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Our House Part Two


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Hi all! Haven't read all the notes, will have to do that tomorrow, today I'm just to worn out.


Went to cardio and waited and hour past appt. Not happy. And he tells me like always, with the shape your heart and blood pressure are, you shouldn't even have to be here. But, the birth defect that I take meds to correct, I have to see him every six months to make sure meds are working. He wants me to walk more and more. Sorry, with eye problems, not good idea to head down the road and back, depth perception is way off.


Then my sister and I had lunch at Ryan's and that was nice. Always have good food there and it's cheaper than going for a hamburger, fries and milkshake.


After that, off to chemo. When working up my next schedule, I go for chemo every three weeks, blood draws every week, doctor follow-up every 3 weeks, they asked about my eye appt that was on a chemo day. So she went back and talked to the doc and he told her to tell me to cancel that appt. I wouldn't be ready yet to have the surgery I need to get my complete sight back. I'm a bit bummed by that, but that's the life I have right now and have to put it in God's hands and go forward.


But for a little while tonight, I'm grumpy, tired, whiney and not fit for company :rofl so I'll just close for now and veg and talk to y'all tomorrow.


Love, hugs and prayers for all!

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Kiyo, I'll tell you what I told my oldest daughter one time. She thought I had the PERFECT relationship and wanted one just like that and was tired of being alone.


I told her, better to be lonely alone than lonely with someone. I have been alone now for 10 years. I'm a lot older than you, but you get the idea. :hug :hug :hug you'll figure out what's best for you and your dd.

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Cindy- Did you enjoy your day off today? I hope tomorrow is a GOOD one for you at work- not too busy, but not too slow---


Thanks, I got a lot accomplished today: laundry, changed linens and grocery shopping.

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Good evening ladies :hi


Work kind of dragged on today, but at least there were no problems to deal with :clap I called an attorney out in Pitt that my friend uses as hers and I really liked him. He was very easy to chat with so much so that I don't even feel the need to 'shop around'. He was actually meeting up with my friends today and I learned that he's a family friend of the guy (they got married after school, but we all graduated together). Told me to call with any questions and that he'd be happy to look over all contracts/leases that come my way :yay He's very willing to work with me financially too. He wasn't concerned about it and told me not to worry about all that now and that later on we can refer back and forth as need be. Anyhow, I kind feel like a light turned on after speaking with him. So that's a start :yes


Mary2 - Isn't it funny how guys think we do everything for them!!! No possible way we can do something for ourselves just because :think:lol


Tam - Glad to hear everyone's fighting hard over there :hug :hug What are you hooking tonight? You always have so much flying off those hooks it amazes me!!!


Julie - :xfin for the new med


Judy - I bet that blackberry brandy is yummy :drool


mary1 - Glad your dr visit went well and :yay for the car wash


Kiyo - Love the hat :manyheart Like the others, I say don't settle, but only you can determine exactly what 'settling' would be for you :yes Either way you need to do what makes YOU (and Aree) happy and not worry about any outsiders :hug :hug :hug Good luck sweetie


Joanne - :drool BLT's....I love them! Did dh know it was 'real' bacon?


Toni - Sorry your eye surgery will have to hold off a bit longer :hug :hug :hug May I ask if your name is short for something? My mom was always Toni, but her name in Antoinette, so it just made me curious :think


Joanne, Judy, and Cheeria - Mary said that last week is good for her, so the 26th. I also told her we could go to Jersey Gardens after the meetup too. A couple weeks ago she came into work overly excited that she found a new mall while online :think When she starting talking about it, I said Jersey Gardens and she screamed 'that's it' :**** When I told her how far it was, she was so sad.....like a kid that just lost his lollipop :lol So, since we'll be that far already :think May as well go shopping :clap:yay

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Hi gang



I first wanted to comment on the afghan pattern . That is so cool ! My gosh, it'd be neat if some of you could make it . Do you think you could just bump the hook and yarn size down to baby yarn,and say an F or G hook ? That might make it small enough doing that. Didnt notice what size hook it said to use .

And I sure wish we lived close. I have never tasted brandy,but I'd drop in and you could fill me up a big cup full and see what it'd do to me .




After I stop by Jude's for a drink, I'll make a run down there to your place and we can tip back a few . Your husband would run me off with a broom --he'd come home and find us both SLOSHED ,and soon decide I wasnt fit company for you to keep !:D




Thanks for the good wishes for the meds. I will start the new one tomorrow. always like to start a new one out in the morning of a new day. Sure hope it helps.

I'll be watching to see what you and Jude come up with on the baby blanket !




I know i'm old and grey and it has been many a year since I was single and dating ,but all I can say to give you advice is that you are one REALLY special person. You are cute and funny and you deserve the best that life has to offer,so don't settle for any less .

It's not worth it just to have someone in your life, if it 's not the RIGHT someone,because you may be happier now ,with just you and your girl,then you would be bringing a guy in who you have questions about .

When I got married , I just knew it was the right choice. I really didnt have to think long and hard to convince myself I was choosing the right one. I just KNEW .

So if you are having those thoughts, then this is not the one for you . You wouldnt have to convince yourself .



Hi Joanne

I have tried turkey bacon. You can tell the difference but it really does taste good, just different . Much healthier !




You are quite the inspiration for me, to keep on going, keep doing what the Dr tells you, taking good care of yourself and being positive . I dont think you sound grumpy at all,and even if you FEEL grumpy, you are allowed to do that any time you want. We let grumps in here every day ! ( IF WE DIDNT ,I'D BE THE FIRST ONE VOTED OUT ):yes

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Hey Marisa

Glad you found a good lawyer who can be your backup person and help you with all the legal and boring end of stuff . That will make you feel more confident about making decisions if he is giving you advice .


**Have Jude bring along her jug of brandy and you guys can top off your coffee with some of that . You may wanna bring a designated driver !

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Good evening ladies :hi


Work kind of dragged on today, but at least there were no problems to deal with :clap I called an attorney out in Pitt that my friend uses as hers and I really liked him. He was very easy to chat with so much so that I don't even feel the need to 'shop around'. He was actually meeting up with my friends today and I learned that he's a family friend of the guy (they got married after school, but we all graduated together). Told me to call with any questions and that he'd be happy to look over all contracts/leases that come my way :yay He's very willing to work with me financially too. He wasn't concerned about it and told me not to worry about all that now and that later on we can refer back and forth as need be. Anyhow, I kind feel like a light turned on after speaking with him. So that's a start :yes That is wonderful news!!!


Joanne - :drool BLT's....I love them! Did dh know it was 'real' bacon? He knew it wasn't "real" by the way it looked and wouldn't even try it:shrug Oh, well, his loss because I thought it was very tasty- and there is way less fat and calories! :yes



Joanne, Judy, and Cheeria - Mary said that last week is good for her, so the 26th. I also told her we could go to Jersey Gardens after the meetup too. A couple weeks ago she came into work overly excited that she found a new mall while online :think When she starting talking about it, I said Jersey Gardens and she screamed 'that's it' :**** When I told her how far it was, she was so sad.....like a kid that just lost his lollipop :lol So, since we'll be that far already :think May as well go shopping :clap:yay


I'll PM Cheeria about the 26th!! That's so funny about Jersey Gardens-Exit 13 on the Tpk- and then there are Jersey Shore Outlets which is Exit 100 or so on the GSP-. I may join you for the shopping excursion if you don't mind!

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Toni- I didn't get the impression that you were being grumpy! But I can empathize with your frustrations about the eye surgery. You seem to hold everything in perspective and I admire your outlook on things!! You are an inspiration!!


Julie- If we were going to bring something to put in our coffee, I'd rather it be Kahlua!:lol And yup, I'd sure need a designated driver, since I rarely have a drink- I'm a coffee -a-holic!!!:lol

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I'll PM Cheeria about the 26th!! That's so funny about Jersey Gardens-Exit 13 on the Tpk- and then there are Jersey Shore Outlets which is Exit 100 or so on the GSP-. I may join you for the shopping excursion if you don't mind!


Of course I wouldn't mind :clap Join away :hug

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Well ladies, it's been a while since I've hit photo friday so to start the day off right.......... I finished my sister's slipper socks. They look big, but they're really not. I can JUST get it on my foot and hers is a bit smaller so they should be good for her :xfin


Oh, and for Julie's benefit :wink I forgot we took a pic of my dad's cake :D



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Hi Ladies!


I just had a big page typed out and lost it to.


Cheeria and Julie, I hope you both feel better every day.


Linda, Your quilt top is beautiful!


Kiyo, Your hat and slippers are awesome! I ditto what the others say about you being alone. Have a good time out this weekend!


Valarie, Sorry to hear about the passing of your Dad. Glad you were able to get there to see him.


Mary 2, Glad you got to spend time with DD and GKS. Sorry about your dog.


Trish, Sorry to hear DIL had a miscarriage. My DIL had one and it was a sad time for all of us.


Tam, Your 5-10 RR is beautiful! I will keep your DH in my prayers.


Toni, You can be grumpy if you fill like it. But you do have a good attitude with all your going through.


Maria, Glad you found a lawyer to help you. Nice socks for your sister and a pretty cake for your Dad.


Judy and Cindy, I would think if you use baby yarn and hook according to pkg that pattern would work. It looks interesting.


Joanne, Hope you get sunday off.


Mary, Maya is doing good. She is growing she needs a bigger size for height and weight. Sure do miss her. Sorry your having parent issues.


Hubby and I have been busy getting the materials needed for the skirting around the trailer and putting it on. We have to build a frame then put the skirting on it. It's a lot of measuring and work. But it will be so nice when it's done.

DH birthday is sunday so I made him a suncatcher with blue and gold beads. The gold beads are in the shape of M for Michigan. He is a UofM fan and that is there colors.

Also got him the tools he needed to do this skirting project.

Saturday we are having another breakfast meal. Were having ham & cheese omlets. Yummy! Can't wait to have one.

Hope everyone has a good friday.

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I would like to ask for prayers or good thoughts for my son and family. Something is going on that I can't talk about but they really need some prayers to pull them through this.


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Boy I didn't even realize how long it's been EEK! Last week was my final week in those classes so it was crunch time for projects. I have started 2 new classes so I am getting into my new groove.


Julie I did see that you started a new med and I really hope it offers some relief.


I'm on my iPod do I am going to cut it short. I hope you are all doing well. :ghug

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Good morning !


Marisa- I love those socks- and I'm sure your sis will too! Were they hard to make? You'll have to fill me in on how to do them when we meet up- I would love to try my hand at making those!


Marlene- Sorry to hear that your DS and family have some troubles and I've added them to my prayers! Can I ask- what is a trailer skirt? Sounds like you are very busy- but enjoying your time in TX.


Tab- Great to see a post from you!! Good luck with this next round of classes. I'm sure you'll do just great!


Julie- Did you see that pretty CAKE? I must admit that everytime I see cake, I think of you! Here's to hoping that your new med will help you!!!


In about 3 weeks our "team" will be disbanded and we will return to our respective departments. I did post for another position in another dept and was offered that position. My former boss then proposed a position for me that seems to suit me since it's a pretty independent position. I had that on my mind as I weighed the pros of cons of each. I decided that I would return to the dept I came from.


It's kind of bittersweet to have this project come to an end. I've enjoyed working with the team and we won't be sitting by each other and working together in about 3 weeks. But change is inevitable and I'm just grateful that I was given the opportunity to meet and work with these great people from different departments. Nothing is permanent but change and change is not merely necessary to life—it is life.


So on that note, I'm off to get ready for Friday in Paradise!


Have a good day all!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I don't think I slept very well last night :think I can't believe it's morning! But TGIF :D


Marlene - Prayers heading out to your ds and familly :hug :hug :hug Good luck with your skirting project


Joanne - The socks were pretty easy and worked up fairly quickly :yes I'm glad to hear that you sound better about what you'll be doing after this project is over. What is the new role? I had the pattern site up, but I can't use it here....I know I found it through ravelry, so I'm going to go looking for it now to share with you :xfin


Have a great day everyone. I have a sixers game tonight, we're taking Mary's nephew with us so I'm sure he'll be thrilled :yes So I won't be back until tomorrow :hug :hug :hug

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Morning ladies



Good to hear from you. I hope you soon get the last touches on your trailer so it is the way you like it . Sorry to hear your son and family are having some problems ,sure hope things work out for them .

The omelets sound good, now I will be hungry for one all day !



Those socks are just the cutest . Did you use regular ww yarn or sock yarn ? And what size hook ? They are sure cute. Also thanks for the photo of the cake -- looks so good with all that frosting . NOW I'm hungry for cake too !



Congrats on the new job offer ! That's great and I hope you like it a lot !

Will you still have these long spells of working once it starts, or those will be done ?



Howdy- Hi little miss. How's it going ? Good for you for winding up more classes and starting some new ones . Are the new ones interesting ?

Keep on going, you are doing great .



Not much new to report here . Took my 1st dose of new med this morning ,so we shall see how it does . I am sure hoping it works ,and also that a get a break with the Drs . It sure gets old after awhile .


Waiting to hear if Cam is coming up or not -sometimes he calls me on Friday mornings before school to ask if he can come here, other times Steph calls on her lunch break,so we shall see.

Mike took him to see wrestling earlier this week,so I bet he will wanna tell me every single thing that happened . I'm not much of a wrestling fab,but I'll be happy to listen to his tales about it .


Well, off to get bathed and dressed and get my day started .

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So busy in here.

Well, I hope everyone that is not feeling well feels better. Speedy recovery to those recovering. Good wishes and prayers for everyone in need.


And to the Jersey shoppers, HAVE FUN!! And get a picture of ya' all together with your arms full of bags of yarn, err, stuff.


I started crocheting a sweater, it has a waistband then the 2 front panels and back are stitched from that seperately. Well, I got the 2 fronts almost done. Held them together, they were even and everything! I was so excited till I went to show it to BF. I put the waistband around my back and discovered I did two left fronts. Gah!! The v of the neck went to my arm on the second side and the space for the sleeve was in the middle of my chest :rofl Time to rip and re-do. I just hope it comes out even in the right direction this time!!

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Morning, peeps!


Crochet meetup is set for the 26th, then!!:D



Marisa, what luck finding such a great attorney!!! DS has a friend who reads all his stuff, writes legalese letters, etc. Invaluable!



I first wanted to comment on the afghan pattern . That is so cool ! My gosh, it'd be neat if some of you could make it . Do you think you could just bump the hook and yarn size down to baby yarn,and say an F or G hook ? That might make it small enough doing that. Didnt notice what size hook it said to use .

It's a K hook...I have lots of baby yarn...never thought of that! Thanks for the suggestion:c9

Well ladies, it's been a while since I've hit photo friday so to start the day off right.......... I finished my sister's slipper socks. They look big, but they're really not. I can JUST get it on my foot and hers is a bit smaller so they should be good for her :xfin


Oh, and for Julie's benefit :wink I forgot we took a pic of my dad's cake :D

Great job!!

And the cake is beautiful...:c9

I would like to ask for prayers or good thoughts for my son and family. Something is going on that I can't talk about but they really need some prayers to pull them through this.


Certainly, Marlene...:hug:manyheart:hug



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Hi Wrennie

Yep, it does get busy in here. We have a lot of people with a lot to talk about . I like it busy ,so it's nice to see so many participating on the boards .

Sorry the sweater ended up with 2 of the same fronts-- good thing you noticed now before going further with it,then finding out when it is ready to be sewn together !

What color is it ?



Thanks --I know the yarn shop next town over has TONS of beautiful sock yarn . The owner is the best knitter I have ever seen. My gosh, she has beautiful things hanging all over that she has made,so she concentrates a lot on knitting supplies ,but she can also crochet .There are lots more knitting gadgets ,patterns and yarn though .


Hi there Jude

Thats funny when you call us your peeps . Hope the afghan idea works out for you since I know you make so many babyghans . I'm no good at resizing a pattern by removing or adding stitches, so I would try the easy way and change up the yarn and hook .It might do the trick !


I am so jealous that all of you will be having another meetup and a possible group shopping adventure ! Sounds like such fun .

It'd sure be great to set up a meet time for a big group of us, but dont know how we could pick a place that'd be centrally located for everyone . We have quite a spaced out group . If some could even carpool together ,thatd be neat .




*** LeAnna

Been thinking of you this week. I know you said you might be off awhile,so it's fine, you dont have to post now if you don't want to. Just wanted you to know you are missed and we will all be here waiting when you come back.:)

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Hi guys

Back home form the lung guy . He took me off one of my meds and added a brand new one ,since my breathing tests each visit have gotten worse .


Also had a long talk with him regarding some of my other malfunctions, which he seems to think are anxiety related . Anyhow I am keeping my fingers crossed that this new med will work . It makes you so very TIRED when you cannot get a full breath of air .

I'm hoping that the new med helps the breathing, Julie. :hug :hug

Mary1, Sparkie is good. He had a bordatella vaccine and titre tests for the rest. I also had her check his back leg, the one that keeps acting up and the range of motion seemed fine...so it might not be a big deal. Fingers crossed.... It was an aerobic activity trying to keep him still:lol


~~hello ladies~~ I just had a moment to run through a few of the posts. Dang it there's a lot going on.......everyone that is sick, has been sick, had rough times, is having rough times----you're in my prayers. I'm having a VERY rough day myself-----please tell me it's ok to just go on in life by myself and I will be just fine. Maybe I'm sweating something petty and I shouldn't care but I do.

I am hoping to shake this all off and just carry on, can't let it get me down!


I made me a new hat last night. Same verigated yarn as the last set of slippers. I love it. Is fun and can wear with tons of stuff!


Hope everyone has a great evening. I'm so frustrated I just want to go home and take a hot bath and forget about the world outside, mind you I can't forget about my munchkin and my dogs! lol Loves to you all.

:hug :hug :hug Hang in there, Kiyo. Sometimes the petty things are the things that break us from a job or relationship that's run it's course and needs to be ended. Sometimes it's just a hitch in the road that we work through and makes us stronger. :hug :hug :hug

Hi all! Haven't read all the notes, will have to do that tomorrow, today I'm just to worn out.


Went to cardio and waited and hour past appt. Not happy. And he tells me like always, with the shape your heart and blood pressure are, you shouldn't even have to be here. But, the birth defect that I take meds to correct, I have to see him every six months to make sure meds are working. He wants me to walk more and more. Sorry, with eye problems, not good idea to head down the road and back, depth perception is way off.


Then my sister and I had lunch at Ryan's and that was nice. Always have good food there and it's cheaper than going for a hamburger, fries and milkshake.


After that, off to chemo. When working up my next schedule, I go for chemo every three weeks, blood draws every week, doctor follow-up every 3 weeks, they asked about my eye appt that was on a chemo day. So she went back and talked to the doc and he told her to tell me to cancel that appt. I wouldn't be ready yet to have the surgery I need to get my complete sight back. I'm a bit bummed by that, but that's the life I have right now and have to put it in God's hands and go forward.


But for a little while tonight, I'm grumpy, tired, whiney and not fit for company :rofl so I'll just close for now and veg and talk to y'all tomorrow.


Love, hugs and prayers for all!

:hug :hug :hug I'd be bummed, too, if I thought the way was clear for seeing better and then got told not for a while more. :hug :hug :hug Sounds like it was a very frazzling kind of day all in all.

Good evening ladies :hi


Work kind of dragged on today, but at least there were no problems to deal with :clap I called an attorney out in Pitt that my friend uses as hers and I really liked him. He was very easy to chat with so much so that I don't even feel the need to 'shop around'. He was actually meeting up with my friends today and I learned that he's a family friend of the guy (they got married after school, but we all graduated together). Told me to call with any questions and that he'd be happy to look over all contracts/leases that come my way :yay He's very willing to work with me financially too. He wasn't concerned about it and told me not to worry about all that now and that later on we can refer back and forth as need be. Anyhow, I kind feel like a light turned on after speaking with him. So that's a start :yes

That's great news about finding a lawyer you click with! :yay :yay

Well ladies, it's been a while since I've hit photo friday so to start the day off right.......... I finished my sister's slipper socks. They look big, but they're really not. I can JUST get it on my foot and hers is a bit smaller so they should be good for her :xfin


Oh, and for Julie's benefit :wink I forgot we took a pic of my dad's cake :D

Great looking socks! The cake looks good enough to eat! :lol :lol

I would like to ask for prayers or good thoughts for my son and family. Something is going on that I can't talk about but they really need some prayers to pull them through this.


:hug :hug :hug Hope whatever is wrong straightens itself out soon.

Boy I didn't even realize how long it's been EEK! Last week was my final week in those classes so it was crunch time for projects. I have started 2 new classes so I am getting into my new groove. :ghug

Congratulations on getting another step closer to the finish line, Tabby! :yay :yay :yay

Good morning !

In about 3 weeks our "team" will be disbanded and we will return to our respective departments. I did post for another position in another dept and was offered that position. My former boss then proposed a position for me that seems to suit me since it's a pretty independent position. I had that on my mind as I weighed the pros of cons of each. I decided that I would return to the dept I came from.


It's kind of bittersweet to have this project come to an end. I've enjoyed working with the team and we won't be sitting by each other and working together in about 3 weeks. But change is inevitable and I'm just grateful that I was given the opportunity to meet and work with these great people from different departments. Nothing is permanent but change and change is not merely necessary to life—it is life.


Have a good day all!

It's hard when a group of you who've worked so well together on a special project have to split up. But it sounds like you've all accomplished a lot. Good job to all of you. :applause :applause :applause

I started crocheting a sweater, it has a waistband then the 2 front panels and back are stitched from that seperately. Well, I got the 2 fronts almost done. Held them together, they were even and everything! I was so excited till I went to show it to BF. I put the waistband around my back and discovered I did two left fronts. Gah!! The v of the neck went to my arm on the second side and the space for the sleeve was in the middle of my chest :rofl Time to rip and re-do. I just hope it comes out even in the right direction this time!!

Did you make it wrong or sew it together wrong? Resewing it would be so much easier than having to completely redo the whole side.


It's overcast here and supposed to start raining tonight or tomorrow. Otherwise a quiet day here for Kim and I. Her nail appointment went well yesterday. She didn't fight them nearly as much as sometimes. One of the guys did her nails and she always seems to do better with them. She likes to flirt with the young guys. :lol At least she's set for a while now.

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Morning Linda

Sounds like things down your way are pretty calm . Glad that your weather is slowly improving .Its nice to hear how it is there,because it makes me have hope that our weather will soon turn around.

This time of year, it drives you batty. You get one day when the sky is bright blue, it is sunny ,and a little warmer,then you get snow flurries the next day.so you get your hopes up one day,the next, you are digging out the rock salt for the sidewalk again .


That's funny that Kim likes the young guys to work on her fingernails. Maybe you can ask for them each time she goes .


How is the quilt coming now, or have you taken a small break from it to work on a crochet item ?

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Morning Linda

Sounds like things down your way are pretty calm . Glad that your weather is slowly improving .Its nice to hear how it is there,because it makes me have hope that our weather will soon turn around.

This time of year, it drives you batty. You get one day when the sky is bright blue, it is sunny ,and a little warmer,then you get snow flurries the next day.so you get your hopes up one day,the next, you are digging out the rock salt for the sidewalk again .


That's funny that Kim likes the young guys to work on her fingernails. Maybe you can ask for them each time she goes .


How is the quilt coming now, or have you taken a small break from it to work on a crochet item ?

Hi, Julie. At the moment I'm trying to figure out how to do free motion quilting and not doing at all well. I'm also trying out some of the different stitches on the machine to see if they might achieve the effects I want. I did start a green scarf for Kiyo yesterday, too.


John's mom made it home from the hospital a couple days ago, but will now be on oxygen full time. Her heart is giving out. She's had a pacemaker for several years now, after it quitting while she was swimming one day. They don't give her a lot longer, but she is 87 years old and has led a very full and busy life. John and Kim are going over to see her next week while I'm at the sewing and quilt expo. John Sr. will have the hardest time with her death. He never figured he'd outlive her.

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Hi Ladies! Just checking in to say Hi :waving and to send Hugs to those who are going through a rough time right now. :hug I've read through posts and can't post now...Luke is on the way - I was scrubbing floors when DD called. :lol She does a lot of volunteer work and a last minute thing came up.


Take care, everyone. I'll be back later this afternoon. :)

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