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so broken hearted

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my grand kids just got here about an hour ago for a sleep over should be fun well was going to be fun im not in a very good mood right now im just crushed well at least they got to bring their blankets i made them for christmas their dad was taking bailey's from her for one reason or another always well anyway i put gunnar's on the bed in the spare room and noticed something a bit strange what i thought was it maybe coming undone somehow i looked closer they have let their dog chew on it which means it was not put up on his bed it was left on the floor some where other than his room the dog doesnt get in their rooms much i am just so upset and just broken hearted at this point i am silently saying i wont make them another thing until they meaning the kids till they are old enough to take care of them theirselves i am in tears here gosh i feel so badly

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:hug I'm sorry this happened. It probably got left on the floor (I know our kids leave their afghans I make them on the floor), and the dog got a hold of it when no one was around. I'm so sorry though I know how you feel. I crocheted my cousin a really nice granny square baby afghan for her daughter; and my Grandma told me she went to visit, and the cat was laying on the baby blanket. :(


:hug :hug :hug



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I'm sure they didn't "leyt" the dog chew a hole in the blanket......sometimes thses thigs happen, no matter how careful people are. My 15 month old Bengal has suddenly taken to chewing all things crocheted that he can get his mouth on...starting with the afghan that has been on the back of the sofa since before I got him. I didn't "let" him chew that great big hole, but is is there. And in spite of my best efforts, I now have 2 more things that have "custom " chewed holes.I'm not going to stop crocheting so i'm sure there will be more "holey" items in my future.I don't think you should stop crocheting for your grandchildren, waiting for them to be old enough to take care of things . this was an accident, not a personal affront to you.

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I know how you feel. I made myself a really nice blanket that matched my living room loved it, made it w/ double yarn too so it was really thick. I just got a dog and one day I came home to the blanket ripped to shreads!!!!!!! My husband liked it too and said i should just pull out 1/3 of it and re-do the bottom. I was so upset and discusted that i just threw it out. It was not a good feeling.. The dog has not done it since luckly... I think she saw how upset I was..

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:cloverMaybe it was not on the bed because it was so well liked and being a special gift from gradma that he wanted to keep it with him. I am sure the kids would never let the dog chew it on purpose. They all loved the gifts so much that they did bring them to your house. Here are some :hug:hug:hugand I hope it is able to be repaired and you all are happy to be together...:clover

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Yes, I think that was the case, that they loved the blanket so much that they brought it everywhere with them, I am sure he still loves it, I am so sorry this has upset you I would be upset too. I bet he isn't happy he has a hole in his afghan either. Hugs to you.

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Hi. Sorry this has happened and I know you are hurt,but children play with pretty much everything Grandmothers send or give. They don't realize the time and work that went into the gift. Not until they are older.Then they ask for special things and by this time they have learned to take care of things and truely appreciate Grandma'.I imagine this happens to every Grandmother in some way,size,or shape,or fashion. I hope you feel better soon. Prayers.

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:hug:hug:hug to you.


Please don't take it personally. Kids don't know how to take care of things, and do tote them from place to place where calamities happen. At least they were allowed to have the items to cuddle with, make a fort, wear as a cape or any of the other hundreds of uses kids would find for an afghan.


The most hurtful thing that ever happened to me was when I made a crocheted afghan for my brother and his wife when they had their daughter. I was so proud of that afghan! It was tiny flowery granny squares which were then surrounded by rows of ripples, with more granny squares and more ripples, alternating in rows. I remember visiting their home and seeing handmade items from "the wife's" relatives all over the baby's room, and I have never seen the afghan I made again. I don't have a clue what happened to it. It could have ended up in the garbage, as far as I know.


BTW, brother dumped that one...we're all better off for it, too!

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I omce had a beautiful blue woollen scarf and I came home one day to find my little brother using it to 'mountain climb' up the stairs! He'd attached it to the top banister and was swinging out of it as he was going up the steps, Edmund Hilary-fashion! My scarf went from being 5' long to nearly 8' long and it never looked quite the same again! The fact that it was a handmade Italian cashmere scarf that I'd received as a present made little impression on him, the wretch.


Children just don't understand. Don't interpret their disregard for the afghan as a disregard for you: it's the opposite. The afghan was obviously put through its paces, which is a sign that it was loved - a child won't be bothered with something it doesn't care for, the afghan would've been tossed in a cupboard.

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Maybe you can use this as a learning experience. Sit the kids down, show them the place where it's been chewed and talk to them about taking better care of their handmade things. We get so used to having them around we forget that they're fragile.

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I've had that happen too but it was my dog that did it. I made this one in the 70s and it held up well over the years. I got the dog in 97 and the first thing he did was chew a big hole in one of the green rows and also a hole in the one I made for him. He was such a good doggie though so I forgave him, and now he is gone but I still have the afghan with the hole to remember him.


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Jeanne is right--do you want something used and loved, or an heirloom? As an aunt, I'd be delighted if what I made my nieces and nephews got used so much it got worn out. Perfect excuse to make more! Kids will be kids is not even meaningful. Not all children are careless. Wear happens. That's life.


As a dog owner since I was five, well, to be blunt, my dogs live here and it's their house, too. What your children and their families decide is permissable in their house (dog on bed, dog on couch) may not be what you like, but it's their house.


Be delighted your grandchildren love their blankets so much. I am currently spending $500 to have a quilt that my great-aunt made stabilized and restored (and by all ights it should have cost well over $1000, but a coworker is cutting me a huge deal because she's so kind). My parents loved it so much that they used it to death. But I love it so much that I nearly freaked when my mother was going to throw it out. It's 75 years old, at least. And worn through with love. Your blankets may be that someday, too.



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wow your all so great thank you so much for all the replies im feeling much better and your all right and i think i maight be able to save it te dog took a large chunk out ot it but it only affected 5 or 6 of the last rows i think i can frog it back to the row just before the huge missing section and i did make them big enough gunnar will still be able to use it again thank you all so much your my sugar in my coffee my butter on my bread my glaze on my doughnut heheheheh well you get it thanx all


kissesssssssss and hugsssssssssss

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Aww I'm sorry.


I hope you feel better soon. Don't let them get you too down. They are kids. Kids don't understand much of anything.





And it could have happened on the bed too. Dogs do things we don't expect them to do. I wouldn't be so hard on the kids. I would maybe explain that it takes a lot of work to make these blankets and they should be nicely put on the bed each morning.


Here's a :hug to feel a bit better.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I said the same thing about my own mother. I went to her house to see a blanket I made her (one of my first one's) laying on the floor and the dogs "going spot" as well as chew toy. I didn't make her anything else for about 7 years. I have limited my projects to things that can be framed and displayed on the shelf. My heart goes out to you really. People don't realize the heart that we put into what we make do they?

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Kids are kids and dogs will be dogs. I think it was just an accident. Can you fix it for him? Or just try to limit the damage so it doesn't unravel? It is obviously well used and loved.


I remember once visiting my nephew when his small son wasn't old enough to be able to talk yet. Will ran from the room and came back carrying the afghan I made for him at his birth. He knew in his baby mind that I had done that for him. I was so touched I nearly cried!


Now this year I am working on Will's graduation afghan. Time flies! Just take heart and know that it got mangled because it was loved and used not because it was under appreciated.



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I'm sure you can fix it. And at least yours gets used. I made a afghan for my mother, which she asked me to do for 3 Chrismtmases ago, and she just stuck it in her closet and never uses it. Oh well, at least I tried. Your a good grandma. I hope you feel better soon.


Lots of Love,


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