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2012 Stashbusting CAL


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I worked hard today at knitting group and got through a skein of yarn. so now, I'm at a zero for the week!





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Well, I just thought I wouldn't use up any more yarn for the week, but I decided to make a stuffed monkey for my cousin's baby shower and ended up using a ball of yarn on it!! I'll post pics once I get it stuffed and put together. I have no fiber fill and have to run and get some before I can put it all together. But I have all the crocheting done!!

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Well, I just thought I wouldn't use up any more yarn for the week, but I decided to make a stuffed monkey for my cousin's baby shower and ended up using a ball of yarn on it!! I'll post pics once I get it stuffed and put together. I have no fiber fill and have to run and get some before I can put it all together. But I have all the crocheting done!!


ONLY get the fiberfill!! Don't even go NEAR the yarn section!! :devil

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ONLY get the fiberfill!! Don't even go NEAR the yarn section!! :devil


:lol we were in a hurry, so I didn't get a chance to go to the yarn section. It was late and we needed to get back home so dd and her friend could get in bed at a halfway decent hour. Dd took forever shopping for clothes (as usual). Early morning and half the day at cheer competition, THEN I'll get to work on the monkey. :D

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I haven't had much hooky time this week - well, I've probably had it and just didn't utilize it! :lol anyway, I haven't used up any skeins or balls this week, and we will be gone all afternoon to a basketball tournament so I doubt I'll use up any before the end of the night. I don't want to forget to post, so I'm doing that now... even though I didn't use any skeins or balls, I did give 3 skeins away, so I'm still in the positives!!! :cheer


For Week Ending 3-3-2012


WTD +6 / YTD +64

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Made two knitted potholders and a crocheted pot holder from two balls of kitchen cotton.


So I'm at a

WTD=+4 YTD=+19


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I have finished my black and white child's UBW cap but had plenty of each color of yarn left. Now I am working on a orange and brown child's UBW cap. It looks like I will have plenty of each color yarn leftover on this one also. So I will post my score now for the week ending 3/3/2012:


WTD: +2 YTD: -44

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Tue. they predicted :2snow so of course everyone in town panicked. Good for the market, too much work for me. Wed. night and all day Thurs. it :snow / :rain, what a mess :ohdear. The market was dead Thurs. morning, so I got the day off :clap. I finished the 2nd afghan and made a lot of shamrock pins. Used up 3 balls and 1 skein (+5) :cheer. It's :rain a little so I'm going to get my taxes done :P.

WTD: + 5 YTD: + 16

Ellie 13

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Tue. they predicted :2snow so of course everyone in town panicked. Good for the market, too much work for me. Wed. night and all day Thurs. it :snow / :rain, what a mess :ohdear. The market was dead Thurs. morning, so I got the day off :clap. I finished the 2nd afghan and made a lot of shamrock pins. Used up 3 balls and 1 skein (+5) :cheer. It's :rain a little so I'm going to get my taxes done :P.

WTD: + 5 YTD: + 16

Ellie 13



Ellie, you and I are both north of Boston! We didn't get much :snow, mainly just :rain. And now this "heatwave" is melting all we have. My DD hasn't had a single snow day yet! :clapHoping she'll get out 5 days early this year. :cheer

Of course, it being NatCroMo, and close to Easter, my DD wanted me to make her a lamb....well, I looked through my stash...honestly I did, but the yarn I have in mind for the project wasn't what I had in my stash, so we went yarn shopping. I still didn't get what I had in mind for the lamb, but I did end up buying a skein of SS white, and SS black. Hoping that will end up close to what I had in mind.....


So for this week:


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I'm not sure what else I'll be working on tonight, but did gain 2 more points today finishing a ball and making a ball :lol I'll wait until later to post my score officially for the week since I'm just having a quiet night in by myself :D

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Not a lot this week...finished 2 skeins working on rectangles. But, I did go to Hobby Lobby and didn't buy a single skein of yarn! :D


Here we go: WTD: +4 YTD: +35


That's really hard to do. Not buy yarn while at Hobby Lobby. No wild skeins jumped in your cart.



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I haven't managed to get any more skeins used up, but I'm in the positives! I did up yarn today, but it's packed in a box for a swap & is going right back out the door. I didn't let it touch anything except the bag from Michael's & then straight into the box. No mingling with my stash so that there wouldn't be any temptation to stick around!


WTD +6 / YTD +16

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