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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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I'm sorry I didn't get to post all last week. I'm using the library computers and didn't get here all week (Mon-Fri), and it was closed Sat-Mon for the holiday. I'll add all I did to this week. I used a ball and rolled a skein down (+2). I finished my tote :clap. I used 3 balls (+3) :crocheting more squares together for my afghan. So I'm starting out good this week. :cheer

WTD: + 5 YTD: + 70

Ellie 13

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No points to claim but I finished my Outta Sight today! I've got to block it and take some pictures. Then I started back on my socks I've been working on forever. I've had to frog the heel like six times but I think I've finally got it now. Started on the other sock just to feel like I'm doing something new - and also to ensure they will be the same length. I'm resisting starting the Amsterdam Coat until I finish up a few outstanding WIPs.

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Busted some cotton making these two hotpads!

This one is made with 9 saltines for the front and a regular granny for the back.



This is the front



This is the back ... it is open in the back to put your hands to fold it to use.



Workin' on some saltines now for a quilt'ghan I'm making .... looks like I will have just enough black. So that will get rid of that skein. :yay





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Teakaycee -- love the hot pads -- the one with the open back is ingenious!


Everyone sounds like they are plugging away. I hope it will be another great week for our scores, like last week. OH, I will be posting YTD scores this weekend, so please post them, as well.


I finished a skein, so +2 for me!

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well I would have had a +2 for the day but I need to buy more yarn to work on a scarf so naughty me this week on a yarn buying binge this week since fiance's parents dog passed away and the family is taking it extremely hard and the yarn is comforting me

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OK --I need to rejoin ya'll. My stash is a problem, and I'm supposed to move again in 2 months. I have got to get this under control. As you can see from my signature I had issues last year.


So far this week I bought 3 skeins of cotton for a hat that someone ordered from me. Why is it someone always wants the colors I don't have quite enough of? I made another hat, but didn't use anything up in the process--darn it.


My name is appy_lover and I'm a yarn addict. Admittedly I have been afraid to keep track this year. I have been on a spending frenzy. The last few weeks were ugly, our LYS is going out of business. So I bought a lot of yarn and excellent prices that I can make Christmas gifts from and make scarves & hats to sell during the holidays. I am hoping that the person I get in the purse/bag swap wants something in colors I already have. Given the sheer size of my stash I'd be surprised if I don't have something that will work splendidly.


Since it would be impossible to track down all I have bought this year I am going to start my totals this week with my little -6. Lets see if I can get something worked off that by the weekend. :D


Good luck to you all in your stash busting efforts this week/year.

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Hi, everyone -


just stopped by quick to see how everyone's doing, and :yes, as I suspected: :cheerAWESOME!:cheer


I have started to reorganize my stash, and between a bag for donation, and the skeins I finished off for the Charity CAL, I am starting the week off pretty good: +36 :woo


P.S. LadyKats - Hope your DH is handling the Chemo ok. I was thinking about you guys :hug

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I used another ball :crocheting squares together (+1) :cheer. I have 15 squares together, 21 more to go. I hope I'll have enough black left for the border. A friend liked my small neck purse that I made and wants me to make her one in brown. I can't find the pattern, so I'm trying to copy it. I'm not getting any :yarn used, because I keep frogging it. I hope to have more points by Sat.

WTD: + 6 YTD: + 71

Ellie 13

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well yesterday bought another skein of yarn so for the week that was -6 and I and I say was because I used a skein of yarn for a total of -4 for the week so far

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Well, I am down to Zero for the week.


I rolled some pink that I was using to knit for a point, and then used up three balls of yarn at my crochet group. I am at


WTD=0 YTD=+1

It was a good week.

DD graduates from HS on Saturday, so I am posting while I have a chance.


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Well, this is probably going to be another busy weekend, so I'm posting my totals now.


I managed to go through another skein without succumbing to the lure of the yarn sirens ("buy more yarn...buy more yarn..."), so:


Stashbuster Total: WTD +2 YTD +85


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I was down to a -13 this week,went to Michaels,picked up 2 skeins for future use,cause I think these colors won't be around long,they're too purty,so now I sit at - 17

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Well I'm going to post my score now since it will be a busy day for me tomorrow seeing my daughters sing in church so here I go



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I have used up 6 skeins this week which is beyond wonderful for me. I am not posting yet as I hope to get at least one more done before midnight tomorrow

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Okay totals for this week, I am at +6 WTD and -81 YTD I know as large as these skeins are there is no way I am finishing another one tonight. Ya'll have a great weekend Ladies

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Hey, Beth, I think we get to dance together. I finished my baby blanket,

and the scarf on the loom. Finished one sk on the scarf, and then finished up a ball making granny squares for charity. So that gives me a +3 for today.


wtd +7 ytd 0 :elle :elle:elle:tdance:tdance:tdance

I like the turkey dance tool:laughroll:laughroll:laughroll:laughroll:laughroll:laughroll:laughroll:laughroll




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