, dangerously cold...


Pat 54, good to hear from you lady, hey, little advice here, just start laying squares out on a floor, only thing to remember, is not to put two of similar colors together, lol but other than that, there really is no rules or regs on it, and I have never seen an ugly one yet, so do your own thing, to your liking!! I always take a pic of it after I think I have it laid out satisfactorily, as mistakes in color or something usually show up better when you are looking at a pic of it, just my thing, helps me..


Granny ann, wow, you are here today too, you are spoiling us. lol Don't worry, we don't look at any mistakes, we just love looking, lol


ANd owlvamp, hope you are getting some rest in with your busy activities too, hope Tank is all better!


For me, nothing much, have a day with dd tomorrow aft. but nothing much else happening here.. Been really cold, like Kuddles, and the wind was horrible, make it seem like -19!!


We broke records the other days before the cold came, for being warm, 62 and such, and then the  next day,

it's 3         sigh, Nebraska, huh


Well all, will leave you with this thought......


If you could talk to anyone that has passed, whom would it be, and why......can be dead, or even alive yet. I think I would like to talk to my dad, if I had to choose, as he died when I was young, and never ever really knew him, nor have memories of him, so would just like to touch base a bit.......who would you chose????????


talk with ya all tomorrow now, good night !!

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Good morning squares!


Kiddles DID have a good holiday, lots of gifts she doesn't need from her family members.....and the candy/cookies! She and I both need to go on a diet now! Yikes!


Going out soon........I sold the teddy bear chenille bedspread in my destash shop and need to get it to the post office to mail! So glad it went! I plan to slash prices in my shop over this weekend on a few items, to get them moving! I have more fabric to post when I can...


Also the books/mags I posted here will be posted over on the destash thread here.....later today. I want to take pictures of them (in groups so less photos) and see if anyone wants anything.


My goal is to destash, earn a little money to help with bills, and make 2014 the year Kiddles and I enjoy to the max!




Ì had wanted to ask you about one of those books and just never got a chance - I'll pop over to the store later this week to check them out! This has been a crazy evening. >_< We've got company over to play some games, but child and dog and cat conspired to start sapping my patience rapidly after a while! Once we wrapped up the big complicated spread-all-over-the-table grown-up game we did pick out a nice simple one that he played with us, so that was nice. But that cat - he meowed for his dinner for a solid hour, I swear. I gave him his dinner half an hour early just to shut him up. And the dog kept running into the table and alternating between wanting to be in people's faces and just knocking the table around and messing up our card stacks, so she had to be crated for a while.


Oh - burst of entertainment during the stress though! Little Viking suddenly told me, very urgently, that he had to go poop in the potty, and headed off. I turned the light on for him, and then he wanted me to leave so he could go by himself, so I went back to the game for a minute. A few minutes later I realised it had been a while so I went to check on him, and we had this exchange.


"Mommy, I twied to poop in da potty, but I couldn't."

"Oh, well, that's ok honey, that just happens sometimes."

*sad voice* "I just pooped on da wug." [one of the bath mats]

"...Oh. Well."

*matter-of-fact, everything's solved voice* "I just wo[ll]ed it up."


The tone of voice was too perfect! "Everything's fine, mom, I rolled up the poopy rug!"  :rofl I'm grinning again just remembering it!


And now there is a soaked spot on the couch because the dog is licking it. Again. Gods, I may go to bed early tonight just because I'm going crazy otherwise. I have a quilt that was supposed to be a Christmas present but I still have two blocks to finish (technically, one to finish and one to start), and a wedding afghan that's supposed to be for January 4, but I just do not want to work on either of them. And we may not be going to my grandmother's for the new year anyway, which would be when I'd be delivering the Christmas gift. aaaaaaaaaaugh.  :headache  :2frog  :tired


Now company's getting up to leave and the dog is barking at them again. AAAAAAAAAAAUGH.  :bang

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Last time we visited my husband's parents she asked me to work on a quilt layout with her, and she had all the pieces pinned to/laid out on a spare bedsheet so we could swap them around and look at them and then she could just roll it up and put it to the side. That way she could take it out again later and look at it with fresh eyes, see if anything needed to be switched around. 

Hi Everyone, I know I don't pop in too often but I do think of everyone.   DragnLady05 your ghan is beautiful. I have to be honest ladies, I have all the squares and I just have to figure out how to put it together.  Putting together squares was never my strong suit and I don't want to take all my beautiful squares and put it together badly.  I am just going to have to get brave and tackle it soon.   Hope everyone is doing well. 

Grannyannie, I was laughing reading your comment about falling asleep crocheting.  I must have done that 3 times yesterday.  I know I use crochet to relax but I just it relaxed me too much :lol

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Ì had wanted to ask you about one of those books and just never got a chance - I'll pop over to the store later this week to check them out! This has been a crazy evening. >_< We've got company over to play some games, but child and dog and cat conspired to start sapping my patience rapidly after a while! Once we wrapped up the big complicated spread-all-over-the-table grown-up game we did pick out a nice simple one that he played with us, so that was nice. But that cat - he meowed for his dinner for a solid hour, I swear. I gave him his dinner half an hour early just to shut him up. And the dog kept running into the table and alternating between wanting to be in people's faces and just knocking the table around and messing up our card stacks, so she had to be crated for a while.


Oh - burst of entertainment during the stress though! Little Viking suddenly told me, very urgently, that he had to go poop in the potty, and headed off. I turned the light on for him, and then he wanted me to leave so he could go by himself, so I went back to the game for a minute. A few minutes later I realised it had been a while so I went to check on him, and we had this exchange.


"Mommy, I twied to poop in da potty, but I couldn't."

"Oh, well, that's ok honey, that just happens sometimes."

*sad voice* "I just pooped on da wug." [one of the bath mats]

"...Oh. Well."

*matter-of-fact, everything's solved voice* "I just wo[ll]ed it up."


The tone of voice was too perfect! "Everything's fine, mom, I rolled up the poopy rug!"  :rofl I'm grinning again just remembering it!


And now there is a soaked spot on the couch because the dog is licking it. Again. Gods, I may go to bed early tonight just because I'm going crazy otherwise. I have a quilt that was supposed to be a Christmas present but I still have two blocks to finish (technically, one to finish and one to start), and a wedding afghan that's supposed to be for January 4, but I just do not want to work on either of them. And we may not be going to my grandmother's for the new year anyway, which would be when I'd be delivering the Christmas gift. aaaaaaaaaaugh.  :headache  :2frog  :tired


Now company's getting up to leave and the dog is barking at them again. AAAAAAAAAAAUGH.  :bang

Now why do those Clorox commercials come to mind right now,I guess that's better than a child who would hide the evidence,lol

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LOL Viking. i had to read that to the hubby. That is great. 


Katy... Who would I talk to? My oldest Brother. He was my Hero. He always made everything better no matter what. He always had my back. I was his favorite out of the five of us. I could always depend on Bob. He lived in SD was married 20 years and worked as a bailliff at the Lawrence county Police Department in Lead. Feb 2010 My brother committed suicide. No one knows why. There was never any clues or signs. I just want to know why. To know what was going thru his head. ok in the living room with everyone and hiding tears. 

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LOL Viking. i had to read that to the hubby. That is great. 


Katy... Who would I talk to? My oldest Brother. He was my Hero. He always made everything better no matter what. He always had my back. I was his favorite out of the five of us. I could always depend on Bob. He lived in SD was married 20 years and worked as a bailliff at the Lawrence county Police Department in Lead. Feb 2010 My brother committed suicide. No one knows why. There was never any clues or signs. I just want to know why. To know what was going thru his head. ok in the living room with everyone and hiding tears. 

That is so sad!  I wish we could really contact our loved ones.  Whatever the reason he did what he did, he loved you, and that's all that matters.  :hug


I would want to talk to my mom.  There are always questions I have for her.  Even if we couldn't talk, I'd give anything for her to brush my hair back with her fingers while I'm falling asleep.  That would always relax me.  If possible, I'd even try to get my mom and my dad's mom together to talk to if I could cheat.  I miss them tremendously.


Owlvamp, I think I can safely say I got my mojo back, lol.  I finished testing a jumper in three sizes for ShiFio today.  They are so cute.  I will post picks when the pattern is posted on her page.  I'm almost finished with my sister's crocodile stitch cardigan.  I hope that by Tuesday I can start and finish a My Little Pony ami for my niece's fourth birthday.  Then I hope to finish some WIP's I have lying around.


It's almost the end of the month!  I'm reluctant to move my crown from its place of honor, but I must get it ready for the next queen.  I can hardly wait to see who it is.  


Have a good night, everyone :)

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Good Morning,


Vikingrunnergirl, your potty story started my day with a laugh.


I've been known to fall asleep with my hook and yarn in my hands too.


I plans to go shopping and to lunch with both of my daughters today, a ladies day out doesn't happen too often and I plan to enjoy every second of it. But since I'm up so early, I'm working on quilts for the grandkids while I wait.


Have a great day everyone.

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Good morning all! I enjoyed reading your posts.........


Who would I talk to that has passed? Hmmmm.....probably my grandmother, my mother's mom. Grew up in her house (with my family) and during the early teen years, I was not that nice! Snarky, as is the usual for that age. I'd love to tell her how sorry I am that I acted like an arse and that I loved her. That she taught me more than anyone else.....she taught me to sew, to cook, to enjoy crafting. Things that my mother couldn't teach me but grandma did. I called her Mamaw (kind of a southern ish thing) and although I never told her, I loved her dearly.


I go back to work for today. Kiddles will go to daycare but she'll have fun, they are bowling! Only supposed to get to about 11 today as a high! Brrr!!! That trailer is gonna be cold! I might be completely alone in it today which will be nice.....


Gotta start getting ready. Sure glad my car is in a garage! BRRRRRR




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Hey, at least he told me about it after hiding the evidence? :D Which is definitely better than discovering it by stepping on it and grinding it in, or - worse! - the dog finding it for us.... :P

Now why do those Clorox commercials come to mind right now,I guess that's better than a child who would hide the evidence,lol


I have another one from *weeks* ago that I've been wanting to share but I have to look up where I wrote down the whole conversation. It literally still makes me giggle when I think of it; I hold it in my mind for those stressful moments. :lol

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Good day all! I'm back from getting Tank fixed. I sure hope it's the thing I did. Poor thing is still groggy and sleeping next to me on the bed. If I leave he thinks he needs to be next to me so I need to stay put until he really falls a asleep. Harlie keeps checking on him to make sure he is okay. So hopefully this will fix he problem.

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