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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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Well I used a skein of yarn so +2 there for me but I have to buy another skein of yarn today so that will be -2 again breaking even for the week

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I asked my son to head out to the sidewalk sales and he agreed. (That doesn't happen very often). So I went to the LYS downtown and picked up NINE SMALL SKEINS OF YARN.


and I was doing so well this week. They are very soft and perfect for baby hats for the hospital. So at $1 each, I couldn't go wrong, now, could I? I may even go back tomorrow, by myself, and get more!


I'll post my score now and change it if I need to.

I had used up 9 points of yarn this week, so that was +9 and then I bought 9 skeins for a total of -18.

WTD=-9 YTD=-9.

And I had just got my YTD to 0. Oh, well. Curse those sidewalk sales. But the yarn will be used for good.


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Well...I sent out a RAOK containing four skeins of yarn AND I busted one of the skeins of kitchen cotton I got from that destash back at the end of April. So....


2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +10 / YTD: -10

Halved that nasty -20!:woo

I'm hoping that my sister wants more dish cloths. I was on a roll last weekend (finished one, then made three more), since it was simply too hot to work in the yard.:hot


2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +10/YTD: -10


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I'm at a +2 this week. I doubt I'll finish the skein I am on by tomorrow night. It has been a long busy week of babysitting a 2.5 year old with out much crochet time. Hopefully next week.


I'm going on a trip at the end of the month, from Texas to Illinois. I keep thinking about all the time I will be sitting in the car and wishing I could crochet during it. Unfortunately I get car sick and can't do anything like that in a car. :(

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+2 WTD


+16 YTD


Had to post now... It's early morning here, and I'm going to a bridal shower (I guess that's what you call it..?) all day. :) Happy crocheting!

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For the third week in a row - it is a big fat 0 for me. Really, I am crocheting, but not as much as I would like to. However, the Wool Eater is now on my hook, so maybe next week there will be something positive to report.

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Well lets see, I am back to trying to finish up on the third layette for my cousin's boy, Finished up a skein of country blue for the pants and part of the jacket. Did manage to finish another skein of white on the peridot afghan. I haven't been working on the Anastasia afghan hardly at all this week. Anyway, I am at +4 for this week.


WTD +4 YTD -6

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I used up a skein last night so now I am posting my score AGAIN.


wtd=-7 ytd=-7

Sorry about the change, Basjordyn.


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Well I completed a skein of yarn yesterday even though I bought one skein but again I broke even so here goes



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I used up two balls of cotton this week making a couple of the Crochet Dude's Brain Freeze ice cream cozies http://blog.thecrochetdude.com/2009/05/26/new-free-pattern--brain-freeze.aspx I may or may not get any more crocheting done today, but I'm afraid I'll forget to post my score if I don't do it now while it's on my mind! :lol


WTD +2/YTD +12

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I won't be getting any more points tonight. I'm finishing this dinosaur hoodie out of an old project that I'm frogging so no points for that.


WTD: +2

YTD: +1

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I rolled down 1 skein and gave 2 skeins to a friend (+5) :clap. I've got 30 squares done, 10 more to go :cheer. I'm going to lay out 40 8" (5 sq X 8 sq) squares and see how big it is. Will 3' 4" X 5' 4" (plus border) be big enough for a 6 ft. guy :think?. I hope so, because I don't want to buy more :yarn.

WTD: + 5 YTD: + 88

Ellie 13

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I am trying to finish anot row... maybe row and a half to finish one skein for this week I found more yarn at Walmart yesterday :blush so I really need this one done before I sign in for this week :eek


Be back later :rofl

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