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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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I'm going to hold off on my totals, as I want to give myself one more day to redeem myself...


I confess, I checked out a new LYS in our area on Wednesday. Most of the yarn was out of my price range (they didn't carry any of the usual cheaper LYS yarns like Cascade 220 or Ella Rae), but a Zauberball managed to hitch a ride home with me! LOL...

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Posting early. Cracked a tooth and filling and ended up getting a temporary crown. Big bucks!


So now I feel pretty weak, and I am just taking it easy for the day.


WTD=+12 YTD=+10

Good luck, everyone!



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Posting early. Cracked a tooth and filling and ended up getting a temporary crown. Big bucks!


So now I feel pretty weak, and I am just taking it easy for the day.


WTD=+12 YTD=+10

Good luck, everyone!



OUch on the tooth and OUCH on the big bucks.

Relax and take it easy.

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Used up 5 balls of yarn and finally turned my last partial skein into a ball! Now no more tangled up yarn in my scrap bin!:cheer


So, +6 for me!


Brings my total to:


WTD - 7


Now to see if I can use up enough between today & tomorrow to bring me back down to Zero (or at least very close)!!

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Posting early. Cracked a tooth and filling and ended up getting a temporary crown. Big bucks!


So now I feel pretty weak, and I am just taking it easy for the day.


WTD=+12 YTD=+10

Good luck, everyone!




Awww! :hug Feel better. :hug



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Here we go - the finally tally for this week


This includes the 6 skeins bought while shopping with our beloved Sue :turtle and the one skein which came in the mail this week to finish up a bolero that was started a 1 1/2 years ago. :eek

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I am being so good. Hobby Lobby has ILTY for $3.66 and I was going to get some, and then I figured I would wreck my score, so I didn't go. This is keeping me in control. I would like to finish in the positives for the year.



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Ugh - Joann's is gonna kill me.


The two stores here in town are consolidating into a larger store location.... so they are liquidating everything so they can start with new inventory. The sales are insane!


I walk over there at least twice a week (yes, one is in walking distance right now... but not after they move *sad face*)..... I was in the positive until last night.




EDITING SCORE: Did I mention there were TWO stores consolidating into one. Visited the 2nd store. Had to adjust my weekly score :/


WTD -11/YTD -86

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I was gifted some yarn for the Special Olympic scarves

so that had me a - 4,used a black skein on a cat mat,got it to -2,rolled two wonky skeins into balls,brought me to 0

wtd 0 ytd + 169

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We went cell phone shopping last night. No time to crochet by the time we got home. Plus, I am still sewing in the many ends on my little grannie ghan. I HATE those pesky little ends!!!


I just washed an afghan I got at a church fair (only $4). Now I have some pesky ends coming out :angry. At least I didn't have to sew all the squares together :lol.

I used up a ball making ghosts.

WTD: + 1 YTD: + 144

Ellie 13

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I just washed an afghan I got at a church fair (only $4). Now I have some pesky ends coming out :angry. At least I didn't have to sew all the squares together :lol.

I used up a ball making ghosts.

WTD: + 1 YTD: + 144

Ellie 13

How sweet of you to rescue that poor afghan. Who knows where it could have ended up. :hug

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This includes the 6 skeins bought while shopping with our beloved Sue :turtle and the one skein which came in the mail this week to finish up a bolero that was started a 1 1/2 years ago. :eek


Awww! I'm beloved! :hug


Finally finishing that thing??? :rofl



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Ok, I know I've done a lousy job keeping up with this thread lately:blush, I promise to try harder. I did finish a skein of yarn this week while working on a baby afghan. So my score (if I'm still allowed to play) is

WTD +2 YTD +74

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I am being so good. Hobby Lobby has ILTY for $3.66 and I was going to get some, and then I figured I would wreck my score, so I didn't go. This is keeping me in control. I would like to finish in the positives for the year.



Finishing in the positives is my goal each year, too. However, I didn't do as well as you did these past couple of weeks.


Since I didn't post last week, I'm doing a two-week score. Bought 12 skeins of Bamboo Ewe (on closeout) so that's a -24. BUT I crocheted like crazy and used up 4 small skeins of something else -- +8. Total is

WTD -16

YTD +46

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