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A Doily to Blanket A~Long


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Well, after 5 hours round trip, talking to 3 clients, I was so tired when I got home. I tried to work on mine some but one row just was not sinking in and I had to frog it. I have finished row 14 of 23 and it's only 19" across so not sure if it's going to be big enough. Maybe I can add rows on the end. :think


I have learned that I love working the doily pattern more than a granny square afghan though. :hook


This is a very quick pic I took last night. I didn't really lay it out real good but you can get an idea. :)



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Here's mine so far. Laid out like this it's 22"; I've done 18 of 36 rows, so mine may turn out too big. But the pattern photo shows the top of the rounded sections even with our just above the pineapples. There are some straight around rows coming up, so that will probably stretch the pineapples up and flatten out the other sections. At least I'm hoping. After lunch I'll get to that and see what happens.


This is done with Pound of Love green (though you couldn't tell it from the photo) and a 4.5 mm G hook.


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Sarah, your doily-ghan is looking just beautiful.


I went out today and purchased this book.


There are several good possibilities in it, but I think I'm probably going to do the one that looks easiest to me. Its called "Harmony". This book has 18 patterns in it, and several of them look like they would work for baby blankets.


I have two Caron Pounders in lilac that I plan to use for this project.


I purchased the same book Gardener did this Tuesday from Jo Ann's. I had already tried Jameson, a free pattern from Berocco. I was using a WW yarn and it just didn't look right--too many holes. I am crocheting pattern #12 from the Abolutely Gorgeous Doilies book, called Pineapple Wheel. I am using a G hook with Bernat Baby Jacquards, a DK weight yarn, in the Peppermint colorway. I'm on round 7 and so far it is looking good. Love the patterns in this book and hope this one turns out okay.

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Me too!


Ok pics below. I am making the Summer Splendor doily, but with the pound of love and G hook it was going to be waaay to small. So now I'm improvising. I added 2 more shell rows to the pattern and still not even close to enough, so then did a row of dc, next row was uh.. yeah what it looks like :hook and now I'm adding this other row..does it look ok? Haven't a clue :think what I'm gonna do after this row... :yarn



It looks great, you could do another few rows of cluster stitches, just place them close together on the first row, so that you can get enough to give you an increase, then repeat a few rows, then do the rows 17-22 again, (I love those sts, they look like tulips) That way it keeps within the same basic theme the pattern stitches have. It really does look lovely. :manyheart

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Nicole, I'm doing a pattern of my own too. The hardest part is getting just the right amount of stitches to keep it from cupping or rippling, while still getting the lacy look of a doily. In addition, I;m trying to make mine relatively solid. I have 20 or 21 rounds done so far, and have tried quite a few different ideas for the next round, but at the moment nothing seems to be working. I've set it aside for a day or two.

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What I seem to have found with the summer splendor is that there was a large increase which made the next rows ruffled, but there were no increases and it would again smooth out.


I will have to post my modified summer splendor later today after I've hopefully worked on it some more! I am repeating a modification of the shell rows 18-22. Modified as there needs to be space between. I've managed to get something that looks a little bit like the first set of shells, but trying to break it up some so that there aren't huge holes. I think it's working

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Here's mine so far. Laid out like this it's 22"; I've done 18 of 36 rows, so mine may turn out too big. But the pattern photo shows the top of the rounded sections even with our just above the pineapples. There are some straight around rows coming up, so that will probably stretch the pineapples up and flatten out the other sections. At least I'm hoping. After lunch I'll get to that and see what happens.


This is done with Pound of Love green (though you couldn't tell it from the photo) and a 4.5 mm G hook.


Oh I do like this one! :clap


I'm up to round 18 on mine, I wasn't 100% sure on what I was doing on r16 but it looks OK and isn't ruffling or cupping so I'm happy to carry on :D

I actually have a social life for the first time in years so I'm a bit behind on my crochet this weekend ;)

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I'm still doubtful about this - it's very open. I have exactly zero experience with babies, so I'm going to try to get a start on the outer pineapples tonight, at least a few rows. I'm having lunch tomorrow with a couple of friends and I'll ask their opinion. Thumbs up, I'll finish it. Thumbs down, frog...frog...frog...


I also got the Absolutely Gorgeous Doilies book today at Joann's with a coupon - I thought it was a great bargain for so many good patterns. A lot of them look like they would be great for blankets, maybe with a few minor modifications. I liked the Harmony pattern too that some of you are using. It's not quite as frilly as some and I'm thinking it would be nice in blue for boys.

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I have completed up to round 18 in my blanket using the Pineapple Wheel pattern. This is half way through and it is approximately 15 inches. I may need to add some additional rounds at the end to reach the size I would like. I'm posting a photo to see what you all think.


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I have completed up to round 18 in my blanket using the Pineapple Wheel pattern. This is half way through and it is approximately 15 inches. I may need to add some additional rounds at the end to reach the size I would like. I'm posting a photo to see what you all think.



Oh, that is adorable! The yarn too! That is a nice pattern you chose, it looks great!

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Donna, that's very pretty! Where's that pattern from?

I wanna get out and look at some doily books again! hope I can find absolutely gorgeous, and maybe precious doilies, somewhere. JoAnn's here, seems to hold on to the older books longer--after they're off the display racks, they're on a shelf...which is full and messy to dig through...but might be worth a look!


I got my swirl motif doily done...it's a bit ruffly, but I have it spread out on the bed, hoping it will relax. I'll try for a picture tomorrow. (we're all under the weather somewhat here, right now) I started another one, Radiant doily (Old Time Crochet, Summer 97)...but it was too open, and looking more like an oversized doily, less like a lacy blanket, if you KWIM. So I frogged that, and now I'm trying to come up with another idea...something in the 16-18" size I think would be good

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I have completed up to round 18 in my blanket using the Pineapple Wheel pattern. This is half way through and it is approximately 15 inches. I may need to add some additional rounds at the end to reach the size I would like. I'm posting a photo to see what you all think.

Very pretty!

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Doilyghan now at 29" without blocking. I really think the holes are to big for a baby blanket. I may have to find a ministry to nursing homes and see if they could use it as a lap-ghan...worse case scenario it can go on the back of my easy chair!!


I could do 2 more rows which would give me another set of shells, and I need to do the border yet. That should be interesting to improvise!


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it's looking great! What yarn and what size hook are you using? I'm trying thicker yarn and bigger hook on my next one.


I am using Bernat Baby Jacquards, a DK weight yarn in the Peppermint colorway, and a G hook. This yarn was left over from when I was making things in anticipation of the arrival of my first grandchild. Now another little one is expected in October so I'm using up some of the yarn in my stash.


Thank you Gardener and heart for your encouraging comments.

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I started one this morning for my friend Carols' grand daughter-to-be :) she was due on the 12th & is still hanging in there but I didn't find out until last night.


I'm making "August" from "a year of doilys book 4" it is 34 rows and at row 10 mine measures 10". I'm using DK weight yarn and a 5mm hook.


That will be gorgeous and I'm sure very appreciated.


I picked out my pattern today and that's as far as I've gotten. Have to finish up a few small items before starting it.

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Here's where I'm at this afternoon, not far but it is a start :) I've ch 5 when I should ch7 and ch7 when I should ch9 and it seems to be working OK so far :D and personally I think it's lovely :manyheart


It is gorgeous!!! Love the color.

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I have completed up to round 18 in my blanket using the Pineapple Wheel pattern. This is half way through and it is approximately 15 inches. I may need to add some additional rounds at the end to reach the size I would like. I'm posting a photo to see what you all think.

Love the look!!:cheer

Doilyghan now at 29" without blocking. I really think the holes are to big for a baby blanket. I may have to find a ministry to nursing homes and see if they could use it as a lap-ghan...worse case scenario it can go on the back of my easy chair!!


I could do 2 more rows which would give me another set of shells, and I need to do the border yet. That should be interesting to improvise!

I think a nursing home resident would love this!

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Doilyghan now at 29" without blocking. I really think the holes are to big for a baby blanket. I may have to find a ministry to nursing homes and see if they could use it as a lap-ghan...worse case scenario it can go on the back of my easy chair!!


I could do 2 more rows which would give me another set of shells, and I need to do the border yet. That should be interesting to improvise!


It is very beautiful. I think it would be a perfect blanket for a christening.

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