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Our House Part Two


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Good morning Housemates!


Cindy - Glad SIL got with the program. Do you make your sauce from your own sauce? I can't wait to see your finished ghan!


Linda - I'm glad you had fun at the picnic and got to meet new people. Stay cool!


Judy - Glad you were able to stay cool last night. My mom was a sports finatic...she watched everything, even the ones my dad didn't watch. I watch some sports and happen to like basketball. I'm mostly a playoff/championship watcher. Oh, I forgot about the Alabama/Auburn football game...the day that Bama stands still! Enjoy your outing and stay cool.


Mary - You've been a busy little bee early. The temp reached record breaking 106* yesterday. It didn't get lower than 80* overnight and is already in the 90's at 10am. They are expecting it to reach 103* today. The humidity was low on the previous days but it's already above 50% and climbing which makes the heat worst. I'm house bound. I haven't worked on the afghans for a few days. I've been working on a prayer shawl/ghan for a minister in my home church in Bama. He has 2 brothers with cancer...one recently passed and he himself was diagnosed with cancer on his kidney. He has chills quite often and breaks out in cold sweats. I want to finish it to send to him by my sister this week.


Have a great Sunday housemates!

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Howdy folks

Sounds like the weather is the main topic today .It's pretty bad hot here again .The grass is brown and crunchy . We've been watering the flowers and plants to keep them alive . No one has mowed in a couple weeks on our street -- nothing to mow except dead grass .

I'm getting a bit of power back. Felt a little better this AM and decided to make a store run which wasnt so smart . Ended up having to have a boy wheel my food out and put it in the car for me . I guess I didnt have as much steam as I thought I did,but nothing else needing done today,so I can kick back and relax.

Steph brought the kids up to visit last night. Cam sat right on the arm of my chair ,patting me on the head and asking if I was ok . He's such a good old boy .

Anyhow, Steph said if I feel up to it, Cam wants to stop up tonite after they go on a picnic and swimming,so I told her we'd keep him for a couple hours, then try to take him again later this week before he leaves for a week of camp.



It sounds like you had a real enjoyable time yesterday .




Your new afghan is going to be a hit ! It will be neat to see it when you start posting photos . Sounds like you may have snagged Jude into joining you before long !

Also, your sloppy joes sounded so good, thats what I'm making for lunch today . Do you ever sprinkle shredded cheddar on them ? That's the way I like mine. YUM .



You are sure on the ball to have so much work done already ! Sam has been so good to help the last few days. He has done all the dishes and laundry and swept the floors today . He's lacking a little in the cooking arena ,but everything else, he keeps done ,so I cant complain .


Well, off I go . I have some cards to send out to some of my cousins before I start lunch .


You all stay under a tree or in the shade today so you dont melt flat .

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Julie - Glad to hear from you. Don't try to do toooo much to soon. I'm glad you're up and about. It's good that Cam got to spend some time with you. Sam is such a good husband. I usually eat my sloppy joe opened faced with melted cheese on top.


Have a good day Julie! I hope you're 100% soon.:hug

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Hopping in for a sec - errands done and we're hibernating. It does look like we're going to be playing pioneer woman for several more days before the water pipes are fixed. It was quite a huge section that broke and that was the pipes leading into the treatment plant.




I've been watching the introductions of old-timer Yankee players before the regular game starts - what memories!


Later, gators:hug:manyheart

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Hi Val

Good to hear from you . I never heard of anyone else liking cheese on their sloopy joes,but I guess they do !

Yea, it was good to see Cam . His little sister kept asking why I had the booboo on my neck. I told her they had to take something out to fix it and they glued my head back on with super glue (which they DID for the outside of it ).

So she kept trying to pry her head loose from her body. It was so funny to watch her .


Anyhow, no matter how sad you are ,as little kid can always cheer you up . They are pretty funny .


So are you still working on commissioned projects, or are they all complete ?


Thanks for the well wishes . I'll sit here in my chair the rest of the day .Nothing else major that can't wait til another time.


You have a good day down your way too .

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You never realize how easy we have life til something like that happens, like the water lines, the heat or electric going out due to storms, etc. Makes you wonder how hard life was for people in the generations before us that couldnt flip a switch to turn on a light, or turn up the heater and get warm in the winter .


Enjoy your baseball game !

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Judy ~ Oh no! That sounds like a major repair job.:( Are your stores able to keep drinking water stocked?


Valerie ~ The prayer shawl is a wonderful idea. :manyheart I hibernate a lot in this heat, too...cabin fever in the summer more than the winter here! :lol


Julie ~ So glad you're feeling better, but we are all ordering you to take it easy. :D Cam is such a sweetie - he sure loves his Grandma. :) DH is a great cook, but not to be trusted with the laundry. ;)


We gave our neighbor's little one a sundress and playdoh for her birthday yesterday. They just walked over so she could model it for us...she looked adorable and it fits! I also enclosed a pink camo fish washcloth in her package and her mom's friends are asking her if I'd sell them. If I do find the time, how on earth would I know what to charge? :think

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Good afternoon everyone. The thermometer in the back yard already says 102* and, as Val said, the humidity is higher today than yesterday so it feels even hotter. John has open house signs out, so I've already vacuumed and dusted downstairs. Don't know if anyone will stop in but it's all ready to show if they do. Can't imagine many people will be out and about in this heat.


Take it EASY, Julie. We don't want you to have any setbacks.

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Quick pop in to let u know we made it safe and sound. Hot but nice breeze up here. Sorry I missed old timers game today. Like Judy, I like watching sports.


I made a queen Ann lace scarf on the drive up plus a red white and blue cozy for my insulated iced coffee cup


Stay cool everyone

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Judy ~ Oh no! That sounds like a major repair job.:( Are your stores able to keep drinking water stocked?

I read that the pipes they needed had to be trucked in from Alabama - or some such Southern state. Are you kidding me?!

I haven't been to the store today - but they did have 3 water distribution centers in the main, hardest hit area, and as of yesterday the stores were ok with their supply. Since we have the power to boil the water it helps a lot, and should hoefully lessen the run on bottled water.



We gave our neighbor's little one a sundress and playdoh for her birthday yesterday. They just walked over so she could model it for us...she looked adorable and it fits! I also enclosed a pink camo fish washcloth in her package and her mom's friends are asking her if I'd sell them. If I do find the time, how on earth would I know what to charge? :think

How sweet to see her modeling the sundress! And I know what you mean about deciding what to charge for handmade items. It's hard, esp with the smaller items.

Quick pop in to let u know we made it safe and sound. Glad you checked in - enjoy!!:hug

I made a queen Ann lace scarf on the drive up plus a red white and blue cozy for my insulated iced coffee cup



Well, I knitted till my fingers ached a little, then joined DH watching golf. The Yankees won their baseball game.:D

Oh...and I boiled a lot more water today - was able to make do with real dishes and cutlery by wiping everything clean of food residue after we ate, soaking the dishes, etc, in the very hot boiled, soapy water...and using warm boiled water to rinse. For the 2 of us it wasn't such a big deal. I'm just looking forward to getting the pots of water all put away and having empty counter tops again:lol


Have a good night everyone:hug:manyheart

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Joanne - Glad to know that you made it safe. Can't wait to see pictures of your scarf and huggie. Have fun but make sure you rest and relax too.


Judy - Sorry you're having to boil water. At least you have power and air.


Mary - That was nice of your neighbors to let their little girl come over and model for you.


Have a good night!

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Linda ~ Did you have anyone stop by today? Does he have a plan for security for the open house...years ago, we sold a house by owner and had jewelry and a couple of small antiques stolen when our backs were turned. We never did that again. :lol


Judy ~ Hopefully they will have this fixed soon! Boiling water in this heat must be horrible. Yay for knitting today. :cheer


Joanne ~ Have a wonderful time in New Hampshire. :)


Hi to everyone at the House! :manyheart


I will be gone a lot tomorrow. DD has her monthly dr. appt. at 9, so I will go take care of Little Guy. She's 24 weeks now and looking very pregnant. :c9 She also needs to meet with their contractor who hopes to be finished with the remodel by August 1st.


What is everyone doing for the 4th?

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Hi Ladies,


Cindy, The log cabin pattern looks very nice. Your colors are going to be really pretty. I like the Bernat super value yarn to. Bummer on the oven quitting. The sloppy joes sound good to me. When I took MIL for the eye surgery the other day it was cool in the waiting room. This one lady was standing and after awhile the secretary noticed and asked if there was something wrong. She replied she was cold. The secretary got her a blanket to put over her shoulders. And a couple of other people said it was kind of cool in there. I said if they had a couple of hot flashes they would warm up. The lady next to me laughed. I was comfortable.:P


Julie, Glad your feeling better but take it easy. Cam is so cute he's checking on his Grandma and making sure she is okay.:manyheart I can see his little sister trying to pull her head off. When I had my first goiter removed they also did my gallbladder surgery. I was out for 4 hours. Talk about a foggy brain. It was awful! I'll never forget one morning I was making pancakes for the kids and I had enough I even fed the neighbors. I could of fed the army to I had so much leftover.


Val, Stay cool! Those temps are way to hot. I've never tried cheese on my sloppy joe, but it does sound good.


Judy, Sweet of DH to go out early and get more water. I hope you don't have to boil water to long.


Mary, Poor Luke grounded to potty training boot camp. We rewarded Maya with M&M's. It really helped. I hope pt camp works for DD.


Linda, Stay cool! Those temps are awful! Glad you had a nice time at the picnic.


Joanne, Have a wonderful vacation! Glad you made there safely. Glad you got to crochet and make another scarf and a cozy.


Yesterday after meeting DD so Maya could go with her. We stopped in and visited one of my friends. She is one of the "Happy Hookers" that's what we called are selves. She turned 80 in May and her kids celebrated her birthday every friday night at the American Legion that they are very involved in. I told her I knew nothing about it. But she had a great month of celebrating and that was great. She gets around on a scooter and has for years so she is pretty much home all the time.

We met hubby's brother and sil for dinner at my favorite mexican restaurant. It way yummy as always. We get chicken fajitas and split them. They have this white melted cheese dip that is really good to. I don't know what it is from. Do any of you?

We ended up getting home at 11. I was up until 3. I had ice tea (not decaf). I use decaf tea at home. I noticed at midnight there were two cars across the lake so I checked it out and it was the sheriff's dept. They were there for half and hour. The people are gone this weekend. They were using the spot light down by the water and when they left right down that row of houses, the trees and the water. I was outside while they were looking but didn't hear anything. So tomorrow when they come home I'm going to call them or go over there. There right across the lake from are house so its easy to watch the back side of there place. I know it kept me wondering all night. Last summer there were a lot of breakins in the area. They got those kids. I hope this year isn't a repeat. They already have had some businesses broken into not real far from here and they got those kids to.

I'm off for the evening. Everyone try and stay cool!

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Morning ladies

I guess I will take Joanne's duty this morning as official first-poster . She needs a break from her duties so she can relax a bit .



Hope your days off will STRETCH out really long and you enjoy it all . Good job on getting more items finished on the car ride .



Did you have any business yesterday on the house ? You're not the one who has to be the real estate agent,too ? I hope John does that part .



Hope they get your water situation repaired soon. My cousin who lives over in the far southeastern pice of the state got a real bad storm at their place and the power was out for 24 hours. They were supposed to have more last night.

We had a huge old thunderstorm here but I dont see any major damage. It's still dark out,so it's hard to tell yet though .

How's the scarf coming along ?



I bet your little neighbor looked cute in her dress . As for prices for handmade items ? All I ever heard was to charge 3 times the price of your materials, but I never tried selling much of anything . I'm trying to remember how much I see the dishcloths being sold for at craft tables . Maybe 2 or 3 bucks each. Does that sound right ?


Hi there Val

Whatcha up to these days ?



I can't imagine having this surgery twice in a row. That is pretty neat that they got 2 surgeries done on one for you . I would have liked them ti fix my other bum knee while I was in there,but didnt think I could get them to do 2 things at a time . I'm glad now I didnt,because I wouldnt want BOTH ends to be sore at once .

That would have me wondering,too,what the police were looking for last night . I hope they arent having anything serious going on there . I thought maybe they were looking for a BODY. I think I've been reading too many true crime books !



You all have a good day . I'll stop in later . Sam goes back to work today,so it's back to the normal schedule around here. Cam didnt end up getting to come up last night. They went swimming again,then met up with Mike's dad for supper,so maybe he can come one day this week before he leaves for camp. I think I might try for Friday. It'll give me a couple more days to build up more steam .

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morning, Jules and everyone:hug


Jules, I hope Cam gets over for a visit!


Marlene, I know what you mean about feeling comfortable when others are cold:lol:lol


Well, the boil water alert was lifted for 22 towns - but not for us or 3 other towns. Hopefully by tomorrow....I am kinda getting into a rhythm with this, though:lol


I'm nearly finished with one of the 3 chunky skeins I bought for my knitted scarf and I think my speed is picking up. The sides aren't perfectly straight but I'm going to crochet a loose border and hopefully it'll give it more of a finished look.


A quick food run today but not much else...DH had work today so I'll have some "me" time till early afternoon once the food run is completed.


Later, gators!

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Good morning. I didn't sleep well last night so plan on a quiet day today. Rosie's John helped me make bed boards for my antique brass bed yesterday so that is out of the way. One more thing crossed off my list of things to do before the 10th. Just 8 more days! I've been doing a lot of reading and crocheting since getting home as that is "neat" things I can do and not make any messes. I do need to quilt and bind the baby quilt though. Maybe I'll do some on that today.


Enjoy your time off, Joanne. Glad you had a safe trip.


Hi, Julie! Try and take it easy this week.


Judy, hope the boil water restriction gets lifted today. Although would probably give it an extra day just to be on the safe side.


Hope everything was okay at the neighbor's house, Marlene. I'd wonder too.


Have fun with Luke, Mary.


We did have one couple look at the house yesterday. They were young with 3 kids. John didn't seem to think it would work for them, but I'll bet it would with amount of space there is downstairs. You could easy fit in 2 or 3 beds with dressers and still have a sizeable amount of play room. Just depends on what they are looking for.


Hugs! :hug:manyheart:hug

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Good morning. I didn't sleep well last night so plan on a quiet day today. Rosie's John helped me make bed boards for my antique brass bed yesterday so that is out of the way. One more thing crossed off my list of things to do before the 10th. Just 8 more days!Awesome! Would you PM me with your new addy so I can update my CV address book? I've been doing a lot of reading and crocheting since getting home as that is "neat" things I can do and not make any messes. I do need to quilt and bind the baby quilt though. Maybe I'll do some on that today.I hope you get to do that:hug



Judy, hope the boil water restriction gets lifted today. Although would probably give it an extra day just to be on the safe side.

I agree with waiting...which is why when I went shopping this AM I came hime with more jugs of water and a big package of individual bottles!;)


Stay cool everyone!

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Good morning. Went out for breakfast as my car needed to go in for servicing. I did not sleep well the past two nghts and I'm dragging today. Luckily there isn't much that has to be done, although there is quite a bit that should be done around here. The heat isn't helping either! Still, I can;t complain. We have power and our water is safe!


Julie, glad you are feeling a little better. Hope you get to see Cam this week. I've never tried cheese on sloppy joes, but it sounds good.


Val, I just add whatever I have in the fridge to my sloppy joes. Usually a can of chicken gumbo soup, (don't ask, it's what my mil added to them, and dh likes her sloppy joes), and equal amounts of ketchup and barbecue sauce. If it seems to sweet to me I add a tbsp or so of vinegar. I also throw in a tsp or two of worcestershire, some salt and pepper and garlic, and some finely chopped celery, and onions. If it seems too thin I add a handful of oatmeal. Its never exactly the same twice. I cook it int he crockpot for two or three hours.


Judy, hope the boil water advisory is lifted soon, but I'm with Linda, I'd do it for an extra day just to be sure.


Joane, glad you arrived safely. have a great week. Are you doing anything special while you are away?


Linda, only a few more days, and you can make as big of a craft mess as you want!


Mary, have a good day with Luke. Hope dd's doctors appointment goes well.


Marlene, hope all is well at the neighbors house. When is Maya coming back to see you?

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I started reading over an hour ago :eek But then Ingrid called and I was having trouble multi-tasking :lol The weekend was not too crazy, which was nice. Steph and I went shopping on Saturday. Ran back out yesterday, she needed to get a new tv at Sams. Then when Bean took it out the box the screen had a little knick in it so back in the box it went. It'll be going to get exchanged today, I told them I'd take it so they didn't have to miss the Pirates game tonight so I'm not sure yet if they've decided to take me up on that or not. I had a patient in at noon and I have a new one scheduled later at 5:15. Tomorrow I'll run to the market to get some food and snacks to take away with us on Wednesday. I think we're aiming to leave around 9 and have a couple stops to make before we really leave....like getting ice and coffees :lol


Yesterday I pulled out my sewing machine and finally fixed up the clothes that have been sitting pinned and waiting for a couple weeks now....so that job is done. I also finished up a baby blanket that I was testing for someone here at the ville.


Val - I also like cheese on my sloppy joe's too....my mom always called them bbq in our house :shrug She always made it herself and added to the meat open pit bbq sauce, ketchup, syrup, and vinegar :think


Cindy - That is a great pattern, thanks for sharing the link. Sorry to hear about your oven :hug


Joanne - Glad to hear that you made your trip safely! Enjoy your R&R :hug


Judy - All that water mess really sounds like a pain in the badorkus :eek And I'm guilty of being a bad patient myself....well only sometimes really :think


Marlene - Glad to hear that MIL's surgery went well. I sure hope nobody was breaking in to your neighbors house :xfin Love hearing about Maya and the shoes :lol


Julie - I did a couple rows on my graph ghan this morning. I didn't work on it over the past week since I was testing a baby blanket pattern for someone else, but now I'm back to it a bit, but probably won't take it away with me :think Did you hear anything about the biopsy today?


Mary - Oh boy, Luke's potty training grounding should've started after the birthday party :devil:lol I'm glad the dress fit the neighbor and I don't know what you'd charge for a washcloth either :think


Linda - Glad to hear you're keeping Rosie's John company :hug Only 8 days :clap:yay

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Hi folks

Another quick check in ,then probably wont make it back in tonite. Cam is supposed to be here shortly,so I'll spend some time yakking withh him . I dont have steam to do anything more than that .

I was feeling a bit better this AM,but made the stupid decision to get out a bit and was out too long. Sick as a dog this afternoon . Really tired and sluggish .

The doc's office called Pathology and they still haven't determined whether we are looking at a simple goiter or something else. They said to call back Thursday and if it isnt in yet, maybe the doc will call and light a fire under their tails to get some answers .


Linda and Cindy

Sorry you both had bad nights of sleep, maybe tonite will be better for you .



Sounds like you are hopping as usual. wish I had as much steam as you do .


Not much else new here. Gonna shut-r-down for the night and take a snooze before Cam comes .


Will check in again tomorrow --

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Hello Housemates!


Late checking in. I've been running all morning.


Julie - Hope your nap helps you to regain some of your steam. I'm glad you're getting to see Cam before he leaves for camp.


Marlene - Glad MIL is doing okay. You're a good neighbor. I hope everything is in order at your neighbor's house. I bet you miss Maya.


Judy - I hope the boiling water restriction is lifted today and you can get your extra day of waiting behind you.


Linda - Sorry you didn't sleep well. Hope you're feeling better at the day has progressed. Count down is below 10 :cheer.


Cindy - Sorry you didn't sleep well either. Hopefully you'll sleep better tonight.


Mary - Hope all is well with your DD's dr appt. I bet you're excited to get to spend some time with Luke.


Marisa - I need your energy. You're such a good sister. Your trip sounds like fun.


I'm still working on the prayer shawl/ghan for the minister at my home church.


My youngest sister (Bama) is off work until July 9th. She is going to BBQ and meet us again in Anniston, Alabama...our meeting point. Other than that we're just going to take it easy and try to stay cool.


The temp went down to 91* and 42% humidity. The 14* difference from the last 2 days is huge. Some parts of Georgia got rain but not us. However, the clouds did help to cool it down some.


Going to do a little :crocheting.


Have a good evening ladies!

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Is anybody doing the Olympics? I think I saw a post where Julie asked earlier.

I didn't see that....Just for fun I'll look into it:devil

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