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Our House Part Two


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Hey ladies :hi


Work was busy again, but I was able to get my narratives caught up. I just don't want to leave them for my replacement.


Toni, Linda, and Cindy - work is rough right now for a couple different reasons. We have 4 offices and at the current time 6 docs (including me because he already hired the extra) My office keeps 2 since it's the busiest and the other 3 each have 1, but when anyone needs off then the extra doc in my office covers that office. So my extra doc is dr tan. The guy he hired is over at a different office and the girl that was over there (that we trained last year) is replacing me, that's jess. So she was on vaca last week and was supposed to be back yesterday, but had an incident that landed her in the hosp mon evening and released tues at about 2, which was why she wasn't in yesterday. Meanwhile, last week the doc at one of the offices had to leave to go back home, his mom passed away so he's due back next week on thurs, dr tan will be covering his office until wednesday. Well, next week is also the doc a yet another office's vaca, which was previously planned and was done so against the days I already had taken off since we all always coordinate since only one can be off at any time. So Jess will cover his office all next week. And low and behold that the new guy has off wed thru fri at that office so dr tan will switch to that office for thurs and fri which leaves him hanging at one office for wed. :whew That was a mouthful, but that's why its crazy right now. Everyone know where they will be, but between the vacas being taken and the emergencies all at once :shrug


My last day at my office is thurs July 21 and then I have fri off and the whole next week for my family reunion and to be home extra while my nephews and niece are here (I'm excited to MEET my niece :yes) Then I have 2 work weeks left and my official last day is Aug 12 :clap:yay For those last 2 weeks, I'm going over to the office that the new guy is at, which is a super slow office and was told that I can use that free time to finish up my planning and phone calls and 'just hang out for 2 weeks' :D So hopefully I've explained that well, it's not intentional, but not avoidable right now either. But, I've already been given my free two weeks coming up at the end :lol


Well. I'm glad that its all going to work out for you in the end!

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good morning ladies :)

it`s been a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time since my last visit to your house

actually i keep quitting crochet because of life stress and i haven`t done any complete project since a long time.

i participated in swaps last year it was really fun but yet i don`t complete a project for my own :( sad

an hour ago i started the snowflake afghan i really love to have it as a throw for those lazy afternoons in front of the tv (baby channel with boring cartoons sigh) but what can i do my elder daughter is the boss eeek


how are you all doing?? i hope you are all doing great

i need time to settle in here and catch up with you ladies

i hope i`ll be encouraged to continue what i start of my projects


do you still post photos on Friday?? if that so i would love to remember that and be here to show you what i`m working on it`ll be as an update for me

Hi, Athba, Its nice to see you again. You have two little ones now right? Do you have two girls?

Sorry to hear about your divorce, although it sounds like you are okay with it.

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ladies i have some questions looool


i know that was loong time ago but there was a group some of you were in it to knit a learn to knit afghan. i didn`t see you finishing it that was sad


Well, I have to confess that I haven't finished mine yet, but some of the participants did finish theirs. I still work on it every once on a while. I have 35 squares done.

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Hi everyone. Very quiet day at work today. (I worked in a different unit from my usual unit, so they gave me easy patients.)


My moebius shawl isn't working out quite as I had hoped. it looks okay, but I am not convinced that I chose an appropriate yarn, so it may get frogged. It will need to be blocked and I haven't had a lot of luck blocking acrylic.

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Wrennie, hate when people come to work sick and spread the love :( And do not like it when that work is with the public. I have to keep sanitizer on my hands at all times, during flu season have to wear a mask and latex gloves, etc. when going in public because of my compromised immune system. People just aren't considerate, unfortunately.

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Athba, divorce is not easy no matter who you are or where you live. Totally understand. I'm sure the process is just different where you are. :hug :hug :hug

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Cindy, glad your work day went well but sorry to hear the shawl isn't working the way you wanted with the yarn you are using. Frogging is not fun but at least with yarn projects, you can use the yarn for something else.

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Hi, ladies! I made it in today! Busy day and hotter than hades! Low 90's and very humid:P

I finished the comfortghan and mailed it off, so I'll be working on other things for a while now - maybe my own project (the tapestry bag). How novel:lol

Took Little Miss Lucy (my German shepherd, Athba) to get weighed. She's 4 1/2 months and weighs 44.2 pounds. That's not much. At 17 weeks Sparkie weighed 52 pounds:eek


ladies i have some questions looool


i know that was loong time ago but there was a group some of you were in it to knit a learn to knit afghan. i didn`t see you finishing it that was sad

Hi Athba:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

It's good to see you again.

I learned to knit a little this past year but have only made the first 2 squares int he knitting book (twice:lol)

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Cindy, glad your work day went well but sorry to hear the shawl isn't working the way you wanted with the yarn you are using. Frogging is not fun but at least with yarn projects, you can use the yarn for something else.

I've been known to tell my dh that yarn can be worth its weight in gold, when you consider how much entertainment I get out of some skeins, what with frogging things twice, choosing new patterns to try, etc.

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Hi all,


I had a busy, busy day again- but survived!!! Judy is right it is HOT as hades- and HUMID So happy to be home in the AC- the car was terribly hot when I got out of paradise --but luckily the AC kicked in rather quickly!!!


My brain cells are TIRED!!!! I think from not sleeping good last night- and having such a busy day!! I'm debating on whether to take a short nap- or just keep myself up for a while and go to bed early....I do want to watch the Yankees- we're on Jeter watch for his 3,000th hit!!! Two of my co-workers are at the game tonight!


Off to figure out dinner.

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thanks ladies for all your feelings i really appreciate it :hug



ohh only TWO!! looool

at least you did something :lol



yup i have two girls :yes

i know divorce is hard but sometimes when things goes totally wrong in marriage and your partner treats you as if you weren`t there and you are already taking the full responsibility of the kids, then i think divorce is better as its gonna open new doors for you to start new life, maybe someday i`ll meet a better person i dont wanna be bond by the wrong one :\



i started the half moon shawl i`m half way through it and i made one hexagon for the snowflake afghan


i`m gonna start a diet tomorrow yeek i`ve gained alot of weight lately , i should lose 50 pounds :eek

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Nothing much here, eating supper and answering threads and then will go and sit and watch my NASCAR truck races in KY tonight and work on finishing my SBT now that the yarn has arrived from Mary Jo that I ran out of :lol Bless her heart she had some because it was Peaches and Cream and they didn't have any on sale on their site :(


Judy, sounds like Lucy is right on target for a female.


Abtha, you are absolutely right, if it isn't working change it :lol Life will be much better in the long run for both you and the girls.


Joanne, I'd opt for the nap except it might keep you awake all night! Have to admit, was feeling really bad when the race was on Saturday night and fell asleep before it was half way over :lol Had to ask dd if she watched it all and who won.


Well, I'm off to work on the SBT and finish my supper and watch the races. Y'all be good now, ya hear! :lol

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:cry:frog:2frog I went to prayer shawl meeting tonight and by the time I finished the 7th row on the first side I know that the different dye lot simply was not working for me. I was increasingly aware of just how far off it was from the first shade. I hated it! So, went to the frog pond and ripped out all that was done in the second shade. :2frog:frog:cry Since that was the only yarn I had with me, I started a preemie afghan with it instead. On the way home I stopped at Walmart and found a skein of yarn that matched the first part of the shawl. Unfortunately if only came in the 14 oz. size which is way more than I need, but I'll figure out something to do with the excess. At least now I can finish it the way I want it to look. :hook
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Hi gang

Quick check in before hitting the sack .Sorry I dont remember who all said what . I guess my brain is tired since it's bedtime .



I'm sorry the marriage hasn't worked out for you, and divorce is a huge adjustment to make, but sometimes it is for the best if you have tried every way possible to work things out and it isnt helping . At least you ended up with 2 beautiful baby girls, so something good came out of it .



To everyone else --Sleep Tight, dont let the bedbugs bite .

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Hi Ladies,


On my way to bed going to be a short night tonight. Maya and I came to her house wednesday (her Mom decided to let her stay longer) she had a doctors appt today. Poor girl got 4 shots today, had her eyes and ears test to so she is all ready for school.

Hubbies chest pains have continued to get worse and he called me wednesday night in pain again. This was his 2nd in less than 24 hours. I called are doctor and he told me to tell him to go to ER if it got unbearable again. And I made him an appt for tuesday morning. Hubby called tonight and said he was driving himself to the hospital (3 miles away) he made it. I called the hospital. I called the neighbor but he had already left. I've called the hospital twice since and they are now admitting him for observation. It's a 3 hour drive for me to get home so I will be heading home in the morning. I'll let you know if anything comes out of this.

I opened up my emails tonight and read that a friend had died tonight.

He had a brain tumor that wasn't operable. He was very talented he wrote his own music. My ex played in the band with him and they made an album.

Hubby and I will be celebrating are 15th anniversary saturday. Not sure what we will do. I would like to go back to are hometown. They have a big car show at the park. We will see some friends there. Then go out to dinner at my favorite mexican restaurant. I'll drop Maya off for a birthday party and her Mom will pick her up.

I need to get to bed. I'll get back as soon as I can. Have a great weekend everyone!

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Joanne, I'd opt for the nap except it might keep you awake all night! Have to admit, was feeling really bad when the race was on Saturday night and fell asleep before it was half way over :lol Had to ask dd if she watched it all and who won.


Well, I'm off to work on the SBT and finish my supper and watch the races. Y'all be good now, ya hear! :lol

I thought a nap would keep me awake all night too! So I stayed up, watched the yankees for a while- saw that Jeter wasn't going to get his 3,000th hit and went to bed at 9:30- slept till 4:30- so 7 hours sleep for me! Feel much better this morning!!


:cry:frog:2frog I went to prayer shawl meeting tonight and by the time I finished the 7th row on the first side I know that the different dye lot simply was not working for me. I was increasingly aware of just how far off it was from the first shade. I hated it! So, went to the frog pond and ripped out all that was done in the second shade. :2frog:frog:cry Since that was the only yarn I had with me, I started a preemie afghan with it instead. On the way home I stopped at Walmart and found a skein of yarn that matched the first part of the shawl. Unfortunately if only came in the 14 oz. size which is way more than I need, but I'll figure out something to do with the excess. At least now I can finish it the way I want it to look. :hook
Glad that they had the yarn even if it was in the 14 oz size. I know you'll figure out something else to make with all the extra yarn..Frogging is not fun, but you did the right thing- it would only bother you if you didn't!


Hi gang

Quick check in before hitting the sack .Sorry I dont remember who all said what . I guess my brain is tired since it's bedtime .



I'm sorry the marriage hasn't worked out for you, and divorce is a huge adjustment to make, but sometimes it is for the best if you have tried every way possible to work things out and it isnt helping . At least you ended up with 2 beautiful baby girls, so something good came out of it .



To everyone else --Sleep Tight, dont let the bedbugs bite .

Oh, I did sleep tight!!! Thanks and hope you did too!!!


Hi Ladies,


On my way to bed going to be a short night tonight. Maya and I came to her house wednesday (her Mom decided to let her stay longer) she had a doctors appt today. Poor girl got 4 shots today, had her eyes and ears test to so she is all ready for school.

Hubbies chest pains have continued to get worse and he called me wednesday night in pain again. This was his 2nd in less than 24 hours. I called are doctor and he told me to tell him to go to ER if it got unbearable again. And I made him an appt for tuesday morning. Hubby called tonight and said he was driving himself to the hospital (3 miles away) he made it. I called the hospital. I called the neighbor but he had already left. I've called the hospital twice since and they are now admitting him for observation. It's a 3 hour drive for me to get home so I will be heading home in the morning. I'll let you know if anything comes out of this.

I opened up my emails tonight and read that a friend had died tonight.

He had a brain tumor that wasn't operable. He was very talented he wrote his own music. My ex played in the band with him and they made an album.

Hubby and I will be celebrating are 15th anniversary saturday. Not sure what we will do. I would like to go back to are hometown. They have a big car show at the park. We will see some friends there. Then go out to dinner at my favorite mexican restaurant. I'll drop Maya off for a birthday party and her Mom will pick her up.

I need to get to bed. I'll get back as soon as I can. Have a great weekend everyone!

:hug and prayers that all is ok with DH. Safe travels back home and hope that you two get to celebrate your 15th anniversary. Sorry to hear about your friend.
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Good morning and TGIF!!!! Thank goodness- for a short work week, it sure turned into a long one!! Vacation is but a distant memory:lol


Marisa- Safe travels home tonight and hope the day isn't too rough for you at work!! Did you get done what you needed to get done as far as what you are bringing home?


Cindy- How's your Mom?


Hope everyone has a good day!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Sorry I didn't make it back last night. It was already 8:30 until I got home, I ran to the pet store after work to get a grate/cover for my turtle tank and my first stop didn't have it, so had to go to another :( Can't have any runaways at my parents :rofl I packed up all my clothes that I piled up to go and cleaned out my food cabinets :yes Tonight I still have to pack up the turtles, load the car, gather my motorcycle stuff, and I'll rummage through the freezer to see what else can go :whew I can't wait to say TGIF NEXT week :eek:lol


Tam - Did the rain let up for the game?


q8 - I saw 1 finished learn to knit afghan find it's way through here. Something I may do after all is settled and I'm moved :think


Linda - I bet Kim kept you on your toes all day :lol I'll bet you already have an idea for the extra yarn you had to get :wink


Cindy - Sorry to hear your shawl is not coming out right :hug


Judy - It's been crazy hot here too :( What did you decide to work on when you got a chance to sit?


Joanne - work was super busy for me too again yesterday, and I expect today to be the same :think I still have a bit to do after work before I hit the road.


Julie - What's going on in your neck of the woods today?


Marlene - I sure hope dh is ok and that they figure something out with this already :hug :hug :hug Sounds like Maya did ok with her visit. So sorry to hear about your friend :hug :hug :hug


I doubt I'll be back until the morning again :think

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Morning, peeps!

We have friends coming by after lunch, so will be busy again today.

Marlene...sending you lots of love and hugs....


Linda, we can ALWAYS find stuff to do with leftover yarn:lol


Judy - It's been crazy hot here too :( What did you decide to work on when you got a chance to sit?

I read:lol


Gotta dash!

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) Sorry about my lack of posts lately. The days have been really hectic and I've been too tired at night. :lol Way too much going on with MIL, the parents and now my brother has added to the drama! So in 105* heat, I've been helping where I can and really just want to stay home and crochet!


Athba ~ Hi from me, too! I hope the divorce goes smoothly and that you and the girls are okay. :hug We're so glad you're back!


Marlene ~ Please let us know how your DH is doing. :hug


Hi to each and every one of my House friends. :manyheart

Better get ready to leave - have a good day!

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Good morning my friends. It's going to be another hot one today. I think we're supposed to have storms at some point. Have laundry and vaccumming to do today in addition to the normal stuff. Rosie's Colorado daughter and her son are coming for a week's visit with them today.


John has begun his countdown until deer hunting season starts in early September. He announced earlier this week that there were just 60 days until bow season started. SIGH!!!


Hi Ladies,


On my way to bed going to be a short night tonight. Maya and I came to her house wednesday (her Mom decided to let her stay longer) she had a doctors appt today. Poor girl got 4 shots today, had her eyes and ears test to so she is all ready for school.

Hubbies chest pains have continued to get worse and he called me wednesday night in pain again. This was his 2nd in less than 24 hours. I called are doctor and he told me to tell him to go to ER if it got unbearable again. And I made him an appt for tuesday morning. Hubby called tonight and said he was driving himself to the hospital (3 miles away) he made it. I called the hospital. I called the neighbor but he had already left. I've called the hospital twice since and they are now admitting him for observation. It's a 3 hour drive for me to get home so I will be heading home in the morning. I'll let you know if anything comes out of this.

I opened up my emails tonight and read that a friend had died tonight.

He had a brain tumor that wasn't operable. He was very talented he wrote his own music. My ex played in the band with him and they made an album.

Hubby and I will be celebrating are 15th anniversary saturday. Not sure what we will do. I would like to go back to are hometown. They have a big car show at the park. We will see some friends there. Then go out to dinner at my favorite mexican restaurant. I'll drop Maya off for a birthday party and her Mom will pick her up.

I need to get to bed. I'll get back as soon as I can. Have a great weekend everyone!

:hug :hug :hug Prayers being said for your hubby. Maybe this time they can figure out what is going on with him. Good luck with the anniversary plans. Drive safely on your way back home. :hug :hug :hug

Good Morning, Ladies. :) Sorry about my lack of posts lately. The days have been really hectic and I've been too tired at night. :lol Way too much going on with MIL, the parents and now my brother has added to the drama! So in 105* heat, I've been helping where I can and really just want to stay home and crochet!

Oh, dear. Family drama is the worst. Hope things settle down soon. :hug :hug :hug

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