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Am I wrong????

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I moved in with a friend, now I'm moving out after 3 weeks. Long story short, she's crazy.

After about 4 days there, she told me, that as soon as I finish this years Christmas gifts 3RR, 1 scarf, and an afghan for me. I am making stuff for craft shows and selling it. I said no, because if I make stuff to sell it becomes a job and I crochet to relax. She is now ticked off at me.

Am I wrong to feel like this?

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No you're not. And who is she to tell you what to do? Is she the one who's going to sell your things and keep the money?


I moved in with a friend, now I'm moving out after 3 weeks. Long story short, she's crazy.

After about 4 days there, she told me, that as soon as I finish this years Christmas gifts 3RR, 1 scarf, and an afghan for me. I am making stuff for craft shows and selling it. I said no, because if I make stuff to sell it becomes a job and I crochet to relax. She is now ticked off at me.

Am I wrong to feel like this?

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She thinks she knows what is best for me. Distance myself from my mother, (cause she has issues) no she doesn't. I didn't know she was on drugs till the second week I was there, ( they are prescription) I told her after 2 weeks it wasn't working, (she had her boyfriend there every weekend running around in his skivvies.) I don't need that. She figured I would go halfsies on a new washer & got ticked when I said no

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I, too, have a friend who thinks she knows what's best for everyone. The thing is, she's miserable with her husband, she spends the majority of her time trying to organize and run other peoples' lives instead of taking care of what's going on between her own four walls. If she would spend as much time taking care of her own life with the same amount of fervor that she spends worrying about what others are doing, she might get somewhere. In short, RUN, DON'T WALK, away from this "friend". She will only end up making you totally miserable for her own pleasure.

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Milkyway, are you paying anything for living with this friend?


Based on what you say...she's on prescription medicine and has a boyfriend who needs civil social lessons. She apparently needs money...for washer and....


If you are living there rent free, then yes I see why she is demanding some craft items.

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She sounds like a controller type of person and when they have you in there space they will make you distance yourself from family or other friends too. The best bet is to move out. Once trust is breached it is hard to relax and enjoy a comfortable life. Your right about when forced to sell crocheting it becomes a job not the enjoyable relaxed part of the day.

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My rent is $750.00 a month. But according to her, I am not paying rent, I am helping a friend (this is what she told my mother). I felt like a live in animal sitter (bloodhound & cat (I'm allergic to cat, didn't know she had one). Basically stayed in my room because I didn't want to see him running around, Got told I had to eat spicy food (not with my stomach), and couldn't get phone reception in the cellar

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for $750 a month and possibly just a little bit more you could get your own little bachelor apartment and would have to put up with her nonsense. Run from there as fast as you can, all that's going to happen is that you are going to get really stressed and be even more miserable.

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Wow, Milkyway - Your 'friend' tells you what to do, what to eat, doesn't value your worth, nor your contribution to the household, and you're forced to put up with her boar of a boyfriend to boot?... The only thing not missing is YOU! I agree, make other arrangements, and pronto!

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My rent is $750.00 a month. But according to her, I am not paying rent, I am helping a friend (this is what she told my mother). I felt like a live in animal sitter (bloodhound & cat (I'm allergic to cat, didn't know she had one). Basically stayed in my room because I didn't want to see him running around, Got told I had to eat spicy food (not with my stomach), and couldn't get phone reception in the cellar



No, you aren't wrong. You've been living there 3 weeks too long! I wouldn't call that woman a friend at all. If you have a place to go for TLC and refuge get out. Your health and happiness isn't worth that kind of abuse.


Big Hugs, MilkyWay.

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Get the heck outta there!!!! You don't need that kind of crap, I wouldn't put up with it for 1/2 a second! Just a curious question...how did you two ever become friends? She sounds like a real wacko!

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We worked together 10 years ago, she left to go back to school & live with another guy. I stayed at the job, met up with a friend from high school, (just dumped his sorry butt) and saw her every once in a while. She called me to let me know, she kicked him out (found him with another guy, etc, etc, etc.)

Basically I called my old landlord up on 9/19, and said it's not working can I get my old place back. Yes and I moved most of my stuff this past 2 weeks. Just have my bed,bureau, couch, tv, and kitchen table and 2 dehumidifiers left to move with about 15 more bags of clothes

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I think it is up to you what you crochet and whether or not to sell it. Why does she think she can tell you what to do ? And the boyfriend in his undies-that is just rude and disrespectful. And GROSS!!! :lol And if she is messing around with drugs, even scripts, that is bad news. You are smart to move out. She just doesn't seem like much of a friend. Stay close to your family; family is everything. :manyheart and move on without her.:) Good luck and God bless :)

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I now have to take her to court. I wrote a check (I know...dumb) for $300. She post dated one for today. I went to the bank to cash it this AM and she put a stop payment on it. Said she did it cause of the cable bill and oil bill, told her those were hers not mine. So we will see what happens Monday.

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No not at all I feel the same about crocheting and selling.Unless of course that is the job you want.


It is also true, you don`t really know someone till you live with them.Same can be said that if you want to remain friends don`t live together.

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Gemini, you are so right about that! :yes My son and his girlfriend and little baby were room-mates with my son's friend and his wife. My son and this guy had been friends since grade school. When the lease came up for renewal, they told my son and his girlfriend that they couldn't live there anymore, that they needed to move. Found out later that the "friend" and his wife were yelling at the baby and would get upset when he cried.

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My mother called me earlier to day to let me know that she had brown and white trash bag lined up and the driveway. Go to the house and it's my stuff (tomorrow is trash day) I called the police and she said "I have every right to throw the stuff out." No way she was told she can't even put it in her shed like she wants. I am hoping my brother-in-law will lend his truck this weekend for about 10 items. She is trying to use the money for cable. Was asked if was just in my rooms or whole house. When she said house, he said it's your bill to her.

If she hadn't put a stop payment on that check. I would have just paid that cable bill & and been done with it. She doesn't realize who she is dealing with cause every thing is documented and I'll sue for triple damages

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