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How do you use your afghans?

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Luckily, I live in Canada so I get to use my afghans six months of the year! There's nothing better than curling up under my blanket on the couch for a movie - even better if the hubby snuggles up, too! LOL.

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Curling up on the couch, snuggling up in a chair, laying on the floor, sometimes just wrapped around like a shawl.


Of course I live near Seattle so it can be a bit chill many months of the year, so there's lot of opportunity to use them!!

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I have a big one on my bed that is there all year round. Then I have other ones for snuggling up on the sofa with, or laying on the bed reading a good book with. And we have a really shabby one that goes with to football games. (That one should get replaced one of these days)



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We use them all sorts of ways - each kid has 2 the older one keeps a few in his car - just in case - you never know when you would need a blankie.


I have special seasonal ones that come out only 1 time a year (gives the kids something to look forward to). Usually there is one on the back of the couch and really fuzzy ones on our recliners.


Each Kitty has their own blankies as well (these get kneeded, and dragged around the house). Our 2 younger kids wrap themselves in the afghans I made them - in fact they both asked for new ones while we were shopping last week.


So yes ours do get used.

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I haven't had any I have made for winter just yet, I just started, but I have a few from my great-grandma that I love to snuggle with. In winter we don't like to run the heater to much, so we use lots of blankets, and the kids LOVE the ones myself or my mother-in-law have made for them. And of course if my daughter gets ahold of a swatch, it is a nice blankie for her dolls :) I also have some plans to use one to match the new wall color we are painting in the living room, maybe drape it over the back of the couch.

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I have made several afghans but sadly by the time I am done with them they all seem to find new homes. I think I am the only person who makes afghans and does not own one (well other thatn my baby blanket)! I am hoping to fix that problem with a CRW and a double wedding ring!

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I have a plastic box full of afghans that I take camping with me either in the tents (we do Scout camping) or the camper. They are perfect because You can pile them on when its cold and they are easy to wash.


I also have one On my rocker and two on either side of my couch for cooler days in North Fl we do have cooler days and it can get to be in the 30's dring cold snaps.

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I never seem to have enough time to make one for myself. There's always someone having a baby, getting married, graduating etc in our family! I have a camo one I made my husband. He put in a request for a HUGE one. Over 7 feet tall so that he can curl up in it (He's 6 ft but stretched out the last one I made that was 6ft) it took a LONG time to make since I used the thermal stitch. Which is pretty much the size of single crochet.

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I have two afghans - one is a round ripple, the other is a shell pattern - that are kept folded at the end of the bed year round and used during the winter. I have one shell pattern afghan hanging on the chair of my dinette set where the cats can't lie on it. I'd have more in the living room if I could, but with five cats, there's just no having "good" afghans put out. The cats do have their own, but so fur-filled you can hardly see the original colors. LOL LOL

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I have one that we keep in the car. I made one to take into the hockey arena with me. The dog has her's that is her bed. The others, I have draped over chairs, and on the spare beds.

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I too am a give-a-holic. I have ONE little baby blankie...the rest have been given away


When I learned how to crochet, my DH asked me to make him a blanket ( he's a curl up in my blankie kinda guy). well, i got overly ambitious (as I usually do) and started making these giant strips to sew together - ran out of the yarn I was using - didn't KNOW at the time that I can just get the same weight yarn - and this giant blanket to nowhere has sat unfinished in a box in my basement for YEARS


maybe I should go drag it out and see what can be done...hahaha

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I have kept 3 blankets that I made. Two were small blankets that I was going to donate, but I really really liked them and kept them. One of them covers my computer chair, the other I will probably give to my first daughter (whenever she comes along) but I use it to keep warm every once in a while. The third, I made for my bed. It is double stranded and fits my full size bed. Unfortunately it is warmer than my fleece blanket and I haven't put it on the bed yet. All other blankets that I have made have either gone to Project Linus or were sold by my group so we could earn money to make more Project Linus blankets.

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I have a few afghans lying around at home. I Keep one of them that I made just for me on my bed, even tho it is August and usually is hot and humid.

I have another crappy afghan that was one of the first ones I made and my hubby uses when hes cold, in the mean time it is spread across a 100 year old chest from Germany :)

And another I made for our livingroom that is also spread across the chest when not in use. My Son likes to use this one for his bed even though he has a round ripple one. (MIL in keeps hiding it tho).

My daughter has a Yo-Yo afghan I started and just finished off so she could have it. She uses it for herself and her little dolls. :)

I need more tho :D

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I have a giant one on my bed--it began as a normal one, but the Herrschners kit had entirely too much yarn, so I kept going until it fit my Queen-sized bed. It's definitely more of a blanket than an afghan.


I have two in the livingroom that we snuggle up with while watching TV. Now that we're going to need to conserve oil more this winter, I'm glad I made them. The other two beds in the house have afghans, too.


This is why I keep making them for other people--I'm running out of room! Of course, there's always the car...

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I have made several afghans but sadly by the time I am done with them they all seem to find new homes. I think I am the only person who makes afghans and does not own one (well other thatn my baby blanket)! I am hoping to fix that problem with a CRW and a double wedding ring!



Ha! I have exactly two in my house that have managed to STAY at home. Everything else I make winds up walking out the door with someone else, so I feel your pain.:eek

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great... everyone has so many uses for it...



my office is extremely cold because we are situated next to a room which runs very expensive equipment so that ambient temperature has to be very low... maybe i should make one afghan to be used in the office.....do you think it'll be weird??




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great... everyone has so many uses for it...



my office is extremely cold because we are situated next to a room which runs very expensive equipment so that ambient temperature has to be very low... maybe i should make one afghan to be used in the office.....do you think it'll be weird??







Not in the least. I worked with one lady that had an electric heat blanket she kept in her office. I actually decided if my new office gets cold like the last one I'm making a lapghan for me to use.

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We use the one's I make, unless they are destined to be given away. I have one in the making for my bed, hopefully, it will be finished in time for winter. My son uses one on his bed, my daughter uses one on her bed and I have them in the living room, one for decoration on the couch (but it does get used to cover up with), on the chair and on hubby's chair. And a couple that stay folded on the the couch for snuggling, my children love to wrap up in the afghan's. I don't have many afghan's but this year I made several that my DD said was staying here and not going anywhere.

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great... everyone has so many uses for it...



my office is extremely cold because we are situated next to a room which runs very expensive equipment so that ambient temperature has to be very low... maybe i should make one afghan to be used in the office.....do you think it'll be weird??





I had a poncho I wear at work for the same reason.

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Not in the least. I worked with one lady that had an electric heat blanket she kept in her office. I actually decided if my new office gets cold like the last one I'm making a lapghan for me to use.


whoa... electric blanket... that's a good thought.. My colleagues and I were joking that even in our hot and humid climate, we should consider getting a heater for the office!! :devil


I had a poncho I wear at work for the same reason.


aah.. it's good to know that this is a universal phenomena! :lol

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I have an afghan on my couch and one on my bed and I use them both as needed. I too have contemplated, even started, one for my office because this time of year it's especially cold (cooler outside but AC still running).



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Well, my children claim all the handmade ghans in the house, even the blue star that my sil made for me and my husband. But they are used at nap time, while watching tv, I like for the blue star to be on the back of the recliner so it is displayed nicely... but it's a favorite, and gets dragged around the house by all 3 kids. I'm pretty sure my sil wouldn't have it any other way, at the very least she knows it's used and often, :lol

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