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Some good clean fun?!

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Busy day here in Some-Good-Clean-Fun-land! Nice to see everyone chatty chatty.


LeeAnn - I loved your DH's comment about the craft room :lol Funny guy.


Marisa - Your afghan is beautiful! I hope you are keeping it for yourself!


Well, I got my nice relaxing weekend and it felt great! The fun continues tomorrow, no school for the kids and it's just me and DD :manyheart

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Good evening ladies,


My sixers won:yay Thank you all so much for your compliments on the afghan. Not sure yet if ill keep it or give it away. My friend that lives in hershey really loved it when she saw the prejoining picture, so I'm debating yet:think

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Hi besties!


Marisa, :cheer for the Sixers win!


Colleen, I'm so happy for you that you got your relaxing weekend. :hug:hug Have fun with dd tomorrow. Do you have any baking planned? You always make the yummiest treats.


Joanne, did you make a dishcloth? Or did your bed get the best of you? :lol


Leeann, I had a good :heehee at your dh's comment. :yay for finding your craft room and becoming an HP addict! :lol



Tonight I got a bit of cabin fever, and dh told me to go out for a while. I hesitated for a while, but finally decided that I just needed to. So I went to Target to buy some household things :lol and then to Starbucks, where I got a drink and a cupcake, and sat playing on my iPod for about an hour. Now I am home and much more relaxed. :yes It is time to put the girls to bed, then I think dh and I are going to watch a movie.

Oh! I forgot to tell you all about Isabella's first soccer game! Well, she played really well for it being her first ever game! I was so proud of her. She played defense for most of the game, except for about 10 minutes when she played goalie. She caught 2 balls, and the second one hit her square in the nose and eye! Poor girl. But she caught the ball anyway and kept the other team from scoring. The coach asked her like 5 minutes later if she wanted to play, and she went right back out there. Oh, and their coach is a teenage who can't be older than 14. :angry Every other team has an adult coach. I feel kinda bad for the kid because he isn't organized or anything, I think the Y put him in an uncomfortable situation with having to deal with parents, organizing, etc. He wanted to talk with the parents about bringing Gatorade/snacks for after the game, and I was the only one who approached him about it. He seemed really unsure of what he was supposed to do/say. I told him I would bring them next week and help him contact the other parents to sign up, if necessary.


Anyway, dh is ready for the movie, so I will see you all tomorrow! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


Stacy- WTG Isabella!!! She seems like she is taking to soccer like a fish takes to water! That's how my youngest was! She didn't start playing till she was 10- and her coach couldn't believe she hadn't played before. Before I knew it she was trying out and made the travel team! That's great that you had some "ME" time- we all need it now and then!!! How was the movie "date"? And Yes, I did make a dishcloth last night- I made one of Priscilla Hewitt's 5 Textured Dischloths- pattern on Rav- I made #3. Very simple, and it does have a really nice texture!!


Colleen- I'm glad that you had a nice relaxing weekend and that it continues into today! Wish I could say the same-:lol Off to paradise yet again.....Enjoy your day with just you and DD.:manyheart


Marisa- Yay for the Sixers win!!! I just love the colors you used for the Bernat Ghan- for me, it'd be hard to give it away, but that's just me. I kept the one I made for me- and now it is in the Living Room- It started out in the bedroom, but the colors of mine go well in my living room, and it looks nice in there. Have a good day today and hope you tummy is feeling better.


Beth- Have fun volunteering with the kitties today- and is today also crochet tutoring day? How are DD's gauntlets coming along? Knowing you, they are probably finished:)


Mary- thinking of you and hoping that your hand is continuing to improve every day!


LeaAnne- How's things in flower land at your job? Thinking of you!


LeeAnn- Did you make any more candles yesterday? How's everyone feeling? Did DS end up having strep?


Well, just looked at the clock ticking away- and it's time for me to get ready for another day in Paradise.


Make it a good one.

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Hi Everybody! :hi


Joanne, I didn't even work on the gauntlets yesterday. I finished my hat, though, and made a few pom poms. After I tutored, I took the boy home. He asked me to stay for a while. He was going to cook bacon wrapped shrimp, and wanted to send some home for my daughter (who he likes, and who LOVES shrimp.) So I sat... for 4 hours. Which was nice -- the mom is adorable, and we had the best talk. And the shrimp was.... :drool! That boy knows how to get a girl's attention. I took the shrimp home, and my daughter just about melted.


Marisa, you did a lovely job on the afghan. I love those colors together.


Stacy, Your daughter's first soccer game sounds like a good one! I feel badly for the coach. It's hard to demand the attention of adults when you are a teen. You were sweet to offer to help organize the snacks. I hope that goes well for you. Is Isabella's eye and nose OK?


Colleen, I hope you and dd are enjoying your special day together! How fun to have a quiet day off. Are you doing anything special?


LeaAnn, How is your son? Is everybody healthy there?


Mary, I hope your hand is feeling better.


LeaAnne, I hope you aren't working too much. How go things in the land of flowers and chickens?


Sarah, what fun and exciting things is Keith doing now?


Vicki and Shannon, I hope you are well!


Today is cat volunteering, and tutoring. It's the last day of the month, so I don't have to work, but I do work Tuesday and Wednesday.

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Good morning ladies :hi


I had a good night sleep and am ready to tackle this monday! :yay Nothing new to report here.


Stacy - WTG Isabella :yay:clap And it's nice of you to kind of step up to help this boy/coach out :yes


Joanne - I'm surprised you managed to pull out a whole dishcloth before falling asleep mid-stitch with having worked all weekend :hug


Beth - I started the gauntlets last night at the game, not sure about them yet and have about 12ish rows completed. I'll have to pull on what I have to see how it fits around my arm before I continue. I couldn't do it at the game over my sweatshirt :no How sweet of the boy to send some shrimp for your daughter :manyheart And how nice of you to sit and wait for 4 hours :eek


I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll catch y'all later.

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:hiGood Morning Friends!

Looks like everyone is up and running.

Joanne-I hope this week flies by for you and that you get time to craft and relax. I made a set of mitts last night and was thinking of you.

Beth-It's so nice that you cat vol. We still have our 5 kittens, they are growing up quickly but still like to be babied. Ds is feeling better, hope that this illness has passed thru our house. Dh said he felt a little something coming on yesterday, but he rested all day and lounged around for most of the weekend. He seems to have a better immune system than the rest of us and fights off colds rather quickly. How sweet of your student to make ya all shrimp. Yummyy! I love shrimp! I'm the only one in our house. But that's ok, when I make it, I can enjoy it.

Stacy-your Isabella is doing such a great job! How fun! That is strange that they have a teenager coaching while the other teams do not. Does he have an assistant? Maybe the parents could all take turns helping. What is on your agenda for the day? Ohh, glad you were able to get some "Me Tme" we all need those moments.

Marisa-I am stuck on row 14 for the gauntlets. I frogged it 3 times and am not sure what I am doing wrong. I will give it another whirl some time today. I measured and had to use a smaller hook, but I so want to make these, they are just soo neat!

Sarah-did ya finish as much of the painting as you could?

Today I plan on making soap/candles, have an idea that's just waiting to be followed thru...and laundry. I already started, going to put a pot roast in the crockpot so that dinner will be out of the way and I can craft.

BBL! Hugs n squishes!

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Hi Ladies

Just passing thru quick. Iam trying to get my house cleaned. Not being able to do things for a couple of weeks really shows in the house. Iam going thru stuff and throwing stuff out. Iam hoping to paint soon, when the weather gets alittle nicer so I can open the doors and windows.

The crocheting is coming along slowly. I dont have to take as many breaks but Iam not as fast as I was. I know that will come in time.

My wrist is healing and Iam exercising it as much as possible.

I hope everyone is having a great week

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Hi all!


Mary, it's great to see your red writing! :hug:hug I'm glad your wrist is feeling better. Good luck getting things cleaned and moved. I'm sure your speed will come back with time, but be sure to take it easy!


Beth, how sweet of the boy to make shrimp and send some for your daughter. He sure does know how to get a girl's attention. :yes Dh is our only shrimp-lover here- I don't eat any kind of shellfish/seafood. Isabella used to like crab until she grew up and became finicky. :lol


Leeann, did you work on your soap and candles today? Can't wait to hear what your new idea is. :yay That is, if it works out and you feel like telling us. :lol I haven't started that gauntlet pattern yet- maybe it is what I will take with me to the Y today, to work on while the girls have their classes. :think


Colleen, hope you and dd had a fun day!


Eva and I puttered around the house this morning, did some laundry, loaded the dishwasher, etc. Then we had to go to my school to pay my fees, get my official schedule and take it to her school so they would have a record. Also filled out her emergency paperwork. Can I just say, the receptionist there is so unpleasant! I know I've mentioned it a few times, but really- one would think that the school would hire someone much more friendly and approachable to be in her position. :think Oh, well- at least I only have to deal with her at the beginning of each semester. :wink


I am going to scoot and work on my flannel'ghan until it is time to pick up the girls. I have halfway finished with the 4th strip! I think I might reach my goal of being finished before school starts. :yay

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:hi everyone!


DD and I had a great day. It was freezing cold here (it has been a cold January) so we couldn't play outside. We went to Michaels (no, I didn't buy yarn, haven't touched the stuff since Christmas). We went to lunch at McDonald's (DD's choice) and did a couple errands. She had a friend over for a play this afternoon and I dusted, did laundry, and made a Chicken and Rice dish for supper. I just ran out to the store for milk and bread (we're getting a snowstorm tomorrow and Wednesday) and then we had our Monday night family game night (Yahtzee). All in all a very good day.


Stacy - I didn't bake today. DH and I are on Weightwatchers, so I'm not baking much these days. But, I need to make cupcakes this evening because DD is going to a birthday party tomorrow and needs a safe treat.


Nice to see everyone today. :hug:hug

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Hey ladies :hi


Work went by quick today :clap:yay I downloaded a couple books tonight on my nook :yay Now I'm going to sit on the couch and watch tv and crochet :yes


LeeAnn - I haven't looked at the gauntlets since last night yet, so I'll pay close attention when I get to round 14. I still have to try on what I have so far to see how it fits around my arm :think


Mary - Glad to hear that you are on the mend :hug At least your able to crochet, even if slowly....it's better than not at all :D


Stacy - sounds like you had a nice and productive day :yes


Colleen - Keep yourself safe and warm with the snowstorm (well, that goes for everyone because it appears that we're all getting it :think )

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Quick stop in to let you know I'm alive and surviving this 12 day week- but I had a very LONG day- didnt' get home till about 7:30.


Suffice it to say I'm thinking of you- and I'll stop in again in the morning!

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Joanne - :hug I don't know how you do it. I hope whatever your new job is, it won't involve 12 day work weeks very often.


Marisa - I was watching the weather and you are right, you guys are getting the same storm, but yours might be more ice. Stay safe.


Stacy - What classes are you taking this semester?


Mary - Glad to hear you're getting stuff done.


LeeAnn - Have you ever made crafts to sell before? You are really getting a lot made! Enjoy!


Beth - :drool A guy who makes shrimp to impress a girl. Wow! Impressive! Does your DD like him? And of course I need to ask, did she like the shrimp?


Well, I'm off to bed. It's going to be a cold walk to school tomorrow and a long day of keeping 2 kids busy indoors.

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Good morning ladies :hi


I hope you're all ok and staying safe and warm with this weather. Where is everyone? :think Come out, come out, where ever you are.............


Well, not much here this morning. I woke up and finished my book that I fell asleep with last night :yay Finally :whew:lol I really wish I had more time to read :( Everything is a bit icy/slushy outside and I have to leave for work in about an hour although I don't expect it to be very busy today, as a matter of fact I tend to start telling people to stay home. They're already coming to me because of injuries, so they don't need new ones from trying to get there :no I'm going to pick a new book to start from what I've downloaded :D The Feb category over in the combo challenge thread is a memoir or a classic, so I will be choosing a classic :yes


I also think I'm going to subscribe to a couple crochet magazines with it, but first I want to see if I'm able to print from the nook :think That's on my list of things to figure out ;) Although I guess it really wouldn't be a problem to read right from there while doing up a project :think


Well, I guess that's it for now and I'll catch y'all later :hug

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Good morning!


I am :help in cleaning today! It started because *someone* misplaced my keys right before we needed to leave for school this morning. :angry I started to clean the girls' room, and about halfway through, I found the keys on Eva's bed. Hmmm. :lol Well since it was halfway finished, I figured I should just keep going. I finished their room in about 2-1/2 hours, took out 2 bags of trash/broken stuff. Did 2 loads of laundry, loaded the dishwasher, and cleaned some of the kitchen. Now I'm in my room, where I've cleaned out 2 bags next to my bed and thrown some stuff out, but there is yarn strewn all over and my energy has stalled. :blush

Hey, do you all have any "odd" yarns that you just don't know what to do with? When I first learned to crochet, my mom went yarn crazy and sent me a bunch a few times a year. Mostly really bright, thick stuff and boucle. I don't have the heart to toss it, because, after all, it is YARN!! :rofl But I just don't know what to make with the stuff. :think


To everyone getting hit with the storm- stay safe on the roads. :hug:hug:hug I heard it's supposed to be something like 2 feet of snow this time. :eek That is insane! I wonder if Vicki is getting hit, too?


I'm going to run and pack up this yarn in the closet or something. :blush I need to make a quick trip to the store, then the girls have early release today. Isabella starts her "weird science" class at the Y today. Sounds fun to me. Dh will be home because it is a later class, so I am hoping he can watch the littles while I go work out. We'll see.


Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Just a quick :hi. I had my annual GYN appt today, and "rewarded" myself for actually going by playing mind-numbing video games all day. Why the boy I tutor likes me -- we speak the same language!


Any way, I go to work soon, and need to get dinner started, so this is short and sweet.


Joanne, the week is almost over. You have 4 more days, which should go quickly.


Mary, I'm glad to hear from you. I hope you continue to get better, and get back to your normal crochet speed (Smokin!) soon.


Stacy, if you need more cleaning to do, come over!


Colleen, you sound busy. I hope your dd has fun at the party.


Marisa. I like quick days at work. I'm hoping for one.


LeaAnn, How goes the candle making?


LeaAnne, Sarah, Shannon, and Vicki, stay warm, safe, and dry!!!

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only 2 walls got painted... the color turned out more blue than green so now I have to decide if I want to go with that color which doesn't match the rest of the color scheme I had in mind or go buy 2 new gallons of paint that are NOT on clearance so I can get the color I want....


And I looked up from the computer and saw This staring at me...


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Hi all,


I got home around 3:45 today- I went in early so in case the weather turned bad I wouldn't feel guilty about leaving early---although for the life of me I don't know why I would feel guilty with all the hours I put in- but I would!!! Crazy, I know.


So since I've been 'living' in Paradise, I came home, started the laundry and did some dusting and vacuuming. Need to start dinner in a few.


The weather is supposed to be worse tonight into tomorrow-so I just may try and work from home if it is.


Colleen- Hope your day went well with the 2 little ones cooped up inside! I'm going back to my former dept where I was a supervisor . I really am not looking forward to it, but it is what it is. I kind of liked not having to worry about staff, time sheets, and all that goes along with being a supervisor. Plus my former boss is a micromanager which doesn't sit well with me. But, I've been told by some VP's to just hang in there that something should be coming along for me down the road in a few months. So i will, and if it gets too rough, than I'll plan my course of action.


Sarah- if you are not happy with the color, I would see about trying to get a color closer to what you want- At least for me, painting is not something that gets done very often! I love the Benjamin Moore historical colors and that's what I have in my house. I love the colors and they make me happy when I go room to room. But that's me.


Stacy- Sounds like you were on a whirlwind today with the cleaning!! Can't wait to hear about Isabella's wierd science class


Beth- Hope you have a good night at work- and nothing wrong with some mind numbing video games as a reward. Although that's not my cup of tea, I know many who enjoy them. I guess maybe I'm afraid if I start playing games, I'll get sucked in and then won't have time to read and crochet which I barely have time to do now!!! LOL


Well, my friends, DH just called - he was supposed to be home at 7:30 and is leaving now so should be home 6:30 - so I'd best get dinner started.


Have a good evening.

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Good Evening All!

Sorry I have been MIA, trying to get things ready for the sale. I think I am officially done making candles, soaps, bath salts and bubble bath. whew! What fun! Was a huge task, have lots left over for another sale, but ya never know when you will need something.:yes

Joanne-so sorry that you are going back to your other dept. I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that something else will come your way. Micro managing is the pits. I have a difficult time with that too. Ds is feeling better, thank you so very much for asking. He is back to normal, eating tons and growing.

Stacy-you were on the ball cleaning! WTG! I have a ceramic bowl next to the front door for my keys, I always misplace them, it's not the kiddos, it's me. :devil I'm thinking of what you can make with boucle yarn????? Maybe grannies or yo yo's for hexagons?

Beth-what a great day you had! Good for you for going to the doc for an appt. Not a fav. thing to do but completely necessary.

Marisa-your nook sounds fantastic! That would be soo neat if you could print out patterns too. I need to be able to write on them, I don't know why...silly. What's on your hook these days? How's the newest baby in your family doing? And your nephews?

Colleen-how was your day home with the kiddos?

I have been crafting making soap. I was able to make about a dozen soaps with teeny tiny purple hearts in them. So cool! and a scarf and mitts with the self patterning yarn....oh how I love that yarn! I think I have enough to make another set, my sister is going to steal this set, I know it!

We are being hit with a major snow storm. Dh came home from work early, the wind is blowing, it's super cold and frosty. The kiddos are hoping for a snow day tomorrow, we will see. Here in Alamosa, they hardly ever close the schools down.

Going to read a bit and make sure the kiddos get to homework. hugs n squishes dearest friends! I haven't had a chance to experiment with the candles, maybe tomorrow???





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:yawn I am so tired! Not sure why. I had 2 kids at home today but they played really nicely and I got lots done around the house. DD enjoyed the birthday party and me and the little boy played cards. He loves games. No snow yet, but it's supposed to start soon. I doubt it will be as much as they say, but you never know. We don't often get storms from Texas :think:lol


LeeAnn - Your soaps and scarf/mitts are so nice! I don't know how you do it all! Stay safe in the storm. They never close schools here either. Outside the city they do, but not very often in the city.


Joanne - :hug I know you'll make the best of whatever job you're in!


Stacy - WTG getting all that cleaning done. Nothing worse than running out of steam before the job is done. It happens to all of us. As for that yarn...can you do a scrap ghan? Scarves?


Sarah - Nice squirrel. He's a big one! Good luck with the paint.


Marisa - I got an e-reader for Christmas and I'm enjoying it. I get free downloads from my library, which I love!


Beth - I like your reward system. :lol


I think I'll be turning in early tonight. I'm anticipating a day at home tomorrow without any kids, :c9 but I might just wake up to a day at home with 3 kids and nothing planned :eek Goodnight!

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Good evening ladies :hi


Work went fairly quickly today even though it started quite slow, it did pick up during the second half of the day.


It sounds like you've all had productive days, yes even you Beth :lol I also enjoy video games :yes


LeeAnn - right now I'm still working on a baby cardigan and haven't picked it up since last week :eek Haven't picked up the gloves since sunday's game :eek Last night I made a 12" square from the combo challenge thread.


Sarah - great pic of the squirrel, it's great you had your camera to capture the shot :yes sorry about the color :hug

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Sarah - great pic of the squirrel, it's great you had your camera to capture the shot :yes sorry about the color :hug


LOL actually I got up to get the camera, moved closer to the window, took the flash off and zoomed in... all w/o him moving at all... I guess given I wasn't yelling or barking at him like Keith does he didn't consider me a threat at all... He sat there for about another 5 min after I took the picture...


As for the color, well I can work with it. Given we've had quite a few things break recently we can't see spending money to paint over what we just painted. It's mainly to get rid of the ugly dingy looking paper that's on the walls (the drywall in this trailer came with printed patterns on the paper and every room had a different pattern...) and if it really bugs me later when Doug has paid off some bills and we're not so strapped for money I can always repaint it then. And if I can get rid of the mexican blankets we've been using for curtains I'll be even happier (I folded over one edge of the blankets and sewed them with yarn to make a place for the curtain rod to go through...). There's 3 of them and only 2 have the same pattern but are not the same color. And even the 2 that are blue/white/black/grey are different shades of blue.... They were only supposed to be temporary when we moved in to block the sun so the living room didn't get so hot... that was over 2 years ago.

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