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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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:devil:devil:devil I goofed today and went by the yarn counter at Wal-Mart's. Of course I had to pick up a fun fur in white, just in case I needed to put a beard on anything. I will post for now, because I know I am not going to get anything else finished. Is there a cure for yarn addiction?

wtd 0 ytd -4

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Finished a shawl and the afghan that is for a housewarming gift( whew ,they move in early next week):eek

so used three skeins and rolled two balls so + 12 for this week,

hoping to finish off another skein today so will hold off posting my final score:devil

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Well, I'm still the same from the other day-- darn those giant skeins! I'll edit the post if it changes, but I am at


WTD -9 / YTD +109

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I found that one of my squares was lopsided :thair. I had to frog almost 3 rounds :bang. I rolled down 2 skeins and used 2 balls (+4) :cheer. 23 squares done :yay. The weather is supposed to be :2rain or :2snow tomorrow, so I'll stay in and :crocheting all day.

WTD Score: + 5 YTD Score: + 28

Ellie 13

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Ok so on Tuesday February 24th had to get 2 more skeins so that day was -4 then on Thursday I had to get another 2 skeins but I used one skein so +2 then yesterday I had to get another skein -2 . Ok so I had to update this post made a skein into a small ball +1


week to date-9 year to date -38

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:cheer*whew* I did good this week! I used alot of balls of yarn making itty bitty ditty bags and amigurumi toys ... so with my bigging score for this week of +6 and the rest of the week with another +6 I have a score of ... WTD +12 / YTD +94 :cheer






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I did really well this week, I didn't buy any yarn.


My score is only:


WTD=+4 YTD=-0

I'll try to clear that up by the end of March!


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Sigh, bought more than I used this week. :( I'm hoping to get through some more yarn before 8 though. I'm gonna try.


I did :crocheting three bath sponge things, so I used up three of the six skeins of :yarn I bought this week. That is a plus I guess.


Right now I stand at -5 WTD and -5 YTD. :blush

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Went to Hancock today to use my gift card. The good news is I didn't buy any yarn. The bad news is I hate that store. There was not a thing in that store that I wanted to buy. They had like five skeins of yarn to choose from and no prices on anything. I ended up with a pair of purse handles, a row counter, and one of those yarn cutter pendants that I always wanted but never wanted to pay for. So now the gift card is gone and hopefully that will be the last time I go to Hancock!


I started a lot of things this week but didn't finish much so my score is:


WTD: +2 YTD: +47

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:eek Where did this week go?! I didn't get a whole lot of crocheting done - I did some more thread work, which of course used up very little stash, and I've been fighting with the same little plushie all week - I've sewed it together and picked it back apart twice already, I keep goofing up on lining up the seams. :lol


And of course it figures that the week our year to date scores are going to be posted, I got a request for an item and had NONE of the needed colors on hand. So I had no choice but to go buy yarn! And I had to buy several different shades to make sure I got it just right... right? :lol At least I was able to resist the lure of the clearance yarn at Michael's... But at JoAnn's they gave me a coupon sheet for the week after next...I'm doomed! :laughroll


Anyway! My scores are:


WTD -8/YTD +73

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I finally managed to move the right direction this week. I only bought ONE skein of yarn this week and I also worked my way through two skeins and six balls of yarn. My numbers for the end of the week (and month)


2009 Stashbusting Score: WTD: +8 YTD: -91

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