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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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I've been working on another baby blanket this week- it's really slow going. Too many school delays and cancellations so the whole family has been home and I haven't had much "me" time to sit and crochet! But at least I can add +8 to my score.

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I'm putting in my totals for the week, so I don't forget...


I managed to use up one skein and was strong, resisting all advertisements declaring 30% off... :lol


Stashbuster Total: WTD +2 YTD +42

:crocheting :clap

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I haven't had hardly any time to do any knitting or crocheting this week. My son got his driver's license:( and it's been crazy in the house all week. It's so hard just letting him go out in the world driving. I didn't feel like this when my daughter started driving, but I worry more when he's out.


Just a reminder, I will be posting the YTD scores after the WTD scores are posted by last week's winner of the "Shoot the Moon" award. So be sure to post both the WTD scores and the YTD scores by late Saturday night in order to be counted.

Good luck in Stashbusting this week.


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Used up a skein on a baby afghan, but had to go to Joanns to buy another plus bought a skein to make chemo caps. Also bought some incidentals and a pattern book. Got to the counter to find my coupons were no longer in my purse! I had them sticking out the side pocket, hate to think someone might have lifted them. Oh, well, so far I am WTD -2

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Back to the positives this year! :yay I used up a ball earlier this week, and gave away 10 skeins tonight.


I work at a substance abuse treatment center, and was told the ladies were interested in learning to crochet. I stayed after work for about an hour and had a lot of fun! I thought 10 skeins would be plenty; there were about 12 who were interested in learning.


I'll be going through my stash and seeing how much more I can take over next week. Or I'll go to ACMoore and pick up some of the mill ends that they sell. I'll just have to prevent myself from acquiring any personal stash. :lol


WTD +21

YTD +15

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I'm working two jobs now, so very little crochet happening until I get my patterns adjusted.:) I had a ball, and now it's a smaller ball:blush, but at least I didn't buy/get gifted/had skeins jump into my arms and not want to leave this week, so my



I have a question about stash and my score. If I have had stash in two separate locations, and it gets consolidated into one location, do I have to count it against my score?

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I have no change from last week. All of the snow delays, cancellations and schedule changes just puts a hold on everything. The kids were home from school, the husband was home from work and I was shoveling the driveway at 5:30 a.m. Anyway, no crochet time, because all everyone else does is eat and I'm the chief cook and dishwasher!


For week ending Jan. 29, 2011:


WTD: 0 / YTD: -3

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Updating my scores.

WTD=-13 YTD=-7

My silly husband asked me to make a blanket for a co-worker's baby that's due in March. :) So I had to go to Hobby Lobby and get some pretty green yarn. I bought some ILTY and I love HL!:)




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:yay:woo:bow:U:dance:2spin:bounce:h5Whoo hooooooo!!!:cheer:clap:yay:manyheart:D:lol:)


Back to the positives this year! :yay I used up a ball earlier this week, and gave away 10 skeins tonight.


I work at a substance abuse treatment center, and was told the ladies were interested in learning to crochet. I stayed after work for about an hour and had a lot of fun! I thought 10 skeins would be plenty; there were about 12 who were interested in learning.


I'll be going through my stash and seeing how much more I can take over next week. Or I'll go to ACMoore and pick up some of the mill ends that they sell. I'll just have to prevent myself from acquiring any personal stash. :lol


WTD +21

YTD +15


Woo hooo - I'm in the positive for both week and year to date !!! exciting!!!!


WTD +20/YTD +8


Back in the positives:yay:yay:yay


WTD +2 YTD +2

Time for a MAJOR YTD Positive dance!!!:cheer:clap:yay:ducky:elle:applause:2rock

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I need to buy another skein of black to finish the last square and border of the ghan I'm working on, but I'll still be in the positives. Will post later after I get some crocheting in (other than the remaining headache and slight cough, I think I've beaten the influenza)

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