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EEEWWWWW! On my yarn!

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It has been a sad week here. We buried my dad on Wednesday. I haven't crocheted much all week. Just too busy and sad for it.


My crochet bag sat idle in the car for the few days we were in Tennessee. As we were coming home yesterday, I decided to try to crochet to pass some of the time in the back seat. I usually just reach into my bag, but this time, I opened the bag and looked. There was a BIG spider sitting on my ball of red RH. It freaked me out. I got a tissue and killed it.


It turned me off of crocheting for the rest of the 9 hour trip.


I hate spiders and I have no idea how the thing got in my yarn bag. EEEWWW!



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I just put them outside because they do capture other unsavory insects. I've seen flies dangling with spider silk wound around them. I detest flies more than spiders.

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Eeeew! Spiders creep me out. Now I'll probably be checking my yarn before digging into my project bag. :lol I don't have the heart to smoosh spiders when I see them. I would have just left him there and told him not to poop on my yarn. Do spiders poop? Guess so, lol! Maybe he just wanted to pet your yarn.

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I don't like any uninvited creatures, but spiders give me the creeps too. I don't like mice because of the dirt they make but my SO enjoys watching our cat chase and play with a mouse, but we haven't had one for a long time so I guess this fall he'll have to find some other form of entertainment.


I'm so sorry to hear about your father. Hugs to you.

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I don't mind spiders (my BF though - can't stand them) so I usually just set them free when he isn't looking. Being in TN though - I'm glad you just killed it as some of the spiders down there - while yes they are helpful in keeping the bug pop down, may be harmful to people.


I'm glad you "disposed" of your little stow away.

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I am terrified, and I mean terrified of spiders. Can't even look at them in a book without freaking out, so there's no way this spider would've stayed in there - and there's no way I would've killed it myself since I can't get close without panicking. :sweat


Fortunately (in a manner of speaking) we have more roaches here than spiders. I hate those too, but not as badly as spiders. Although the one I discovered in my glass as I started to drink the other day - and which ran over my face and then my arm as it left - really freaked me out. So did the one that was sitting on the paper towel roll I went to get to clean up the water I spilled after I found the first roach... And the one that came out when I started to spray bugspray on the second one. (can you say horror movie?) :scared

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Fortunately (in a manner of speaking) we have more roaches here than spiders. I hate those too, but not as badly as spiders. Although the one I discovered in my glass as I started to drink the other day - and which ran over my face and then my arm as it left - really freaked me out. So did the one that was sitting on the paper towel roll I went to get to clean up the water I spilled after I found the first roach... And the one that came out when I started to spray bugspray on the second one. (can you say horror movie?) :scared


which is why i could never live in Florida


i only hate the spiders that are IN the house --like the golf ball sized Wolf spider we found the other day :2eek:2eek


he was outside my yarn room-- hope he wasn't planning a family:worried



sorry to hear about your dad- mine died this past May- he always like to watch me crochet and was always interested in what i was making, i like to think he is still watching me as i sit and crochet


all the best to you and your family in this most difficult time

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I found a potato bug in my stuffing [doll stuffing] once and I just threw it away. I'm not talking about roly poly bugs that some call potato bugs I'm talking about this: http://www.potatobugs.com/ I'm pretty sure that is a link with a picture. I had my hand over the screen so I wouldn't see it LOL

Don't click that link if you can't handle ugly, scary bugs. I'm serious about this lol.

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I am so arachnaphobic I'd probably be unable to touch the yarn for at least a day or two. Last time I saw a spider on my yarn eating sofa it crawled back behind the sofa before DH could kill it. I sat in the other chair all afternoon....I'm just totally wigged out by spiders. Nothing's worse in my opinion.


But snakes, on the other hand, I find fascinating as long as I know they're not poisonous.

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I threw out the ball of yarn today. I just saw that there were spider rements in it and that had to go. Good thing it was just RH, nothing really expensive.


They just give me the creeps.


Good thing DD didn't see it. She was driving. It would have freaked her out. She screams when there's a little spider in the house, and that one in the car would have made her crash. It was pretty big.



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:eek I HATE SPIDERS! Once there was one so big in my living room floor that I was too scared to try to kill it...in my fear-warped mind I was afraid it would bite my foot off. So I managed to 'toss' a coffee can over it, with DH's huge work boot squarely on top. It stayed there until DH came home to kill it :lol I can handle a snake better than a spider.

Sorry to hear about your Dad :hug I'm sure you'll get back in tune with your crochet...it just takes time. Don't rush yourself, either - grief is not only a very strong emotion, but a process. :hug Might want to make sure your yarn is stowed away securely though, in case any other spideys get any bright ideas :P

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I'm sorry about your Dad.



Honestly though, you did much better than me. I wo uld have cuased a wreck by screaming and freaking out.

I kinda repeat this sentiment...

I am so arachnaphobic I'd probably be unable to touch the yarn for at least a day or two. Last time I saw a spider on my yarn eating sofa it crawled back behind the sofa before DH could kill it. I sat in the other chair all afternoon....I'm just totally wigged out by spiders. Nothing's worse in my opinion.


along with this, as my second largest fear is of dead animals...

I am terrified, and I mean terrified of spiders. Can't even look at them in a book without freaking out, so there's no way this spider would've stayed in there - and there's no way I would've killed it myself since I can't get close without panicking. :sweat


So you can imagine what a dead spider does to me.


I would have thrown the yarn out the window in a frantic panic... So yeah, good thing it was just RH, huh? :lol




LoL, melly, once when I was living alone, I went into the kitchen and saw a massive spider. I freaked out. I threw a bowl over it, then afraid it would move the bowl around (it was HUGE) I put the sugar container on it and ran upstairs to the neighbors apartment. I barely knew the people, but they had to come down and save me.....

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Sorry about your dad. That's a difficult one to deal with. :hug Crocheting is good therapy, take it a little at a time. Just check your bag for any stowaways first! My daughter hates spiders too. The movies could have used her scream a time or two when she saw one of the little crawlies. :eek

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Sorry about your dad,(hugs) I lost mine in November.


This is not about bugs, but once in the middle of the night my brother got up to go to the bathroom. He stumbled into the wrong room and peed into a large rubbermaid tote FULL of mom's yarn. EWWWW and boy was she mad about it for ever!!!!!! Of course, he still swears who doesn't remember doing it.



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eeeww is right.. hibbbeeee jibeeee 'ssssssss

other night I was crocheting and cricket hopped on my arm and I was jumping around more then it was. :lol these little buggers are everywhere this year.take them over cockroaches!!!!:eek

Pray that you start feeling better.. it all takes time after a loved one passes. :hugs

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