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You know you're a crochet addict when...

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...you wake up and realize you were dreaming about crocheting! :c9


...you have more closet space taken up by yarn than clothes. :yarn


These are both true for me. I thought it would be fun to hear how addicted everyone is...

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You know when you are a crochet addict when


1 your yarn stash is way, way more than what's in the local craft store yarn aisles.


2) you follow someone in the yarn aisle to make sure they aren't going near the yarn you want before you can get to it.


3) you first look for the sale and clearance signs by the yarn and grab all that you can carry (before you go back and get the cart you should have gotten in the first place).


4) you have more crochet books and leaflets than what is on display at the stores.


My name is LI Roe and I am a hopeless crochetoholic.


LI Roe

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I have twice as many crochet hooks as I have skeins of yarn, I've been buying them at tag and estate sales for 40+ years, I now have a shoe and cigar box full of them, yikes!


Funny thing, out of all these hooks, I only use a select few favorite Boye ones.... (I usually tend to use the blue ones, too, what's with that?)


I refuse to divulge the stacks of crochet pattern books I have hidden in every nook and cranny around the house, on the grounds it may incriminate me....


When hubby mentions my crochet habit, I remind him of his screwdriver collection....

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You know you're a crochet addict, when on that rare occasion that you take your daughter to the music show she's been begging you to go to... and all you can think about during the show is.... darn, I wish I had bought that light up crochet hook from HL the other day so I could crochet in the dark. :rofl

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You know you're a crochet addict when instead of counting sheep to get to sleep, you imagine yourself making single crochet stitches and count those instead...

You know you're an addict when you move a shop's worth of yarn, hooks and crochet books over four thousand miles because you can't bear to leave your babies behind...

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You know you're a crochet addict when...


~When you're in bed at night, you can't wait for tomorrow to come so you can keep going on your project!!


~You go to the craft store multiple times a week "just to browse"... yea right, like I EVER walk out of there empty handed :rofl


~You have more items on your "Wish List" than there are days in the year


~You ignore any irritation or muscle pain because you think it will just go away (NOT a good idea... something I need to work on :blush)

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You know you're a crochet addict when...


When you have to stop at the yarn store on your way home from a bad day at work to "pet" the yarn so you can self soothe.


When you have a project going in every room of the house you sit in and two in the car!

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You know you are a crochet addict when:


1. You wake up at 2 a.m. and tell yourself you need to go crochet. Or you think you hear your crocheting call to you from the living room. So you go to the living room and settle in your rocking chair to crochet. Do a few stitches and then promptly fall asleep again.


2. You have so many crochet patterns, books, and magazines that you have collected for years that you would have to live at least 10 lifetimes to crochet everything you wanted to. There always seems to be something "so cute" out there that you have to have the pattern.


3. You always keep one WIP that is small and easy to do that you can grab whenever you go out to run an errand. You know one where all you need is your yarn, hook, yarn clippers, and paper with handwritten notes on it as to what you are making, what stitches, and how many rounds.


4. You take your crochet with you wherever you go. Even to friends' houses when you know you will be talking to everyone and just get a stitch or two done. Doesn't matter have to keep hands busy.


I am Kathy/tnkycrochetnut and I am a long-time crochet addict. Thank goodness my hubby supports me in my addiction and I support him in his baseball card collecting addiction.:rofl :rofl

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You know you are a crochet addict when:


You read all the previous posts in the thread with a smile on your face thinking "Yep, that's me. that's me too. Yep and that one. And that one. And that one too..."

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You know your a crochet addict when...


-Your kids know not to talk to you b/c "mom is counting"


-You have to hide any and all new yarn that comes into the house b/c if hubby sees it he will give you a hard time


-You can't wait for that road trip b/c then you will have time and a reason to finish one of your WIP


-You ALWAYS take a WIP bag with you to work so you can crochet on your down time


-You are constantly stalking E-Bay and Etsy for yarn and patterns

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You know you are a crochet addict when:


1. You browse the yarn isles when you know that you do not NEED any more yarn as you have a closet, cupboard, several totes and bags full of yarn...and then..you see another skien of yarn that you must have. So it hops into your cart before you can blink an eye.


2. when your children are on the lookout for yarn too-even tho they say, "mom, what are you going to do with all that yarn?" they still help feed your addiction because they know it is a win win situation, more yarn makes you so happy, you are liable to say "yes, sweetie, you can get that toy too!" Because you feel slightly guilty for all your splurging.


3. You tell your dh, "huney, you can buy it, you never get anything for yourself." as this gives you leverage when you need one more skien.


My name is LeeAnn and I am hopelessly addicted to yarn and patterns. I have recently added soap and candle products to my addiction. Help!!! I am drowning, na, don't save me, let me wallow.:devil

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You know you are a crochet/yarn addict:


when even your DH stalks craigslist for yarn and crochet thread. (he has gotten me some good deals too)


you love road trips as you can crochet all the way there

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You know you are a crochet addict when:


You read all the previous posts in the thread with a smile on your face thinking "Yep, that's me. that's me too. Yep and that one. And that one. And that one too..."

That about sums it up!!!!:lol:lol:hook

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You know you are a crochet addict when..


You need a bigger room for all the yarn and books.


I moved out of a small bedroom size , to a living room size room.


Now all my yarn is displayed on two back walls, where I can grab what colors I need . Lol


And a library for all my crochet books and hooks. LOl


This is what I had to do last Fall. Now, I am organized.

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You know you are a crochet addict when:


You read all the previous posts in the thread with a smile on your face thinking "Yep, that's me. that's me too. Yep and that one. And that one. And that one too..."


Oh how I laugh so hard just like SHell Lee said it's me in every thread here. I know I addicate too as my stash piles gets higher and I am looking for more yarn and patterns would have to live two lifetimes to even be close to use it all. But what a way to go.

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You know you are a crochet addict when:


You read all the previous posts in the thread with a smile on your face thinking "Yep, that's me. that's me too. Yep and that one. And that one. And that one too..."




That about sums it up!!!!:lol:lol:hook


Yup again


Oh how I laugh so hard just like SHell Lee said it's me in every thread here. I know I addicate too as my stash piles gets higher and I am looking for more yarn and patterns would have to live two lifetimes to even be close to use it all. But what a way to go.


Bad when I have to make costco runs to get more tubs to put the yarn in. I had to move it to the apartment upstairs in the barn...they had the whole room to themselves for awhile (all the skeins) Had all the yarn cleaned out of the house once.... now there is no fewer than 4 tubs in the house again :lol

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You know you are a crochet addict when:



2. when your children are on the lookout for yarn too-even tho they say, "mom, what are you going to do with all that yarn?" they still help feed your addiction because they know it is a win win situation, more yarn makes you so happy, you are liable to say "yes, sweetie, you can get that toy too!" Because you feel slightly guilty for all your splurging.


3. You tell your dh, "huney, you can buy it, you never get anything for yourself." as this gives you leverage when you need one more skien.



This is so true it's scary!

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You know you are a crochet addict when:


You read all the previous posts in the thread with a smile on your face thinking "Yep, that's me. that's me too. Yep and that one. And that one. And that one too..."



I second this! (with great enthusiasm) :hook

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I love all of this I just read ~ especially, having to watch that someone else doesn't beat you to some yarn you just saw but haven't gotten to yet!


Perhaps we have yarn panic disorder.


I have more yarn than my local Walmart, but when I'm out and about, If a store has yarn, I'm checking it.

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This thread has made my day. Just sitting here and chuckling through it.

My name is Mary, and I too am an addict. I have binders and binders and binders, probably about 12 of the bigggg ones full of patterns I want to do. I have many crochets hooks in every size, and knitting needles in every size and style (straight, circular,or double pointed sets) If I see anything new, I have to get it, because I might find a pattern and need it.

I have tubs of yarn, (all sizes of yarn) and crochet thread, oh, yeah, and embroidery thread, all over the house, I am not a hoarder, except in this department. Pray for me!!!:rofl:rofl:rofl

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You know you have a "sickness" (other people's assessment, not yours! :lol) when you discover you have the ability to find yarn ANYWHERE.


I was once in Provincetown, MA and managed to find Red Heart yarn at their True Value Hardware store!

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You know you're addicted to crochet when you mail a box of WIP's that are probably over 1 to 3 years old home rather than leave them to be shipped with the household goods (I did this when I moved home from Germany...)


When you don't leave the house without a WIP "just in case..."

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