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Our House Part Two


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Cindy~~:ty for the compliments. I'm glad to hear your DD got a great deal on her piano! Bit cooler today.

LeeAnn~~ thank you as well for the compliment on my afghan. I ill start babysitting for that cute baby in a couple weeks in the mornings! The kids in my room at daycare are 3-5. They are adorable. I wish I could find a craft group around here. I love your owl scarf! :drool sounds like you keep very busy!

Linda~~sounds like your grandson keeps you busy, it's hard sometimes to get the best medication combination. It would be gun to learn to spin!

Judy~~I like the color combination of your baby ghan :)

Mary~~I am blessed all my grandchildren live within 1 hour of us! I hope your friend Jess is doing well.

I went to the Toledo zoo Saturday. It was nice. Had 4 grandsons here Sunday, went swimming got ice cream and took them to McDonald's play place. They had fun but missed their mom. 3 of them are my sons and their mom has made some bad choices. She lost her house job and now van. And she chose not to see her kids :thair guess I can just keep offering to help and praying!

Hopefully tomorrow I can get some :crocheting in

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Hi everyone


Busy day today. Allergy shots this morning with a 30 minute post injection wait in the office just to make sure no reactions. When I took shots the first time (about 30 years ago) I gave them to myself at home. They don't allow that any more. Desensitazation usually lasts about 10-15 years so I did exceptionally well. I tested + to many trees, grasses, animal dander, things that bloom in every season, latex, dust, and the list goes on and on, so it is easier to say what I am not allergic to. Then ate lunch and did a little shopping. Found a nice red purse for when I am in Mrs. Claus mode.


Came home to find the gas company had been here to change our meter and had left the gas turned off for safety reasons. Found a note on the door to call to have service resumed. It was already almost 4:00 but they came right on out to turn it on and relight the water heater.


Easy supper tonight, ham, eggs and pancakes. Glad my husband is easy to please. Then got in a little hookin time. Made a reversible potholder last night and now I am addicted to making these. Need to get back to some of my other WIP's. Oh well.......


Hope this finds everyone well and happy

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Good morning ladies. I'm off to work in a few minutes. Nlong day today, work and then a two hour meeting.


Jill, I'm glad there were no bad effects from the allergy shots. It's always a good day for me when I find a new purse!


We went to visit mil and fil last night. They were in good spirits, but mil has become super forgetful. I suspect it's the aftermath of having general anaesthesia for her valve replacement. Apparently that can happen to anyone, but in those over 60, it can be really problematic.

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Hello hello!

Happy Wednesday folks!  This week is whizzing by in a flurry!


Cindy-a closet organizer sounds like heaven.  I love love love organizing.  If I could somehow work that into my business I would do it!  it is nice to find a home for things.  However..my master closet at home could really use a bit of tidying up. I share it with dh, he has a lot of stuff!  I have gotten rid of a lot but he is a bit of a hoarder...paper...clothes that no longer fits..paper did I mention paper?   :no   I have tried to no avail to get him to toss things out but he makes little piles everywhere.  :lol   Good luck at your meeting today.


Jill-they do not let you administer your own allergy shots anymore?  oh wow!  That does make it a bit of a process.  However stopping in at a hobby store is wonderful!  Even though I sell yarn and thread I still love stopping and oohhing and ahhing in any craft dept.  I can get carried out and spend quite a bit of time.  Brinner sounds delish!  My dd loves breakfast, it is her favorite meal of the day.  What kind of yarn are you using for your pot holders?  They have tons of new cotton out, I am always amazed at the color selection.


Joanne-hoping that Paradise was better yesterday.


Christi-the zoo sounds like so much fun!  I bet your grands love spending time with you.  Do you have any local yarn shops in your area?  When I first opened up my shop it was mainly soaps and all of the other bath goodies.  I so wanted to have a group to meet with, after much contemplation and talking with the building owner, she offered the back kitchen for me to use.  What  a blessing!  It took over a year to get the word out, the first few Craft Nights, it was only my neighbor Sherry and yours truly.  Now we have about 15-20 ladies.  I do enjoy meeting with them.  We will be meeting only until the end of October and then take a Winter Break until mid January.


Mary- :lol   getting older is hard, I am glad to hear that your friend Jess is doing so well.  I bet he is relieved.  Thank you for the compliment, selling on Etsy is extremely competitive. Sales can be hard to come by,  but it is nice to have an online presence.


Linda-how ya doing?  Hoping that you are feeling tons better.


Today was the first day of high school for my dd.  She was super excited!  I hope that she has a great day.  It was a busy morning, packaged up the 30 bears...they came out soo cute!  I took pictures-will upload them tomorrow and share with you all. Also got a teeny tiny bit of housework in.not as much as I would have liked but beds are made and laundry is folded, dishes are loaded in the dishwasher.  Will get to the rest of them this evening.


Also cycled this morning, 3 miles..whew!  I started cycling in March, I love it! I have my bike here at the shop, I try to come in early at least 4 days a week.  Miss Carmin my sweet friend usually rides with me.  She is 72  years young and is in good shape!  I ride over to her house to pick her up, then we ride to the park-we try to get at least 4-5 laps in, then I ride her back and cycle back to the shop.  It feels good as I don't think I would get exercise other than walking back and forth all day long.  


Back to work I go, have a wonderful day friends! :ghug 

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Lee Ann, I like organizing too. However, my DH has what I call flat surface-itis. He cannot stand an empty surface and he puts little piles of things all over. ( this is a continual struggle for me, I like everything to be very uncluttered!). We share an office. My desk has a computer and a pencil holder on it, plus a flat box to hold the paper that I need to deal with. His is much larger and every inch of it is covered with piles of paper. He has three file cabinets, crammed full, plus There are shelves over his desk, also full of piles of paper. To be fair, he does run a business and I only pay a few bills and have the odd work related or household paperwork to deal with.


Work was super busy today. I'm glad I have tomorrow off!

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Hi, my friends. Just want to let you know what's going on with me.

First, I'm doing pretty well now and am on my kindle, posting.


Sunday night I finally listened to my body and DH brought me to the ER.

I had a heart cath today, at a different hospital, where the worst blockage was fixed and the second major fix will likely be Fri.


It's been super stressful on my men. It's always harder on those on the sidelines, so please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.I'll be in touch.

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Hi again...thanks so much for the good thoughts and prayers. This hospital does so many of these procedures I know I'm in the best place and except for occasional moments I've surprisingly peaceful. The first one was done through my wrist, and I was glad. Easier to deal with...

Today is a down day..waiting again...but my men will be by as well as a girlfriend. All visits spaced. I'm a lucky woman on so many fronts.


Later, gators.

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Good Friday morning, House. :)


Judy ~ Sending more hugs and prayers to you.  I just know that everything will go smoothly today and you'll be back home very soon! ♥♥♥


I hope everyone else is okay!  We had a change in plans yesterday.  Jess called and said he was going home and could we please take him!  Evidently, he insisted and they can't hold you prisoner. ;)   No way should he be home alone.  He will have home health care starting this a.m.  So we didn't have Zach, but DD was able to get a sitter.


Looking forward to some crochet time later today! (fingers crossed)  Have a good day, all!

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Good morning House:


Hope this finds everyone well. Not much going on around here today. This is my day to "work" volunteering at my church in the office. I hesitate to say work because I do very little but enjoy it so much.

It is so different from what I did in my careerand the rewards are so great.


Judy-hugs and good thoughts for your procedure today. I am sure all will go well.


LeeAnne-I am making the potholders out of cotton, some are sugar and cream, some Bernat Handicrafter, and now I am trying some ILTC. I'm not sure I like the ILTC for them because it is not quite as heavy. Just whatever I found in my stash. I admire you for cycling. I haven't been on my bike since it got so hot and need to get back on. But I hadn't worked up to miles yet.


Gardner-glad to hear MIL is doing better. Anesthesia can have those effects, especially on the elderly.


Mary-I hope Jess is doing okay at home. When I saw that I thought of my dad, but he wasn't living alone.


"Hi" to everyone else. Hope everyone has a wonderful, restful, peaceful weekend.

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Good morning almost afternoon friends!


Judy-Crossing fingers and toes for you today.   :hug


Jill-Have you tried the cotton blends?  I sell and use the cotton that has 85 % cotton and 15 polyester.  I find it easier on my wrists.  Crocheting with the 100 % cotton is heavy for me, I like the stiffness of it but my wrists can't take it.   :yes   I do have a bit of stash built up, I keep trying to dwindle it down but having a yarn store gets me in trouble, especially when a new supply order comes in.   :rofl


Mary-hope that Jess will be ok at home, it can be difficult in the hospital to rest completely as the nurses and docs have to check in on you so often.  He's mighty lucky to have such wonderful friends.


Cindy, Joanne, Linda, and Christi hoping that your Friday is Fabulous as you all are!


I have sent out the teddy bear soaps and have also finished the car soaps.  On to the bath fizzies, have them whipped up just need to package and get them here to the shop.  Friday is  my day to play..after I get all of my must do's done I like to crochet or work on something just for fun. 


Oh also posted on my blog :-) Talk to you all soon!  Hugs! 





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Hi all. :)   I know we're all thinking about Judy as we go about our day. :yes


Jill ~ Your life sounds busy, but good!  I really like Hobby Lobby's cotton yarn, but agree that it's pretty thin and maybe too soft for potholders.  I've used it for washcloths, but still prefer the stiffer cotton.


Lee Ann ~ The soaps are adorable!  Your use of colors and cute shapes makes them so fun. :)  As far as stash - I'm hopeless. :lol 


Linda ~ 'Hope all is well with you guys!  Have you gone back to your apartment?


Marlene ~ Hi!  Has Maya gone back to school yet?


Hi to those I've missed, too. :)


I only have one more border row to go on the hexagon 'ghan...and it's single crochet. Yay!


Have a good evening, everyone.

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all your positive thoughts were felt....yesterday evening they decided to do the last procedure. Went from 1 stent to 3. I'm now the owner of 5 stents.....Love this doctor. He saw what could be trouble just down the road and decided to address it immediately. I'm a very lucky woman.

No comment crocheting for about a week. He used the artery in my wrist. A very small price to pay for a new lease on life.


I'm being pampered....

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You deserve to be pampered, Judy.  :manyheart   I'm so glad you posted...you know how much we care and wonder how you're doing.  Have they told you when you can go home?  Maybe I can make progress on my donation 'ghan while you're not crocheting, so I won't be so far behind. :wink

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Hi Ladies,


Judy, Glad things have turned out so well for you. It sounds like you have an excellant doctor. Take care! Hugs and prayers to you and your men.  I'm not surprised your goddaughters brother loved his Yankee Ghan so much.


Maya wants to play a game so I will catch up this weekend. Heading to Maya's house in the morning. I have to watch Payton and Jocelyn tomorrow while DS refs a couple of soccer games.


Have a good weekend everyone!

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Judy, I'm glad you are home. It's actually amazing what they can do with heart problems these days, and how fast patients can go home. Hope your recovery goes well.


It's raining here this morning, and we really need it, so it's a good thing. I don't have much of a to do list, so I am sitting out on the porch, enjoying the sound of it on the roof and trees. DH has errands to run this afternoon, so I might go with him...but then again, I might sit around and read.


I have to work a mandatory extra shift tomorrow. Judging by yesterday, there is no way that I'm going to get out of it. I worked in cardiac ICU and it was super busy there. It looks like they will be sucking up any extra staff for at least the next week or so. (It's a full moon tonight too.....)


Last night we went over to ds's house. He grilled for dinner, we looked at his Europe pictures, and then sat around a bonfire and made s'mores. Our daughters, son in law and grand children were there too. It was a fun evening. I was astounded at the beauty of European cities. He visited Switzerland, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, Rome, The Vatican, Bosnia, Croatia, and Montenegro on this trip. Apparently Croatia is a really popular European vacation destination.


Well, guess I'd better switch the laundry...gotta have clean scrubs for tomorrow!

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Judy ~ So glad you are home surrounded by your own things and the children, of course. :manyheart  


Cindy ~ Your evening with family sounds wonderful!  How fun to see pictures of your DS's trip. :yes  I hope tomorrow isn't too busy at work. 


Marlene ~ I hope you're having a good weekend!


Speaking of hospitals...Jess has been admitted again.  We went over to take him a few things this a.m. and the home health lady was there.  She was getting ready to call an ambulance, Jess was yelling at her, so Hubby and I  gathered him up and took him to the ER.  We stayed until about 3.  A serious infection is going on...hopefully he'll follow drs. orders this time! (We're praying he doesn't check himself out again!)


Time to get something done around here! 

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