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My County Fair.

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Well, I just came home from the first day of the fair. I entered quite a lot of projects, both knitting and crochet and here are the results.


8 Blue Ribbons-First Prize

1 Best of show for an adorable doll set I made

3 Red Ribbons-2nd Place

1 White Ribbon-Third place.


And one item was stolen that I entered:angry I knitted a bracelet using silver wire and some black beads and some ladybug beads that I had, and the thing is gone. I asked several people who work there and they didn't know what happened to it. When I brought my stuff on Monday, we were to put our labels on, and then put them in piles on the showcases so that they could be judged. So sometime between my placing the items on the showcases and the judging, it disappeared. It makes me mad.:angry


Last year, my Best of Show ribbon was stolen right off the Christening gown that I made.


I just don't understand how people can take things that don't belong to them.


I had wanted to display my doll outfit on an American Girl doll, for which I made it for, but after my ribbon was stolen last year, I decided not to. I'm glad I did. It was put on a hanger instead.


But I think I did pretty well this year. Thanks for letting me vent about the stolen items.



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Congratulations on all those ribbons! What an accomplishment! I don't know what's wrong with people either, but I do believe justice will eventually catch up to them. Congratulations again!

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Congratulations on all the ribbons! I can't believe someone would steal your project, that's awful. I'm so sorry that happened.

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Congrats !!! I can believe someone stole your art, cause it happens all the time...but remember, what goes around comes around and something will happen to the person who stole from you and it won't be nice...

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Big congrats on your ribbons.


Sorry about the stolen things. :(


I always wanted to enter the fair. One year, I cross stitched my grandma a family tree with her, grandpa and their five kids on it. I had it professionally framed. She loved it. I asked her if I could 'borrow' it back to put in the fair as I was so proud of it.


They day we were to enter our items, the ladies were so rude. They were pushing, shoving each other out of the way. One lady literally knocked another's item onto the floor and it shattered. She did it deliberately so it couldn't be entered. I told dh loud enough for them all to hear that it was absolutely shocking.. the way they were acting. It was just crafts in a fair. There was no reason to be so rude and mean to each other over ribbons. I decided to take grandma's family tree and go home. <sigh>

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Congratulations! I entered the State Fair of Oklahoma for MANY years and it was such fun to go out the first day and see the results of my entries! It becomes an addiction. Again, you can be very proud of yourself and your many hours work.



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Congratulations! I entered the State Fair of Oklahoma for MANY years and it was such fun to go out the first day and see the results of my entries! It becomes an addiction. Again, you can be very proud of yourself and your many hours work.





You are so right. It does feel like an addiction. I didn't sleep much the night before, probably worried about how I did. It's always fun to see how you stack against other crafters in the area.


I did make a sweater in my size this year, and I didn't know how it would place. It was ok. in my eyes, but then it won a blue ribbon. I can never figure out what the judges see.



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Congrats on all your ribbons. You should be so proud. It really stinks that people think they are entitled to take someone else's things. As others have said it will come back to them.

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Wow, well done on your wins, I think thats amazing! Your hard work has been very well rewarded and recognised! I know its hurtful losing your bracelet, but try not to let it take away from the great feeling of winning. Nothing people do nowadays shocks me, I think selfishness and greed have taken over in everyday life. It makes me sad to think we all try to bring our kids up as decent human beings and this is the example set by a minority! My Aunt used to enter things like this in the UK but I dont think they are done here so much anymore! Congratulations again.

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Congrats on your ribbons, Linda!! :cheer:cheer:cheer I, too, am sorry to hear you lost a bracelet! :( My Mom always said "It'll come home to them!" And I've seen it "come home" to people who do evil things!

I entered a shawl in our County fair--won a blue ribbon-first place. Of course, there were only 3 entries in the shawl category, so I had to win something! Our fair entries are really down from former years, but the quality of the entries are pretty good!

I'm already planning something for next year's fair!

Again-congratulations! Well done, girl!! :yes

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If that person would have asked, I would have given it to them after the fair. But to just take it, it's just wrong.



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Congrats on your ribbons. Can you post some pics of the entries here? I wanted to go and check out the crafts, but nothing in the PR in the local paper or the insert indicated where or when craft items would be displayed. It's rather frustrating. Thought I could entice my husband to go with a promise of kangaroo meat, but he couldn't be bribed. Oh well.

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Congrats on your ribbons. Can you post some pics of the entries here? I wanted to go and check out the crafts, but nothing in the PR in the local paper or the insert indicated where or when craft items would be displayed. It's rather frustrating. Thought I could entice my husband to go with a promise of kangaroo meat, but he couldn't be bribed. Oh well.



It's in Building F. Tomorrow is the last day and the building closes at 3. It opens again at 5 so everyone can pick up their stuff, and their winnings.


I paid $6.50 to enter, and I will walk away with $43. That's more yarn money.



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Congrat's on your much deserved ribbons. I hope you post pictures soon.

It is rather disheartening when someone feels the need to steal, especially when you put in your talent and time. It will come back to haunt them. Our local fair has people sitting in the buildings at all times when it's open just because of theives, such a shame.

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