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Good morning!


LeeAnn- Sorry to hear that you have strep, and glad that you went to the Dr and are now on meds to get better! Have a feeling that DS may have it too:hug:hug.


LeaAnne- How did it go with the flower arrangements? Did you get them all done?


Beth, Stacy, Mary, Marisa, Sarah, Colleen----:hug to you all!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm back from my what seems like forever last 2 days :eek We had about 30-35 people at my parents for dinner on sunday, she set it up as a buffet. My cousin and I got up there just after noon and then my mom and the nun's sisters went up to the convent to clean her room and go through her things. They kept some of the sentimental items and left everything for the other nuns to use if they're able and if not they can take it to donate :yes I'm really surprised at how well eveyone held up :yes Don't get me wrong, there were many tears, but I think the laughter outshined the tears just reliving memories :yes And don't worry ladies, I have grieved and will continue to do so :yes They are having the burial today at 11 in south jersey, to which I am not going. We were in church from about 7:45-12 yesterday as the viewing was 8-11 and then mass. After mass, the priest had organized a luncheon which was very nice. Overall the entire service was very nicely done. My cousin and I drove back to Philly last night and I took her to the airport this morning.


Oh, of course we had football on at the house on sunday :D My sister called at midnight and woke me up screaming into the phone :eek She had gone to the game (she has season passes for the steelers) Needless to say that she didn't make it home yesterday and was on a guilt trip, but we all told her the nun would haunt her if she missed a playoff game :lol The nun loved her football and she didn't care who was playing. She rooted for our teams of course, but she was a HUGE Penn State fan :yes So, I'm sorry to all not rooting for the steelers, but we know have a extra power from up above this year :think:lol


Back to work for me today, and I didn't get one text at all yesterday, so am assuming they didn't run into any problems :think:xfin


LeaAnne - Sounds like you are really enjoying your job :clap I think arranging flowers is fun although I don't have much experience in that dept either :lol


Joanne - You're moving right along on that FG :clap How's the scarf, did you finish it yet?


Mary - Will keep you in my prayers on thursday for your surgeon visit :xfin


LeeAnn - :hug :hug :hug Sorry to hear that you're sick. Better get ds to the doc right away too, before this goes through the house again.


Beth - You always have so much going on :think Glad the tutoring went well, as did the impromptu crochet lesson :lol


Stacy - Sorry the FG got put on hold the for woody doll afghan, but I would've done the same thing :lol Glad to hear you had a good time at the museum and got a free membership :yay


Sarah - I don't know what to tell you since I don't have any kids. But I can tell you that Keith won't understand unless Doug does. Maybe his family can help get it into his head. :think Whatever you try, good luck :xfin:hug :hug :hug


I hope you all have a wonderful tuesday, I'll be messed up all week since I didn't work yesterday :lol Catch y'all later.

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Morning all!


Marisa-so happy to see your post. Sounds like everything went as planned and was quite nice. I'm glad that your family held up well.


Joanne-sorry to hear that you have to work this weekend, bummer. why do you have to work 12 days in a row? I am sure that you have explained this before, sorry, I am forgetful.


LeaAnne-your flower arrangements sounds soo neat! That is wonderful that you are enjoying your job.


Stacy-your kiddos are joining lots of fun activities! How exciting!


Ds was up last night tossing his cookies, taking him in to see the doc at 2:30, not sure if he has a form of strep or just a flu bug. He is feeling somewhat better but last night was rough. Lack of sleep is making me a little crazy. Other than that, we are trying to get all of the sickness out of our house. I am going to do a deep clean tomorrow or later this evening if I can summon up the energy.


hugs n squishes!

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Hey all!


Marisa, I'm glad the service and dinner went well! How sweet of the priest to organize a luncheon afterward. :manyheart


Leeann, I hope the meds help and you feel better soon. :hug:hug:hug


Sarah, sorry to hear df isn't on the same page with bedtime. I have to say, my dh thinks I'm a bit too strict, also. But I know my kids, and if they go to sleep late, they will not get up in the morning. Maybe you could talk to Doug's family and ask if they would be willing to put him to bed when Doug is over there? :think I don't know...my dh might be a little ticked if I went to his family, so I don't blame you a bit if that's not an option. I do agree that Doug needs to be on board before Keith will follow suit. :hug:hug:hug It's a tough one.


LeaAnne, sending love and :hug:hug:hug:hug to you! Sounds like your job is keeping you on your toes.


Colleen, Vicki, Mary, Joanne, Shannon, Beth- love and :hug:hug to you!! Hope your day is full of :sun.


Isabella stayed home with a stomach ache today. We watched a documentary about the Loch Ness monster and when the narrator said that some people think it's an ancestor of the plesiosaurus, Isabella immediately said, "But that can't be true because..." and started spouting off facts about the plesiosaurus. :eek:lol It amazes me how much that girl knows about dinosaurs.

Not much to do today since I did it all yesterday. :lol I'm going to put some chicken in the crock pot with bbq sauce, found some baked beans in the freezer, and I have a squash that needs to be used. So dinner is taken care of. Maybe I can make some progress on the FG. :devil:hook


Have a great day, besties!! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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:hi everyone! I have been so busy. I am sorry I haven't been around. I came on to do a quick scan to see what my besties are up to, but I didn't get too far. I had to come on a post a big huge :clap:yay Yippee Hooray for Grandma Joanne! I am so happy for you and your daughter!!!! That is wonderful.


:manyheart:hug to you all. I'll try to post again soon.

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Leeann, I just noticed your post (had mine up for about an hour before I actually sent it. :blush:lol)


Sorry to hear ds is sick, too. I know quite a few people who vomit when they have strep. :xfin that it is just a tummy bug, though!


Colleen, as always, you amaze me with all you do! Hope all is well with you and your family. :hug

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Hi all,

This will be a quick post- I worked a very long day- didn't get home till after 6- and I'm tired-


Colleen- Nice to see your post- and Yes, I'm very excited about my impending grandma-hood!!!


LeeAnn- My middle DD used to throw up when she had strep just like Stacy said. At least if he does, he'll get meds and get better quick! Take it easy!!!


I work 12 days sometimes when we have to work both days of the weekend- it's when we are "going live" with a new group in the new claims system- we are almost done- probably only one more long week when we work weekend of March 5- then I don't know what I'll be doing- but trying not to think about it, because I've really enjoyed working on the project that I was assigned to a year and a half ago! This group going live on Monday has lots to be done on it still. It's hard to explain...but suffice it to say- I'll be very busy-----and very tired by next Friday!!


Marisa- glad that all went well with the service- and how cool that your sis has Steelers season tix!!! She must have had a blast at the game!!!


Stacy- That's so neat how much Isabella knows about dinosaurs! You must be so proud! Hope she is feeling better and i sure wish I lived closer- your dinner sounds yummy!


Speaking of which, I'm starving!!


See you all in the AM!

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Good evening ladies :hi


It's late and I haven't gotten to settle in yet from work :eek It was super busy and I've been super tired :lol I don't think I'm doing any crafting or reading tonight and am just going to let the tv watch me on the couch :lol


LeeAnn - How did ds make out at the doc? A stomach bug might be easier to deal with :yes


Stacy - I'll bet your house is smelling wonderful from your crock pot :drool I don't know a thing about dinosaurs, so Isabella would surely bury me :lol So proud you ought to be :manyheart How's her stomach feeling?


Colleen :hi:hug:hi:hug


Joanne - I'm sure they have a new project just waiting for you behind the curtains :think:lol


Have a good night everyone and I hope to catch y'all on the flip side :D

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Quick good morning to all- time for me to get ready for another day in Paradise. Snow is on the horizon for later today into tomorrow! So we'll see how the day goes and I'll plan to bring work home- (and maybe leave work early if the snow starts coming down earlier than predicted) I'm so ready for spring!!!


Have a good day everyone!

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Joanne-you job sounds very busy but rewarding too. Good luck today, hope you do not snowed in. I am in shock of the snow that you have been getting...still dry here. I think we are expecting a storm some time this week. I'm with ya, ready for spring.

Marisa-did you rest? Traveling always tires me out. Hopefully you were able to get in a good night's rest and will feel rejuvinated.

Stacy-your dinner sounded :c9. I fixed dinner, it was painful. It felt like it took forever, had to get back into the routine. Is your dd feeling better?

Colleen-so nice to see your post. Miss you!

Beth-how ya doing? What's on the hook these days?

I took ds in to the doc, he has a virile infection, no strep. :cheer:clap He gave him nausea meds and a few pointers. He seems to be feeling somewhat better and decided that he wanted to return to school. He has a test that he was worried about missing. Poor guy. he still looks pale and tired, today is Early Release so only 4 hours of school then home for him. :lol:lol

I feel almost like my old self, I can't believe how much longer it takes as I get older to get over things. I can remember having strep and going on with my day like no big deal....now, I feel run down and icky...ooh the joys of aging. :devil

Guess I had better get crackin'! Hugs n squishes!

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Hello! My bed swallowed me this morning, after I took care of my hubby and sent him on his merry way. Then I got up REALLY late, took a shower, and missed a phone call from the ballet mistress, who needed some help in the office this morning. So I stopped at 7-11 for coffee (didn't get my pot going yet) and helped her. Got home in time for lunch, then I have to tutor, take my dd to dance, then ... Ahhhhhhhhhh. start my day. At 3:30 p.m.


Good thing my kids can do their school work by themselves.


I hope you all have a wonderful day. I will catch up on posts soon, but for now, :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug. Those who are sick, or have sick family members, feel better soon!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


Joanne, sorry to hear your project is almost over! I remember how excited you were to start on it. :yes Hopefully you will be given something just as enjoyable to do. Good luck with that snow- the east coast sure is getting hit hard this year!


Leeann, I'm happy that you are feeling better. :hug:hug And that ds just had a viral infection. Poor kid- Isabella gets all worried when she misses a test, too. She is feeling better, btw- thanks for asking. :yes


Beth, your bed sure is persuasive! :rofl What time does your dh leave? Mine leaves at 5:30, sometimes I go back to sleep but I've found that I'm more groggy during the day if I do. :think


Last night we took Mia out to teach her to ride her bike- she fell once in the very beginning, but that was it.Dh and I took turns helping her, then once she really got going, he hung back with Eva (who was on her trike) and I ran with Mia and Isabella. :whew 45 minutes later...Mia wanted to keep going and I was panting and out of breath, so we went home. I told her next time I will wear my rollerblades and maybe we can go out longer. Isabella wanted to know the difference between rollerblading and running- I told her that I hate running! LoL

Today I need to run to Trader Joe's, and Mia has an appt. after school. The doctor *said* they would give her a hearing test if the infection is cleared up. She's also had weird "symptoms" since Sunday- leg pain and burning pain in her eyes. :think


Well I better scoot and jump in the shower. Have a great day! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good evening ladies :hi


I was running late this morning so didn't get a chance to stop in before work. I had to clean off the car and then by the time I finished, had to do it again :eek The roads were pretty bad. then it rained during the day and started to sleet shortly before quittin time so was nasty again on the way home :( I just took my time both ways :yes


Joanne - You've been getting hit harder than me and it's not even that much distance between us :think


LeeAnn - I slept well, thanks....just not long enough :lol But was still much better off today as compared to yesterday :yes


Beth - :yay for catching up on a bit of sleep. :xfin that Mia's infection is gone and she can get that hearing test. I may have missed some things over the past week and see you mentioned some new symptoms....what are the old symptoms? I don't recall :blush


Mary - :hi Hope all is well :hug :hug

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No way am I the first post of the morning?! :eek Beth's bed must've swallowed her again. :lol


:bday, :bday, :birthday Dear Vicki!!!!!! :bday

Welcome, Orchid! This is the best group of women! We started out by cheering each other on as we cleaned our homes, but we have developed into such a caring, chatty group. :manyheart


Marisa, glad you got home safely, amid the rain and sleet. I can't believe how much nasty weather you all have been pounded with this winter!


Mary, sending lots of love, and prayers that your check-up with the surgeon goes well! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Leeann, hope you and ds are feeling much better today. How did he do on the test?


Shannon, Sarah, Colleen, Joanne, LeaAnne- love and :hug:hug and warm wishes for a beautiful day!



As for Mia- her ear infection has mostly cleared up but the ear is a bit red. The dr. wanted to give her a 3rd round of antibiotics. I said no, we will wait to see what the ENT has to say. If the first two rounds didn't work, what makes her think a 3rd round will? It is frustrating to say the least. Her newest "symptoms" are leg pain and eye pain/burning. The doctor didn't even check her out when I told her about them- she glossed them over and basically told me to go to the ENT. And she started with the nasal spray again. She was being downright rude at that point and I tried to keep calm as I told her that the ENT she is sending us to, is the same one my dh had, and the ENT told him that nasal spray does more harm than good, because it pushes bacteria back into the sinus cavity and Eustachian tubes. And besides, I AM NOT going to restrain my daughter to give her medication. She told me to see the ENT and left the room. :angry:rant:thair:irk <---This was me when we left yesterday. Today I am switching pediatricians, setting the appt. with the ENT, and looking to see if our insurance covers chiropractic care, because I have heard wonderful things about helping with chronic ear infections. :yes


Well, Isabella needs to use the computer to study for a test. BBL! Have a beautiful day, Besties!!

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:bday:bday:birthday DEAR VICKI:bday!! :flower



:hi everyone! Still busy but wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. The babysitting is keeping me VERY busy! But, it's nice to be making money and we are slowly getting used to the changes around our home. I interviewed yesterday for a job and should know more in a couple of weeks. I'm a bit tired of feeling like my life is up in the air and not knowing what next month will bring, but I'll get there.


I hope everyone is well! Have a wonderful day! :hug:hug:manyheart


:welcome Orchid

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Good morning ladies :hi


Just a quick jump through to say hello. It took me 2 hours to clean off my car and a path to the street :angry Just so I can get out to go to work where I'll probably be the only one since the public transportation is not running. Can I just say how :angry I am, my boss has never been the greedy type before, but he seems to be getting worse lately!!!!! OK, I'm done venting.


:birthday Vicki

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Hi all!


How's everyone?


Marisa-I wish that your boss would have opened at a later time, it's risky being out when the roads are icy, slushy and snow packed. Do you usually get this much snow?


Vicki-Happy Birthday to you! Hope you had a great one!


Stacy-After reading your post about the visit with the doc's office, I felt angry! :angry:angry:angry:angry grrrrr...I hope that you were able to get it straightened out as far as another doc that can help. How frustrating!


Joanne-did you have a good day?


Beth-another full day? My bed was screaming, pleading with me this morning, but I fought it. :devil Wanted to get up and get the house cleaned so that I could play around with the new candle wax.


After trial and error, I did it. :cheerI figured out how to make a batch of votives with just the right amount of wax/fragrance oil...what a headache! I think they should give exact directions/measurements.....just a thought. Figuring it out made me grouchy.


Had to pick up ds early, his tummy was hurting again...don't know what to do. I think it just has to run it's course, but I feel bad for him. On the way home I was pulled over by the State Trooper, he said that my ds did not have his seat belt on...well we argued back and forth...I know, can you believe it? I argued? :eek I was irritated, my kiddos never and I mean never ride without their seat belts, it's a rule that we have had since they were born....I couldn't believe it! He ended up issuing a written warning. Gosh, I sound grouchy....sorry ladies!


best get dinner on the table. Hugs n squishes!:hug:hug:hug

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Leeann, lots of hugs to you!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug It's okay to feel grouchy, especially when you're sick. I'm glad the state trooper let you off with a written warning- out here you can get much worse than that just for arguing with them. :rolleyes:yay for getting the formula for the candle wax worked out! I can't wait to see :photo your newest creation. :D When you feel better, of course. :wink I hope ds' tummy bug clears up soon- those things can be nasty.


Marisa, sorry to hear your boss is being so greedy with the hours. Did you have many patients today?


Oh, what a busy day over here. I stayed up after dh left, just checking FB and here. :devil Got the girls ready and they decided they wanted to eat breakfast at school, so we left early. Then I got a call from dh that he was at his dr. appt. but forgot his insurance card. Eva and I hopped in the car and drove over, only for him to call as I entered the parking lot, that they had his info and he didn't need the card. :angry So we went back home, got our snack packed and headed to Mommy and Me. Came home, had lunch, picked up the girls, then FIL called to say he was picking up Eva on his way home, so had to get her stuff ready. After he picked her up, dh and I took the older two out for a bike ride. Mia was really smokin'!! I am impressed by how well she can ride after just 2 practices. Anyway, we went to dinner and then took the girls for ice cream as a reward. We just got home about 10 minutes ago- now I need to go pick out the girls' clothes (they don't have to wear uniforms tomorrow- it's Spirit Day, so they can wear clothing with their favorite sports team logo.) Isabella also has a field trip tomorrow to the same place Mia went, I'm going to tag along since we got that free membership. :D


Okie dokie, that's enough from the peanut gallery. :lol See you all in the morning! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good evening ladies :hi


Boy oh boy was work super slow. We saw about a third of what we usually do on a thursday and of course we told many people that called ahead to see if we were open to just stay home :yes I worked on a knit sock that I keep in my desk drawer, which hasn't gotten any attention since before the bernat mystery ghan cal :eek


Overall, I didn't have a great day and am about to head up to bed but wanted to check in with you ladies first. I'm really hoping for a good night sleep :yes:xfin


Orchid :welcome


LeeAnn - It seems philly's been getting more and more snow each year, but typically in the past it's usually not too bad here. Which makes it that much worse, because the city doesn't know how to deal with it :( Back home is usually worse, but they clean and prepare for it well :yes Sorry to hear ds is still feeling ill and that stinkin trooper :angry That's just rude!!!!! :yay on the votive batch mixtures you little mad scientist :lol


Stacy - Not many patients today :lol You sure did have a busy day, hope you're getting some 'me' time this evening :xfin:hug :hug


Good night :c9

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Good morning! Totally forgot to stop in yesterday- but then again all this SNOW has me discombombulated!!!




Stacy- That's cool that Mia is really taking to the bike riding!!!! Have fun today on the trip. How's your flannel'ghan coming along? I haven't touched mine all week- haven't touched much of anything all week- except for work, work, work. I fell asleep last evening at 9:15!!!


LeeAnn- I hope DS is feeling better and that is too cool that you figured out the formula!! WTG!!!:clap This is the most snow NJ has gotten in 62 years!:eek With more in the forecast for today/tomorrow and next Tues/Wed- hopefully not a lot and hopefully my body holds up with all this shoveling:lol


Colleen- I'm sure you are keeping very busy watching extra children and that things are settling in- Positive thoughts coming your way that you get the job offer- the way I look at things is "if it's meant to be, it will be" :hug


Mary- How did the appointment go yesterday with the surgeon? I'm hoping surgery isn't needed!


LeaAnne- It must be fun to be spending the days with spring flowers to brighten these wintery, snowy days!!!


Beth- Did you get any of this weather? I read that DC had thundersnow! But you are probably too far south to have had any-


It looks like I'll be going back to my previous position when this project is over at the end of March. To say I'm less than thrilled is an understatement. But, I spoke to the director in another dept yesterday about moving over there so we'll see what happens. Like I said to Colleen if it's meant to be it will be.


See you on the flip side----


Again, Marisa- Belated Happy Birthday from yesterday- May you have a year of good things (how's the research on starting your own practice coming along?) Have a wonderful, fun-filled evening tonight at your Sixers game!!!:cheer:clap:hug:hug:hug

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:birthday Marisa! I'm so sorry I didn't know you had the same birthday as Vicki! How neat is that! I hope you had a good birthday (snow storm and slow day at work aside).


Joanne, you are right for both of us. If it is meant to be it will be. :hug


Off to eat my breakfast before the kiddos arrive. It's FRIDAY :yay:clap:elle

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Good morning ladies :hi


Thanks Joanne and Colleen :hug


I'm hoping that today is a better day than yesterday :xfin I forget if I mentioned that I finished sewing my bernat ghan together :clap Now on the weekend, I'm hoping to get the border done and have the ghan complete :xfin


I hope you all have a wonderful day and :yes Colleen, TGIF :yay:clap:yay:clap


Joanne - :xfin that you can get switched to the different department :xfin

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