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Airplane ate my F hook!

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I just flew back from visiting my family in Ireland last week. On the way over and back I had a suspiciously bulgy handbag - stuffed to the gills with yarn :lol (do you get acrochetaphobia - a state of anxiety when sitting still for several hours without crocheting? I do!) I have discovered that airlines here in Europe do not consider crochet hooks a weapon ("Fly me to the Bahamas, Mr Pilot, or I'll crochet you a potholder! I'm not joking - I've got cotton and I'm not afraid to use it!") so I use the two hours between Frankfurt and Dublin to get some crocheting done.


So I'm sitting there, working away on my scarf - super-soft fun fur and my trusty gold F hook - when I decide to change colours. I move within the miniscule space that is my €300 seat, fold up a knee to access the bag at my feet, stick an elbow in the air to get at the clippers in the side pocket, snip yarn, grab skein as it declares its independence and decides to follow food cart down the aisle, close bag, attach new yarn, sit upright - and all of that in approximately 7 inches square. And then I noticed my F hook was ... gone :(


So I squirmed in my seat, feeling the yarn, my clothes, down the sides of the seat, under my bottom (at which point my neighbour started to get nervous, but frankly, I was on the verge of desperation and immune to strange looks). Stood up to look under the seat and was standing in the middle of the aisle holding a half-finished pink fun-fur scarf (and an expression of bewilderment) when a hostess (sorry - flight attendant) approached me and asked me if I was okay.

"I lost my hook!" I said forlornly.

Obviously not a crocheter, she answered "Your hook?"

I held up my scarf and she nodded, "Aaahh!" in that I-have-no-idea-what-you're-talking-about-crazy-lady-but-I'll-humour-you way.

So I sat back down, put my scarf away and read the inflight magazine for the rest of the journey. :cry My hook had disappeared. When we were disembarking I used the opportunity to have another search - gone!


But ... WHERE DID IT GO? Does the Great Black Hole of Crochet Notions even follow us in the skies??


As almost everyone I know is a non-crocheter, I have been unable to share this tragedy with anyone else. But I know you'll understand... (shakes fist at sky: "Give me back my hook, you big lump of metal!")

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Yup, I laughed hard too. :lol What a funny story teller you are!!!

Sorry you couldn't find the hook.

Just think tho - someone else may find it by sitting in the same seat you lost it in..... get the drift???? ;)

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:roflI am laughing so hard:roflthe Dh asked me what was so funny:rofl

Of course, I couldn't get my breath enough:roflto tell him.:rofl OMG That is just to funny. Especially about the take me to the Bahamas.:rofl

You are one great story teller. Now I have my couch that eats mine, but I make sure I have extra, but I have never had an airplane seat eat it.

Thanks for the laugh that just made my day.

Oh BTW I told Dh he had to read this.:hook

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Oh my gosh! I laughed my butt off reading your post. Your too funny. Maybe your hook went the way where the mate to your socks go to in the dryer.





I have decided that socks must be the larval form of coathangers, since every time a sock disappears in the dryer, another empty coathanger shows up in my bedroom closet, I know not from where. :think

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It is very sad that you lost your hook :(, but your story was absolutely precious!!!:). I think that there are some type of very little invisible creatures that steal things like crochet hooks and socks and such.


There are times though that I think my crochet hooks have a mind of their own. I cannot tell you how many times I have been crocheting in bed and have set my hook down for just a second and POOF, it's gone. I can tear the whole darn bed apart cover by cover and cannot find it. Then just as I get snuggled in, and am almost asleep, it flies through the air and hits the floor letting me know it is back from it's journey to heaven only knows where. I have gotten to the point now that I just listen for the familiar sound of metal hitting the hardwood floor and don't even bother to get up in a panic looking for it. Maybe if it spends a night or two out of it's warm and cozy case it won't be such a wanderlust.


I hope you got another right away, if not, let me know and I will get one out to you right away! :) Just be sure and let me know if it was a bates or a boye.


love and hugs,


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See, I knew you'd all understand!


I was wondering what the airplane cleaning crew would think when they discovered it... with my penchant for drama, I'd already written the headlines for the news report:


"A spokesperson for the Irish national airline, Aerlingus, today denied reports that an incendiary device had been found on board a flight to Frankfurt. Instead, he said, the cleaning staff had come upon a strange metal hook, bearing cryptic code on its shaft. Believed to be the communication tool of an international band of desperados, top government cryptologists are -as we speak - trying to decode its meaning. All they can say at present is that it is believed the 'F' stands for Frankfurt, the plane's destination. CCTV footage shows this hook being wielded by a red-haired woman with crazy eyes. Members of the public are being asked not to approach her, as she may whip them up a scrunchie if alarmed."


Fortunately, there have been no such headlines...




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Olivia I'm so glad to see that you are back safe and sound. :clap Missed your posts while you were gone. Sorry to hear about your F hook being eaten but the story was hilarious. Hope your trip to Ireland was fantastic and hope to hear more stories about your days away.

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Oh no! that's terrible!


Maybe a crocheter will sit in that seat some day and find it and be really happy. :-)


Do you have another?

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Sorry about the hook, but did you check around at your fellow passengers - the ones drinking the coffee with the pretty stir stick.

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:rofl that is so hilarious I am laughing so hard not sure I'll be able to type right I practically have tears coming out of my eyes from laughing so hard thanks that really made my day
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O M Goodness!! :rofl What a wonderful story teller you are! I am so sorry about your hook, maybe it was meant to be found by someone who hs not yet tried crocheting and will become one of the best designers in the future! :hook ......


It could happen...


Thank you for the laugh, I really needed that this evening. I love the fact that no matter what is going on in my life, just what I need always finds me when I reach out and touch base with my wonderful crochet pals. It's no wonder so many of us are utterly addicted to hanging out in Crochetville!!!

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You are just too funny!!!! Your headlines made me laugh so loud my hubby thought I lost my mind. You have to be a crocheter to understand. Thanks for starting my day with a laugh.

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OH MY! You all are hysterical! My boss is going to think I'm nuts (laughing and crying at my desk). :rofl


I have a recliner that is notorious for eating crafting supplies and NEVER returning them. Though the other night I did find a long lost cross stitch needle...of course I found it by it jabbing me in the thigh. :bang

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OMG, That is funny, as I was reading this, pictures kept coming to my mind of the stares you must have been getting. And I keep thinking that that hook is going to show up some day by sticking some unsuspecting stranger, who will in turn jump out of his/her seat. Can you just imagine the looks that will bring.... Revenge of the lost Golden F hook.

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