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Early good morning from icy NJ.


Oh, and Happy Groundhog day!!! May he not see his shadow so we'll have an early spring!


Sarah- From the sound of things, it seems that the paint color will be way better than the wallpaper!!! I laughed out loud about your 'temporary' curtains. How many of us have put something up that is temporary only to find it still there years later?


I ended up not crocheting last night- but started a book instead. And then promptly fell asleep- hence the early hour that I'm awake this morning. Got my 6 hours of sleep and woke up!


Not sure what the plan is for work today. I'm not heading out- regardless of what they do. Watching the news and hearing how icy the roads are. Looks like schools around here have a 2 hour delay- so I guess that means it'll improve later in the morning. The branches are covered in ice- and luckily my power lines are underground in my neighborhood.


Time to get my coffee- hope you all have a safe, warm day!

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Joanne-I hope that you can work from home today, how scary to be driving out on the icy roads. I will keep my fingers crossed that spring is on it's way. I can't wait!

Sarah-glad that you can work with the color. Painting sure can be expensive. I have had the same curtains in what seems like forever, slowly I am replacing them with energy efficient ones that keep the warmth in and the cold out.

Marisa-safe travels to work my friend.

It was a whopping -33F last night:wbrr.:eek:eek:wbrr talk about bitter cold. The wind chill is horrible, it's still -18. My kiddos want to wear hoodies to school:angry I know you are supposed to pick and choose your battles but this is rediculous! I am trying to argue my point, I will keep you all posted.

off to get the family out the door. Hugs n squishes!

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LeaAnn, love the pics. You have been very creative lately. What fun!!!


Colleen, Happy Groundhog day to you, too. I hope you and dd have a fun snow day together.


Marisa, thanks for popping in to say Hi! Did you get hit by the storm?


Joanne, I feel guilty, but we're in short sleeve weather here. It's rainy, but SO warm. We'll all get sick when the temps drop back to the 40s tomorrow...


Sarah, the pic of the squirrel is great. I love that he sat there and watched you for so long. Sorry the color isn't what you thought it would be. I hear you about not spending more money on paint now. There are other things that need the attention more, right?


Mary, Stacy, LeaAnne, Shannon, and Vicki, have a happy Groundhog Day!!!


Today I went to the store to get some birthday cards that I need to get mailed out... I need to take my son to the YMCA for his recertification in CPR so he can still lifeguard. I tutor, my daughter has her private dance lesson, and I work. In between, I need to clean my bathrooms. Well, I need to clean more than that, but for today, let's try to get the bathrooms done...


Love you all!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning, friends! Happy Groundhog Day!


Joanne, you're very fortunate to be able to work from home! It sounds scary out there. My mom texted me at 6 a.m. with a photo of her car- she said they have 3 feet of snow already! That is insane. Are you getting the snow also, or just the ice? Oh, Isabella really enjoyed her science class! Last week (before she started) they put eggs in jars with vinegar, and by yesterday the shells had melted and the egg was like 3 times the usual size. :eek So they learned about the scientific method and chemical reactions. It sounds really fun!


Colleen, enjoy your snow day with your dd! :yay


Leeann, you have been so busy crafting! I saw your advertisement on FB- wish I lived closer! Looks like you are having a wonderful sale. Good luck! So what was the verdict of your kids wearing hoodies to school? I agree about picking your battles, but negative temps are a matter of safety, and I think that you should have jurisdiction over that! :yes


Sarah, sorry that your paint was the wrong color. At least you can work with it, though. It can be so unpleasant to see the color everyday if you just don't like it. It is amazing that the squirrel sat and let you take the pic. I hate squirrels. There are several in the backyard that jump from tree to tree and tease the dogs endlessly.


Beth, are you expecting the storm as well? :think Someone else from VA posted on FB this morning that they have not gotten snow, either. Have a great (although busy) day. I always clean the bathroom first because it is small and quick- instant gratification. :lol


Shannon, Vicki, Mary, LeaAnne, Marisa- have a great day and stay safe out there!



Yesterday Mia's teacher told them to watch the news to see what happens with the groundhog. (Joanne, he did not see his shadow. :tup) Mia hopped out of bed from a dead sleep this morning, and ran to the tv. :lol However, the only news we could find was either about Egypt or the snow storm. :eek Don't these people know it's Groundhog Day?! (Kidding! I'm kidding.) Anyway, thankfully the groundhog has his own website :lol and we were able to watch a re-broadcast of the whole procedure.


Today I need to go out and pick up some black yarn, and drop off a letter to our landlady's office. She is planning to turn our garage into a rec. room and for some reason the paperwork was sent here. I also need to get some groceries but need to decide what to cook first. Stupid George is on his way and is making me feel very indecisive. :blush


I'm going to scoot and get some things done around here before we leave. Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug:hug



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Good evening ladies :hi


Work was busy and I was ready to be outta there at about lunch time :lol Everything was just wet here so I had no problems on the road :yay I'm pretty sure there was some ice overnight, since the sides of my car were icy, but by the time I left it was just rain which had melted most of the ice.


Sounds like everyone had pretty good days around here :clap


Stacy - :yay for the groundhog....I love our lil Phil; although i thought for sure he'd see his shadow as he always does....I mean how could he not with all the artificial lighting :think I was afraid his hole would be iced over :lol

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Evenin all!


Marisa-glad you are home safe and sound, I was watching the news today, lots of snow in your area, are you tired of it?


Didn't get much done today except for a set of mitts, felt lazy...oh and the postcards for the sale are ready, guess today wasn't a total loss. :-)


Stacy-did you get your black yarn that you were needing? I won the battle of the hoodie! *grin*


back to homework with the kiddos. hugs n squishes!

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Gah! I just had a post typed out, hit backspace to delete something, and the whole post disappeared. :think:eek


Marisa, glad to hear your weather was just wet, not icy or snowy. My kids really enjoyed watching the production of the groundhog seeing or not seeing his shadow. :yes Mia even made a groundhog craft at school. :lol


Leeann, you are always so busy, you deserve a lazy day! Yay for winning the Battle of the Hoodies! :yay


Eva and I went to the grocery store, stopped to drop off the letter, and went to Michael's. I had a return, but their computers were down because their corporate office in Texas lost power :think, so I just got the black yarn and did an exchange. I have been working on my flannel'ghan since we got home, only have 6 rows on the last strip to finish!! :yay:cheer:clap Problem is, my shoulder hurts like crazy. :( I keep telling myself, it's only 6 rows- I really don't care if it has a border right now, I just want to get the strips put together so I can use it. :lol



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Good night ladies :c9


going upstairs to read a bit before bed.


LeeAnn - Call me crazy, but I'm really not tired of the snow yet :eek I like the snow, I could do without all the ice that comes with it though :yes


Stacy - There's a lady in the our house thread that lives in texas and they apparently have periodic controlled power outages because of all the overuse with the extremely low temps that they are not equipped to handle or something like that :think Most of it's probably going to the stadium for superbowl :lol It could've been the stores 'turn' when you were there :shrug

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Good morning!


Another early day for me---but that's because I went upstairs at 7:30 to read for a while and promptly fell asleep!!!:c9


Stacy- Isabella's science class sounds very neat!!! It was nice to work from home - in sweats and not have to venture out in the ice- It is all gone now-- with a few icicles still hanging on tree branches, house eaves, power lines, etc. I like snow way better than ice!!! But not the monster storm that is hitting the Midwest!!! How's your Mom doing? Did she lose power? I was reading how millions of people are without power (or was it thousands of people????)


LeeAnn- Glad to hear you won the "battle of the hoodies". That is one battle that you needed to win- sub zero temps ---wow!!! Sometimes you need a lazy day to recharge- I can't wait for one of those!!!:manyheart


Marisa- We live fairly close and we had ice and you had rain- so strange this weather thing- and BETH has short sleeve weather in Va.!!! Really, Virginia isn't that far south!!! And TX is freezing!!! - Speaking of- SARAH- did you have the rolling blackouts where you live in TX?


Colleen- Hope you had a fun snow day --:sman:flake:wgrin-just you and your DD!!! Sounds like a nice way to spend the day-


Mary- Glad to hear that you are on the mend and that you can crochet some:hug


LeaAnne- How are you? I spoke with DD- she had off work yesterday- and said she got about 9 inch of snow but she was hearing sleet/ice pellets last evening. She said her commute into work should be a slip-sliding affair this morning!


Hope you ALL have a good day! Only 2 more days of work --- I can do this----- I can do this----- I can do this! :yes

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Good morning!


Yeah, we had short-sleeve weather, and my parents had the worst roads they have seen in decades. Why I love small towns... My parents lost power, and they have electric heat. The Sheriff came by their house, got them out, and took them to my brother's house, which has a wood stove. So at least they were somewhere warm. Power was out for 12 hours in Ohio.


Joanne, I hope you had a fun day at home yesterday. Happy almost Friday to you! You can do two more days!!!


Stacy, my favorite grocery store's main office is in North Carolina. The thermostats are actually controlled from there, so when we have a cold wave and they don't, we freeze in the store. Very odd. I can't imagine that it's productive to do that. I'm glad you have your black yarn. It sounds like your flannelghan is coming together very well. I haven't worked on the gauntlets lately. I made another hat.


Marisa, I'm glad you didn't have to drive through ugly to get to work. I hope your weather stays nice.


LeaAnn, You made a pair of mitts, won the battle of the hoodies, and got the postcards done -- you are most definitely not lazy!


I am out of milk for my coffee, oh, and for cereal and other things, but mostly for my coffee, so I am not very awake. I guess I'll be going to the store when they open (Impatiently taps foot) I also need to do some cleaning and I tutor. Should be an easy peasy lemon squeezy type of day.



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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much new to report today. Happy Chinese New Year, starts today and my other doc has off tomorrow to celebrate a long weekend (he's asian) so I'll really be busy tomorrow :yes But he totally deserves to take the day, he works his butt off too :yes He's very excited about his long weekend :lol


Joanne - :cheer :cheer :cheer GO, GO, GO Only 2 days until the weekend :D It is weird that we are so close and I didn't get that weather, I must've been caught in some type of weather band to miss the bulk of it :think I'd say because I'm a little further from the coast, but I don't think so because it hit most of the states this time :think


Beth - Enjoy your easy peasy day. Don't you have a small convenient mart nearby you could run to for some milk before the big stores open?

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Good Morning Sunshine's!

How is everyone today?

Joanne-2 more days!!! You can do it! you can do it! We will all be here cheering you on. :clap:cheer:clap:cheer:clap:cheer:cheerPlease be on the lookout for a small package, sent it out on Monday.

Beth-ooooohhh me without my morning coffee could be dangerous! Did you get to the market? We live 12 miles away from the store, it's the pits, but I have learned to stock up on necessary items. Today tho' have to run in for coffee creamer too...musn't run out. My world would come crashing down. Now how's that for drama??? :rofl I have been thinking of starting hats, but then get distracted with something else. I dropped off the baby hats for the hospital. 9 of them, not much, but something. I will keep working on those too...oh the days just don't seem long enough.

Marisa-Happy Chinese New Year to you my friend! Sounds like you are going to have your hands full tomorrow. Thank goodness the weekend will be right around the corner.

Stacy-you are flying on your ghan, shoulder pain is icky, hope you can rest your shoulder after you are done. Can you change the way you hold your hook for the last few rows? Just a thought:think

The post cards are almost ready, 128 of them are..still need about 60 more. Will have to print these ones as the company that Kathi ordered them from said they printed 200...but nope, we are short. I printed the Christmas one's, I think I can, I think I can. Also going to run a few errands and get my items priced. I was waiting until I had a good amount so that I can do it all in one whack.

Best get my tush in gear! I slept 8 hours last night, I feel much better today and full of energy...yikes! This could be dangerous!:devil

hugs n squishes!

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Hi friends!!

Joanne, 2 more days!! :cheer You can do it!


Leeann, good luck printing the invites. I'm sure they will turn out just fine! :cheer


Beth, enjoy your easy-peasy day!


Marisa, have a great day at work! I hope it is not too busy for you.


Everyone else- love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug


We are off to Mommy and Me in a few minutes. I am frustrated because I just found out our financial aid disbursements won't be out until the second week of class, so I can't get my books yet. :thair I finished the last few rows last night, now they are just waiting to be joined. Hopefully I can do it when we come home. I really don't feel like going today but Eva can't wait to see her new friend.



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One more day of Paradise!!!


Nothing in the mail today LeeAnn- but I'll be on the lookout for sure- how exciting- some fun mail!!!!!! You have amazing energy and are getting so much done!!! How did the invites turn out?


Beth- I would rather make two trips than wait for 2 hrs for coffee!! But that's me!!! One thing I ALWAYS make sure we have- Coffee and Milk or fat free 1/2 and 1/2. All is good in the world as long as I have my coffee!!!


Stacy- How frustrating that you can' t get your books for two weeks!!!! Will you be too far behind? How was Mommy and Me? My shoulder was bothering me today too-- I don't know if its all the work on the computer---or working on my flannelghan-


I stopped at ACMoore on the way home and picked up the skein of yarn I need to finish my last strip on the flannel'ghan. I am hoping I can finish tonight- if the shoulder doesn't hurt too much!!


Hope everyone had a good day- and is staying warm! (Well, of course we know Stacy is (and probably Beth too) !!!!!!

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Good evening ladies :hi


I'm just getting home a few minutes ago so will be brief since I want to get settled in for the evening :yes Work was crazy busy all week, plus today so I sure hope that means it won't be too awfully bad tomorrow while I don't have the other doc to help. But at least Mary is a certified medical assistant so I could make her help with setting up some modalities if needed :yes


LeeAnn - How did the errands, invites, and pricing go today?


Beth - Well, lucky for me I typically drink my coffee black :eek Well my first cup is usually black and my second usually has a smidge of milk after it sat on the heat for a while :lol


Stacy - Sorry about having to wait on the financial aid for your books. In the meantime they should have copies in the library you can go copy the pages you need for your assignments to start :think


Joanne - How's the shoulder doing? Only 1 day to go :cheer

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Good night ladies :c9


going upstairs to read a bit before bed.


LeeAnn - Call me crazy, but I'm really not tired of the snow yet :eek I like the snow, I could do without all the ice that comes with it though :yes


Stacy - There's a lady in the our house thread that lives in texas and they apparently have periodic controlled power outages because of all the overuse with the extremely low temps that they are not equipped to handle or something like that :think Most of it's probably going to the stadium for superbowl :lol It could've been the stores 'turn' when you were there :shrug


LOL actually it was a failure on the part of some of the power plants to follow the advice they give to people... to protect their pipes. A large number of the major power produceres went off-line which put too much stress on the system so they did the controlled power outages (rolling blackouts) so that no one part of the system got over-stressed and took the WHOLE thing down. It's been a big deal in the news here =0) All the areas around me got hit, including where Doug works but the grid that our trailer is on NEVER got hit by one of the rolling blackouts. For which I'm extremely grateful cause a trailer DOES NOT hold heat. Hoping the ice/sleet/snow mix tonight doesn't take out a tree limb or a power line as it could get cold in here quick. Keith will be fine no matter what cause he's got so many blankets and stuffed animals piled in his bed there's barely any room for him but it means he'll be quite warm even if the power does go out. LOL.

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Internet is being difficult today. Second try to send this...


Joanne, Happy TGIF!!! You made it to Friday!


Marisa, hope your day with one less doctor goes quickly and well.


Sarah, please don't freeze!!! I hope your electric stays on.


LeaAnn, you sound like you could use more hours in your day. I am amazed at all you get done.


Stacy, so frustrating not to get your books on time. I hope you can find a way to get around that without getting behind.


Have a great Friday everybody!:hug

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I'm running late this morning- so just quick pop in to say HAPPY FRIDAY!!! IN A MERE FEW HOURS I'LL BE OFF FOR THE WEEKEND:clap:clap:clap:clap



Today is GO RED for Women- in support of heart disease awareness so WEAR RED today!!!!


See you later! Have a good day!

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Good morning ladies :hi TGIF!!!!


Sarah - Thanks for that explaination, now I understand :lol and :xfin that you continue to be in a 'safe' spot :hug


Beth - Thanks, I'm keeping :xfin that the day goes smoothly. Yesterday seemed to be rough, everyone was really acting out of character, there must've been something in the air because the next full moon isn't for 2 weeks (I had to check) :lol


Joanne - Well, I don't have red on, but do have hot pink :think I just wore my red scrubs 2 days ago :( Well, by the time you read this, you'll be off for the weekend :clap:yay You made it!!!!!

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:jumpyayGood Morning!

Jonne-you will make it! Any big plans for the weekend? Can't wait to see your flannel ghan all prettied up!

Marisa-sorry to hear that work folks were not themselves. :think My sister is dept. mangager and is having tons of stress with folks, could be the cold weather? :D Snow makes me grouchy, sounds silly but driving in it bugs me.

Stacy-that is a a bummer about your books, eeshh will it put you far behind in class? I love the science experiments, we used to do the boiled egg and vinegar in preschool, my kiddos loved it. I miss those days!

Sarah-Glad that you did not have to go without power, how is everyone keeping their food safe?

Beth-is tonight pizza night? Can I come right over? :manyheart I bought some more Simply Soft carron yesterday for hats...now if I can just get to it.

I am such a nit wit! I went back to Kathi's shop and searched high and low, came across the other postcards. What a happy feeling! They were in a box that I hadn't thought to look in. I was soo happy! Mailed off 200 of them total! I started freaking out, so hurried up and did my grocery shopping so that I could come home and put baskets together. I have a production line going, I tell ya. :lol I will take pics just as soon as I get them all together. I think I have a total of 18 or so??? And extra everything! I hope this sale turns out wonderfully, I am getting worried.

Kathi has lots of other goodies in her shop, I wanted to make sure to have at least one of all my scents, I do not think it is going to happen tho...too many to list.

Off to work wrapping in celophane! Hugs n squishes! If you don't hear from me, send out the troops, I am lost in soap n candles. :devil

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:yay:clap:woo:jumpyay:bounce:applause:elle It's the weekend!!!!! And I survived 12 days or work in a row!!!!!!


To top off the end to this very LONG work week(s) I had a package in the mail! Thank you so much LeeAnn for the soaps!!! They are so cute and I can't wait to try them!!!!!! You have no idea how much they mean to me!!!!:manyheart:hug I really hope you do well at the sale- You have such talent!!!!


I logged on, and then DH decided that he would order Chinese food so I could start the weekend off right!!!! Now I'm nice and full and ready to relax with the flannel'ghan!!!


Lots of people wore red today at work and it looked pretty cool. I, of course had on my Rutgers sweatshirt which is a really great shade of red!!!


Hope everyone had a GREAT day!!! I almost feel invigorated and full of energy knowing that I have 2 days off!!! I'm going to do bare minimum of cleaning this weekend cause I really, really want to RELAX!!!!

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Power stayed on here. Lots of ice this morning but no snow. =0( Good thing we'd gotten everything we needed from the stores earlier this week as they closed the bridge which is the main route out of our town heading to the town Doug works in. There's another route but it's very round-about as it require detouring to another town 15 minutes away and then heading into the town Doug works in. So would've added 30+ min to Doug's commute if his work had been open today.


Someone asked how people deal with food when the powers out. Most of the rolling blackouts weren't for very long. And if they go over a couple of hours well you just stay out of the fridge and freezer as much as possible to keep the cold in.... We had this happen a lot growing up (everytime there was a thunderstorm we'd lose power until they replaced our transformer). LOL when we lost power for a week when I was in 5th grade we actually put the perishables out in the snow to keep them cold...

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