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OOOH So Mad at Michaels

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My DH took me to Michaels today to get some Vanna's choice yarn, and some other yarns that were on sale. While there I decided I wanted a new crochet book, not that I needed one, and they have a 50% off coupon good for Sunday and Monday. I could not use my coupon, it is listed on the bottom of the coupon that you can not use it for magazines, books, and something else. I questioned the cashier and was informed this will be a new policy and will be on all the coupons. I told her as far as I was concerned Michaels is treating the crocheters and knitters like they are not valued customers because they have also cut their yarn selections. One of the cashiers informed me that I could buy yarn and books elsewhere. Well when she told me that I left her have it. I informed her I was going home logging onto the Ville, and let my fellow crocheters know what happened. I also told her that I really don't know if I want to shop at Michaels anymore if this is the way they felt.


It's not so much about the coupons, it is about the remark that was made about buying elsewhere that has me livid.

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I can understand your frustration, but if it says books are excluded on the coupon then that's how it is... They have every right to exclude what they wish. It probably also excludes all Cricuit and Sizzix machines as well. As a scrapbooker I would have LOVED to gotten a Cricuit machine at 50% off, but I understand they probably only make about 20% on the price of the machine as it is...

The cashiers unfortunately catch alot of the brunt from unhappy customers, but if you truly want to be heard you will need to contact the corporate offices. They are the only ones that can change policies. But I can tell you that is one policy they probably won't change. Books do not make much of a profit for them. Each time they sell a book at 50% off they are selling it at a significant loss.


Please remember to take it easy on the cashiers... they are working a thankless job for very little money...

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Please remember to take it easy on the cashiers... they are working a thankless job for very little money...


That may be true, however, it does not give them permission to be rude. Just my opionion.;)

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This is going to quickly turn into a flame war. The point is, Michaels has its rules.. rules that the cashier cannot control. If the rules are unfair enough to make you angry just don't go back.


When a customer becomes flustered the cashier is going to as well, because that is just human nature. I was a cashier for a long time and I had good and bad days and customers that had the same. I tried to not let it affect my day, but sometimes it did. Just getting another job isn't always an option. I did eventually when I gained the proper skills. I think we all need to remember that there are people from all age groups and careers on Crochetville and should try to remain respectful to others. I know that might be taken offensively, but that is not how it is intended.

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One of the cashiers informed me that I could buy yarn and books elsewhere.


:eek :eek :eek

I'll bet ya 50 smackers if a manager heard her say that, she'd be out of a job. You didn't say you blasted her first so unless you did, she was out of line. Sure, they can exclude anything they want from the 50% off coupon. It's their funeral. I went to Joann's yesterday when I wanted a new pattern book. They don't exclude them from their coupons. I used my 55% off coupon from AC Moore there. :D By me, the Joann's and Michaels share the same strip mall parking lot. All the cars are parked by the Joann's, the lot by Michael's is always empty. I like having the variety of stores to choose from but if Michael's doesn't get more competitive, the one by me will close. At this point it won't matter even if they did let us use the coupon on pattern books. They've lost too many customers. Walmart is downsizing their yarn dept., Michaels is hurting. My variety is going down the drain unless I want to order online.

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I told her as far as I was concerned Michaels is treating the crocheters and knitters like they are not valued customers because they have also cut their yarn selections.


I never shopped at Michael's before because it seemed more to me like a beading and scrapbooking type of place to be honest. Too bad they're taking yarn off the eligibility of the coupons :(

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I had the same attitude when I went up to the cashier also. I bought yarn on sale that day and couldn't use the coupon for my sale items. When she told me that I could not use the coupon for the book and pointed it out to me. I told her to keep the book that I was going to go to AC Moore and buy the book and use a coupon she said you gotta do what you gotta do.


I agree that you should call the corp office on Monday and tell them how you were treated and I am sure they will call the store and let them know that you were unhappy with what they said.

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I never shopped at Michael's before because it seemed more to me like a beading and scrapbooking type of place to be honest. Too bad they're taking yarn off the eligibility of the coupons :(

They aren't taking yarn off the eligibility of the coupons....they are taking books and magazines off.

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This is going to quickly turn into a flame war. The point is, Michaels has its rules.. rules that the cashier cannot control. If the rules are unfair enough to make you angry just don't go back.


When a customer becomes flustered the cashier is going to as well, because that is just human nature. I was a cashier for a long time and I had good and bad days and customers that had the same. I tried to not let it affect my day, but sometimes it did. Just getting another job isn't always an option. I did eventually when I gained the proper skills. I think we all need to remember that there are people from all age groups and careers on Crochetville and should try to remain respectful to others. I know that might be taken offensively, but that is not how it is intended.


Just to clarify, I saw what the coupon said and questioned the cashier who was ringing up my yarn, she was very pleasant about it. I then said to her about the yarn selection being cut. Another cashier stuck her nose into our conversation. I'm sorry I don't feel as if anyone else should have gotten involved, and I feel I had every right to tell the second cashier exactly how I felt.

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Here's a link to where you can file a complaint about a specific Michaels store.



No matter what, the sales rep was rude and unprofessional and should be reported. I spend a lot of $$$$ on my craft hobbies and any store that disrespected me would lose my business...AC Moore is much better anyway :yes



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I work at a local Michaels. If I heard one of my cashiers telling you to go elsewhere I'd have a huge problem with it. After all the customers pay our salary. Please ask to speak to a manager. Policies we have to stick by we however do not accept being nasty to our customers.

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Now you all know why I rarely if ever go to Michaels. It was not just that cashier but the majority of them. The Michael employees think 'they are above the lowly crafter' shopping in their store. To me, it is the whole attitude of Michaels that bothers me. I don't see why that nine tenths of the employees are there but for a paycheck and that is sad. They can get a paycheck at McDonald's or Wendy's and be away for us crafters who are a wonderful breed of people.

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Lhassa, you know just how long I've worked with the public and that type of rudness is not tolerated. If I had treated a customer that way I'd be sitting in the manager's office getting a writeup or worse.


I agree with the one that told you to report the rude cashier, they should be repramanded for sure. You would be surprised at the response you'd get by emailing the company as well as calling the store and talking to the manager.

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YOU were totally right to tell the second cashier how you felt! She had no business adding her 2 cents! I do feel for those that work in this area. I work with the public and NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY-we smile or at the very least keep our mouth shut!

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I have to say I really believe that alot of innocent cashiers and clerks get blasted by unhappy customers, but at the same time it serves no purpose for them to make rude comments like that to patrons. Boy I bet she'd be in trouble if her supervisor knew she made that particular comment. Why didn't she just say I'm sorry you feel that way, but we don't make the rules and offer to get the manager for you.

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. I informed her I was going home logging onto the Ville, and let my fellow crocheters know what happened.


As an aside, I'm not sure it's kosher to use Crochetville's name in this way. Please don't flame me, but this is Donna's website. Sure, vent here all you want (we all sympathze; I always use the coupons for books), but if this was said in the way of a 'threat,' I'd be careful. We don't want the name of Crochetville getting a bad reputation. And I have no idea what legal ramifications there might be to something getting way out of hand, which clearly this situation didn't, but ya'll know what I mean.


I worked 11 years as a cashier in a bookstore. The customer was always right, and we were never rude to them. But Michael's policy is their business. I might complain about a rude cashier, but only if I was sure it was said in a rude manner and not that I heard it rude because I was peeved at what she said.



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I had the same difficulty yesterday. So I didn't buy the book I wanted. I think that's a silly rule on the coupon.


The cashier was nice about it though. But I very seldom shop there because it's out of the way and HL is closer to me (and on my route from the YMCA every morning)



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oh man, at my store, we are only allowed to say something like that if the guest is out of control, and even then we are supposed to call a manager to deal with the person. The managers will usually take the customers side(then turn around and complain to you how ticked the customer was lol). Oh that would make me pretty pissy too, but at the same time, as a former cashier...some customers treat them like they are just "hired help" and don't have feelings. If I were you I would have asked to see a manager, or called someone on it. However, we were taught at all of my jobs that involved guest relations to stay calm and polite and it sounds like she sparked a flame in you =(

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I have been both cashier and customer and it doesn't matter how nicely you say "buy your things someplace else", it's still wrong. It not only effects the customer you're talking to, it hits every other customer within earshot of the conversation. The cashier comes out looking like the bad guy after a statement like that, no matter what a customer might have said, and suddenly the cashier is the bad guy to a store full of customers, not just one disgruntled customer. After this thread, that cashier is the bad guy to a whole new crop of folks. ;) One really better think twice about how they treat customers because this is what happens.


I can tell you how I handled flustered customers... We'd wait until they stormed out the door, then shake our heads and have a good chuckle. :D Usually the next customer in line chuckles with you. Once after a particularly disgruntled customer had left, the person behind him on line said to me "looks like he forgot to take his medication today." :lol :lol :lol I came out the good guy because I didn't crack, though I can certainly understand people have bad days, even cashiers. But your bad day might just cost you your job.

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I understand where you are coming from, but I can relate to the cashiers as well. They hear the same thing 50 times a day and it gets old. I'm not saying that anyone was truly right or wrong.. the situation is just a little silly.


Just to clarify, I saw what the coupon said and questioned the cashier who was ringing up my yarn, she was very pleasant about it. I then said to her about the yarn selection being cut. Another cashier stuck her nose into our conversation. I'm sorry I don't feel as if anyone else should have gotten involved, and I feel I had every right to tell the second cashier exactly how I felt.
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It's not so much about the coupons, it is about the remark that was made about buying elsewhere that has me livid.


This is the posters original statement in the first post. I dont think it is "silly" that she takes offense to being treated rudely. The whole point of the post is to "vent" that she was treated with such disrespect. I, for one, hope she has called the management of Michales to complain.


I was a bank teller for over 20 years, 15 of those years was spent supervising others, and if one of my employees spoke to a client in this manner, it would not be pretty.:angry


Whether you are a bank teller or a cashier at a craft store you still represent the establishment you work for. Whether you are paid 6 bucks an hour or 10.00.



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