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Our House Part Two


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:clapGood morning!!!! It's vacation time for me!!!:clap


Nothing very exciting planned other than lots of R&R :manyheart:crocheting


Looking forward to getting away and just enjoying not being on a schedule and doing what we want when we want to do it!


Been up and doing my usual Saturday routine and it's going to be another hot one out there today!


Judy- I read about the water issue--hang in there and hopefully they can resolve it quickly! Now to keep postive thoughts that with this heat wave, our power stays on!


Wash is done, so time to move it to the dryer- I'll stop back in later!

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morning, peeps!


I'm enjoying my coffee this AM...with boiled water I put in the fridge last night. Like Joanne says, losing the power would be worse. We have some errands this morning so will try and see if we can find a store along the route that still has jugs of water available - would help a bit.

Marisa, glad your uncle's heart blockage seems to have been addressed!:hug


Thanks, everyone, for the prayers for DS...he's so nervous about this...and like most people in the medical field, (not you, Cindy, Joanne or Linda) makes a bad patient!

Judy - Praying for DS healing without surgery. How's Lucy's healing coming along?Lucy still limps a lot when first getting up but then it's minimal - unfortunately she knows she can still run and jump to go after Sparkie without it hurting:lol


The temp got up to 104 today. New record!


Good night housemates!

I remember some years we got 100 plus temps. Ick! Stay cool and hydrated:hug


Later, gators...:hug:manyheart

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Oh, Linda - thank you for the pattern - it's such a flexible pattern since you can use any yarn for it without messing up he pretty design!:manyheart

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Hi Ladies,


Marisa, Maya and I went to McDonalds for a quick breakfast. She had pancakes and bacon (she loves bacon with syrup). I had a biscuit with a scrambled egg. Prayers for your uncle and your family. Glad his heart attack wasn't any serious than it was. Hope his shoulder heals quickly without having to have a surgery on it. Glad your patient changed his day so you can go with Engrid and the kids next weekend.


Linda, The prayer shawl is beautiful! Thanks for the link. Glad your getting some time to yourself so you can do what you want.


Mary, Hope your hand heals quickly. Congrats on the new computer coming. What a precious pic of Luke watching the bird. I agree with the others enlarge and hang it.


Val, While Maya is gone I would like to get my patterns and yarn all together or all of each in there own spot. Some of each is in the back bedroom (which isn't a bedroom any more) and some in the garage. But next week is suppose to be in the 90's. So I will probably have to put the garage work off until the fall. I've been having an itch to move furniture around again so that would be more practical.

Congrats on 1000 posts. Sorry to hear about your minister. It's nice of you to make him a prayer shawl.


Cindy, Maya loves the water so much that she would stay in it all day if we would let her. We told her the other day we wish are Heidi (are lab) was still with us. If you let her out the door or out of her pen she was gone for the lake. She to loved the water. Are second lab Roxy didn't care for the water that much. You had a hard time getting her in it. She would rather run.

Enjoy your few days off.



Joanne, Have a great time in NH. You deserve lots of r&r this next week.


Judy, Healing prayers for your son. What a pain to have to boil your water. But like Cindy said at least it's a water problem and not an electrical problem. Which is the story in the Washington area right now on the weather channel.


Julie, Glad to see you! Hope today is a better day today for you. Praying that you heal quickly and for positive results on your biopsy.


Purples, :hi


Thursday MIL had her surgery and everything went fine. We were there for 2 1/2 hours for a 5 minute surgery. The doctor was running behind. Maya did really well waiting. The last half hour she said when is Grandma Marge going to be done.

Thursday and friday were not good days for me. Thursday I woke up with a headache and got sick. Then while at the surgery center with MIL I got a migraine. The first headache went a way when the migraine came on but the headache that come along didn't go away. Friday I was cleaning and got another migraine. I've had 4 migraines in 40 days. The last 3 ones I have been at a window and bright light coming in. I wear sunglasses year round because the light bothers my eyes. I'm thinking something with the light coming in is bothering my eye. So I need to see who I can go to since we got are vision insurance back. See if there is a problem and if not then I will go to the doctor. But I know he will send me to get my eyes checked, so I'll do that first. I only need glasses for reading, and such things like that.

Maya and I have to get showers and both need hair done. I have her clothes all packed now she has to gather all her flip flops. She had 5 or 6 pair with her. Shoes are one of her Mom's collections. Maya is starting to also.

I'll catch everyone later. Have a great weekend and everyone stay cool. I think were all in the 90's or close to it now.

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Thanks, everyone, for the prayers for DS...he's so nervous about this...and like most people in the medical field, (not you, Cindy, Joanne or Linda) makes a bad patient!


I was going to ask how ds was doing with the doctors advice, but upon reflection, (and knowing my own penchant for ignoring what I don't agree with!:devil) I decided to leave that alone!:lol

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Morning ladies

Tought I'd give a shout out to see how you all are doing .



Sorry to hear about your son. Hope it will heal on its own, like you said . And yes, docs and nurses do make lousy patients . ;)

I bet the boiling you water is a pain . Hope they get it cleared up and working right again .



It sounds good to hear you have so much free time ,with more to come. You definitely deserve it .

The shawl is very pretty !



Hope your long weekend goes R E A L L Y slow so you can squeeze out every last minute of it,after working so hard for so long .



Glad you had a nice trip back to Bamaa and safely home. Wish you could have stayed longer .



Good news on your uncle ,and also on your new patients ! How is the graph-ghan coming ?



Sounds like you and Maya had a nice visit together . Arent they so much fun when they are at her age ?

Of course EVERY age is fun,they all have different fun parts.

Sorry to hear of all the headaches and migraines. Those things are AWFUL,arent they ? My head has been jumping in again wanting attention .I think it's mad because some other body part get attention for awhile. My next step will be possibly the botox shots if my head doesnt settle down .



Hope your hand is better,and I agree -the photo of Luke is precious. Such a little sweetheart .



Whatcha got up for the weekend ? Is it bad hot there today ? We have the 90's temps back again,but today is very cloudy and yukky looking out,so not hot sun beating down. All the grass is fried dead,so we need some rain . I think they said it's 50 % chance today .



If I forgot to post to all, I'm sorry,I'm just not back on track yet all the way. My brain is still kinda foggy ( that is actually kinda normal... ) ,but I'm not sharp as a tack like I should be .


My neck hurts much less today. My head is blowing a gasket,so thats the main problem today,but at least the throat,neck and swallowing are somewhat improved . Everything still feels stiff and sore . Wonder what they actually DO to you in surgery ? You feel like they might have dropped you on the floor and had to scoop you back up a few times .

No news yet on the tests. Will have to call again Monday . The doc wont start me on thyroid meds til she gets the tests back. She said if they find cancer, they dont want you on thyroid meds until the nuclear whatever it is ,is done ,THEN they start the thyroid stuff .

Anyhow, whatever happens, I'll handle it and do what they tell me. Not much choice I dont guess.


Steph is giving me a few days off before bringing Cam up. He called me when I was in the hospital and called again yesterday.They went swimming,then were going to McD'sand a movie last night. He said they will either stop today or tomorrow for a short visit. I'll try to keep him one day this coming week if possible. He leaves for summer camp next weekend for a week,so I'd better get a bit of time in with him now !


You all have a good day --:manyheart

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Good morning everyone. It's not too hot here at the moment, Is at on the front porch to have my coffee this morning, but it's already pretty humid.


Marlene, hopefully they can find something to help you avoid the headaches. Good luck with the yarn organization. I keep all my yarn in these tall plastic and metal cabinets with shelves that dh bought me a few years ago. They are in my sewing area in the basement, and each shelves is the perfect size to hold three fabric boxes from Ikea. I don't have enough boxes for all the shelves, so I utilize cardboard boxes in them as well. And since my yarn does not fill them, my pattern books and some fabric are in them as well.


Judy, hope you find some bottled water while you are out and about. I bet lots of people went out and bought water yesterday after the advisory to boil came out.


Joanne, :cheer:clap:cheer for vacation. You so deserve some time to yourself. As I understand it you are just going to NH to rest and relax? Hope you find some hook time!


I am so bad....Instead of working on a project I already have going, I started a log cabin afghan yesterday. (pattern at Ravelry, the Red Heart site seems to be down at the moment.) I do not know what I was thinking...I hate sewing squares together, but for some reason, I am really excited about this project. (of course I am always excited to start something new.) I was hoping to make it all from stash yarn, but I think I will have to buy one skein of yarn. (I may be able to substitute, I don't have enough of a single yarn for one of the outer colors, but I have some yarn that are pretty close) I think as long as the outer colors are the same, it won't be too noticeable) I'll worry about that if I ever get that far!


I'm using shades of green, ivory and brown, with a rusty orange for the centers. Traditional log cabin afghans had a red square in the middle to symbolize the warmth of the fire in the cabin, but I thought with the colors I'm using, something a little more subdued would work better.

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Julie, we were posting at the same time. Hope you continue to feel better. Hope you get rain, we could use some also, we really haven't had any rain in a month. None in the forecast either, although it's been hot and humid enough for storms to roll in.


I was crocheting with RHSS yesterday and my eyes started watering and itching. That went away when I stopped crocheting with it, and went onto another brand of yarn, so I think it was the specific yarn. It made me think of you and your yarn allergy. As long as it's just Red Heart, I'm okay, I very rarely use that brand of yarn, since I have to go out of my way to get it. (also, I don't like working with it much, too stiff and scratchy feeling.) I usually get my charity afghan and baby project yarn at Meijers, and they carry the Bernat Super Value, which I like a lot. It's nice and soft to work with.

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Good morning housemates!


Temp is going to be 105 today!


Joanne - glad you're officially on vacation. Enjoy yourself.


Julie - glad you're feeling better. Hope the headache goes away soon.


Marlene - hope it's nothing serious with the eyes. Take it easy in this weather.


Linda - thanks for the pattern link.


Judy - I hope you find some bottle water.


Cindy - what do you have planned?


Have a great day all...try to stay cool!

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Val, it sure is hot there. I won't complain about 88 or 90 degrees!


I invited dd and family over for dinner. I was going to make homemade pizza since the grandsons and dsil love my pizza. However, my oven died yesterday so I think I am going to make sloppy joes instead. The boys like those as well. Just have to run out and get some buns. I guess I'll buy some cookies too, I was going to bake brownies for dessert, but I guess cookies will do.

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Yes, it is unusual for you to choose an afghan that has lots of "parts" to put together ,but I'm sure you'll do just fine with it if it holds your attention . You sounded kinda like me, back in the day when I crocheted more, Iwas so excited to start new things, but the finishing part was my downfall. It was always fun to find a new pattern and colors ,though . That's a really pretty pattern and would be beautiful in the colors you describe . It sounds like the RH yarn is bothering you ,too . It seems to be so much more scrapey feeling than it used to,dont you think ?

Sloppy joes sound good and easy,since its too hot to bother with much cooking this time of year. I'm sure the boys will love them ,and cookies sounds like an easy dessert .



Hi there Val

Wow, 105 !! THAT is hot ... take it easy and sit on the porch with a cold drink today . Sounds too hot to move .

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Julie, I had never used the older Red Heart SS, but last week my DD bought me a huge bag of yarn at Goodwill for $3. Probably at least 12 large skeins of yarn, and there is some RHSS in there that is soft and smooth feeling, kind of like the Bernat super value yarn. I don't know what they have done to it to make it so rough and scratchy. It's too bad, because Red heart has such great colors and its always easy to find. Bernat doesn't seem to have near as many colors, and around here, only Meijers sells it.


I have one square of my new afghan project finished and I really like it. More to the point, dh thinks I'm super talented, because he thinks it is absolutely wonderful. I might be able to stick to this one, as it's not as boring as a lot of afghans are. Even though each square is the same, each round (which is made up of two colors) is a slightly different textured pattern. Also it isn't truly done in rounds, but rather half rounds, so they seem to go faster.

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Hi again! We did our errands...and even before I got dressed this AM DH went out and got extra water for us!:c9


Cindy - yes, the newer RHSS is awful...some colors worse than others. Foreign company making it most likely and like other things the quality isn't good:(


Marlene, I love Macdonald's breakfast sandwiches....:D Your Maya is amazing.


Hi, Jules!!!:hug


Off I go again...



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Yea, I think the RH from long ago was much nicer yarn. The only type that seemed to feel a little scratchy were the variegated ones and maybe because of all the different dyes they use ,not sure. But now, most of it is scrapey like brillos .

That will DEFINITELY keep you worrking on this new afghan if your hubster likes it so much and you do too. It certainly is a pretty pattern and will make a gorgeous afghan .

Can't wait to see it progress .

We dont have any Meiers stores anyplace around here,so dont have a good place to locate the Bernat yarn ,except I think the Joanne's now has Bernat baby yarn ,as does Walmart . I keep hoping they build a craft store fo some type closer to home .All of them are quite a ways in opposite directions to find new items like that .


I was also noticing your book-reading for the year. Wow, are you doing great ! Next year you may need to set a higher goal !



Hi there Jude

Dont wear yourself out in this heat !

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Happy Saturday, everyone. :) I'm sorry I haven't been posting as much, but I am reading each and every post! Some days are just plain hectic! :lol


We went to a birthday party this a.m. The little one across the street just turned 2 and they had a wonderful party at a city park with burgers, hot dogs and all the trimmings. Luke was invited of course, but he is grounded for a 3 day potty training "boot-camp." Yes, my DD has actually purchased a book on this and is convinced it's going to work...we shall see! :lol


Julie ~ It's wonderful to see your posts again. :manyheart


Marlene ~ Feel better soon. :hug That's so cute that Maya loves her flip flops. :D I love them, too!


Off I go again. We need some groceries and DH is running other errands right now. Have a good afternoon! :)

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Hi, all. I spent a part of this morning and afternoon with Rosie's John. He is lonely with both Rosie and Tillie gone. JC's running errands at the moment and I'm with Kim.


Glad to hear the neck and throat are feeling better, Julie. Hope the headache calms down quickly.


It was 103* at the church yesterday and the chairs in the Pavilion were too hot to touch, so they have moved tonight's picnic inside. No sense in having people get heat stroke during the get together. As Val said, it's supposed to get up to 105*-106* this afternoon and it's already 102* according to the thermometer in the back yard.


Have a wonderful time on your vacation, Joanne.


Hope you don't have to boil your water for too long, Judy.


Take care in this heat everyone. :manyheart:hug

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Hi all,

Marlene- I sure hope that those migraines don't keep coming back- Good idea to get your eyes checked first!


Cindy- I love sloppy joe's and haven't made them in a while. Maybe when we get back from vaca that will be Saturday's meal!! Nice and easy!!! Tonight we had turkey bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. Too darn hot to cook. DH wanted to go out and I said, but we'll be eating out all week! Let's use up the lettuce and tomato and I had bought the turkey bacon. He's a 'real' bacon guy and was skeptical...but lo and behold he liked it!!! Same thing with turkey burgers- he now likes those.


I love that log cabin pattern! I am surprised that you are working on something in 'pieces', but it sure does look like an interesting, fun pattern. I may just have to try that when I return home.


I'm bringing some yarn to work on small things- like the Queen Ann's lace scarves, and dishcloths since I need some new ones. I did pack the pattern for the shawl that Linda made, just in case I find a LYS that has some scrummy yarn I just have to have! - you know a souvenir;)


Julie- Hope that you continue to feel better and that you get to see Cam soon


Linda and Val- stay cool down there! It's hot /muggy here, but worse where you are!


Judy- That was sweet of DH to go get some water nice and early. I heard it may not be fixed until July 4:eek


Have a good night everyone

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I have one square of my new afghan project finished and I really like it. More to the point, dh thinks I'm super talented, because he thinks it is absolutely wonderful. I might be able to stick to this one, as it's not as boring as a lot of afghans are. Even though each square is the same, each round (which is made up of two colors) is a slightly different textured pattern. Also it isn't truly done in rounds, but rather half rounds, so they seem to go faster.

that log cabin is an amazing pattern - good luck with it!!

Judy- That was sweet of DH to go get some water nice and early. I heard it may not be fixed until July 4:eek

oh, no! Time to buy plastic fork and spoons:P


Well, hubby is cold so th eAC is raised:P Pretty soon he'll be warm....while I sweat till then....oh well.


Have a good night everyone - and be careful in the heat.

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It is soooooo hot!


Judy - I hope it doesn't take until the 4th. Have hubby put on a wrap and you keep cool.


Linda - Have fun tonight at the picnic and stay cool.


Mary - Hope you stay cool while running our errands!


Have a good night housemates!

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Just thought I'd drop by to say good night.


Linda, hope you enjoyed the picnic.


Judy, I agree with Val, let dh dress a little warmer! As an aside, speaking of feeling warm, one of the critical care nurses from another hospital in the health care system I work for was telling me about these plastic surgery patients that are required to have super hot rooms to create dilation of blood vessels to enhance blood flow to a repaired area. Evidently they exempt nurses of menopausal age from caring for these patients. (lucky for me, I don;t work in a surgical ICU!) I'm having hot flashes just thinking about it!:lol


The sloppy joes were a hit with the grandsons, but surprisingly, also with my son-in-law. I didn't think he would like them since he isn't a fan of even slightly sweet food. My recipe uses both ketchup and barbecue sauce, and both of those have some sugar in them. I added a bit of Worcestershire sauce and some vinegar to cut the sweetness a bit, but they still tasted sweet to me. However, he liked them a lot. (I threw a few hot dogs on the grill just in case, and the 2 year old ate those.)


I finished an entire square of the log cabin afghan to see how the colors would look together and I really like it. I have part of 3 or 4 more squares made, plus about 10 centers. Now to stick to it, until it's finished.

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Go, Cindy, Go!!!! You can do it!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer


The picnic was a lot of fun. LOTS of good food, followed by an hour or so of singing favorite old hymns and other songs. Met lots of people from the early service that I don't usually see and that was nice too.


It hit 106* in Atlanta today. That is a new record high for the day by about 8* and an all time record high in recorded history as well. Plus a code red smog alert. :eek Not nice! At least the humidity wasn't sky-high or it would have been truly unbearable.

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Good Morning! I've been up since 5 - laundry is in and will go out to do some watering before it gets too hot. My flowers are surviving so far. :)


Judy ~ Oh, the water situation doesn't sound fun. :( I hope they fix the problem soon. I keep the house pretty cool...DH quit griping a long time ago. :lol


Joanne ~ Have a wonderful week!


Linda ~ The picnic sounds so fun. I'm glad you're able to do more things like that now!


Cindy ~ Love the afghan pattern...way to go on finishing an entire square! Your sloppy joe supper with your family sounds really nice. :)


Julie and Cindy ~ I too remember how much softer RH yarn used to be. I've pretty much quit using it because of the roughness. The RH Soft is so nice and it's what I've been using for a lot of the scarves. :yarn


Valerie ~ How is your latest afghan coming along? I hope your heat breaks really soon!


Bye for now. Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone! :manyheart

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'morning, peeps!

At least I had the AC comfy - for me - last night. That's wht DH keeps his electric blanket on the bed all year:lol With bedrooms upstairs and single zone AC it can be hard to regulate. Plus he's on BP meds, s the lower internal furnace he has is probably part of the reason for the issue.

ANd I have tried asking him to dress more warmly...but I think it'll take the temperature turning me nasty before he goes that route:lol:lol:lol


Linda, your picnic sounds wonderful - heat or no heat!:c9


speaking of feeling warm, one of the critical care nurses from another hospital in the health care system I work for was telling me about these plastic surgery patients that are required to have super hot rooms to create dilation of blood vessels to enhance blood flow to a repaired area. Evidently they exempt nurses of menopausal age from caring for these patients. (lucky for me, I don;t work in a surgical ICU!) I'm having hot flashes just thinking about it!:lol

You would have to peel me off the floor if I worked there!!

The sloppy joes were a hit with the grandsons, but surprisingly, also with my son-in-law. I didn't think he would like them since he isn't a fan of even slightly sweet food. My recipe uses both ketchup and barbecue sauce, and both of those have some sugar in them. I added a bit of Worcestershire sauce and some vinegar to cut the sweetness a bit, but they still tasted sweet to me. However, he liked them a lot. (I threw a few hot dogs on the grill just in case, and the 2 year old ate those.) Oh, that was good! Nice SIL to go with the program:manyheart


I finished an entire square of the log cabin afghan to see how the colors would look together and I really like it. I have part of 3 or 4 more squares made, plus about 10 centers. Now to stick to it, until it's finished.

That sounds wonderful...I actually saved that pattern:devil


Not much today - will go trolling in the mall, and then an afternoon Yankee game on TV, followed by golf. I'm one of those rare women (like Joanne;))who actually likes to watch sports - except for basketball.



Stay cool my friends and BBL!

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Good Morning! I've been up since 5 - laundry is in and will go out to do some watering before it gets too hot. My flowers are surviving so far. :)

I snuck around (water restrictions along with the boil ater alert) and watered the flowers in the back last night.

Judy ~ Oh, the water situation doesn't sound fun. :( I hope they fix the problem soon. I keep the house pretty cool...DH quit griping a long time ago. :lol

SOunds like an easy going kind of guy!

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